While the City Sleeps: A History of Pistoleros, Policemen, and the Crime Beat in Buenos Aires before Perón

2019 ◽  
Vol 99 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-181
Robert Samet
2021 ◽  
pp. 67
Natalya Rozenberg

The history of art in Argentina in the XX-XXI centuries is studied mainly in three directions: the genre system, the spiritual and content aspect of works and creative biographies of outstanding masters. Special attention is paid to the links between the art of the Old and New World. Nowadays, the issue of connecting the artistic culture of the regions of Argentina — the center of the country, the northeast, and the northwest - is becoming urgent. The provinces not only perceived the trends of the capital's cultural policy, but also built their own cultural institutions that contributed to the creation and translation of the meanings of works about the uniqueness of human and nature connections far from Buenos Aires, and what is especially significant - about the diversity of ethnic types and characters. Such outstanding masters as Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Antonio Berni, Raul Monsegur, Eddie Torre taught in provincial art schools. They moved quite often from city to city, from province to province. We can assume that in the 40-50s of the XX century. in Cordoba, Mendoza, Tucuman and Resistencia, there were already professionals in all kinds of art. Argentine domestic scientists began to study these processes not so long ago. In this article, special attention is paid to the analysis of cultural heritage and the museum collection of the association El Fogón de los Arrieros (EFA, "Hearth of teamsters", hereinafter - Fogón), located in Resistencia, the capital of the province of Chaco, now known in the country as the City of Sculptures. Fogón became famous for its diverse cultural, educational activities, which began in 1943 and continues to this day. In the history of Fogón, a new type of educator has developed in the person of Aldo Boletti, Juan de Dios Mena, Hilda Torres Varela. The study used the historical and typological method and the method of art criticism analysis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-105 ◽  
Aníbal Enrique Cetrangolo

AbstractAida famously inaugurated the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires in 1908, but the musical history of the city is also linked to two earlier productions of the piece: its debut in Cairo in 1871, and another legendary performance, in Rio de Janeiro in 1886. This article retraces the steps of five Italian musicians who played in the orchestras of the Cairo or Rio productions before moving to Buenos Aires, and thereby formed part of the vast Italian emigration to Argentina in the final decades of the nineteenth century. Once there, Pietro Melani, Tomaso Marenco, Giovanni Grazioso Panizza, Italo Casella and Ferruccio Cattelani radically transformed the concert life of the city through their musical activities, not least through their introduction of a wide range of orchestral and chamber music repertoire. By reconstructing their trajectories, I argue for a stronger focus on international networks in thinking about the history of Italian opera at this time and for a greater attention to the contributions of performers who would later fall into obscurity. In addition, I suggest that the insignificant attention given to such figures even in Argentinean narratives would seem to indicate the persistence of a historiography that plays down the contributions of European immigrants in the musical history of the city and the nation.

Graciela Mateo Pietro

“Al rico nunca le ofrezcan / y al pobre jamás le falten”. Estos versos del Martín Fierro -obra maestra de la narrativa gauchesca argentina- remiten al Monte de Piedad de Buenos Aires: por un lado, esencializan la función social como institución proveedora de crédito a los sectores desamparados de la sociedad, y por otro permiten identificar a su autor, José Hernández, como miembro del Consejo de Administración de la entidad y tenaz defensor de su continuidad.El presente artículo estudia, a partir de los antecedentes del crédito pignoraticio y del rol desempeñado por los montepíos nativos a mediados del siglo XIX, el origen y la trayectoria del Monte de Piedad de Buenos Aires, destinado a aliviar las penurias de los sectores vulnerados, tanto nativos como inmigrantes, evitando que sean víctimas de la usura. En tal sentido y desde una perspectiva macro que dé cuenta de la situación económico- financiera del país y particularmente de la provincia de Buenos Aires, se privilegia el análisis micro de las distintas etapas de la historia de este entidad y de su función social; desde su fundación en 1877 dependiente del Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, su incorporación una década después al patrimonio municipal y su conversión en 1904 en Banco Municipal de Préstamos. El punto de partida es un estado de la cuestión sobre el tema. Las fuentes primarias (Libros de Actas, Memorias y balances, Cartas orgánicas, Reglamentos de la institución, Diario de Sesiones de la Legislatura bonaerense y del Consejo Deliberante de la ciudad de Buenos Aires) así como algunas publicaciones periódicas de la época, resultan sustantivas para lograr el objetivo propuesto. “Never offer to the rich /and may the poor never lack” These verses by Martín Fierro -a masterpiece of Argentine gaucho narrative- represent the Monte de Piedad in Buenos Aires and its development. In a way, they essentialize the social function of this institution that provides credit to the underprivileged sectors of society. Besides, this affirmation allows to identify its author, José Hernández, as a member of the entity’s Board of Directors and a tenacious defender of its continuity.This article is based on the antecedents of the pledge credit and the role played by the native montepíos in the mid-19th century. Its focused in the study of the origin and trajectory of Monte de Piedad in Buenos Aires, as an institution which alleviated the hardships of the vulnerable sectors, both natives and immigrants, and prevented them from being victims of usury. Both macro and micro perspectives converge in this analysis. Firstly, the argentine economic and financial situation is taken into account to get to Buenos Aires’ province evaluation. Secondly, the history of this entity’s social function is examined since it was founded in 1877 (under the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires), to its incorporation a decade later into the municipal patrimony and its conversion into the Municipal Bank of Loans, in 1904.The article starts with a bibliographic review of this particular subject. The proposed objective is achieved by analyzing diverse primary sources (Minutes Books, Memories and balances, Organic Letters, Institution Regulations, Journal of Sessions of the Buenos Aires Legislature and the Deliberative Council of the city of Buenos Aires) as well as the main periodical publications of the time.

