Medizin im Islam

1998 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 258-265
Pater Antes

Abstract Health and illness are not objective concepts but rather issues which depend upon cultural and religious traditions. In Islam there are two traditional approaches to these concepts: prophetic medicine and the medicine of the Islamic Middle Ages, which was strongly influenced by Galen and Hippocrates. Tody, Islam is increasingly looking at modern western orthodox medicine. With regard to Muslim patients, however, it is still necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their religious traditions.

2003 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-78 ◽  
Jaime Vila ◽  
María Carmen Fernández ◽  
Joaquín Pegalajar ◽  
María Nieves Vera ◽  
Humbelina Robles ◽  

The study of cardiac defense has a long tradition in psychological research both within the cognitive approach—linked to Pavlov, Sokolov, and Graham's work on sensory reflexes—and within the motivational one—linked to the work of Cannon and subsequent researchers on the concepts of activation and stress. These two approaches have been difficult to reconcile in the past. We summarize a series of studies on cardiac defense from a different perspective, which allows integration of the traditional approaches. This new perspective emphasizes a sequential process interpretation of the cardiac defense response. Results of descriptive and parametric studies, as well as those of studies examining the physiological and psychological mechanisms underlying the response, show a complex response pattern with both accelerative and decelerative components, with both sympathetic and parasympathetic influences, and with both attentional and emotional significance. The implications of this new look at cardiac defense are discussed in relation to defensive reactions in natural settings, the brain mechanisms controlling such reactions, and their effects on health and illness.

Ira Helderman

This chapter introduces psychotherapists’ therapizing religion approaches to Buddhist traditions. In these approaches, therapists analyze religious traditions using not only psychological methodologies (as in the discipline of psychology of religion), but psychotherapeutic theories founded on ideas about health and illness. They thus “therapize” religion. It explicates the work of Franz Alexander and Carl Jung in detail as two early representatives of these approaches - though the two arrived at very different conclusions about the pathological or positive content of Buddhist practice. It further explains that clinicians continue to therapize Buddhist traditions today, often to assess the healthfulness of Buddhist elements before “translating” or “integrating” them into their psychotherapies. This reveals the instability that lies within the relational configurations therapists imagine between the religious and the not-religious when they therapize Buddhist traditions. In their repositioning of psychotherapy within classifications like religion and science, even the early treatments of Jung and Alexander ultimately subvert the hard borderlines they mean to reinforce.

1987 ◽  
Vol 107 ◽  
pp. 40-50 ◽  
W. R. Connor

In recent years classicists and ancient historians have devoted renewed attention to the Archaic Age in Greece, the period from approximately the eighth century to the fifth century BC. Important articles, excavation reports and monographs, as well as books by Moses Finley, L. H. Jeffery, Oswyn Murray, Chester Starr and others, not to mention a recent volume of the Cambridge Ancient History, bear witness to the vigor of recent scholarship in this area. Among many of these treatments of the period, moreover, is evident an increasing recognition of the close connection between social and economic developments and the political life of the Greek cities of the period. At the same time that this renewed interest in the Archaic Age has become so prominent in classical studies, a group of scholars working in more modern periods has developed a fresh approach to the role of ritual and ceremonial in civic life, especially during the European Middle Ages and Renaissance. Deeply influenced by cultural anthropology, they have found in the often surprisingly rich documentation about festivals, processions, charivaris etc. important insights into the societies in which these activities took place. Classicists looking upon this movement may be inclined to undervalue its originality and perhaps its controversiality, pointing out that a serious interest in ancient festivals has long been prominent in classical scholarship and is well represented in recent books such as those by Mikalson, Parke and Simon and such older works as Martin Nilsson's frequently cited Cults, myths, oracles and politics in ancient Greece (Lund 1951). Yet there is a great difference both in method and in results between the traditional approaches to ceremonial represented in the study of ancient Greece and those being developed in more recent fields.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-127 ◽  
Karen Hagemann ◽  
Donna Harsch

A jubilee is the perfect time for a critical stocktaking, and this essay uses the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Central European History (CEH), the leading American journal of the history of “German-speaking Central Europe,” to explore the changing representations of women and gender in this journal since its founding in 1968. The declared aim of CEH was, according to the founding editor, Douglas A. Unfug, to become a “broadly rather than narrowly defined” journal that covers “all periods from the Middle Ages to the present” and includes, next to “traditional approaches to history,” innovative and “experimental methodological approaches.” As Kenneth F. Ledford, the third CEH editor (after Unfug and Kenneth D. Barkin), wrote in 2005, the journal should simultaneously reflect and drive “the intellectual direction(s) of its eponymous field.”


Статья посвящена религиозным традициям чеченцев, истоки которых находятся в глубокой древности и перекликаются с культами древнего населения Передней Азии. В работе отмечается определенная преемственность в духовной культуре племен Северного Кавказа, начиная с энеолита и заканчивая эпохой поздней бронзы и раннего железа. А позднесредневековая чеченская культура обнаруживает многочисленные параллели с последней, особенно на уровне символики, нанесенной, как на архитектурные сооружения, так и на бронзовые изделия. В работе подробно анализируется языческий пантеон чеченцев и его трансформация под влиянием христианских идей, когда идея Единого Творца становится преобладающей, а все второстепенные божества низводятся на уровень святых и приобретают антропоморфные черты. Культура, календарные циклы, символика несут в себе узнаваемые черты следов христианства, которое было распространено среди чеченцев в VIII-XVII вв. Важную роль в проповеди христианства в Чечне сыграла Грузия, как об этом свидетельствует использование средневековой грузинской письменности в горной Чечне. Однако отдельные эпиграфические находки подтверждают и деятельность византийских миссионеров на равнинной территории региона. Ислам окончательно утверждается в Чечне в XVII в. С этого времени языческие и христианские черты в погребальных обрядах чеченцев, в их бытовой культуре, фольклоре постепенно исчезают или обретают другие формы.

