scholarly journals Psychiatric aspects of the exchange visit between Bexley Hospital and Centre Hospitalier Specialisé de Ville-Evrard

1990 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 554-555 ◽  
Adrian James

The Centre Hospitalier Specialise de Ville-Evrard is situated 17 kms from the centre of Paris and serves an area of approximately a quarter of the north-eastern outskirts of the city. I visited as one of a multi-disciplinary party of 20. The visit took place over five days and returned their visit to Bexley Hospital, Kent in South East England, which took place in November 1989. English lessons take place in the hospital as part of the hospital's responsibility for continued education for its employees and they had initiated the visit to England to improve the standard of their English.

Sergey B. Kuklev ◽  
Vladimir A. Silkin ◽  
Valeriy K. Chasovnikov ◽  
Andrey G. Zatsepin ◽  
Larisa A. Pautova ◽  

On June 7, 2018, a sub-mesoscale anticyclonic eddy induced by the wind (north-east) was registered on the shelf in the area of the city of Gelendzhik. With the help of field multidisciplinary expedition ship surveys, it was shown that this eddy exists in the layer above the seasonal thermocline. At the periphery of the eddy weak variability of hydrochemical parameters and quantitative indicators of phytoplankton were recorded. The result of the formation of such eddy structure was a shift in the structure of phytoplankton – the annual observed coccolithophores bloom was not registered.

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-32
Katarzyna Kulczyńska ◽  
Natalia Borowicz ◽  
Karolina Piwnicka-Wdowikowska

Morasko University Campus in Poznań – origin, spatial and functional structure, transport solutions The purpose of the paper is to characterize the most recently created part of the Adam Mickiewicz University – the Morasko Campus. The paper consists of three parts. The first concerns the origins and development of the campus. The second part presents its spatial and functional structure on the basis of a field inventory, while the third one – campus transport solutions based on a survey conducted among students. The history of the campus located in the northern, peripheral part of the city began with laying the foundation act and the cornerstone in 1977. The agricultural role of this area, dominant until the 1980s, has been replaced with new functions, mainly academic and scientific ones. The first university buildings were commissioned in the 1990s, and the construction boom began after 2000. A total of nine faculties (out of 21 existing) are housed in eight buildings in the campus, including exact and natural sciences, as well as a part of social sciences and humanities. To this day, neither student dormitories nor accommodation for PhD students have been constructed (although they are likely to be built), which would emphasize the academic function of the campus. The campus also comprises areas with recreational, sports, residential and other service functions (e.g. catering, beauty, hairdressing, and commercial services), which are complemented by areas that serve transport functions. Location in the northern periphery of the city, and above all the railway line for freight (the northern bypass of Poznań) separating the city from the campus, makes transport to this part of the city limited. The results of the survey revealed a lack of a safe bicycle path between the western and eastern part of the campus, insufficient number of parking places for motorists, a lack of paved roads from the north and west, only three narrow access roads for car commuters, and difficult access by public transport to the eastern and north-eastern parts. In the latter case, the planned extension of the tram line towards Umultowo after the year 2022 is expected to solve the problem. Zarys treści: Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka najmłodszej przestrzeni Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza – Kampusu Morasko. Opracowanie składa się z trzech zasadniczych części. Pierwsza część artykułu dotyczy genezy powstania i rozbudowy miasteczka uniwersyteckiego. W drugiej części przedstawiono strukturę przestrzenno-funkcjonalną kampusu w oparciu o inwentaryzację terenową, w trzeciej zaś obsługę transportową na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów. Historia położonego w północnej, peryferyjnej części miasta kampusu rozpoczęła się od wmurowania aktu erekcyjnego i kamienia węgielnego w 1977 r. Dominująca do lat 80. XX w. funkcja rolnicza tego obszaru została zastąpiona przez nowe funkcje, głównie akademickie i naukowe. Pierwsze budynki dydaktyczne oddano do użytku dopiero w latach 90. ubiegłego wieku, a boom budowlany rozpoczął się po roku 2000. Swoją siedzibę znalazły tutaj nauki ścisłe i przyrodnicze, a także część nauk społecznych i humanistycznych, w sumie dziewięć wydziałów (na 21 istniejących) w ośmiu budynkach. Do dzisiaj nie wybudowano akademików czy domu doktoranta (choć istnieją realne szanse na ich powstanie), co podkreśliłoby funkcję akademicką kampusu. W strukturze kampusu wyróżnia się ponadto obszary o funkcjach rekreacyjnych, rekreacyjno-sportowych, mieszkaniowych i innych o charakterze usługowym (np. usługi gastronomiczne, kosmetyczne, fryzjerskie, handel), których uzupełnieniem są obszary o funkcjach komunikacyjnych. Położenie na północnych peryferiach miasta, a przede wszystkim linia kolejowa dla przewozów towarowych (północna obwodnica Poznania) oddzielająca miasto od kampusu sprawiają, że obsługa transportowa tej części miasta jest ograniczona. Wyniki badań ankietowych wskazują na brak bezpiecznej drogi rowerowej między zachodnią i północno-wschodnią częścią kampusu, niewystarczającą liczbę miejsc parkingowych dla zmotoryzowanych, brak utwardzonych dróg od strony północnej i zachodniej, zaledwie trzy wąskie wjazdy na kampus dla dojeżdżających samochodem czy utrudniony dojazd komunikacją publiczną do części wschodniej i północno-wschodniej. W tym ostatnim przypadku rozwiązaniem ma być planowana po 2022 r. rozbudowa linii tramwajowej w kierunku Umultowa.

