Genetic control of hematopoietic stem cell frequency in mice is mostly cell autonomous

Blood ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 95 (7) ◽  
pp. 2446-2448 ◽  
Christa E. Müller-Sieburg ◽  
Rebecca H. Cho ◽  
Hans B. Sieburg ◽  
Sergey Kupriyanov ◽  
Roy Riblet

Previously we reported that the size of the stem cell compartment (measured as LTC-IC) is 11-fold greater in DBA/2 than in C57BL/6 mice, and we identified genes that regulate the size of the stem cell pool. To determine whether stem cell intrinsic or extrinsic events account for these differences, we created chimeras by aggregating morulae from the strains C57BL/6 and DBA/2. In these chimeras stem cells of both genotypes are exposed to a common mixed environment. Thus, an equalization of stem cell frequencies is expected if stem cell extrinsic effects dominate. Conversely, the parental ratio of LTC-IC should be preserved if the regulation is stem cell autonomous. For each chimera, individual LTC-IC were genotyped on the clonal levels by analyzing their progeny. We found that most of the difference that regulates the size of the stem cell compartment was intrinsic.

Blood ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 95 (7) ◽  
pp. 2446-2448 ◽  
Christa E. Müller-Sieburg ◽  
Rebecca H. Cho ◽  
Hans B. Sieburg ◽  
Sergey Kupriyanov ◽  
Roy Riblet

Abstract Previously we reported that the size of the stem cell compartment (measured as LTC-IC) is 11-fold greater in DBA/2 than in C57BL/6 mice, and we identified genes that regulate the size of the stem cell pool. To determine whether stem cell intrinsic or extrinsic events account for these differences, we created chimeras by aggregating morulae from the strains C57BL/6 and DBA/2. In these chimeras stem cells of both genotypes are exposed to a common mixed environment. Thus, an equalization of stem cell frequencies is expected if stem cell extrinsic effects dominate. Conversely, the parental ratio of LTC-IC should be preserved if the regulation is stem cell autonomous. For each chimera, individual LTC-IC were genotyped on the clonal levels by analyzing their progeny. We found that most of the difference that regulates the size of the stem cell compartment was intrinsic.

Blood ◽  
1969 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-156 ◽  

Abstract Different methods have been used to measure the survival following radiation of the hematopoietic stem cell pool. Two of these systems measure the stem cell pool by its ability to proliferate and differentiate into mature progeny. In both methods, irradiated recipient mice receive syngeneic bone marrow. A period of time is allowed for the transplanted progenitor cells to divide and differentiate, and then the progeny produced are assayed. Ability to form red blood cells is assessed by the amount of radioactive iron incorporated into newly-formed erythrocytes. Capacity for granulocyte formation is measured by peripheral white blood cell counts following endotoxin stimulation. This latter is a granulocyte response and has been shown to be a measure of the marrow granulocyte reserve. The pool as measured by its ability to produce erythrocytic progeny appears to be more sensitive initially than as measured by its ability to produce granulocytic progeny. Erythropoietic repopulating ability begins recovery more promptly than the granulopoietic. These effects appear to be due to the host milieu rather than any direct effect of radiation on the stem cells, resulting in initial conservation of granulopoiesis relative to erythropoiesis with subsequent compensatory recovery of erythropoiesis. Because of recent evidence suggesting a common stem cell, these results are interpreted as consistent with the notion that radiation affects not only stem cell proliferation, but also the direction and extent of differentiation.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 1551-1551
Janina Ratajczak ◽  
Wu Wan ◽  
Rui Liu ◽  
Dong-Myung Shin ◽  
Magdalena Kucia ◽  

Abstract Abstract 1551 Insulin-like growth factor-1 (Igf-1) or somatomedin is an important factor affecting proliferation of several types of cells, but its role in hematopoiesis remains controversial. Secretion of Igf-1 in the liver is stimulated directly by the growth hormone (GH)–GH receptor (GH-R) axis and indirectly by a high calorie diet. We have previously reported that Igf-1 does not directly stimulate proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors (J Clin Invest. 1994;94:320). However, our recent data indicate that Igf-1 stimulates proliferation of so-called very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs), that as we demonstrated, are the most developmentally primitive stem cells in adult bone marrow (BM) (Leukemia 2006;20:857) and may give rise to long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) (Leukemia 2010; in press doi:10.1038/leu.2010.121). We envision that VSELs play a role in rejuvenation of the pool of tissue-committed stem cells in some tissues (e.g., HSCs and MSCs in BM) and we observed that the number of these cells in murine BM decreases with age. We also observed that erasure of the somatic imprint on some paternally imprinted genes (e.g., Igf2-H19 and RasGRF1) results in attenuation of insulin/insulin-like factors (e.g., Ins/Igf-1 signaling), keeps VSELs quiescent in BM, and protects them from uncontrolled proliferation. In the current work, to shed more light on the role of Igf-1 on hematopoiesis and stem cell compartment, we analyzed BM isolated from murine Laron dwarfs, which due to a genetic mutation in the GH-R, maintain very low levels of Igf-1 in peripheral blood (PB) and interestingly are long-living animals (Nature 2010;464:504). Analysis of PB cell counts, however, did not reveal any differences in the number of erythrocytes, platelets, and leucocytes between Laron dwarf mice and wild type controls. In striking contrast, however, we observed that Laron dwarf mice have in BM i) a ∼4–5-fold increase in the number of Sca-1+c-kit+lineage- (SKL) cells and ii) a >4-fold higher number of clonogenic CFU-Mix, CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-Meg cells. Interestingly, Laron dwarfs also maintained ∼3-fold higher number of VSELs in BM tissue. Since the Igf-1 level is regulated by calorie uptake, these data shed new light on caloric restriction, senescence, and the hematopoietic stem cell compartment. Accordingly, we propose a new paradigm in which chronic Igf-1 deficiency somehow protects VSELs from age-related elimination from BM. This mimics a situation seen in chronic caloric restriction where the Igf-1 level is low and this results in longevity. Since the long-living Laron dwarf mice that maintain low levels of Igf-1 have higher numbers of VSELs and HSCs in BM, we postulate that chronically elevated levels of Igf-1, resulting e.g., from high calorie uptake, may lead to premature depletion of the stem cell pool, including VSELs and HSCs, and thus be responsible for premature aging. This hypothesis is currently being tested in animals that overexpress Igf-1, and interestingly, in contrast to IGF-1–deficient Laron dwarf mice, appear to have much shorter lifespans. Further studies are needed that will link the effect of chronic high Igf-1 signaling with the development of hematological malignancies. Of note, murine Laron dwarfs are significantly protected from developing cancer and human Laron dwarfs with chronic low Igf-1 level do not develop malignancies at all. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 86 (8) ◽  
pp. 2986-2992 ◽  
G de Haan ◽  
B Dontje ◽  
C Engel ◽  
M Loeffler ◽  
W Nijhof

