scholarly journals Central Projection of Antennal Sensory Neurons in the Central Nervous System of the Mirid Bug Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür)

PLoS ONE ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. e0160161 ◽  
Gui-Ying Xie ◽  
Xin-Cheng Zhao ◽  
Bai-Wei Ma ◽  
Pei Guo ◽  
Guo-Ping Li ◽  
S.S. Spicer ◽  
B.A. Schulte

Generation of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against tissue antigens has yielded several (VC1.1, HNK- 1, L2, 4F4 and anti-leu 7) which recognize the unique sugar epitope, glucuronyl 3-sulfate (Glc A3- SO4). In the central nervous system, these MAbs have demonstrated Glc A3-SO4 at the surface of neurons in the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum, the retina and other widespread regions of the brain.Here we describe the distribution of Glc A3-SO4 in the peripheral nervous system as determined by immunostaining with a MAb (VC 1.1) developed against antigen in the cat visual cortex. Outside the central nervous system, immunoreactivity was observed only in peripheral terminals of selected sensory nerves conducting transduction signals for touch, hearing, balance and taste. On the glassy membrane of the sinus hair in murine nasal skin, just deep to the ringwurt, VC 1.1 delineated an intensely stained, plaque-like area (Fig. 1). This previously unrecognized structure of the nasal vibrissae presumably serves as a tactile end organ and to our knowledge is not demonstrable by means other than its selective immunopositivity with VC1.1 and its appearance as a densely fibrillar area in H&E stained sections.

Richard P. Tucker ◽  
Qizhi Gong

Animals use their olfactory system for the procurement of food, the detection of danger, and the identification of potential mates. In vertebrates, the olfactory sensory neuron has a single apical dendrite that is exposed to the environment and a single basal axon that projects to the central nervous system (i.e., the olfactory bulb). The first odorant receptors to be discovered belong to an enormous gene family encoding G protein-coupled seven transmembrane domain proteins. Odorant binding to these classical odorant receptors initiates a GTP-dependent signaling cascade that uses cAMP as a second messenger. Subsequently, additional types of odorant receptors using different signaling pathways have been identified. While most olfactory sensory neurons are found in the olfactory sensory neuroepithelium, others are found in specialized olfactory subsystems. In rodents, the vomeronasal organ contains neurons that recognize pheromones, the septal organ recognizes odorant and mechanical stimuli, and the neurons of the Grüneberg ganglion are sensitive to cool temperatures and certain volatile alarm signals. Within the olfactory sensory neuroepithelium, each sensory neuron expresses a single odorant receptor gene out of the large gene family; the axons of sensory neurons expressing the same odorant receptor typically converge onto a pair of glomeruli at the periphery of the olfactory bulb. This results in the transformation of olfactory information into a spatially organized odortopic map in the olfactory bulb. The axons originating from the vomeronasal organ project to the accessory olfactory bulb, whereas the axons from neurons in the Grüneberg ganglion project to 10 specific glomeruli found in the caudal part of the olfactory bulb. Within a glomerulus, the axons originating from olfactory sensory neurons synapse on the dendrites of olfactory bulb neurons, including mitral and tufted cells. Mitral cells and tufted cells in turn project directly to higher brain centers (e.g., the piriform cortex and olfactory tubercle). The integration of olfactory information in the olfactory cortices and elsewhere in the central nervous system informs and directs animal behavior.

Development ◽  
1981 ◽  
Vol 65 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 209-224
Hilary Anderson

This paper reviews recent experiments which attempt to gain more understanding about the recognition processes involved in the formation of neuronal connexions by studying the degree of specificity with which sensory neurons form their central connexions. This is done by generating ectopic neurons (either by transplantation or by genetic mutation) whose axons grow into novel regions of the central nervous system, and then examining their projections and synapses. The sensory systems reviewed are: the Antennapedia, spineless-aristapedia, proboscipedia, and bithorax homeotic mutants of Drosphila melanogaster; the cercus-to-giant interneuron system of crickets, and the wind-sensitive hair system of locusts. The results show that ectopic neurons form projections that are discrete and characteristic, not random and chaotic. In those cases where single classes of sensilla have been studied, they follow either their normal CNS pathways or those pathways normally used by their segmental homologues. Ectopic sensory neurons can also form appropriate functional connexions in some cases but not in others. Possible reasons are discussed, but detailed understanding of the underlying events requires further experimentation.

