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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Esma Sümeyya Bilgin ◽  
Rojda Ülgüt ◽  
Nils Schneider ◽  
Stephanie Stiel

Abstract Background The majority of severely ill and dying people in Germany can be administered primary palliative care (PPC) by general practitioners (GP). However, the current provision of PPC does not match the needs of the population. Although several public health strategies aim at strengthening the role of GPs in PPC provision, it remains challenging for GP teams to integrate PPC into their daily routines. Aim A Delphi study with GPs was conducted to achieve consensus on specific measures for improving the integration of PPC into everyday GP practice. Methods The study is part of the junior research project “Primary Palliative Care in General Practice” (ALLPRAX). After having developed, tested and evaluated 26 practical measures for GP practices to improve their PPC, a Delphi consensus study among GPs took place. In 2020, 569 GPs were asked to rate the relevance and feasibility of the measures on a 4-point Likert scale via an anonymous online questionnaire. Consensus was defined as a sum percentage of ‘strongly agree’ and ‘somewhat agree’ responses ≥75% after two rounds. Between these rounds, measures that were not consented in the first round were adapted in light of respondents’ free text comments and suggestions. Results The response rate was 11.3% in round 1 (n = 64) and 53.1% in round 2 (n = 34). From the initial n = 26 measures, n = 20 measures achieved consensus and were included in the final intervention package. The consented measures pertained to four main topics: advance care planning with patients, consulting and informing patients and family caregivers, GP office organisation and continuing education. N = 6 measures did not achieve consensus, predominantly due to time and workload constraints. Conclusion The consented measures provide valuable support to improve the provision of PPC by GPs. They can be used freely and flexibly, according to the needs of individual GP teams, and are thus suitable for implementation nationwide. Trial registration The study was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (Registration N° DRKS00011821; 4 December 2017; and the German Register of Health Care Research (Registration N° VfD_ALLPRAX_16_003817; 30 March 2017).

2022 ◽  
pp. 001316442110694
Chet Robie ◽  
Adam W. Meade ◽  
Stephen D. Risavy ◽  
Sabah Rasheed

The effects of different response option orders on survey responses have been studied extensively. The typical research design involves examining the differences in response characteristics between conditions with the same item stems and response option orders that differ in valence—either incrementally arranged (e.g., strongly disagree to strongly agree) or decrementally arranged (e.g., strongly agree to strongly disagree). The present study added two additional experimental conditions—randomly incremental or decremental and completely randomized. All items were presented in an item-by-item format. We also extended previous studies by including an examination of response option order effects on: careless responding, correlations between focal predictors and criteria, and participant reactions, all the while controlling for false discovery rate and focusing on the size of effects. In a sample of 1,198 university students, we found little to no response option order effects on a recognized personality assessment vis-à-vis measurement equivalence, scale mean differences, item-level distributions, or participant reactions. However, the completely randomized response option order condition differed on several careless responding indices suggesting avenues for future research.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 234-250
Mujahidawati ◽  
Novferma ◽  
Gugun M. Simatupang ◽  
Febbry Romundza ◽  
Ari Frianto ◽  

ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government implemented bold learning at various levels of education, from kindergarten to university. There is a possibility that the applied learning can result in low student interest in learning. This is because the learning process carried out only transfers recordings of learning patterns to WhatsApp text messages, so there is no other innovation to help students' interest in learning become better. As teachers we must be able to make interesting learning media according to the characteristics of students, where one of the learning media is to make animated films that students can see and do while studying at home. The purpose of this activity is to help and train junior high school teachers in making animated film learning media using the Toontastic 3D application so that it can support students' interest in learning. The method used in the implementation of this service activity is to use the method of discussion and question and answer, demo, and expository. Participants in this service activity are partners of MGMP SMP in Muaro Jambi in the field of mathematics as many as 35 teachers and 20 students. The instrument used in this service is a teacher motivation response questionnaire after training and a student interest response questionnaire after learning with learning media in the form of animated films. Based on the results of the training, it was obtained that most of the teachers who participated were very satisfied and happy with this training, this can be seen from the teacher's motivation, most of the teachers answered on average the statements given agreed and strongly agreed agree category. Furthermore, student learning interest can also be said to be good, this can be seen based on the results of the student learning interest questionnaire where the average student on a positive statement is in the agree and strongly agree category, while in the negative statement questionnaire on average are in the category of strongly disagree and disagree. . Therefore, it can be said that this training in making animated films as a learning medium can provide good motivation for teachers and good learning interest for students during the covid-19 pandemic.     ABSTRAK Masa pandemic covid-19, pemerintah menerapkan pembelajaran secara daring di berbagai jenjang Pendidikan mulai dari TK sampai perguruan tinggi. Tidak menutup kemungkinan selama pembelajaran daring diterapkan dapat mengakibatkan minat belajar siswa rendah. Hal tersebut dikarenakan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan hanya memindahkan pola pembelajaran yang dibuku ke pesan teks WhatsApp saja, sehingga tidak adanya inovasi lain untuk membantu minat belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik. Sebagai pengajar kita harus bisa membuat media pembelajaran yang menarik sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa, dimana salah satu media pembelajaran tersebut adalam pembuatan film animasi yang dapat dilihat dan di toton oleh siswa selama belajar dirumah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk membantu dan melatih guru SMP dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran berbentuk film animasi menggunakan aplikasi toontastic 3D sehingga dapat mendukung minat belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menggunakan metode diskusi dan tanya jawab, demonstrasi, dan ekspositori. Peserta kegiatan dalam pengabdian ini adalah mitra MGMP SMP di Muaro Jambi pada matapelajaran matematika sebanyak 35 orang guru dan 20 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah angket respon motivasi guru setelah pelatihan dan angket respon minat siswa setelah belajar dengan media pembelajaran berbentuk film animasi tersebut. Berdasar hasil pelatihan diperoleh bahwa kebanyakan guru-guru yang ikut merasa sangat puas dan senang dengan adanya pelatihan ini, hal tersebut dilihat dari angket respon (motivasi) guru menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan guru rata-rata menjawab pernyataan yang diberikan pada kategori Setuju dan Sangat Setuju. Selanjutnya minat belajar siswa juga dapat dikatakan baik, hal tersebut dilihat berdasarkan hasil angket minat belajar siswa dimana rata-rata siswa pada pernyataan positif berada pada kategori setuju dan sangar setuju, sedangkan pada angket pernyataan negatif rata-rata pada kategori sangat tidak setuju dan tidak setuju. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan pembuatan film animasi sebagai media pembelajaran ini dapat memberikan motivasi yang baik bagi guru dan minat belajar yang baik bagi siswa dimasa pandemic covid-19.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 119 (3) ◽  
pp. e2109690119
Ingvild Almås ◽  
Alexander W. Cappelen ◽  
Erik Ø. Sørensen ◽  
Bertil Tungodden

We report on a study of whether people believe that the rich are richer than the poor because they have been more selfish in life, using data from more than 26,000 individuals in 60 countries. The findings show a strong belief in the selfish rich inequality hypothesis at the global level; in the majority of countries, the mode is to strongly agree with it. However, we also identify important between- and within-country variation. We find that the belief in selfish rich inequality is much stronger in countries with extensive corruption and weak institutions and less strong among people who are higher in the income distribution in their society. Finally, we show that the belief in selfish rich inequality is predictive of people’s policy views on inequality and redistribution: It is significantly positively associated with agreeing that inequality in their country is unfair, and it is significantly positively associated with agreeing that the government should aim to reduce inequality. These relationships are highly significant both across and within countries and robust to including country-level or individual-level controls and using Lasso-selected regressors. Thus, the data provide compelling evidence of people believing that the rich are richer because they have been more selfish in life and perceiving selfish behavior as creating unfair inequality and justifying equalizing policies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-40

