Diskurs-Konstruktionen als mentale Raumkonstruktionen. Zur emotiven Funktion von Literatur aus der Perspektive kognitionslinguistischer Theoriebildungen

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Katharina Mucha

AbstractThe article begins with a sketch of the state of research in cognitive science with regard to processes of constructing meaning and space in the field of the literary and everyday production and understanding of texts. Constructions of cognitive-linguistic models (conceptual blending, cognitive narratology) in connection with studies in conversational linguistics, research on language acquisition, and social-constructivist theories and ›linguistics of space‹ are considered in the process. Based on this, it is suggested that (emotive) constructions of significance and sense, processes of production and reception in everyday and literary dis­courses, should be regarded as situational and yet at the same time tied to processes of social cognition. This section is followed by a short excursus on Goodman’s theory of the symbol, which presupposes not a reality outside of language but worlds/discourses/realities motivated by cognitive constructivism, which language users produce on a socio-cultural (convention) and an individual and experiential-based level (creativity) and which is developed with a dependence on thought systems.This is followed by a deepened representation of conceptual blending theory in combination with the discussion of frame-semantic approaches. It is pre­sumed that structures of knowledge (frames) are evoked by lexical units (frame elements) and are linked, composed, and elaborated in mental spaces (blends). Moreover, it is on the one hand assumed that frames indeed offer socioculturally anchored structures of knowledge, but that these structures of knowledge stand in a relation of dependence to thought systems and are correspondingly an­chored in emotively different ways for language users. On the other hand, it is assumed that while the linking of elements in mental spaces offers recipients a (potentially) universal possibility of spatiotemporal localizing (for example, from X to Y MOVEMENT), it is at the same time tied to processes of social cognition that for their part are supplied by sociocultural and individual experientially-based structures of knowledge (frames). These theorems are then exemplified by selected literary examples (of the beginnings of novels).This is followed by a sketch of the research on the topic of »language and emotion«. Here, it is assumed that linguistic constructions of emotions are less bound to a so-called vocabulary of emotions than they are to an online process of construction and the use of schematized discourse constructions. On the basis of social-constructivist as well as trends in cognitive grammar construction, the model of (nets of) discourse constructions is developed that is attached to the concept of the sign in construction grammar movements and the concept of the scheme in the cognitive grammar of Langacker as well as to considerations regarding Fauconnier’s notion of construction. Discourse constructions are located on an abstract schema level and represent neither language nor meaning nor reality, but solely general cognitive functions. They can hold fixed space-builders (for example, »if«) by which a mental space is marked from the outset as emotive (in the primordial sense of a marking of delight vs. aversion). Lexical elements which are instantiated, evoke in turn frames whose elements and relations in turn structure the emotively marked space and are linked to blends. Discourse constructions are thus tied on a schema level to cognitive and emotive routines and on an instantiation level on the one hand to socioculturally shaped (emotive elements of) frames and their relations and on the other hand to individual experientially-based (variable) elements of frames and their relations.From this, I derive that emotions are socioculturally formed in their linguistic realization and arise from social cognition, habit, and routine that can also be steered and trained by literary discourse.Drawing on a corpus-based study of Pfeil’sLinguistic constructions in literary discourses also serve, in this perspective, as social steering instruments that offer for composition and elaboration realities of action and emotion in mental constructions of space – embedded in a specific sociopolitical context – and hence contribute to the construction of social cogni­tion. If we remove individual discourse constructions from their literary context, they represent everyday phenomena of interactions by which realities are produced. In this sense, literary constructions of reality and everyday constructions of reality can be considered as two sides of the same (emotive) coin.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-161
Fitri Yuliana

