cognitive theory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Caijuan Chen ◽  
Li Li ◽  
Jie Ye

Mass media has a significant impact on public support for the government. This manuscript constructs a mixed model with official media use as the moderating variable and government trust as the intermediary variable to explore the mechanism of how unofficial media use affects system confidence, using data from a survey of the political and social attitudes of netizens (2015). The study finds that official media use weakens the negative role of unofficial media use in building system confidence, with the intermediary variable of government trust creating the necessary conditions for weakening the effect of unofficial media use. Moreover, the effect of unofficial media use on system confidence is heterogeneous. These findings remind us that it is necessary to deepen research into the micromechanisms that explain how unofficial media use reduces system confidence, a task for which cognitive theory is well suited.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sunil Budhiraja

PurposeBy integrating organizational support theory (OST) and social cognitive theory, this study investigates types of managers' coaching behavior as experienced by the employees. Furthermore, the study examines whether employees would exhibit greater task and contextual performance when organizational learning is blended with a specific coaching behavior of their manager.Design/methodology/approachUsing primary data from 298 software engineers working in select information technology companies across India, the current study attempts to assess moderating effect of managers' coaching behavior in two relationships, including continuous learning and employees' task performance (CL-TP) and continuous learning and employees' contextual performance (CL-CP).FindingsResult of exploratory factor analysis suggests that managers of select organizations exhibit two major types of coaching behavior: inspiration-based coaching behavior and facilitation-based coaching behavior. On the moderating role of coaching behavior, it is documented that facilitation-based coaching behavior significantly positively moderates both stated (CL-TP and CL-CP) relationships, whereas inspiration-based coaching behavior of supervisors has positive significant effect on CL-TP relationship but negatively moderates the CL-CP relationship.Research limitations/implicationsThe extent to which the findings of this study can be generalized is constrained by the limited sample and organizational context.Practical implicationsThe most important managerial implication for all learning organizations is that both kinds of coaching behaviors help improving the task performance of the employees, but managers should prefer facilitation-based coaching style in order to generate higher contextual performance of employees.Originality/valueThis study contributes to practitioners and existing literature by explaining how individual performance of employees is affected by the investment made by organizations in facilitating continuous learning.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hernan ‘Banjo' Roxas ◽  
Rodilina Marte

Purpose Given the lucrative millennial or generation Y market across the globe, this study aims to draw on social cognitive and institutional theories to tease out the crucial roles of regulatory and social pressures in shaping the eco-brand orientation of millennial consumers. The study focuses on millennials from a developing country – a context that is less explored in the literature on the social and institutional perspectives of green consumer behaviour. Design/methodology/approach Using data from a survey of 354 millennial consumers in the Philippines, the authors tested the hypotheses on the effects of two types of institutional pressures (social and regulatory) on the key constructs espoused by social cognitive theory. The authors followed the partial least square approach to path analysis to determine the significant empirical relationships and linkages of the constructs contained in the proposed model. Findings The results highlight the significant influence of the social-institutional environment on the internal drivers of millennials' orientation towards green or environmentally sustainable brands. Research limitations/implications Although the sample size has generalisability-related constraints, the findings extend the current understanding of green millennial consumer behaviour from a social cognitive perspective by highlighting the role of institutions – a concept that is less explored in the marketing and consumer behaviour literature. Practical implications It provides valuable business and policy insights and directions for future research on how business enterprises such as producers, manufacturers, retailers and marketers can influence millennial consumers’ orientation towards green brands. Originality/value This study uses data from a survey of millennial consumers in the Philippines. The study extends the ambit of social cognitive theory by drawing on institutional theory to highlight the role of institutional social pressures on sustainable consumer behaviour.

Nursuhaila Ibrahim ◽  
Nur Alyani Khairol Anuar ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Mokhtar ◽  
Nursyuhada Zakaria ◽  
Nurul Hijah Jasman ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Qingyuan Song ◽  
Wen Wang ◽  
Weiping Fu ◽  
Yuan Sun ◽  
Denggui Wang ◽  

AbstractAutonomous vehicles for the intention of human behavior of the estimated traffic participants and their interaction is the main problem in automatic driving system. Classical cognitive theory assumes that the behavior of human traffic participants is completely reasonable when studying estimation of intention and interaction. However, according to the quantum cognition and decision theory as well as practical traffic cases, human behavior including traffic behavior is often unreasonable, which violates classical cognition and decision theory. Based on the quantum cognitive theory, this paper studies the cognitive problem of pedestrian crossing. Through the case analysis, it is proved that the Quantum-like Bayesian (QLB) model can consider the reasonability of pedestrians when crossing the street compared with the classical probability model, being more consistent with the actual situation. The experiment of trajectory prediction proves that the QLB model can cover the edge events in interactive scenes compared with the data-driven Social-LSTM model, being more consistent with the real trajectory. This paper provides a new reference for the research on the cognitive problem of intention on bounded rational behavior of human traffic participants in autonomous driving.

2022 ◽  
pp. 27-54
Zeynep Merve Ünal

The aim of the chapter is to advance the framework of meaningful work under the new normal of COVID-19. The conceptualization of meaningful work is defined by the extensive literature review and current research findings. Future of work and its meaning are shaped by the crucial internal and external triggers as human resource practices, job-demand resources model, leadership, job crafting, playful work design, strengths used by individuals, and self-leadership. The meaning at distance work is reinforced by the fulfillment of individual needs. Within this context, new conceptualization of needs for meaning-based person job fit has emerged. The understanding of the relationship between variables and new meaningful work were enlightened by the theoretical framework of self-determination theory, social exchange theory, job-demand resources theory, work identity theory, social learning theory, social cognitive theory, and self-leadership theory. The chapter explores the possible outcomes of COVID-19 and its possible opportunities for employees, organizations, and education sectors.