  Writing is not an easy thing. Especially for beginners or those who have never written. Writing activities become boring activities, not fun. Writing is a scary thing. It's very hard to do. Sometimes we don't know where to start. These problems can be solved with the development of increasingly advanced technology. Technology was created to be able to help and make it easier for humans to do things. In the field of education, various applications can be used to support teaching and learning activities, one of which is the Pixton application. Pixton is a website that allows students to create comics online without installing anything on their computer. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to (1) describe the increase in interest in writing stories through the Pixton application. (2) Describe the results of writing stories through the Pixton application. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques in this study uses a questionnaire. The method of scaling the attitude statement uses a Likert scale with five alternative answers. The results of the study were 91.4% of respondents who answered strongly agree and agree that the Pixton application is interesting when used to write stories. 80% of respondents stated that the Pixton application did not make respondents bored in completing a story. 94.3% stated that writing stories using the Pixton application was more interesting than writing stories on a piece of paper. 94.3% of respondents stated that the Pixton application can increase creativity and interest in writing stories. The results of writing stories through the Pixton Application with an average value of compiling story texts are 83.8. ABSTRAKMenulis bukanlah hal yang mudah. Apalagi bagi pemula atau yang sama sekali belum pernah menulis. Kegiatan menulis menjadi kegiatan yang membosankan, tidak menyenangkan. Menulis menjadi hal yang menakutkan. Berat sekali untuk melakukannya. Tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana. Berbagai permasalahan ini dapat dipecahkan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju. Teknologi diciptakan untuk dapat membantu dan mempermudah manusia dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Dalam bidang pendidikan, beragam aplikasi bisa digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar, salah satunya adalah aplikasi Pixton. Pixton adalah situs web yang memungkinkan peserta didik membuat komik online tanpa memasang apa pun di komputer. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini untuk (1) mendeskripsikan peningkatan minat menulis cerita melalui aplikasi Pixton. (2) Mendeskripsikan hasil menulis cerita melalui aplikasi Pixton. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan quesioner. Metode penskalaan atas pernyataan sikap menggunakan skala likert dengan lima alternatif jawaban. Hasil penelitian 91,4% responden yang menjawab sangat setuju dan setuju bahwa aplikasi Pixton menarik bila digunakan untuk menulis cerita. Sebanyak 80% responden menyatakan aplikasi Pixton tidak membuat responden bosan dalam menyelesaikan sebuah cerita. Sebanyak 94,3% menyatakan menulis cerita dengan menggunakan aplikasi Pixton lebih menarik dari pada menulis cerita di selembar kertas. Sebanyak 94,3% responden menyatakan aplikasi Pixton dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan minat menulis cerita. Hasil menulis cerita melalui Aplikasi Pixton dengan nilai rata-rata menyusun teks cerita 83,8.

SinkrOn ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Meriska Defriani ◽  
Mochzen Gito Resmi ◽  
Okta Amien Permana

Anyelir Cake And Bakery is the largest cake shop in Purwakarta which is engaged in the production of various kinds of cakes.  In the process of distributing products from the central store to branch stores, they still use WhatsApp to place orders. This causes frequent discrepancies in the number of products requested and the number of products received due to an error in reading the message. In this study, a mobile-based application will be built that is able to manage order data more accurately. The development of this application uses the User Centered Design (UCD). This is a design method that focuses on user needs so that the final result of this application does not need to change user behavior when using the application. The UCD method consists of four stages, namely plan the human centered design, specify user and organizational requirements, product design solutions, and evaluate design against user requirements. In the development process, application testing was carried out to get feedback from users with good scores, namely an average of 4 (agree) and 5 (strongly agree). This shows that the application is in accordance with the needs of the user.

2022 ◽  
pp. 198-205
Kristian Nikolaus Schneider ◽  
Christoph Theil ◽  
Georg Gosheger ◽  
Lukas Peter Lampe ◽  
Robert Rödl ◽  

Background and purpose — Facemasks play a role in preventing the respiratory spread of SARS-CoV-2, but their impact on the physician–patient relationship in the orthopedic outpatient clinic is unclear. We investigated whether the type of surgeons’ facemask impacts patients’ perception of the physician–patient relationship, influences their understanding of what the surgeon said, or affects their perceived empathy. Patients and methods — All patients with an appointment in the orthopedic outpatient clinic of a tertiary university hospital during the 2-week study period were included. During consultations, all surgeons wore a non-transparent (first study week) or transparent facemask (second study week). Results of 285 of 407 eligible patients were available for analysis. The doctor–patient relationship was evaluated using the standardized Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA) and a 10-point Likert-scale questionnaire ranging from 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). Results — A non-transparent facemask led to more restrictions in the physician–patient communication and a worse understanding of what the surgeon said. Patients’ understanding improved with a transparent facemask with greatest improvements reported by patients aged 65 years and older (non-transparent: 6 [IQR 5–10] vs. transparent: 10 [IQR 9–10], p < 0.001) and by patients with a self-reported hearing impairment (non-transparent: 7 [IQR 3–7] vs. transparent: 9 [IQR 9–10], p < 0.001). The median PRA score was higher when surgeons wore a transparent facemask (p= 0.003). Interpretation — Surgeons’ non-transparent facemasks pose a new communication barrier that can negatively affect the physician–patient relationship. While emotional factors like affectivity and empathy seem to be less affected overall, the physician–patient communication and patients’ understanding of what the surgeon said seem to be negatively affected.

