scholarly journals Decoding sill emplacement and forced fold growth in the Exmouth Sub-basin, offshore northwest Australia: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. SK11-SK22 ◽  
Craig Magee ◽  
Christopher A.-L. Jackson ◽  
Jonathon P. Hardman ◽  
Matthew T. Reeve

Igneous sills emplaced at shallow levels in sedimentary basins commonly uplift the overburden and free surface. Uplift produces dome-shaped forced folds that may host economic hydrocarbon accumulations. These intrusion-induced forced folds are typically assumed to develop instantaneously, whereby the oldest onlapping strata constrain the age of sill emplacement, and accommodate the entire volume of intruded magma. However, several studies demonstrate that forced folds may grow over geologic timescales, with additional space-making mechanisms (e.g., compaction) partly accommodating the magma volume. It is thus critical to understand when forced fold traps form and how they evolve in relation to the timing of source rock maturation and migration. We analyze two forced folds imaged in 2D seismic reflection data from offshore northwest Australia. Analyzing the seismic stratigraphy of the forced fold overburden allows us to recognize several distinct phases of fold growth. Subhorizontal reflections onlapping onto the lower portion of the forced folds at a high angle indicate that the first phase of sill emplacement and fold development occurred rapidly, facilitated by normal faulting, prior to the deposition of overlying strata during a period of magmatic quiescence and regional hydrocarbon maturation in the Early Cretaceous. Renewed magmatic activity resulted in a final, protracted phase of doming, which is recorded by a package of onlapping growth strata that was incrementally deformed by successive intrusive pulses. We also demonstrate that in addition to folding and faulting, the magma volume was likely accommodated by porosity reduction within the folded strata. Our observations imply that the age of the lowermost onlapping reflections only constrain the onset of sill emplacement and not the duration of magmatic activity. Constraining the dynamic evolution of intrusion-induced forced folds from the structure of onlapping reflections during hydrocarbon exploration can thus provide critical insights into the potential volume and charge history of any hydrocarbon accumulations.

2012 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 229 ◽  
Simon Holford ◽  
Nick Schofield ◽  
Justin MacDonald ◽  
Ian Duddy ◽  
Paul Green

The increasing availability of 3D seismic data from sedimentary basins at volcanic and non-volcanic continental margins has provided fundamental new insights into both the storage and transport of magma in the continental crust. As global hydrocarbon exploration increasingly focuses on passive margin basins with evidence for past intrusive and extrusive igneous activity, constraining the distribution, timing and pathways of magmatism in these basins is essential to reduce exploration risk. Producing and prospective Australian passive margin basins where igneous systems have been identified include the Bight, Otway, Bass, Gippsland and Sorell basins of the southern margin. This paper reviews both the impacts of volcanic activity on sedimentary basin hydrocarbon prospectivity (e.g. advective heating, reservoir compartmentalisation and diagenesis), and the styles, distribution and timing of late Cretaceous–Recent extrusive and intrusive igneous activity along basins of the southern Australian margin, providing illustrative examples based on 2D and 3D seismic reflection data.

2021 ◽  
Hongdan Deng ◽  
Ken McClay

<div>Basement fault reactivation, and the growth, interaction, and linkage with new fault segments are fundamentally three-dimensional and critical for understanding the evolution of fault network development in sedimentary basins. This paper analyses the evolution of a complex, basement-involved extensional fault network on the Enderby Terrace on the eastern margin of the Dampier sub-basin, NW Shelf of Australia. A high-resolution, depth-converted, 3D seismic reflection data volume is used to show that multiphase, oblique extensional reactivation of basement-involved faults controlled the development of the fault network in the overlying strata. Oblique reactivation of the pre-existing faults initially led to the formation of overlying, en échelon Late Triassic – Middle Jurassic fault segments that, as WNW–directed rifting progressed on the margin, linked by breaching of relay ramp to form two intersecting fault systems (F1 and F2-F4). Further reactivation in the Latest Jurassic – Early Cretaceous (NNW–SSE extension) produced an additional set of en échelon fault arrays in the cover strata. The final fault network consists of main or principal faults and subordinate or splay faults, together with branch lines that link the various components. Our study shows that breaching of relay ramps and/or vertical linkages produces vertical and horizontal branch lines giving complex final fault geometries. We find that repeated activity of the basement-involved faults tends to form continuous and planar fault architectures that favor displacement transfer between the main constituent segments along strike and with depth.</div>