Abstract Because of the complexity of appropriate stem cell assays, little information on the in vivo regulation of murine stem cell biology or stemmatopoiesis is available. It is unknown whether and how in vivo the primitive hematopoietic stem cell compartment is affected during a continued increased production of mature blood cells. In this study, we present data showing that prolonged (3 weeks) administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is a major regulator of mature granulocyte production, has a substantial impact on both the size and the location of various stem cell subset pools in mice. We have used the novel cobblestone area forming cell (CAFC) assay to assess the effects of G-CSF on the stem cell compartment (CAFC days 7, 14, 21, and 28). In marrow, in which normally 99% of the total number of stem cells can be found, G-CSF induced a severe depletion of particularly the most primitive stem cells to 5% to 10% of normal values. The response after 7 days of G-CSF treatment was an increased amplification between CAFC day 14 and 7. However, this response occurred at the expense of the number of CAFC day 14. It is likely that the resulting gap of CAFC day 14 cell numbers was subsequently replenished from the more primitive CAFC day 21 and 28 compartments, because these cell numbers remained low during the entire treatment period. In the spleen, the number of stem cells increased, likely caused by a migration from the marrow via the blood, leading to an accumulation in the spleen. The increased number of stem cells in the spleen overcompensated for the loss in the marrow. When total body (marrow and spleen) stem cell numbers were calculated, it appeared that a continued increased production of mature granulocytes resulted in the establishment of a higher, new steady state of the stem cell compartment; most committed stem cells (CAFC day 7) were increased threefold, CAFC day 14 were increased 2.3-fold, CAFC-day 21 were increased 1.8-fold, and the most primitive stem cells evaluated, CAFC day 28, were not different from normal, although now 95% of these cells were located in the spleen. Four weeks after discontinuation of the G-CSF treatment, the stem cell reserve in the spleen had returned to a normal level, whereas stem cell numbers in marrow had recovered to values above normal. This study shows that the primitive stem cell compartment is seriously perturbed during an increased stimulation of the production of mature blood cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1983 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-284 ◽  
S Hellman ◽  
U Reincke ◽  
L Botnick ◽  
P Mauch

Recent discoveries indicate that hematopoietic stem cells have limits on their proliferative capacity and are unable to divide indefinitely. There is great heterogeneity within the compartment as to the extent of this proliferative limitation. At any given time it appears that hematopoiesis is maintained by the progeny of only a few stem cells. When these are exhausted the progeny from other stem cells take their place. The observations of proliferative limitation, heterogeneity, and clonal succession must be incorporated into any model of stem cell organization. These new discoveries and the models incorporating them have important clinical implications. They may explain the inability of normal tissues to develop drug resistance and they also offer a mechanism by which cell renewal systems decrease the development of malignancies. In the selection of chemotherapeutic agents not only the effectiveness of the drug upon the tumor must be considered, but also how specific agents affect the stem cell compartment. These data have important implications in the use of bone marrow transplantation for both malignant and nonmalignant disease.

Blood ◽  
1971 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
pp. 706-714 ◽  

Abstract Three different methods have been used to measure the survival of the hematopoietic stem cell pool following treatment with cyclophosphamide. Two of these systems measure the stem cell pool by its ability to proliferate and differentiate into mature progeny. In both these methods irradiated recipient mice receive syngeneic bone marrow from either normal or cyclophosphamide-treated animals. A period of time is allowed for the transplanted progenitor cells to divide and differentiate, and then the progeny produced are assayed. Ability to form red blood cells is assessed by the amount of radioactive iron incorporated into newly formed erythrocytes. Capacity for granulocyte formation is measured by peripheral white blood cell counts following endotoxin stimulation. The pool as measured by its ability to produce erythrocytic progeny appears to be more sensitive than as measured by its ability to produce granulocytic progeny. The spleen colony assay gives results similar to the assay of granulocytic progeny. These results, taken with previous data indicating decrease in erythroid precursors in spleen colonies derived from cells surviving cyclophosphamide, are interpreted as indicating a decrease in ability for erythroid differentiation in cells surviving cyclophosphamide.

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