2022 ◽  
pp. 201010582110685
Deanna W-C Lee ◽  
Chao-Yan Dong ◽  
Derrick Chen-Wee Aw

Introduction To promote interprofessional collaboration (IPC), our newly established hospital implemented the Continuing Interprofessional Education (CIPE) initiatives, which included a half-day workshop and 15 sessions of Grand Rounds, with the content focusing on establishing interprofessional patient-centered care pathways, policies, and ultimately to build a community of IPC. Methods To evaluate the impact of the CIPE initiatives, 120 staff who attended at least 50% of the CIPE sessions were invited to complete the Interprofessional Attitudes Scale (IPAS). Results 67.5% of the invited participants completed the survey. The majority of the participants answered “agree” or “strongly agree” for the domains of Teamwork/Roles/Responsibilities, Patient-centeredness, Diversity and Ethics, and Community Centeredness after going through the CIPE initiatives. The Interprofessional Bias domain revealed mixed responses. Discussions and Implications of practice The significant contributing factors towards the success of the CIPE Grand Rounds included: (1) the topics were proposed by our staff and centered on clinical practice; (2) the delivery format was interactive, guided by adult learning principles. The mixed responses regarding the presence of biases among the participants suggested that interprofessional biases are deep-rooted in the healthcare setting, and attendance of these CIPE Grand Rounds made participants more acutely aware of these biases. However, more actions are needed to eradicate these biases.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Kyong-Jee Kim ◽  
Seo Rin Kim ◽  
Jangwook Lee ◽  
Ju-Young Moon ◽  
Sang-Ho Lee ◽  

Abstract Background The virtual conference format has become an essential tool for professional development of researchers around the world since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to identify empirical evidence of the benefits and challenges of virtual conferences by investigating participants’ experiences with them. Methods The study participants were delegates to the 40th annual meeting of the Korean Society of Nephrology, which was held virtually in September, 2020. A questionnaire was developed and implemented among the conference attendees. The 44-item questionnaire included five sub-scales related to participant perceptions of the virtual conference, which were (a) convenience and accessibility, (b) planning and organization, (c) technology use, (d) social exchanges, and (e) overall satisfaction, their preferences of conference formats, and their views of future projections for a virtual conference. Results A total of 279 delegates completed and returned the questionnaires (18.8% response rate). Participants varied in gender, age, profession, work location, and prior experience with conferences. On a four-point Likert scale (1 = “strongly disagree” and 4 = “strongly agree”), participants showed positive perceptions of the virtual conference in general, where the total mean (M) was 3.03 and less positive perceptions on social exchanges (M = 2.72). Participant perceptions of the virtual conference differed across age groups, professions, and prior experience with conferences (p < .05). Approximately half of the participants (n = 139) preferred the virtual format, and 33% (n = 92) preferred the conventional format. Participant preferences for the virtual format were somewhat evenly distributed between asynchronous (32.9%) and synchronous (29.1%) modes. Participants predicted a virtual conference would continue to be a popular delivery format after the end of the COVID-19. Conclusions Although participants had positive perceptions of the virtual conference, more support needs to be offered to those who may be less comfortable with using technology or with online interactions, and there is a need for improvement in supporting social exchange among attendees. Also, it is suggested that a blend of asynchronous and synchronous delivery methods should be considered to meet the varied needs of attendees.

Owner ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-201
Jenniver Jenniver ◽  
Mortigor Afrizal Purba

The purpose of this research is to examine accounting students in Batam City who have a career in public accounting which measures the accounting profession, job requirements and work results of accountants. The extent to which the accounting profession, accountants work requirements and accountants' work results affect the career choices of students in the public accounting sector. This study used a sample of 302 undergraduate students from various universities in Batam City. The questionnaire consists of 20 question items which use a Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The distribution of the questionnaire was completed in mid-October 2021. The data used descriptive statistics that had been collected were entered and analyzed using the SPSS version 26 program. Public accountants have a working profession so that researchers found that accounting was rated higher by respondents in relation to the work of accountants as a profession. boring, routine and monotonous. Then, in connection with the choice of a career as a public accountant from Batam City students, it shows that the choice of a career as a public accountant is more dominant than other accountants such as corporate accountants. Thus, corporate policy makers should help to make the corporate accounting sector more attractive and educate students about the importance of being a financial steward in a company. Despite the limitations of the study it would still be useful for policy makers to create new or new ideas and modify their strategies with respect to the problems identified

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