2020 ◽  
Tamara Breuninger ◽  
Moritz Gamperl ◽  
Kurosch Thuro

<p>The project Inform@Risk, a collaboration of German and Colombian Universities and Institutes funded by the German government, aims to install a landslide early warning system in the informal settlements in Medellín, Colombia. In the recent past the city has suffered from multiple landslides, some of them with up to 500 casualties. The informal settlements in the steep slopes at the city borders grow rapidly, which destabilizes the ground and complicates the installation and operation of an early warning system. Therefore, key goal of the project is to include the community in the process of the development of the early warning system.</p><p>Medellín is embedded in the Aburrá Valley in the Cordillera Central of the Andes. The region around the city consists of different triassic and cretaceous metamorphic rocks and magmatic batholites and plutonites. Especially the north-eastern slope is prone to landslides, as it is very steep and made up of a deep cover of soil over highly weathered dunite rock.</p><p>During the first field trip, carried out in August 2019, former landslide areas were located, and ERT-measurements were conducted at the study site Bello Oriente in the northeast of Medellín. After a first evaluation of the findings, the soil cover seems to be over 50 m high in the middle of the slope, which indicates a deep-seated landslide, that might have been moving downhill very slowly for thousands of years. The more dangerous landslides however, which are much faster, are the shallow ones on the surface. These landslides can appear on top of each other and are distributed across the whole study area but are most concentrated between and above the last houses of the barrio. During a second field campaign in 2020, the ERT-profiles will be calibrated and complemented by drillings and the hazard map will be completed accordingly.</p>

1958 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 30-62 ◽  
R. G. Goodchild ◽  
J. M. Reynolds ◽  
C. J. Herington

Cyrene's largest religious building, the great Temple of Zeus on the north-eastern hill of the city, has been the subject of several explorations. Its cella was partially dug out by Smith and Porcher in 1861, and was completely cleared of soil by the late Giacomo Guidi in 1926, in the excavation which brought to light the famous head of Zeus, pieced together from over a hundred fragments. Then, in the years 1939–1942, fuller work was carried out by Dr. Gennaro Pesce, who published a detailed report with admirable promptness. Despite the interruptions caused by the North African campaigns of the World War, Pesce was able to clear the greater part of the Temple and its fallen peristasis. At the conclusion of his work only the opisthodomos remained unexcavated, although much fallen stone still encumbered the pronaos and the eastern portico.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 406-421
Bronislava Ovchinnikova ◽  

This article is devoted to results of field investigations at the fortress of ‘Godlik’ conducted by the Loo archaeological expedition of the Ural State University in 1992–1996. This fortress is part of the system of mediaeval defensive installations situated on the north-eastern coast of the Black Sea and is located near the modern urban settle- ment of Lazarevskoye in the city of Sochi. The fortress is a site highly complicated for investigations presenting the ruins of an old fortification where the cultural layer in the court of the fort is practically annihilated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-93

The purpose of this paper is to attempt to explain the activities of the Communist Party of Western Belarus in Vilnius during the fi rst half of the thirties of the twentieth century. The author’s aim is to show the organisation, theory and practice of this illegal party. Further-more, the intention is to present the activities of Vilnius police towards communist sym-pathizers and activists. Founded in 1923 in Vilnius, the Communist Party of Western Belaruswas a branch of The Communist Party of Poland. This organization like the polish communist party was illegal. Its aim was to combat the Polish state and to perform electioneering for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Although the name of the party could indicate a desire for independence of Belarus, in practice it was for the removal of the north eastern provinces of the Second Republic of Poland to the USSR. CPWB activity had a special dimension in Vilnius. As the region’s largest city and former capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vilnus was home for many nations, religions and cultures. Moreover, Vil-nius was the most important fi eld for communist action. Given the number of inhabitants, industrialized multi-ethnic character, communists had the opportunity to develop wide subversive and conspiratorial work. In addition, the city was the great centre of production and distribution of communist publications, which allowed the spread of propaganda in both its administrative boundaries and in the Vilnius Voivodeship.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 35
Elizabeta Susaj ◽  
Enkelejda Kucaj ◽  
Erald Laçi ◽  
Lush Susaj

