scholarly journals Respon pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman Pakchoy (Brassica chinensis L.) akibat pemberian berbagai pupuk limbah organik

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Anang Dani Alsyah ◽  
Adriani Darmawati ◽  
Sumarsono Sumarsono

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fertilizer application types such as wasted tea fertilizer, leaf litter fertilizer, and market wasted fertilizer on growth and yield of pakchoy mustard. The experimental design was Mono factorial Complete Randomized Design with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were without fretilization (A0), Tea Wasted fertilizer (A1), Leaf Litter fertilizer (A2), Market Wasted fertilizer (A3), Tea Wasted fertilizer + leaf litter fertilizer (A4), Tea Wasted fertilizer + Market Wasted fertilizer (A5), leaf litter fertilizer + Market Wasted fertilizer (A6), Urea fertilizer 300 kg/ha (A7). Each treatment was replicated in three times and produced 24 experimental units with experimental plots area of 1 m x 1.5 m. The observed parameters were plant height, number of leaves, leaf area index and fresh canopy production. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance and continuedby Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 5%. The results showed that fertilizer treatment of various types of organic waste fertilizer Tea Wasted fertilizer, Leaf Litter fertilizer, Market Wasted fertilizer, Tea Wasted fertilizer + leaf litter fertilizer, Tea Wasted fertilizer + Market Wasted fertilizer, leaf litter fertilizer + Market Wasted fertilize resulted in plant height, number of leaves, fresh leaf canopy production significantly different from treatment without fertilization and urea fertilization. The best result of fresh canopy production was found in the treatment of market waste fertilizer weighing 2,778.47 g / m², the fertilizer application of market waste fertilizer and the combination treatment of tea and market waste fertilizer yielded the best plant height with 31.16 cm, the combination treatment of waste fertilizer Tea and market produces the best leaves as much as 12.44 leaflets, and fertilizer treatment of tea waste fertilizer, market waste fertilizer, tea waste fertilizer + market waste fertilizer, and leaf litter fertilizer + market waste fertilizer yield value index of leaf area 1.23. Keywords : Organic Fertilizer, Organic Wasted Fertilizer, Pakchoy

P. C. Eze ◽  
A. J. Odofin ◽  
A. Attahiru ◽  
I. N. Onyekwere ◽  
B. A. Lawal

A 2 x 3 factorial experiment was conducted in cropping season at the old Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University of Technology, Minna, to determine the effect of land configuration and crop residue – mulch on the growth and yield of millet in Minna, Southern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. It was a randomized complete block design with two types of land configuration (ridge and flat surface) and three mulch application rates (0, 10 and 15 t/ha), replicated three times. Composite soil samples were collected from the experimental site at 0 – 15 and 15 – 30 cm depths prior to the commencement of this study, for the determination of initial soil physicochemical properties. Crop growth parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of tillers per plant and leaf area index at 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks after planting. Yield indices determined were panicle length and stover yield. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance at 0.05 level of significance, while means separation was done using Duncan’s multiple range test. Findings in this study showed that planting on ridge resulted in taller (P ≤ 0.05) millet plants and a higher number of leaves per plant, a higher number of tillers per plant and higher leaf area index than planting on the flat. Plant height, the number of leaves per plant, the number of tillers per plant, leaf area index, panicle length and stover yield increased with increasing mulch application rates.

Irpan Gunawan ◽  
Atak Tauhid ◽  
Isna Tustiyani

<p><em>Cauliflower is one of the vegetables for consumers. The demand for cauliflower was rising so it must be scaled up with fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of chicken manure and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of cauliflower. The study was conducted in Sukasenang Village, Banyuresmi Sub-district, Garut Regency from July to August 2019. The study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) in two factors each of the 3 rates with 2 replications. The first factor was the rates of chicken manure which consisted of 0, 10 and 20 tons ha<sup>-1</sup>; the second factor was NPK fertilizer which consists of 0, 100 and 200 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>. The parameter of this research was plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, weight and diameter crud. The results showed that there was no interaction between the chicken manure and NPK fertilizer. The treatment of 20 tons ha<sup>-1</sup> chicken manure affected the variable plant height, the number of leaves and leaf area. The rates of 200 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> NPK fertilizer had affected plant height, number of leaves, weight and diameter crud.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 1513-1518
A.S. Gunu ◽  
M. Musa