Brian D. Burrell

The medicinal leech (Hirudo verbana) is an annelid (segmented worm) and one of the classic model systems in neuroscience. It has been used in research for over 50 years and was one of the first animals in which intracellular recordings of mechanosensory neurons were carried out. Remarkably, the leech has three main classes of mechanosensory neurons that exhibit many of the same properties found in vertebrates. The most sensitive of these neurons are the touch cells, which are rapidly adapting neurons that detect low-intensity mechanical stimuli. Next are the pressure cells, which are slow-adapting sensory neurons that respond to higher intensity, sustained mechanostimulation. Finally, there are nociceptive neurons, which have the highest threshold and respond to potentially damaging mechanostimuli, such as a pinch. As observed in mammals, the leech has separate mechanosensitive and polymodal nociceptors, the latter responding to mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli. The cell bodies for all three types of mechanosensitive neurons are found in the central nervous system where they are arranged as bilateral pairs. Each neuron extends processes to the skin where they form discrete receptive fields. In the touch and pressure cells, these receptive fields are arranged along the dorsal-ventral axis. For the mechano-only and polymodal nociceptive neurons, the peripheral receptive fields overlap with the mechano-only nociceptor, which also innervates the gut. The leech also has a type of mechanosensitive cell located in the periphery that responds to vibrations in the water and is used, in part, to detect potential prey nearby. In the central nervous system, the touch, pressure, and nociceptive cells all form synaptic connections with a variety of motor neurons, interneurons, and even each other, using glutamate as the neurotransmitter. Synaptic transmission by these cells can be modulated by a variety of activity-dependent processes as well as the influence of neuromodulatory transmitters, such as serotonin. The output of these sensory neurons can also be modulated by conduction block, a process in which action potentials fail to propagate to all the synaptic release sites, decreasing synaptic output. Activity in these sensory neurons leads to the initiation of a number of different motor behaviors involved in locomotion, such as swimming and crawling, as well as behaviors designed to recoil from aversive/noxious stimuli, such as local bending and shortening. In the case of local bending, the leech is able to bend in the appropriate direction away from the offending stimuli. It does so through a combination of which mechanosensory cell receptive fields have been activated and the relative activation of multiple sensory cells decoded by a layer of downstream interneurons.

J. S. Alexandrowicz

In the coxal region of Eupagurus bernardus the following receptor organs have been found: (1) a muscular receptor spanning the thoracico-coxal articulation, its innervation, in which several neurons take part, being arranged on a similar pattern as in Carcinus; (2) two innervated elastic strands running along the bundles of mm. levator and depressor basipoditis respectively and inserting into the tendons of these muscles; (3) a coxo-basipodite receptor consisting of connective tissue strand with numerous bipolar nerve cells ending on it. With the exception of the coxo-basipodite receptor, all sensory neurons of these organs have their cell bodies located in the central nervous system.It is suggested that these receptors convey impulses elicited by the movements of the legs and some hypotheses concerning the role of each of them are put forward.

Physiology ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 228-232
UC Kopp

The kidney is capable of transmitting information from sensory neurons to the central nervous system. Prostaglandins and substance P contribute to the activation of renal sensory neurons produced by increases in renal pelvic pressure that lead to a reflex increase in contralateral urine output.

Science ◽  
1975 ◽  
Vol 190 (4217) ◽  
pp. 889-890 ◽  
T. Hokfelt ◽  
J. Kellerth ◽  
G. Nilsson ◽  
B. Pernow

The Acrania possess an histologically complex peripheral nervous system, the atrial nervous system, lying just under the epithelium lining the atrium and covering the various organs within it. The system contains both sensory and motor components, and is especially rich in peripheral sensory cell bodies. It is in connexion with the central nervous system by way of the dorsal root nerves. Most of the motor axons entering the system pass to the cross-striated pterygial muscle flooring the atrium, others pass to the cross-striated trapezius muscles, and there is also a large ciliarymotor component, which controls the action of the lateral ciliary tracts of the gill bars. Unipolar sensory neurons are abundant upon the surface of the pterygial muscle, and are also found upon the parietal walls of the atrium. Multipolar sensory neurons are abundant upon the foregut and its diverticulum. The hindgut (outside the atrium) is more sparsely innervated, but occasional multipolar sensory neurons occur there. The multipolar neurons of the foregut and diverticulum appear to be in connexion one with another asynaptically, but their axons pass to the central nervous system. Similar sensory neurons of several types are found in the richly innervated atrio-coelomic funnels. The function of the atrial nervous system is not yet entirely understood, but it is probable that it is mainly concerned with the regulation of the feeding process, and with spawning. It is concluded that the system is not evidently homologous with the ‘sympathetic’ systems of the craniates, and that it is unwise at present to attempt to homologize the visceral nervous systems of the two groups.

J. S. Alexandrowicz ◽  
Mary Whitear

In the 4th to 8th thoracic segments of decapod Crustacea, at the bases of the peraeopods, sensory organs of various kinds have been found. They have been observed in Homarus vulgaris, Astacus astacus, Palinurus vulgaris, Eupagurusbemhardus, Carcinus maenas, Maia squinadoand described in greater detail for Homarus, Carcinus and Maia.In all species examined there is in each peraeopod a proprioceptor consisting of a thin muscle with various nerve elements which extends from a point of the endophragmal skeleton situated near the ventral ganglia to the anteroventral part of the coxa. In the 4th to 7th thoracic segments of Homarus, in the 4th to 8th of Palinurus and Astacus, and in the 4th of the Brachyura, the receptor muscle is proximally attached to the tip of a chitinous projection of the endophragmal skeleton for which the term ‘receptor rod’ is proposed. In other instances it originates on the plate of the endosternite.The nerve components of this ‘muscular receptor’ are of two sorts: (1) motor nerves spreading their branches over the whole length of the muscle, and (2) processes of the sensory neurons distributing their ramifications on the connective tissue associated with the muscle at its proximal end. The arrangement of the sensory elements is different in various species, but they all exhibit one feature, unusual in invertebrates, viz. their cell-bodies are situated within the central nervous system and not outside it.

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