An Interoperable Model for the Intelligent Content Object Based on a Knowledge Ontology and the SCORM Specification

2017 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 723-749 ◽  
Xin-Hua Zhu ◽  
Tian-Jun Wu ◽  
Hong-Chao Chen

Based on the sharable content object concept of advanced distributed learning, an ontology-based intelligent content object (ICO) that can automatically reason and be reused is proposed. Then, by extending the advanced distributed learning or sharable content object reference model (SCORM) specification, an interoperable model for the ICO is developed; it involves (a) adding an ontological model of general domain knowledge for intelligent tutoring systems to the SCORM specification and encapsulating the design details of the heterogeneous knowledge ontologies, (b) adding a hierarchical data structure for the current ontology element to the communication data model in the run-time environment of the SCORM specification, (c) extending the application program interface in the run-time environment of the SCORM specification to enable the ICO to query various knowledge ontologies in a consistent way, and (d) adding an Ontology section to the content aggregation model in the SCORM specification to ensure that the same ICO can be associated with different knowledge ontologies. The proposed model extends the SCORM-based courseware model from a multimedia-based structured courseware to the intelligent courseware based on a knowledge ontology and can significantly improve the overall intelligence of the learning system along the lines of the specification, thereby providing a reference for the future development of the SCORM specification.

2004 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Vinicius Heidrich Pinto

Este trabalho se propõe a integração do modelo de ambientes de execução (RTE) para "objetosinstrucionais" que utilizam o padrão SCORM, 2004 (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) da ADL(Advanced Distributed Learning) com os chamados ITS (Inteligent Turoring Systems), através damodelagem de agentes tradutores os quais medirão a comunicação entre os LMS (Learning ManagementSystem) que utilize sistema multiagentes, e os SCOs. Neste trabalho serão utilizados agentes no padrãoFIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents). Adaptando os agentes para a comunicação com a API(Aplication Program Interface) definida no "release" 1.3 do padrão SCORM.

Rizki Pratama ◽  
Hadi Kurnia Saputra

E-learning merupakan bentuk model pembelajaran yang diakomodasi dan disuport dalam teknologi dalam suatu sistem informasi. Dalam lembaga pendidikan tentu dibutuhkan untuk menolong guru dalam peningkatan efesiensi proses belajar. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari adanya e-learning di SMK Negeri 1 Batipuh selaku lembaga pendidikan di masa pandemi Coronavirus Disease-19 harus diberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau work from home. Perubahan bentuk pelayanan pendidikan berstandar SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), dalam permodelan SCORM menggunakan metode waterfall dalam membangun sistim yang baik, dimana tenaga pendidik bisa memberikan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik terhadap aktivitas transfer ilmu khususnya dengan menyajikan video dalam bentuk materi ditambah metode diskusi beserta emoticon agar siswa lebih memahami, menarik dan menjadi giat dalam proses belajar. Setelah melakukan riset di sekolah terkait, maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dibutuhkan sebuah sistem e-learning  yang memudahkan proses belajar dan mengajar. Dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan framework CodeIgniter maka dirancanglah sebuah sistem e-learning yang mampu menghubungkan siswa dan guru.Kata Kunci : E-Learning, SCORM, Coronavirus Disease-19, Framework CodeIgniter.. E-learning is a form of learning model that is accommodated and supported in technology in an information system. In educational institutions, of course, it is needed to help teachers in increasing the efficiency of the learning process. Therefore, the purpose of e-learning at SMK Negeri 1 Batipuh as an educational institution during the Coronavirus Disease-19 pandemic, distance learning or work from home should be implemented. Changes in the form of SCORM standard education services (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), in SCORM modeling using the waterfall method in building a good system, where educators can provide learning to students about knowledge transfer activities, especially by presenting videos in the form of materials plus discussion methods along with emoticons so that students better understand, be interesting and become active in the learning process. After conducting research in related schools, the authors conclude that an e-learning system is needed that facilitates the learning and teaching process. With the PHP programming language and the CodeIgniter framework, an e-learning system is designed to connect students and teachers.Keywords: E-Learning, SCORM, Coronavirus Disease-19, CodeIgniter Framework.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 525-530
Sorin Borza

AbstractSharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of standards and specifications for computer-assisted learning (e-learning). This collection of standards was defined by the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), an organization within the U.S. Defense Department. SCORM is a set of technical standards for e-learning software. SCORM says programmers how to write their code so that it was “fit” with several-learning software. This paper reflects the author's research, on how to set up an e-learning course using a SCORM-compliant software. The paper shows how can the software CourseLab achieve in any field of engineering courses, courses that contain in addition to presenting information, in a static and dynamic field and quizzes to check students' knowledge.