Field trial was carried out during the 2019 rainy season (June to October) at the Dryland Teaching and Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto to determine the growth and yield of sorghum varieties in the study area. The treatments consisted of five (5) sorghum varieties (Samsorg 45, Samsorg 46, Janjari, Yartawa and Jardawa), the treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated three (3) times. Data were collected on the growth and yield of the crop. Janjari and Jardawa varieties were higher in plant height. Jardawa and Yartawa varieties were higher in number of leaves. Janjari and Yartawa varieties were higher in total dry weight. Janjari, Jardawa and Yartawa varieties were higher in harvest index. Yartawa variety was higher in leaf area, leaf area index and 1000-grain weight. Jardawa variety was higher in panicle length. Janjari variety was early in number of days to heading, flowering, and maturity and was higher in dry stalk weight. The grain yield (249 – 1506kg ha-1 ) was higher in Janjari and Yartawa varieties (1268 – 1506 kg ha-1). Based on the findings of this research, it could be concluded that Janjari and Yartawa varieties performed better than other varieties in the study area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Samuel Maina ◽  
Rossa Nyoike Ng’endo

Maize (Zea mays L.) is a significant food security crop in Kenya and it serves as the main source of nutrition and calories among the small-holder farmers. The overall maize yields per hectare have been fluctuating in the past few years posing a great risk to food security. Among the stress factors associated with maize yield loss include plant-feeding nematodes. In this regard, this study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of plant-parasitic nematodes specifically Scutellonema spp. under field conditions on maize performance in Mwea, Kenya. The field trials were laid out in a randomized complete block design with each treatment comprising of four replicates. The treatments included maize plots without nematicide (MPWN) and control plots treated with nematicide. The experiments were conducted in two trials. Soil samples were taken at a 0–20 cm depth at monthly intervals during 2018–2019. During the two trials, MPWN recorded significantly lower plant height and number of leaves per plant. Correlation analysis revealed a significant negative relationship between Scutellonema abundance with leaf area index, plant height, and number of functional leaves in MPWN during the 2019 trial. This implies that high population of Scutellonema perhaps has the potential to affect leaf area index, plant height, number of leaves per plant, which are aspects that in turn influence maize productivity. Therefore, holistic sustainable management practices to control Scutellonema spp. in maize fields such as use of organic amendments, resistant maize cultivars, and antagonistic organisms are crucial in order to alleviate negative impacts linked to Scutellonema infestation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 304-312
B Chowdhury ◽  
MHK Howlader ◽  
MK Hossain ◽  
MC Sikder ◽  
MM Hasan

The present experiment was conducted at the research field of Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU), Patuakhali during the period from December 2013 to March 2014 to evaluate the effect of Nitrobenzene as plant growth regulators on growth and yield parameters of Boro Rice. It also observed the comparative growth and yield performance of foliar application   Nitrobenzene ( 0, 1.0,  3.0 and 5.0 ml L–1). Data were collected on Plant height; number of leaves plant–1; number of total, effective and non–effective tillers hill–1; leaf area (LA); leaf area index (LAI); total dry matter (TDM); Crop and relative growth rate (CGR and RGR); and  Yield and yield contributing characters  such as length of root; length of panicle; number of total, sterile and non–sterile spikelets panicle–1; 1000–grain weight; grain, straw and biological yield and harvest index (HI). The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized block design (RCBD) with three replications. The collected data were analyzed statistically and means were adjudged by DMRT at 5% level of probability. The treatments Nitrobenzene @ 3.0 ml L–1 as foliar application gave the highest performance in respect of  plant height (90.39 cm), LAI (3.514), TDM (19.17 g plant–1), effective tiller (20.33 hill–1), total tillers (22.73 hill–1), panicle length (26.01 cm),non sterile spikelets (134.70 panicle–1), total spikelets (155.80 panicle–1), 1000–grain weight (28.21 g),  grain yield (5.86 t ha–1), straw yield (8.44 t ha–1), biological  yield (14.29 t ha–1) and HI (41.00%) of boro rice. Progressive Agriculture 29 (4): 304-312, 2018

