central european
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2022 ◽  
Vol 507 ◽  
pp. 119981
Anna Jankowiak ◽  
Bartłomiej Gołdyn ◽  
Mateusz Rawlik ◽  
Rafał Bernard

2022 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 108547
K. Buczkó ◽  
Zs. Trábert ◽  
Cs. Stenger-Kovács ◽  
K. Tapolczai ◽  
T. Bíró ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 277 ◽  
pp. 107352
Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté ◽  
Yuki Weber ◽  
Jakob Zopfi ◽  
Moritz F. Lehmann ◽  
Helge Niemann

2022 ◽  
Jiří Mizera ◽  
Zdeněk Řanda

ABSTRACT Formation of the Central European tektites, known as moldavites, has been associated with a large meteorite impact in southern Germany 14.8 m.y. ago. The geochemical link between moldavites and their source materials, and the processes of their possible chemical differentiation still remain uncertain. Some differences in chemical composition between moldavites and sediments of corresponding age from the surroundings of the Ries crater could be explained by a hypothesis according to which biomass covering the pre-impact area contributed to the source materials. In a comparison of the geochemical compositions of a large representative set of moldavites and suitable Ries sediments, enrichment in elements K, Ca, Mg, and Mn and depletion of Na in moldavites, similar to redistribution of these elements during their transfer from soil to plants, could indicate the unconventional biogenic component in moldavite source materials. Simple mixing calculations of the most suitable Ries sediments and a model biogenic component represented by burned biomass residue are presented. The plausibility of the estimated biomass contribution considering reconstructions of the middle Miocene paleoenvironment in the pre-impact Ries area is discussed. No significant vapor fractionation is required to explain the observed variability of moldavite chemical composition.

Ivan Literák ◽  
Rainer Raab ◽  
Jan Škrábal ◽  
Stanislav Vyhnal ◽  
Marek Dostál ◽  

2022 ◽  
Laura Morales ◽  
Kelly Swarts

We leveraged publicly available data on juvenile tree height of 299 Central European Norway spruce populations grown in a common garden experiment across 24 diverse trial locations in Austria and weather data from the trial locations and population provenances to parse the heritable and climatic components of tree height variation. Principal component analysis of geospatial and weather variables demonstrated high interannual variation among trial environments, largely driven by differences in precipitation, and separation of population provenances based on altitude, temperature, and snowfall. Tree height was highly heritable and genetic variation for tree height was strongly associated with climatic relationships among population provenances. Modeling the covariance between populations and trial environments based on climatic data increased the heritable signal for tree height.

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Radim Löwe ◽  
Miroslav Sedlecký ◽  
Adam Sikora ◽  
Anna Prokůpková ◽  
Roman Modlinger ◽  

Since 2014, forestry in the Czech Republic has been significantly affected by a bark beetle outbreak. The volume of infested trees has exceeded processing capacity and dead standing spruce (Picea abies) remain in the forest stands, even for several years. What should be done with this bark beetle wood? Is it necessary to harvest it in order to preserve the basic mechanical and physical properties? Is it possible to store it under standard conditions, or what happens to it when it is “stored” upright in the forest? These are issues that interested forest owners when wood prices were falling to a minimum (i.e., in 2018–2019) but also today, when the prices of quality wood in Central European conditions are rising sharply. To answer these questions, we found out how some of the mechanical properties of wood change in dead, bark beetle-infested trees. Five groups of spruce wood were harvested. Each of these groups was left upright in the forest for a specified period of time after bark beetle infestation, and one group was classified as a reference group (uninfested trees). Subsequently, we discovered what changes occurred in tensile and compressive strength depending on the time left in the stand and the distance from the center of the trunk. When selecting samples, we eliminated differences between individual trees using a CT scanning technique, which allowed us to separate samples, especially with different widths of annual rings and other variations that were not caused by bark beetle. The results showed the effect of log age and radial position in the trunk on tensile and compressive strength. The values for tensile strength in 3-year infested trees decreased compared to uninfested trees by 14% (from 93.815 MPa to 80.709 MPa); the values for compressive strength then decreased between the same samples by up to 25.6% (from 46.144 MPa to 34.318 MPa). A significant decrease in values for compressive strength was observed in the edges of the trunks, with 44.332 MPa measured in uninfested trees and only 29.750 MPa in 3-year infested trees (a decrease of 32.9%). The results suggest that the use of central timber from bark beetle-infested trees without the presence of moulds and fungi should not be problematic for construction purposes.

Geosciences ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Danuta Peryt ◽  
Zofia Dubicka ◽  
Weronika Wierny

Planktonic foraminifera are one of the most stratigraphically important groups of organisms for the Cretaceous system. However, standard foraminiferal zonations based mostly on species from the Tethyan bioprovince are hardly applicable in temperate regions where warm-water taxa are scarce or lacking. We propose a foraminiferal zonation based on foraminiferal events recognized in the northern Foraminiferal Transitional Bioprovince, which likely has a high correlation potential at least at a regional scale. Fifteen planktonic foraminiferal zones are distinguished from the upper Albian up to the uppermost Maastrichtian strata in extra-Carpathian Poland and western Ukraine. From the bottom to the top, Thalmanninella appenninica, Th. globotruncanoides, Th. reicheli, Rotalipora cushmani, Whiteinella archaeocretacea, Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, Marginotruncana coronata, M. sinuosa, Pseudotextularia nuttalli, Globotruncana linneiana, G. arca, Contusotruncana plummerae, Rugoglobigerina pennyi, Globotruncanella petaloidea and Guembelitria cretacea. These zones are calibrated by macrofaunal zonations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-96
Gustavo Monge

The historian, journalist and professor from La Coruña Francisco Fariña, of whom we now celebrate the 130th anniversary of his birth, came to Czechoslovakia in 1933. He collaborated with the Spanish and Ibero-American Institute and the Schools of Languages of Charles University in Prague and Masaryk University Masaryk in Brno. His students played a key role in Spanish and Ibero-American studies becoming a university degree. The political situation in Spain and professional jealousy clouded his stay in the Central European country and forced him to exile in Germany, where he died in 1955.

2022 ◽  
Vol 503 ◽  
pp. 119767
Esther R. Frei ◽  
Barbara Moser ◽  
Thomas Wohlgemuth

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