2020 ◽  
Craig Magee ◽  
Christopher A.-L. Jackson

Abstract. Dyke swarms are common on Earth and other planetary bodies, comprising arrays of dykes that can extend for 10's to 1000's of kilometres. The vast extent of such dyke swarms, and their rapid emplacement, means they can significantly influence a variety of planetary processes, including continental break-up, crustal extension, resource accumulation, and volcanism. Determining the mechanisms driving dyke swarm emplacement is thus critical to a range of Earth Science disciplines. However, unravelling dyke swarm emplacement mechanics relies on constraining their 3D structure, which is extremely difficult given we typically cannot access their subsurface geometry at a sufficiently high enough resolution. Here we use high-quality seismic reflection data to identify and examine the 3D geometry of the newly discovered Exmouth Dyke Swarm, and associated structures (i.e. dyke-induced normal faults and pit craters), in unprecedented detail. The latest Jurassic dyke swarm is located on the Gascoyne Margin offshore NW Australia and contains numerous dykes that are > 170 km long, potentially > 500 km long. The mapped dykes are distributed radially across a 39° arc centred on the Cuvier Margin; we infer this focal area marks the source of the dyke swarm, which was likely a mantle plume. We demonstrate seismic reflection data provides unique opportunities to map and quantify dyke swarms in 3D in sedimentary basins, which can allow us to: (i) recognise dyke swarms across continental margins worldwide and incorporate them into models of basin evolution and fluid flow; (ii) test previous models and hypotheses concerning the 3D structure of dyke swarms; (iii) reveal how dyke-induced normal faults and pit craters relate to dyking; and (iv) unravel how dyking translates into surface deformation.

2004 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-233 ◽  
Glen S. Stockmal ◽  
Art Slingsby ◽  
John W.F. Waldron

Abstract Recent hydrocarbon exploration in western Newfoundland has resulted in six new wells in the Port au Port Peninsula area. Port au Port No.1, drilled in 1994/95, penetrated the Cambro-Ordovician platform and underlying Grenville basement in the hanging wall of the southeast-dipping Round Head Thrust, terminated in the platform succession in the footwall of this basement-involved inversion structure, and discovered the Garden Hill petroleum pool. The most recent well, Shoal Point K-39, was drilled in 1999 to test a model in which the Round Head Thrust loses reverse displacement to the northeast, eventually becoming a normal fault. This model hinged on an interpretation of a seismic reflection survey acquired in 1996 in Port au Port Bay. This survey is now in the public domain. In our interpretation of these data, the Round Head Thrust is associated with another basement-involved feature, the northwest-dipping Piccadilly Bay Fault, which is mapped on Port au Port Peninsula. Active as normal faults in the Taconian foreland, both these faults were later inverted during Acadian orogenesis. The present reverse offset on the Piccadilly Bay Fault was previously interpreted as normal offset on the southeast-dipping Round Head Thrust. Our new interpretation is consistent with mapping on Port au Port Peninsula and north of Stephenville, where all basement-involved faults are inverted and display reverse senses of motion. It also explains spatially restricted, enigmatic reflections adjacent to the faults as carbonate conglomerates of the Cape Cormorant Formation or Daniel’s Harbour Member, units associated with inverted thick-skinned faults. The K-39 well, which targeted the footwall of the Round Head Thrust, actually penetrated the hanging wall of the Piccadilly Bay Fault. This distinction is important because the reservoir model invoked for this play involved preferential karstification and subsequent dolomitization in the footwalls of inverted thick-skinned faults. The apparent magnitude of structural inversion across the Piccadilly Bay Fault suggests other possible structural plays to the northeast of K-39.

Hongdan Deng ◽  
Ken McClay

Basement fault reactivation, and the growth, interaction, and linkage with new fault segments are fundamentally three-dimensional and critical for understanding the evolution of fault network development in sedimentary basins. This paper analyzes the evolution of a complex, basement-involved extensional fault network on the Enderby Terrace on the eastern margin of the Dampier sub-basin, North West Shelf of Australia. A high-resolution, depth-converted, 3-D seismic reflection data volume is used to show that multiphase, oblique extensional reactivation of basement-involved faults controlled the development of the fault network in the overlying strata. Reactivation of the pre-existing faults initially led to the formation of overlying, en échelon Late Triassic−Middle Jurassic fault segments that, as WNW-directed rifting progressed on the margin, linked by breaching of relay zones to form two intersecting fault systems (F1 and F2−F4). Further reactivation in the latest Jurassic−Early Cretaceous (NNW-SSE extension) produced an additional set of en échelon fault arrays in the cover strata. The final fault network consists of main or principal faults and subordinate or splay faults, together with branch lines that link the various components. Our study shows that breaching of relay ramps and/or vertical linkages produces vertical and horizontal branch lines giving complex final fault geometries. We find that repeated activity of the basement-involved faults tends to form continuous and planar fault architectures that favor displacement transfer between the main constituent segments along strike and with depth.