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Intan Dwi Lestari

This research aimed to determine the effect of spacing on the growth and yield of corn. It was conducted from July to November 2019 at the Experimental Plantation of Cereal Crops Research Institute (BalitSereal), Maros, South Sulawesi. The experimental method used was a randomized block design consisting of 4 treatments: J1= (100 cm x 50 cm) x 20 cm, one seed per hole; J2= (100 cm x 50 cm) x 30 cm, alternating between one seed per hole and two seeds per hole; J3= (100 cm x 50 cm) x 40 cm, two seeds per hole; J4= (100 cm x 50 cm) x 15 cm, one seed per hole. The observed variables were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area index, Anthesis Silking Interval (ASI), length of cob 1 and cob 2, diameter of cob 1 and cob 2, weight of shelled seeds/plant, weight of 100 seeds on cob 1 and cob 2, and production of shelled seeds/hectare. The experimental results showed that plant spacing affected the growth and production of maize. The J3 spacing (100 cm x 50 cm) x 40 cm with two seeds per hole significantly affected the leaf area index and gave the highest average stem diameter. The J2 spacing with (100 cm x 50 cm) x 30 cm with alternating between one seed per hole and two seeds per hole produced the highest production in terms of weight of shelled seeds/plant, weight of 100 seeds and yield of shelled seeds/hectare.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Ramhari Gaire ◽  
Chudamani Pant ◽  
Nischal Sapkota ◽  
Rajan Dhamaniya ◽  
Tej Narayan Bhusal

AbstractA field experiment was carried out to study the effect of spacing and nitrogen level on growth and yield of maize in Parbat from February to July, 2019. The experiment was laid out in two Factorial Randomized complete Block Design (RCBD) comprising of spacing: 60×15 cm and 60×25 cm and nitrogen: 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg/ha level as treatment with three replications. “Arun-2” variety of maize was planted on clay loam and acidic soil (pH 5.3) having medium in total nitrogen (0.15%), medium in soil available phosphorus (48.1 kg/ha), medium in soil available potassium (218.8 kg/ha) and medium in organic matter content (2.92%). Result shows that yield was significantly increased with increment in N-level up to 90 kg N/ha. The grain yield (5.18 mt/ha) was significantly higher at 90 kg N/ha than at 30 and 60 kg N/ha but at par with 120 kg N/ha. Significant effect on grain yield due to spacing was observed. The grain yield (4.11 mt/ha) obtained at spacing 60×15 cm. Moreover, the highest grain yield showed that highest grain yield (4.33 mt/ha) was obtained under 90 kg N/ha plus 60×15 cm spacing. The result revealed that different spacing and nitrogen level significantly affect the plant height and leaf area index. The plant height and leaf area index were significantly high at close spacing (60×15 cm) and at 120 kg N/ha. Likewise, yield attributing characteristics like cob length, cob diameter, number of kernel/rows, number of kernel row, thousand gran weight were the highest at 90 kg/ha but as par with 120 kg/ha at close spacing (60×15 cm). This study suggested that maize production can be maximized by cultivating “Arun-2” maize fertilizing with 90 kg N/ha and maintaining 60×15 cm spacing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Dian Rifalasna ◽  
Sumarsono Sumarsono ◽  
Budi Adi Kristanto