June Boyce-Tillman

This paper scrutinizes how human beings relate to the wider cosmos in the thinking of the European Middle Ages. The re-invention of the ‘spiritual’ might liberate Western culture from Cartesian elements within Western Christianity and the consequent limited and exclusive views of musicking. Practical examples of how singing together forms community at a variety of levels will be discussed. Others aspects that will be addressed are: being human; culture, health and illness; the place of the spiritual and the implications of this for music education.

2014 ◽  
Vol 46 (129) ◽  
pp. 307
Henri-Jérôme Gagey

A Igreja católica e as grandes Igrejas históricas perderam sua plausibilidade nas terras da antiga cristandade: “exculturação do catolicismo”. A Igreja enfrenta a mesma crise que o conjunto de nossas sociedades pelo fato de estarmos passando por uma mudança de mundo. A modernidade conseguiu uma vitória definitiva sobre a tradição, despojando-a de sua autoridade indiscutível. Na Idade Média, a leitura de Aristóteles leva os intelectuais daquele tempo (S. Tomás) a descobrir as possibilidades da razão autônoma para abrir os caminhos ao conhecimento. Descartes enuncia o princípio da “dúvida metódica”. Kant denuncia que a maior parte da humanidade renuncia a servir-se de sua autonomia no compreender. Nas Guerras de Religião se desfaz a unidade da Europa Ocidental que o cristianismo havia garantido! Muitos concluíram a necessidade de um princípio superior, e esse princípio é a racionalidade. Era o início da descristianização. Da dúvida metódica de Descartes à audácia de pensar por si mesmo de Kant chega-se a uma cultura em que “tudo é discutível”. Mutação fabulosa das condições materiais, das possibilidades de acesso à cultura e ao exercício concreto da liberdade. Revolução cultural, provocando a generalização do individualismo, a massa solitária. Hoje não é mais possível apoiar-nos sobre algumas evidências estáveis: emancipação diante da autoridade das tradições ancestrais, desenvolvimento do espírito crítico, influência das tradições religiosas que se multiplicam e perdem sua autoridade junto às populações. O engajamento na existência já não se pode fazer na base de simples docilidade, mas exige engajamento decidido: é preciso crer para viver, tomar uma decisão. Evangelizar é oferecer uma resposta convincente à pergunta de “como viver?”. Trata-se de encontrar novos modos de ser Igreja, “novas artes de viver” como Igreja, que correspondam à cultura contemporânea. Neste contexto, a primeira missão é reconhecer e despertar a simples fé humana que nos permite engajar-nos na vida. Deve ser reinventada a própria maneira de sermos humanos, trabalhar a “simples fé humana” que é necessária para viver. Vincent Miller propõe práticas sociais alternativas, que implicam outra relação com as coisas. Segundo Rodney Stark não basta moralizar, devem ser inventadas e operacionalizadas novas práticas. Como resistir ao “consumir mais”, a não ser aprendendo a “consumir bem”? A invenção de novas práticas sociais é a via longa, mas via curta não há!ABSTRACT: The Catholic Church and the great historical churches lost their plausibility in the lands of ancient Christianity: “exculturation of Catholicism”. The Church faces the same crisis that most of our societies face by the fact that we are going through a world change. Modernity has managed a definitive victory over the tradition, stripping her of her undisputed authority. In the Middle Ages, reading Aristotle leads the intellectuals of that time (S. Thomas) to discover the possibilities of autonomous reason to open the paths to knowledge. Descartes sets out the principle of “methodical doubt.” Kant denounces that most of humanity renounces the use of their autonomy in understanding. In the Wars of Religion the unity of Western Europe that Christianity had guaranteed falls apart! Many found the need for a higher principle, and that principle is rationality. It was the beginning of de-Christianization. From the methodical doubt of Descartes to the audacity to think for yourself of Kant there comes a culture where “everything is debatable”. Fabulous mutation of the material conditions, the possibilities of access to culture and to the practical exercise of freedom. Cultural revolution, causing the generalization of individualism, the solitary mass. Today it is no longer possible to rely on some stable evidences: emancipation before the authority of ancient traditions, development of critical spirit, influence of the religious traditions that are mushrooming and lose their authority with the people. The engagement in existence can no longer be done based on simple docility, but requires decided engagement: we must believe in order to live, to make a decision. To evangelize is to provide a convincing answer to the question of “how to live?”. It’s about finding new ways of being Church, “new arts of living” as a church, which correspond to contemporary culture. In this context, the first mission is to recognize and awaken the simple faith that allows us to engage us in life. It must be reinvented the very way of being human, working the “simple human faith” which is necessary for living. Vincent Miller proposes alternative social practices, which involve another relationship with things. According to Rodney Stark it is not enough to simply moralize, there must be invented and implemented new practices. How to resist the “consume more” except learning how to “consume well”? The invention of new social practices is the long way, but there is no short way! 

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