scholarly journals Desarrollo del pensamiento matemático en estudiantes de cálculo integral su relación con la planificación docente -Development of mathematical thinking in students of integral calculus its relation with teaching planning

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (23) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Mawency Vergel-Ortega ◽  
Hely Isidro Duarte ◽  
José Joaquín Martínez-Lozano

La investigación se realizó con estudiantes de cálculo integral de universidades de Norte de Santander. Su objetivo establece la relación entre la planificación de clases de los profesores y el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes. La investigación siguió un enfoque cuantitativo correlacional, de campo, utiliza técnica Fuzzy para medir el pensamiento matemático. Los resultados muestran correlación significativa entre lo que el profesor realiza y los resultados obtenidos por los estudiantes, como también la aplicación del enfoque pedagógico está relacionado con el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes.Development of mathematical thinking of integral calculus students their relationship with educational planningVisualization plays an important role to understand the phenomena that underlie the learning and teaching of mathematics, however, it is not a matter for immediate and easy verification, on the other hand, it is a matter of information processing that describes complexity. This article explores the role that plays the visualization associated with the geometric shapes on the way in which some textbooks that are most widely used in the South-West of Colombia, are in charge of introducing the teaching of fractions during the first levels of basic education. It was observed in the analyzed textbooks an imbalance between the number of activities that promote visually powerful roles and those which power is controlled or non-existent.Desenvolvimento do pensamento matemático na estudantes do cálculo integral, sua relação com oplanejamento educacionalA pesquisa foi realizada com estudante de universidades cálculo de Norte de Santander. Seu objetivo estabelece a relação entre planejamento de aulas para os professores e para o desenvolvimento do pensamento matemático dos estudantes. A pesquisa seguiu uma abordagem, campo, técnica fuzzy quantitativa correlacional usado para medir o pensamento matemático. Os resultados mostram correlação significativa entre o que o professor realiza e os resultados obtidos por estudantes, bem como a implementação da abordagem pedagógica está relacionada com o desenvolvimento do pensamento matemático dos estudante.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (23) ◽  
pp. 43
Gustavo Adolfo Marmolejo-Avenia ◽  
Lucy Yudy Guzmán ◽  
Ana Lucia Insuaty

La visualización desempeña un papel determinante en la comprensión de los fenómenos que subyacen al aprendizaje y enseñanza de las matemáticas, sin embargo, no es un asunto de constatación inmediata y simple, por el contrario, es una cuestión de tratamiento de información cuya complejidad debe ser descrita. En este artículo se explora el rol que juega la visualización asociada a las figuras geométricas en la manera en que algunos textos escolares de mayor uso en el sur-occidente colombiano introducen la enseñanza de las fracciones en los primeros ciclos de la educación básica. Se observó en los libros de texto analizados un desequilibrio entre el número de actividades que privilegian roles potentes a nivel visual y aquellas cuya potencia es moderada o inexistente.Introduction to fractions in textbook of Basic Education. Figures Dinamic or static representations?ABSTRACTVisualization plays an important role to understand the phenomena that underlie the learning and teaching of mathematics, however, it is not a matter for immediate and easy verification, on the other hand, it is a matter of information processing that describes complexity. This article explores the role that plays the visualization associated with the geometric shapes on the way in which some textbooks that are most widely used in the South-West of Colombia, are in charge of introducing the teaching of fractions during the first levels of basic education. It was observed in the analyzed textbooks an imbalance between the number of activities that promote visually powerful roles and those which power is controlled or non-existent.Introdução às frações em textos escolares da educação básica, figuras estáticas ou dinâmicas?RESUMOVisualization desempenha um papel fundamental na compreensão dos fenômenos que fundamentam a aprendizagem e ensino de matemática, no entanto, não é uma questão de observação imediata e simples, no entanto, é uma questão de processamento de informações cuja complexidade deve ser descrito. Este artigo descreve o papel desempenhado pela exposição associada às figuras geométricas sobre como alguns livros didáticos mais utilizados no sudoeste da Colômbia introduziu o ensino de frações no primeiro ciclo do ensino básico é explorado. Observou-se em livros de texto analisado um desequilíbrio entre o número de actividades que enfatizam visualmente funções potentes e aqueles cuja energia é moderada ou inexistente.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 522 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-37

Isoetes jarmaniae sp. nov. is described as a new lycophyte endemic to Tasmania, Australia, where it is confined to peat-bound karstic wetlands in several river valleys in the south-west wilderness. While seemingly morphologically closest to I. drummondii, this quillwort has features that are globally uncommon in Isoetes and unknown in other Australasian taxa. Most notable are its markedly flattened, strongly recurved leaves and disproportionately large sporangium ligules that are more suggestive of South American than Australian taxa. As well, the exceptionally thin and wide (alate) megaspore equatorial ridge is swollen at suture intersections, presenting a slightly triangular shape suggestive of the Indian taxon I. udupiensis. The microspores of I. jarmaniae exhibit exceptionally, perhaps uniquely, fine-papillate ornamentation. An original key placing I. jarmaniae in context with the other Tasmanian Isoetes species is provided. This diminutive, apparently diploid species is evidently maintaining a self-sustaining population within a regionally unique habitat and small geographic range.