2022 ◽  
pp. 189-203
Kendall Hartley

This chapter investigates smartphone-induced digital distractions through the lens of social cognitive theory and self-regulated learning. Social cognitive theory's reciprocal triarchic conceptualization is matched with the current role of the smartphone in the learning environment. Self-regulated learning is used to frame the challenges and opportunities presented by the smartphone. A final section suggests two opportunities for generating positive educational outcomes in light of social cognitive theory and self-regulated learning. The first is opportunity described as a reclamation of the dominant narrative regarding the educative role of personal technology. The second is the development of the individual learning scientist.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-202
Suharnis Suharnis

Children's education begins from family (household) where they are influenced by what their parents do by imitating and learning. So, children’s cognitive development is inseparable from the family environment. Children’s development in cognitive theory shows the cognitive skills in the form of perception, learning process, attention, language skill, and emotion. These all are implicated in children’s behavior regarding the cognitive development process in capturing, assessing, comparing, and responding to a stimulus before reacting. An individual receives a stimulus and then performs the cognitive process before reacting to the occurring stimulus. This process includes procedures for obtaining information, presenting, and transforming the information as knowledge. This knowledge reflects an indication of children’s behavior and attitude. Therefore, children’s cognitive development in psychological view is categorized into four: the sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Nadhifa Salsabilla ◽  
Muji Sulistyowati

Konsumsi makanan cepat saji pada remaja dianggap sebagai hal sepele yang biasa dilakukan. Namun, dampak yang akan dirasakan berupa gangguan kesehatan dalam jangka waktu pendek maupun jangka panjang, seperti obesitas. Salah satu sekolah di Surabaya yang memiliki angka kejadian obesitas cukup tinggi yakni SMAN 2 Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor perilaku yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi makanan cepat saji pada remaja menggunakan studi aplikasi Social Cognitive Theory. Penelitian ini merupakan penlitian observasional analitik dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X dan XI SMAN 2 Surabaya dengan penarikan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling sebanyak 102 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner yang dibagikan secara online. Variabel independen penelitian ini adalah karakteristik individu, self efficacy, pengetahuan, self regulation, dukungan keluarga, dukungan teman sebaya, dan paparan informasi. Sedangkan variabel dependen yaitu tindakan konsumsi makanan cepat saji pada remaja. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara uang saku (p = 0,015), self regulation (p = 0,047), dan dukungan orangtua (p = 0,038) (p<0,05). Namun, pada variabel lainnya tidak terdapat hubungan dengan tindakan mengonsumsi makanan cepat saji. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi kepada pihak sekolah maupun Puskesmas setempat dalam melakukan pencegahan obesitas pada remaja.

2021 ◽  
Nan Jiang ◽  
Erin S. Rogers ◽  
Ana Paula Cupertino ◽  
Xiaoquan Zhao ◽  
Francisco Cartujano-Barrera ◽  

BACKGROUND Smoking remains a major public health issue among Chinese immigrants. Smoking cessation programs that focus on this population are scarce and have a limited population-level impact due to the low reach. Mobile messaging interventions have the potential to reach large audiences and expand smokers’ access to cessation programs. OBJECTIVE This study describes the development of a culturally and linguistically appropriate mobile messaging smoking cessation intervention for Chinese immigrant smokers delivered via WeChat, the most frequently used social media platform among Chinese globally. METHODS This study consisted of two phases. In phase 1, we developed a mobile message library based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). We culturally adapted messages from two SCT-based text messaging smoking cessation programs (i.e., SmokefreeTXT and Decídetexto). We also developed new messages tailored to Chinese immigrant smokers who are not ready to quit smoking and messages addressing their barriers to quitting and misconceptions (e.g., willpower, nicotine replacement therapy). In phase 2, we conducted in-depth interviews with 20 Chinese immigrant smokers (7 females) in New York City between July and August 2021. The interviews explored participants’ smoking and quitting experiences, followed by the assessment of messages. Participants reviewed 17 messages (6 educational messages, 3 self-efficacy messages, and 8 skill messages) on their phone via WeChat. They rated each message on a 0-10 visual analog scale to indicate to what extent the message enhanced their motivation to quit, promoted confidence in quitting, and increased awareness about quitting strategies. We assessed participants’ understanding of the messages, sought feedback on poorly rated messages, and explored their preferences for content, length, and format. Participants also provided feedback about their concerns with the WeChat cessation intervention and recommendations for frequency and timing of messages. RESULTS Overall, participants reported that the messages enhanced their motivation to quit, offered encouragement, and made them more informed about how to quit. Participants particularly liked the messages about the harms of smoking and strategies for quitting. They reported barriers to applying some of the quitting strategies, including the lack of skills to cope with stress and stay abstinent at work. Participants expressed strong interests in the WeChat mobile messaging cessation intervention and commented on the intervention’s potential to expand their access to smoking cessation treatment (e.g., take minimum time, access information at times of their convenience). CONCLUSIONS Mobile messages are well accepted by Chinese immigrant smokers. Research is needed to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of WeChat mobile messaging smoking cessation interventions on promoting abstinence among Chinese immigrant smokers. CLINICALTRIAL NA

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