ABSTRACT               This study aims to examine the effect of giberalin ZPT concentration and duration of irradiation on the growth and yield of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) cut flowers. The study took place in February - June 2018. The study was conducted in Mendongan Village, Sumowono District, Semarang Regency, Central Java.  ABSTRACT  This study aimed to examine the effect of giberalin concentration and duration of irradiation on the growth and yield of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) cut flowers. The study took place in February - June 2018. The study was conducted in Mendongan Village, Sumowono District, Semarang Regency, Central Java. The design used in the study was a Completely Randomized Factorial 4x4 Design. The first factor was gibberallin treatment consisted of G1: GA 0 ppm, G2: GA 10 ppm, G3: GA 20 ppm, G4: GA 30 ppm. The second factor was the irradiation time consisted of R1: 1 hour irradiation time, R2: 2 hours irradiation time, R3: 3 hours irradiation time, and R4: 4 hours irradiation time. Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, number of flowers, flower diameter, flowering age and flower harvesting age.The results showed that the treatment of giberalin concentration significantly affected the parameters of the amount of interest. While the irradiation treatment time significantly affected the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, flower diameter, stem diameter, age of flowering, and leaf area. Keywords: Giberalin, Chrysanthemum, Irradiation Period ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh konsentrasi ZPT giberalin dan lama penyinaran terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bunga potong tanaman krisan (Chrysanthemum morifolium). Penelitian berlangsung pada bulan Februari - Juni 2018. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Mendongan, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Percobaan Faktorial 4x4 Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor pertama yaitu perlakuan giberalin sebanyak 4 taraf yaitu G1 : GA 0 ppm, G2 : GA 10 ppm, G3 : GA 20 ppm, G4 : GA 30 ppm. Faktor kedua adalah lama penyinaran dengan 4 taraf yaitu R1 : lama penyinaran 1 jam, R2 : lama penyinaran 2 jam, R3 : lama penyinaran 3 jam, dan R4 : lama penyinaran 4 jam. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, luas daun, jumlah bunga, diameter bunga, umur berbunga dan umur panen bunga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi giberalin berpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan jumlah bunga yang bertambah banyak. Sedangkan lama penyinaran berpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter bunga, diameter batang, umur berbunga, dan luas daun. Kata Kunci :Giberalin, Krisan, Lama Penyinaran

I. R. Danbima ◽  
I. J. Tekwa ◽  
A. T. Gani

Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the effects of groundnut shell incorporation rates on the growth and yield of maize. Research methods: The study was carried out at the students’ demonstration farm of the Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Adamawa State, in 2018. Seeds were sown on a prepared land treated with four (4) doses of groundnut shells (0, 25, 50 and 75 tons/ha) arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD), replicated 4 times. Each plot was marked out at 2.0 m length × 2.0 m width with 0.5 m gap between the replicated plots and blocks. Maize growth parameters were determined at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after sowing and maize yield parameters were determined at 10 and 12 weeks after sowing (WAS). Findings: The groundnut shell application rates increased maize growth parameters such as, plant height, number of leaves per plant, leave area index, and stem girth, number of cobs per plant and cobs weight. The results revealed that plant height, number of leaves, leaf area index and stem girth were significantly (P≤ 0.05) influenced by the treatments, except for the control treatment at 2- WAS. The higher application rates (50 and 75 t/ha) of groundnut shell significantly (P≤ 0.05) influenced the plant growth components better than the 25 and 0 t/ha treatment rates. Research limitations: There were no limitations to report. Originality/Value: The results suggests that groundnut shell incorporation rate at 50 t/ha could be recommended as the most appropriate and profitable for high performance of maize plants in Mubi. The results generally suggest that maize plants may tolerate even higher rates of groundnut shell incorporation beyond the rates used in the study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52
Erin Puspita Rini ◽  
Sugiyanta Sugiyanta

[CABBAGE (Brassica olacea var. capitata) GROWTH AND YIELD AFFECTED BY COMBINATION OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS]. The use of organic fertilizer increasingly sought by farmers due to the increase in demand for organic products by consumers and also awareness of the sustainability of the land. The use of organic fertilizers in the cultivation alone could improve the soil quality but needs to be balanced with inorganic fertilizers to meet the nutrient adequacy. This study aims to examine the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers combination on the growth and cabbage yield, and also to determine the most efficient dosage combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers. This research was conducted at the IPB Pasir Sarongge Experimental Station, Cianjur, West Java from November 2020 to February 2021. The study was compiled using RCBD with 4 replications and 7 treatments. The results showed the combination of 0.75 doses of inorganic fertilizer (150 kg/ha of urea, 75 kg/ha SP36, and 75 kg/ha KCl) and 3 tons/ha of organic fertilizer could increase 14.87 to 15.44% plant height and the number of leaves at 12.82 -15.11% compared to the same dose of inorganic fertilizer treatment alone. The combination of 1 dose (200 kg/ha of urea, 100 kg/ha SP36, and 100 kg/ha KCl) inorganic fertilizer application and 2 tonnes/ha of organic fertilizer could increase 50,60% yield/plot and yield/ha cabbage than 1 dose of inorganic fertilizer treatment..

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