1857 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 294-295
Robert Harkness

The author remarks that the existence of Annelida during the Palæozoic formations is manifested in two conditions. In the one, we have the shelly envelope which invests the order Tubicola, in the form of Seapolites; and in the other, the tracks of the orders Abranchia and Dorsi-branchiata are found impressed on deposits which were, at one time, in a sufficiently soft state to receive the impressions of the wanderings of these animals.Among the strata which have hitherto afforded annelid tracks, those which, in the county of Clare, represent a portion of the equivalents of the Millstone Grit, contain such tracks, in their most perfect state of preservation in great abundance; and these strata also furnish evidence concerning the circumstances which prevailed during their deposition.

1981 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 78-86 ◽  
Harold B. Mattingly

The American excavators in the south-west area of the Forum at Corinth have revealed an intriguing architectural complex, which they have called the ‘Punic Amphora Building’. Evidently it housed a thriving import business with a speciality in fish and wine, whose trade extended in one direction to Sicily and perhaps Spain and in the other to Chalkidike and Chios. Masses of fragments of Punic and Chian amphoras were found crushed and pounded in the make-up of successive floor-levels in the courtyard, together with numerous pieces from Mende and elsewhere. Many others emerged from the single floors of most of the rooms or were discovered in the littered debris from the final phase of occupation. The life of this business house was somewhat short, but a domestic building on the same site had earlier been partly devoted to the same trade. All this activity ceased with dramatic suddenness; the emporium went out of use and in the late fifth century it was overlaid in one area by a new road. The end seems to be securely dated c. 430 B.C. by Attic black-glaze pottery in the final floor-level or in the debris covering the last floor. Professor Williams plausibly links the collapse of business with the interruption of Corinth's trade caused by the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War: one of Athens' first war measures was to blockade both the Saronic and the Corinthian Gulfs. This new material evidence for Corinthian commerce is most welcome in itself and, as I hope to show in this paper, it may help clarify other problems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 06
Alessandra ASSIS ◽  
Jaqueline Barbosa da SILVA

Este artigo intenciona socializar a trajetória do Fórum dos Coordenadores do PIBID (FORPIBID), enfatizando o percurso histórico do Programa no âmbito nacional. O diálogo paritário entre docentes e discentes, da Educação Básica e do Ensino Superior, evidencia o processo aprendente e ensinante que tem impulsionado a relação entre o FORPIBID, os órgãos financiadores e a rede interinstitucional de instituições de Ensino Superior brasileiras, consolidando a luta pela permanência e aperfeiçoamento do programa, bem como sua organicidade em relação a outros programas voltados para a valorização da formação de professores para a Educação Básica, a exemplo do PARFOR, LIFE, PRODOCÊNCIA, NOVOS TALENTOS, PNAIC. FORPIBID. PIBID Diversidade. Educação Básica. Ensino Superior. ABSTRACTThis article intends to socialize the trajectory of the Fórum dos Coordenadores do PIBID (PIBID Coordinators Forum - FORPIBID), emphasizing the historical way of the program in the national scope. The dialogue between peers of the teachers and students, from the basic education and the higher education, evidences the learning and teaching process that has boosted the relation between the FORPIBID, the financiers agencies and the inter institutional net of the Brazilians high education institutions, consolidating the fight for the permanence and the improvement of the program, as well as its organization concerning the other programs direct toward the appreciation of the teachers education to the basic education, as it has been seen in PARFOR, LIFE, PRODOCÊNCIA, NOVOS TALENTOS, PNAIC. FORPIBID. PIBID Diversidade. Basic Education. Higher Education.The Forum of the Institutional Program of the Initiation to Teaching Scholarship in the context of the struggle for the valuation of primary education teachers

2013 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-226
Agni Sesaria Mochtar

Borobudur temple has been famously known as one of the Indonesian heritage masterpiece. Various aspects of it had been studied thoroughly since the beginning of 20th century A.D. Those studies tended to be monumental centric, giving less attention to the cultural context of the temple and its surroundings. Settlement in the nearby places is one of the topics which not have been studied much yet; leaving a big question about how the settlement supported continuity of many activities in the temple, or even the other way around; how the temple affected the settlement. There is only a few data about old settlement found in situ in Borobudur site, only abundance of pottery sherds. The analysis applied on to the potteries find during the 2012 excavation had given some information about the old settlement in Borobodur site. The old settlement predicted as resided in the south west area, in the back side of the monument.