2010 ◽  
Vol 121-122 ◽  
pp. 64-68
Ling Li Fu ◽  
Hai Yan Wu ◽  
Guo Zheng Wang

This paper proposed a framework of knowledge cognition and ontology based e-learning system, it presented a learning characteristics based ontology metadata model(LCOM). On the basis of LCOM, according to cognitive theory and to as an example data structure course, a domain knowledge ontology base model was set makes the development of network courses and management of learning resources independent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-368
Олександр Андрійович Щербина

Стандартизація в галузі розробки засобів е-навчання приносить значний ефект, даючи змогу інтегрувати без жодних змін і модифікацій електронні освітні ресурси, що були створені для одних програмних середовищ, в інші. На сьогодні основним стандартом інтеграції засобів е-навчання поки що залишається SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), створений ініціативною групою ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning) ще в 2001 р., який з багатьох причин вже не відповідає сучасним вимогам: може працювати тільки в браузері, не підтримує роботу з мобільними застосунками в режимі офлайн тощо. Тому в 2013 р. ADL запропонувала новий стандарт xAPI, що регламентує спосіб збору та збереження в розташованих у мережі сховищах – Learning Record Store (LRS) – даних про формування компетентностей осіб у рамах їх формальної, неформальної та інформальної освіти впродовж життя. Однак цей стандарт не зміг замінити SCORM через свою надмірну гнучкість. Для подолання цього недоліку ADL у 2016 р. було прийнято окремий профіль специфікації стандарту xAPI, що одержав назву cmi5, який чіткіше формалізує алгоритм взаємодії між призначеною одиницею (Assignable Unit – AU) навчального контенту, LRS, і системою управління навчанням (Learning Management System – LMS). У статті проаналізовано відмінності нового стандарту cmi5 від його попередників – SCORM і xAPI; наведено актуальний перелік програмних засобів, що підтримують cmi5, а також виконано тестування роботи з cmi5 у програмі створення електронних курсів iSpring Suite і хмарній системі управління навчанням SCORM Cloud. Зроблено порівняльний аналіз вмісту пакетів SCORM, xAPI та cmi5, а також операторів, які записуються в LRS при виконанні цих пакетів. Наведено огляд плагінів для роботи зі SCORM, xAPI та cmi5 у LMS Moodle та результати їх тестування.

Keith T. Shubeck ◽  
Scotty D. Craig ◽  
Xiangen Hu

Live-action training simulations with expert facilitators are considered by many to be the gold-standard in training environments. However, these training environments are expensive, provide many logistical challenges, and may not address the individual’s learning needs. Fortunately, advances in distance-based learning technologies have provided the foundation for inexpensive and effective learning environments that can simultaneously train and educate students on a much broader scale than live-action training environments. Specifically, intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have been proven to be very effective in improving learning outcomes. The Virtual Civilian Aeromedical Evacuation Sustainment Training (VCAEST) interface takes advantage of both of these technologies by enhancing a virtual world with a web-based ITS, AutoTutor LITE (Learning in Interactive Training Environments). AutoTutor LITE acts as a facilitator in the virtual world by providing just-in-time feedback, presenting essential domain knowledge, and by utilizing tutoring dialogues that automatically assess user input. This paper will discuss the results of an experimental evaluation of the VCAEST environment compared to an expert-led live-action training simulation.

Matthew Kolakowski ◽  
Paul Bishop

What are the primary principles of effective e-learning and the subsequent impact on leadership in global business as digital technologies mediums continue to emerge within academia and the workplace? Maxwell (2013) defines this principle as “instructional practices and internet capabilities that direct learners toward a specified level of proficiency and competency in the shortest amount of time” (p. 89). Traditional learning measures that require extensive face to face interaction no longer fit Maxwell's description and inhibit audiences that require flexibility in obtaining proficiency on tasks like annual training requirements and sustaining Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for certifications. This chapter introduces the foundation of e-learning parameters, Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), Instructional Management Systems (IMS), and how these mediums interact with learners in conjunction with its impact on leadership, business outcomes, and organizational value.

The development process is based on the state of the art IT technologies (metadata and ontology for knowledge manipulation, Web services, learner model, and intelligent tutoring systems). Besides interoperability and personalization, the proposed approach brings additional advantages, including: unitary interpretation of the content structure by different user categories or content providers; explicit specification of the knowledge domain, allowing the updating of the domain definition without major changes of e-learning tools and programmes; reuse of the learning objects with economical advantages by saving costs of (re)writing the content for the different course forms and strategies; reuse of the created tools in one domain in other domains; promoting the competency-based learning through the domain ontology and the relations between concepts and competencies. The results obtained in practice are very encouraging and suggest several future developments.

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