2020 ◽  
Silvina Raiden ◽  
Hector Cairoli ◽  
Javier Potasnik ◽  
Sandra Di Lalla ◽  
María José Chiolo ◽  

ABSTRACTBackgroundAlthough there are reports on COVID-19 in pediatrics, it is possible that the characteristics of each population, their health systems and how they faced the pandemic made the disease show distinctive features in different countries.We aimed to describe the characteristics of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a tertiary pediatric hospital in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.MethodsDescriptive study, including all patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a tertiary pediatric hospital, from 04/26/2020 to 10/31/2020. Demographic, clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients are described.ResultsIn the studied period 578 patients were hospitalized for COVID-19. The median age was 4.2 years and 83% had a history of close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. Regarding severity, 30.8% were asymptomatic, 60.4% mild, 7.4% moderate, and 1.4% severe. Among those with symptoms, the most frequent was fever, followed by sore throat and cough.ConclusionWe reported 578 cases of children and adolescents hospitalized for COVID-19, most of them showed a mild or asymptomatic condition.

2017 ◽  
pp. 27
Marcela Croce

ResumenEl propósito de este artículo es retomar el pensamiento sobre la ciudad como sede espacial, disparador de ideas, iniciativa política y social y manifestación cultural, enfatizando aquellas producciones discursivas típicas del fenómeno urbano como la crónica de la metrópolis, el rastreo antropológico que define los estratos culturales que coexisten en la sede urbana y el relato policial que restituye el entramado de vínculos que operan en el perímetro ciudadano. A esta última formulación se añaden las actividades delictivas que aprovechan un conjunto de disposiciones y servicios urbanos como infraestructura, tal como destacó Saskia Sassen.Con ese objetivo se propone un recorrido por un corpus de textos que se detienen en diversos núcleos urbanos y no se restringen a estudiar sus características geográficas y edilicias sino que las inscriben en el conjunto de cada nación, en la historia de los países que integran América Latina (remarcando la tensión entre ciudad y nación que atraviesa la historia occidental) y asimismo en una serie continental que establece una jerar- quía de ciudades. Las antiguas capitales virreinales que son México y Lima aparecen confrontadas a la capital del virreinato menor que es Buenos Aires, y a la sede imperial de Río de Janeiro en este recorrido.Palabras clave: Ciudades latinoamericanas - Historia urbana - Crónica ciudadana - Géneros urbanos - Utopía latinoamericanaAbstractThis article considers the thinking about cities as space headquarters, an idea nest, a political and social initiative and a cultural manifestation, empha- sizing those discursive productions typical of the urban phenomenon, as the chronicle of the metropolis, the anthropological search that define the cultural strata coexisting in urban headquarters and the police story that restores the linking network that operate in the city perimeters. This latter statement is followed by criminal activities that exploit a set of provisions and urban services such as infrastructure, as Saskia Sassen pointed out.With this objective, we propose a tour through a text corpus that deepen in several urban centers and are not restricted to study their geographical characteristics and buildings, but inscribe them in the set of each nation, in the history of the countries that integrate Latin America (highlighting the tension between city and nation now experienced by Western history) and also in a continental series establishing a hierarchy of cities. The old viceregal capitals, i.e. Mexico and Lima face the minor viceroyalty capital –Buenos Aires– and the imperial headquarters of Rio de Janeiro in this route.Keywords: Latin American cities - Urban history - Citizen chronicle - Urban genres - Latin American utopiaResumo:O objetivo deste artigo é voltar a pensar a cidade como uma sede espa- cial, desencadeador de ideias, iniciativa política e social e manifestações culturais, enfatizando aquelas produções discursivas típicas do fenômeno urbano, como a crônica da metrópole, o reconhecimento antropológico que define os estratos culturais que coexistem na sede urbana e no relato policial que restitui o tramado de ligações que operam no perímetro da cidade. Nesta última formulação integram-se as atividades criminosas que se aproveitam de um conjunto de disposições e serviços urbanos como a infraestrutura, assim como destacou Saskia Sassen.Com este objetivo é proposto percorrer por um corpus de textos que vão parar em diversos núcleos urbanos e não só estarão restritos a estudar suas características geográficas e de construção, mas bem estas se inscrevem no conjunto de cada nação, na história dos países que integram América Latina (destacando a tensão entre a cidade e nação através da história ocidental) e também numa série continental que estabelece uma hierar- quia de cidades. As antigas capitais do vice-reinado colonial: México e Lima são confrontados a capital do vice-reino menor que é Buenos Aires, e a sede imperial do Rio de Janeiro nesta turnê.Palavras-chave: Cidades latino-americanas - História Urbana - Crônica cidadã - Gêneros urbanos - Utopia latino-americana.

2009 ◽  
Ferdinand Gregorovius ◽  
Annie Hamilton

2009 ◽  
Ferdinand Gregorovius ◽  
Annie Hamilton

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