Work–family Conflict, Family–work Conflict and Intention to Leave the Organization: Evidences Across Five Industry Sectors in India

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 524-536 ◽  
Nimitha Aboobaker ◽  
Manoj Edward ◽  
Pramatha K.P.

With the attrition rates across different industry sectors likely to rise to up to a global high of 20 per cent by 2017 in India, organizations are finding it harder to understand its antecedents and thus devise and employ new strategies aimed at retaining their employees. Very few studies have tried to understand the dynamics of work–family conflict and its relationship with turnover intention in a collectivistic society like India. This research study is aimed at understanding the strength of relationship between employees’ work–family conflict and family–work conflict and their intention to leave the organization. The total 150 sample respondents comprised of 30 employees each from five different industry sectors—banking, IT (software development), IT-enabled services, insurance and telecom. Data were collected using Carlson’s measure of work–family conflict and Mobley’s turnover intention scale. Results revealed that time-based and strain-based conflict showed the highest correlations with turnover intention, with variations across different industry sectors. Multiple regression model predicted R square of 0.403, explaining 40.3 per cent of variance in turnover intention (dependent variable), by work–family conflict and family–work conflict (independent variables). Family–work conflict contributed more to turnover intention, than work–family conflict. Interesting relationships between different demographic factors and variables under study are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Sulis Riptiono

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the influence of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict on Employee Intention Turnover at CV. Tiga Mutiara in Kebumen City with Job Stress as Mediation Variable. Respondents in this research are employees of CV. Tiga MutiaraKebumen with 32 employees. The research method is quantitative analysis by using path analysis, the result of multiple regression analysis calculation is tested by t test and F test and coefficient of determination. The results of this study indicate that the variables Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict and Job Stress on turnover Intention have a positive effect on employees CV. Tiga Mutiara Kebumen. In this study it is known that Work-Family Conflict is the independent variable that has the greatest influence on Employee Turnover Intention compared to other independent variables.Keywords: Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict, Job Stress, Turnover Intention

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Dan Li ◽  
Xing Li ◽  
Lijun Wang ◽  
Guofeng Wang ◽  
Cameron Newton

We drew on conservation of resources theory to investigate the relationships between family embeddedness, work–family conflict, family–work conflict, and employee turnover intention, thereby extending the literature relating to antecedents of turnover intention to the family domain. Participants were 175 employees of a construction company in China, who completed online surveys. Results showed that family embeddedness was negatively related to work–family conflict and family–work conflict, and that the relationship between family embeddedness and turnover intention was partially mediated by family–work conflict. Thus, we have obtained preliminary evidence that family-related factors influence individuals' turnover intention. Our findings will help with identifying practical considerations around reducing turnover intention.

2021 ◽  
Rüya Daniela Kocalevent ◽  
Nicole Grandke ◽  
Susan Selch ◽  
Sarah Nehls ◽  
Juliane Meyer ◽  

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Trotz einer hohen Zahl an Abschlüssen in der Humanmedizin ist in Deutschland immer häufiger von einem Ärztemangel die Rede. Ein Grund ist die schwierige Vereinbarkeit von Kliniktätigkeit und Familienleben, die vor allem Ärztinnen als Hauptgrund für die spätere Arbeit im nicht-kurativen Bereich nennen. Ziel der Arbeit Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Einfluss des Elternstatus von Ärztinnen und Ärzten auf ihre Karriereentwicklung und das Belastungserleben am Ende der Weiterbildung. Darüber hinaus betrachtet werden die Auswirkungen von befristeten Arbeitsverträgen und erlebter Unterstützung durch den Partner auf das Belastungserleben. Material und Methoden Es wurden die Daten der KarMed-Studie, welche sich mit Karriereverläufen von Ärztinnen und Ärzten während der fachärztlichen Weiterbildung beschäftigt, ausgewertet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der querschnittlichen Analyse des Erhebungszeitraums von Oktober 2015 bis Mai 2016. Zu diesem befanden sich 433 StudienteilnehmerInnen am Ende ihrer Weiterbildung. Eingesetzt wurden u. a. die Fragebögen Work-Family Conflict und Family-Work Conflict Skalen. Ergebnisse Ärztinnen mit Kind unterbrechen die Weiterbildung fünfmal häufiger als ihre Kolleginnen ohne Kind und achtzehnmal häufiger als Ärzte mit Kind. Ärztinnen mit Kind sowie Ärzte mit Kind weisen signifikant höhere Werte auf der Family-Work Conflict Skala auf, Ärztinnen ohne Kind hingegen höhere Werte auf der Work-Conflict Skala. Bei Ärzten zeigt sich kein signifikanter Unterschied auf der Work-Family Skala. Weder ein befristeter Arbeitsvertrag noch die Verteilung von Kinderbetreuung zwischen Ärztinnen/Ärzten und ihren Partnern/-rinnen haben einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Belastungserleben zur Folge. Schlußfolgerung Es besteht ein Bedarf die Konflikte, die aus dem Familienleben auf das Arbeitsleben wirken insbesondere für Ärztinnen in Weiterbildung zu reduzieren.