1966 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 250-258 ◽  

Ronald George Hatton was a distinguished pomologist, an able administrator and a man who won the affection and esteem of his friends and colleagues alike. Ronald was born on 6 July 1886, in Yorkshire, a county for which he always retained a great affection. He was the youngest child of Ernest Hatton who was a barrister of the Inner Temple. Ronald’s mother was Amy Pearson, a woman of forceful character who came from a similar environment, since she was the daughter of William Pearson, also a barrister, who had taken silk. With such legal forebears on both sides of the family it would scarcely have been surprising if their son had followed the law, but perhaps this hereditary influence manifested itself, in later life, in a marked ability for administration and the handling of finance. But, though Ronald’s ancestry was mainly non-scientific, there was one very distinguished scientist on the mother’s side, namely his uncle, Professor Karl Pearson, F.R.S., the famous statistician and author of The grammar of science . The other members of the family were two sisters. The elder of these, Margerie, followed a successful career as a nurse. She became Matron of the Cottage Hospital at Lyme Regis and, later, for a period of thirteen years till the time of her death, was Matron of the hospital at Teignmouth. The younger sister, Dorothy, studied modern languages at Exeter and was indeed the first woman to receive the Batchelor of Arts Degree from the, then newly established, College of the South-West. She next turned her attention to chemistry, though at this time and subsequently, after her marriage, outdoor pursuits always claimed her great interest.

1989 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
pp. 177-185
R.W.V. Catling ◽  
R.E. Jones

Two vases, a cup and an oinochoe, from Arkesine in south-west Amorgos are published for the first time. It is argued that both are probably Middle Protogeometric, one an import from Euboia, the other from the south-east Aegean; chemical analysis supports both attributions. Their implications for the early history of Amorgos are discussed.

1917 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 150-157 ◽  
Arthur Holmes ◽  
H. F. Harwood

Almost due west of Mozambique Island, at a distance of about forty-two miles from the sea, the military road from Mosuril to Nampula crosses the Ampwihi River, an important tributary of the Monapo. During the dry season the stream is reduced to a string of stagnant pools, separated by long reaches of sand and gravel that here and there are interrupted by outcrops of the underlying formations. Throughout the greater part of its course the Ampwihi flows through a region in which gneisses persist with monotonous regularity, the only variation being that due to occasional intrusions of granite and of still later pegmatite dykes. At the point where the military road crosses the narrow channel a welcome diversion is introduced by the presence of a dark compact dyke about 10 feet in thickness. The dyke appears on the right-hand bank and crosses obliquely to the other side, taking a N.N.W.–S.S.E. course across the strike of the older rocks. Upstream, about seventy yards to the south-east, the Ampwihi bends to the south-west, so that it returns towards the dyke, which is again exposed across its sandy floor. The dyke was traced by Mr. E. J. Wayland in July, 1911, for a distance of altogether 200 yards, and was examined by Mr. D. Alex. Wray and later by myself during the same year. It is clearly the latest rock of the district, and is intruded along a line of fault, for in two cases pegmatite dykes seen on the eastern side are broken across and reappear on the western side with a well-marked northerly displacement.

2000 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 363 ◽  
Emmanuel Coutures

Densities of phyllosomata of Panulirus, Scyllarides, Parribacus and Scyllarus were measured by plankton sampling in November–December 1996 and 1997 in the lagoon, in a passage through the barrier reef and above the outer slope to the south-west of New Caledonia. A total of 1017 phyllosomata were caught: 584 Panulirus, 66 Scyllarides, 6 Parribacus and 361 Scyllarus. More phyllosomata of Scyllarus spp. were caught in the lagoon than at the other two sites. The larval development of certain Scyllarus species can occur entirely in the lagoon, but morphology of the early stages of the four Scyllarus species caught here was too similar to permit conclusions about specific strategies. Phyllosomata of the Panulirus spp., Scyllarides spp. and Parribacus spp. develop only in the ocean. High densities of Stage I of Panulirus ornatus larvae caught in the passage and nearby ocean suggested that the reproductive adults of this species migrate from coastal areas towards more oceanic areas to hatch their phyllosomata. Stage I phyllosomata of Panulirus and Scyllarides were near the surface and would be carried quickly from the lagoon by the current, whereas this behaviour was not shown for Stage I phyllosomata of Scyllarus sp., and this would probably limit their passive wind drifting.

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