data structure
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Michael Nelson ◽  
Sridhar Radhakrishnan ◽  
Chandra Sekharan ◽  
Amlan Chatterjee ◽  
Sudhindra Gopal Krishna

Time-evolving web and social network graphs are modeled as a set of pages/individuals (nodes) and their arcs (links/relationships) that change over time. Due to their popularity, they have become increasingly massive in terms of their number of nodes, arcs, and lifetimes. However, these graphs are extremely sparse throughout their lifetimes. For example, it is estimated that Facebook has over a billion vertices, yet at any point in time, it has far less than 0.001% of all possible relationships. The space required to store these large sparse graphs may not fit in most main memories using underlying representations such as a series of adjacency matrices or adjacency lists. We propose building a compressed data structure that has a compressed binary tree corresponding to each row of each adjacency matrix of the time-evolving graph. We do not explicitly construct the adjacency matrix, and our algorithms take the time-evolving arc list representation as input for its construction. Our compressed structure allows for directed and undirected graphs, faster arc and neighborhood queries, as well as the ability for arcs and frames to be added and removed directly from the compressed structure (streaming operations). We use publicly available network data sets such as Flickr, Yahoo!, and Wikipedia in our experiments and show that our new technique performs as well or better than our benchmarks on all datasets in terms of compression size and other vital metrics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Marcel Peter Zwiers ◽  
Stefano Moia ◽  
Robert Oostenveld

Analyses of brain function and anatomy using shared neuroimaging data is an important development, and have acquired the potential to be scaled up with the specification of a new Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard. To date, a variety of software tools help researchers in converting their source data to BIDS but often require programming skills or are tailored to specific institutes, data sets, or data formats. In this paper, we introduce BIDScoin, a cross-platform, flexible, and user-friendly converter that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to help users finding their way in BIDS standard. BIDScoin does not require programming skills to be set up and used and supports plugins to extend their functionality. In this paper, we show its design and demonstrate how it can be applied to a downloadable tutorial data set. BIDScoin is distributed as free and open-source software to foster the community-driven effort to promote and facilitate the use of BIDS standard.

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Carolinne Roque e Faria ◽  
Cinthyan S. C. Barbosa

The presence of technologies in the agronomic field has the purpose of proposing the best solutions to the challenges found in agriculture, especially to the problems that affect cultivars. One of the obstacles found is to apply the use of your own language in applications that interact with the user in Brazilian Agribusiness. Therefore, this work uses Natural Language Processing techniques for the development of an automatic and effective computer system to interact with the user and assist in the identification of pests and diseases in soybean crop, stored in a non-relational database repository to provide accurate diagnostics to simplify the work of the farmer and the agricultural stakeholders who deal with a lot of information. In order to build dialogues and provide rich consultations, from agriculture manuals, a data structure with 108 pests and diseases with their information on the soybean cultivar and through the spaCy tool, it was possible to pre-process the texts, recognize the entities and support the requirements for the development of the conversacional system.

Mehrnoosh Bazrafkan

The numerous different mathematical methods used to solve pattern recognition snags may be assembled into two universal approaches: the decision-theoretic approach and the syntactic(structural) approach. In this paper, at first syntactic pattern recognition method and formal grammars are described and then has been investigated one of the techniques in syntactic pattern recognition called top – down tabular parser known as Earley’s algorithm Earley's tabular parser is one of the methods of context -free grammar parsing for syntactic pattern recognition. Earley's algorithm uses array data structure for implementing, which is the main problem and for this reason takes a lots of time, searching in array and grammar parsing, and wasting lots of memory. In order to solve these problems and most important, the cubic time complexity, in this article, a new algorithm has been introduced, which reduces wasting the memory to zero, with using linked list data structure. Also, with the changes in the implementation and performance of the algorithm, cubic time complexity has transformed into O (n*R) order. Key words: syntactic pattern recognition, tabular parser, context –free grammar, time complexity, linked list data structure.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Mohamed Ikbal Nacer ◽  
Simant Prakoonwit

The blockchain is a registry shared among different participants intending to eliminate the need for a central authority to maintain information. The first proposal of this technology was to eliminate financial authorities in transactions of value. However, the application of the same technique for the transaction of information could facilitate trades and offer traceability and diamond tracking around the world. The consensus is at the core of the network because it orchestrates nodes to accept new information, but it operates over a data structure in an open network, consequently leading to many complex behaviours that introduce different vulnerabilities. This work aims to highlight the vulnerability within the blockchain network based on the different participant behaviours that dominate the shared registry. Moreover, different malicious behaviour can appear on the networking layer by taking advantage of the network topology.

SoftwareX ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 100933
Li Dong ◽  
Yufan Zhang ◽  
Lingling Zhao ◽  
Ting Zheng ◽  
Weidong Wang ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 114-137
Alvaro Chaves

This work estimates the impact of the preventive isolation measures adopted by national and regional authorities in Colombia to answer the following question: Where do the government's isolation measures effectively reduce the number of COVID 19 infections and deaths? Using official information reported by the Ministry of Health and constructing a panel data structure, a model of differences in differences suggested by Cerulli and Ventura is estimated. Estimates of the impact of containment measures show that the peak is delayed and the number of infections and deaths reduced. The government's response to the pandemic on diseases has a significant dynamic impact over time once implemented. The pre-treatment period was significantly affected by the current treatment.

2022 ◽  
pp. 100216
Robert M. Auenhammer ◽  
Niels Jeppesen ◽  
Lars P. Mikkelsen ◽  
Vedrana A. Dahl ◽  
Leif E. Asp

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