Society ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 458-469
Nurlaila Nurlaila

This research aims to analyze the management of work-family conflict, family-work conflict, job stress, and its implementation that affect employee satisfaction of PT Langgang Buana Perkasa. Work and family are two important spheres in an adult’s social life. The need will not be met if unemployed. Today, a profession is also a mirror of self-actualization. Without family, individuals will feel alone and there is no place to give love. PT Langgang Buana Perkasa is a company engaged in ground handling services and transportation services on several airlines, which is located at Sultan Babullah airport, Ternate, North Maluku Province, Indonesia. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Literature and documentation studies are carried out to collect secondary data related to the object of research, including employees of PT Langgang Buana Perkasa, flight schedules, and PT Langgang Buana Perkasa. The data sources were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that (1) There are three characteristics of work-family conflict. Based on these three characteristics, it indicates that most employees experience conflict in work-family, but it does not affect job satisfaction; (2) There are five characteristics of family-work conflicts but employees still apply professionalism. This indicates that there is no direct conflict but it can trigger stress due to family demands on religious holidays and public holidays; (3) Physical exhaustion can lead to conflict when faced with family demands regarding that role.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-64
Silvy Sondari Gadzali

This study aims to explore cause factors of work-family conflict and family-work conflict among married female managers at state owned bank in West Java. The sample consisted of 93 married female managers aged between 30 and 50 years, lived together with family and directly involved in work and. The questionnaire employed with a six-point Likert scale ranging from value 1 strongly agree to value 6 strongly disagree. The data used has been ascertained normality, validity and reliability, continued by testing the differences in significance of the two groups of data through ANOVA. Findings proposed in this study, there are differences in work-family conflict that is higher in female managers, namely the level of education, the number and age of children, the level of managers that have implications for work quantity, and motivation to work. Important implications of this research are the need of attention to the emergence to consider a comfortable work environment for women, the level of job satisfaction, communication and family support and flexibility of working hours.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan konflik pekerjaan-keluarga dan konflik keluarga-pekerjaan di antara manajer perempuan menikah di Bank BUMN di Jawa Barat. Sampel terdiri dari 93 orang manajer perempuan yang telah menikah, tinggal bersama dan terlibat langsusng dengan pekerjaan serta berusia antara 30 hingga 50 tahun. Survei dilakukan menggunakan kuisioner dengan skala likert enam poin mulai dari nilai 1 sangat setuju hingga nilai 6 sangat tidak setuju. Data yang digunakan telah dipastikan normalitas, validitas dan reliabilitasnya, dilanjutkan dengan menguji perbedaan signifikansi dua kelompok data melalui ANOVA. Beberapa temuan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan konflik pekerjaan-keluarga yang lebih tinggi pada manajer perempuan yaitu tingkat pendidikan, jumalh dan usia anak, tingkat manajer yang berimplikasi pada kuantitas pekerjaan, dan motivasi bekerja. Implikasi penting penelitian ini adalah perhatian akan timbulnya kebutuhan untuk mempertimbangkan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi perempuan, tingkat kepuasan kerja, komunikasi dan dukungan keluarga serta fleksibilitas jam kerja.

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