Bulqiza District is the largest chromium source, ranked fourth in the world for chrome reserves. It lays in the north-eastern part of Albania, 330-1800 m a.s.l, with 728 km² area, between 41o30’43.1N and 20o14’56.21E. There are 136 entities with chromium extraction activity and around the city of Bulqiza (2.6 km² and 13000 inhabitants), there are 33 entities. The aim of the study was the identification of the environmental state and environmental impact assessment of chromium extraction (chromite mining) and giving recommendations to minimize the negative effects of this activity. Field observations, questionnaires, chemical analysis of soil and water, meetings and interviews with central and local institutions as well as with residents were used for the realization of the study. The obtained results showed that chromium extraction causes numerous irreversible degradation of the environment in the Bulqiza area, such as the destruction of surface land layers and erosion, destruction of flora and fauna, soil and water pollution, health problems, unsustainable use and reduction of chromium reserves, etc. The inert waste that emerges after the chromium partition is discharged to the earth surface without any regularity, covering the surface of the soil and flora, leading to irreversible degradation of the environment. Most of the mining entities do not respect the contracts and environmental permit issued by the Ministry of Energy and Industry (MEI).

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-131
Nina Nurmagomedovna Garunova ◽  
Irina Anatolievna Suzdaltseva ◽  
Lilia Nadipovna Galimova

This article examines the history of the disappeared Russian settlement-fortress, which refers to the period XVI-XVIII centuries. In earlier sources the city was called the redoubt of the Terek, the Terek fortress, sometimes there is a shorter name -Grater. Later they began to use the name Terek the city, represents the city and fortress near the mouth of the Terek, not far from the now not-existing of the river Tyumenka. In the modern period is the territory of the left Bank of the Old Terek to the North-East of the city of Kizlyar, Republic of Dagestan. Criticized the attempts to identify the history of the two fortresses: Walled town and Floats, as well as their role at the initial stage in the formation of Russian population of Dagestan. Characterized by the influence of the process of renewal of the Cossacks in military servicemen estate on the historical development of areas North-Eastern Caucasus. Attention is paid to issues such as the existence of different versions of the city name, the location where divergent opinions of researchers. Emphasis is placed on the role of the Terek city as the southern Outpost of the Russian state, the conductor's Caucasus policy on the North-Eastern Caucasus. The analysis of the problem, which allowed us to consider the integration of the provincial regions in the periphery of the Russian state in the South of the country, and analyzed the development of reference points to spread the influence of Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries.

Lede E Miki Pohshna ◽  

While COVID-19 has unleashed waves of reverse-migration from the cities back to the hometowns due to economic and physical uncertainties that accompanied the pandemic, queer people from the North-Eastern Region of India choose to stay in the cities. Defying the reverse-migration trend, they choose the freedom that the city gives them over the prejudice of their hometown toward their sexuality. This paper will theorize how pandemic affects and at the same time affirms queer sexualities This paper will re-interpret metronormativity in the context of North-East queer people and will co-opt Judith Halberstam’s theory while at the same time reworking it to fit the local context of queer North-East. Unlike Halberstam’s theory that the metro offers a continuum of free existence to the queer people, this paper will examine certain queer narratives both online and through interviews in order to understand how the city offers not a “freer” existence ( in the sense that freedom is given and implied upon) but rather a relatively anonymous existence which allows them to live freely in anonymity but never silent. It will problematize the concept of home and space and how queer subjectivities are (un)formed depending upon certain variables that the home offers which eventually affects queer existence. This existence will then juxtapose with Kosofsky’s “gesture of silence” of the home and the closet and in doing so, it will attempt to understand North East queer’s preference for the danger of COVID 19 and the “insecurities” of the city over the “security” of home.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 485 ◽  
Naama Tessler ◽  
Hanoch Borger ◽  
Erez Rave ◽  
Eli Argaman ◽  
Daniela Kopel ◽  

On 24 November 2016, extreme hot and dry weather led to more than 1000 fires in Israel. One of the largest fires (120ha) occurred in the city of Haifa. The fire began on the slopes of the north-eastern part of the wildland–urban interface (WUI) and spread into the city, moving westward owing to strong wind gusts. Although private houses in open lands and villages in Israel have previously been affected by fires, this was the first ‘urban fire’ in Israel. In order to determine the best management strategy for the various types of burned areas, an ‘identity card’ was prepared for each area including main vegetation species and other points of interest. For urban forest areas, rehabilitation was planned according to topographic structure and anticipated soil erosion. In each reclaimed area, terraces were constructed using burned logs or local stones and inhibitors to mitigate soil erosion. After restoration, each urban forest underwent planting and renewal according to its geographic properties and location.

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