1998 ◽  
Vol 35 (11) ◽  
pp. 1288-1306 ◽  
Glen S Stockmal ◽  
Art Slingsby ◽  
John WF Waldron

New seismic reflection data gathered during hydrocarbon exploration in and adjacent to the external Humber zone, western Newfoundland, have important implications for the interpretation of structural style at the Appalachian front. These new data indicate that the structural front is influenced by both thin-skinned and thick-skinned structures. Where the structural front is thin skinned, it is characterized by a triangle zone, or tectonic wedge, similar to structures observed at the southeastern margin of the Canadian Cordillera, and at other orogenic fronts. The thin-skinned tectonic wedge is overridden locally by thick-skinned thrusts, which are generally emergent but are locally blind, forming a thick-skinned tectonic wedge. Timing relationships indicate that, although initial motion occurred during the Early to Middle Ordovician Taconian orogeny, the thin-skinned allochthonous slices in western Newfoundland were not emplaced until Devonian time (the Acadian orogeny). Thick-skinned deformation, which postdates thin-skinned thrusting, probably occurred between Middle Devonian and earliest Carboniferous time.

2010 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 726 ◽  
Lidena Carr ◽  
Russell Korsch ◽  
Leonie Jones ◽  
Josef Holzschuh

The onshore energy security program, funded by the Australian Government and conducted by Geoscience Australia, has acquired deep seismic reflection data across several frontier sedimentary basins to stimulate petroleum exploration in onshore Australia. Detailed interpretation of deep seismic reflection profiles from four onshore basins, focussing on overall basin geometry and internal sequence stratigraphy, will be presented here, with the aim of assessing the petroleum potential of the basins. At the southern end of the exposed part of the Mt Isa Province, northwest Queensland, a deep seismic line (06GA–M6) crosses the Burke River structural zone of the Georgina Basin. The basin here is >50 km wide, with a half graben geometry, and bounded in the west by a rift border fault. Given the overall architecture, this basin will be of interest for petroleum exploration. The Millungera Basin in northwest Queensland is completely covered by the thin Eromanga Basin and was unknown prior to being detected on two seismic lines (06GA–M4 and 06GA–M5) acquired in 2006. Following this, seismic line 07GA–IG1 imaged a 65 km wide section of the basin. The geometry of internal stratigraphic sequences and a post-depositional thrust margin indicate that the original succession was much thicker than preserved today and may have potential for a petroleum system. The Yathong Trough, in the southeast part of the Darling Basin in NSW, has been imaged in seismic line 08GA–RS2 and interpreted in detail using sequence stratigraphic principles, with several sequences being mapped. Previous studies indicate that the upper part of this basin consists of Devonian sedimentary rocks, with potential source rocks at depth. In eastern South Australia, seismic line 08GA–A1 crossed the Cambrian Arrowie Basin, which is underlain by a Neoproterozoic succession of the Adelaide Rift System. Stratigraphic sequences have been mapped and can be tied to recent drilling for mineral and geothermal exploration. Shallow drill holes from past petroleum exploration have aided the assessment of the petroleum potential of the Cambrian Hawker Group, which contains bitumen in the core, indicating the presence of source rocks in the basin system.

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 421
Paul Bellingham ◽  
Leanne Cowie ◽  
Rod Graham ◽  
Brian Horn ◽  
Kenneth McDermott ◽  

The Carnarvon Basin has long been a focus for hydrocarbon exploration and development. Many models have been proposed for the basin’s lithospheric structure, although the great thickness of the Mungaroo delta system has hampered the clear imaging of the underlying rift and break-up structure. New deep, long offset seismic reflection data acquired across the basin as a part of ION’s Westralia SPAN survey provide unique imaging of the deep basement structures and the complete overlying sedimentary section. The survey crossed the offshore terrains, from weakly stretched continental crust to oceanic crust. The margin has developed during two major events; one of Permo-Carboniferous age, prior to the Mungaroo delta system, and one of Middle to Upper Jurassic age. There is a possibility that the basement terrain under parts of the Exmouth Plateau is actually Permo-Carboniferous oceanic crust, rather than hyper-extended continental crust or exhumed continental lithospheric mantle. Deformation during the second major event in the Jurassic was focussed in the Barrow-Dampier Sub-basin and at the present day ocean-continent transition with little deformation across the Exmouth Plateau in-between. The only basement involved extension appears to be in the Barrow-Dampier system and appears to be non-volcanic. The outer margin along the northwest edge of the Exmouth Plateau includes significant volcanic input, likely underplating and emplacement of seaward-dipping reflectors.

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