Di satu sisi, penekanan modernisme pada rasionalitas dan historisitas telah menghasilkan kristologi yang kritis-objektif. Di sisi lain, pascamodernisme yang berepistemologi pluralis menghasilkan kristologi yang subjektif. Menanggapi dan menjembatani dua sisi persoalan ini, pendekatan hermeneutis redemptive-historical diajukan sebagai pendekatan alternatif injili. Pendekatan yang berpusat pada Kristus sebagai kulminasi sejarah penebusan (seperti yang disaksikan Alkitab) ini mengaitkan tiga horizon yaitu: textual, epochal, dan canonical untuk menginterpretasikan teks Kitab Suci secara holistik. Pendekatan ini menganalisis sintaksis, konteks sastra, konteks sejarah dan genre-nya (textual horizon), mengaitkannya dengan sejarah penebusan (epochal horizon), dan melihatnya dalam terang keutuhan kanon (canonical horizon). Penggabungan ketiga unsur tersebut menekankan dinamika pemenuhan janji Allah dalam kulminasi tersebut. Dengan demikian, pendekatan hermeneutis redemptive historical dapat mengarahkan orang Kristen pembacaan dan penafsiran Alkitab yang kristosentris. Kata-kata kunci: Pendekatan Redemptive-Historical, Epistemologi, Kristologi Modern Kristologi Pascamodern, Hermeneutika Injili Kristosentris On the one hand, the emphasis of modernism on rationality and historicity has produced a critical-objective Christology. On the other hand, post-modernism with a pluralist epistemology produces subjective Christology. Responding to, and bridging the two sides of this problem, the redemptive-historical hermeneutical approach is proposed as an alternative evangelical approach. The Christ-centered approach as the culmination of the history of redemption (as witnessed to in the Bible) links three horizons, namely: textual, epochal, and canonical to interpret the text of the Scriptures holistically. This approach analyzes syntax, literary context, historical context and its genre (textual horizon), links it to the history of redemption (epochal horizon), and sees it in the light of the canon (canonical horizon). The combination of these three elements emphasizes the dynamic fulfillment of God’s promises. Thus, the historical redemptive hermeneutical approach can lead Christians to read and interpret the Christocentric Bible. Keywords: Redemptive-Historical Approach, Epistemology, Modernist Christology, Post-modernist Christology, Christ-centered Evangelical Hermeneutics

Jochem Zwier

AbstractThis commentary attempts to contribute to a further elucidation of Dominic Smith’s call for a rehabilitation of the transcendental in philosophy of technology. On the one hand, it focuses on why such a rehabilitation is deemed necessary, particularly in light of Smith’s diagnosis of a contemporary tendency towards reification and presentism. Postphenomenology is discussed as a challenge and invitation to further clarify the stakes. On the other hand, this commentary inquires into how Smith envisages the achievement of a rehabilitation of the transcendental. Further attention is given to Smith’s idea of a renewed sense of the transcendental. Following his own cues and situating this renewal in the philosophical tradition, the question whether the involved philosophical praxis should be primarily understood as political is brought to the fore. In so doing, Smith’s reading and extension of Luciano Floridi’s attempts to move beyond Kant receive special attention, since the transcendental is here understood in terms of conditions of feasibility. The challenge put to Smith is to contrast this approach with social-constructivist approaches on the one hand, and Stiegler’s thought regarding technics and the transcendental on the other. Finally, Smith’s commitment to taking exception is analyzed to ask how and which logic is at play there.

N. Mathioudakis

Nikos Kazantzakis in 1945(?) writes a work, which remains unknown to this day, entitled “O Aniforos”. The post-war novel is preserved in a manuscript, which is kept in the archive of the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum. The present study deals with the publication course of the work, and especially from its writing in the middle of the 20th century until its first scientific transcription, study and commented edition, which took place about eighty years after the conception of the idea by the Cretan author. It also outlines the literary context of the text, regarding Space, Time, Faces and Plot. In addition, a comparative approach of the “lost” novel is made on the one hand with the other works of the author and on the other hand with the works of Shakespeare, in order to reveal the intertextual hints. Finally, an attempt is made to present the references to the unknown novel, but also to determine the reasons that contributed to the “loss” of the work and to the fact it remained unpublished

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-193 ◽  

The present paper analyzes the mood alternation between Spanish conditional clauses introduced by the particle si ‘if’, on the one hand, and by conditional conjunctions such as a condición de que ‘on the condition that’, con tal de que ‘provided that’ and siempre y cuando ‘as long as’, on the other hand. Situated within the theoretical perspective of Cognitive Grammar, the paper argues that the conceptual content of the linguistic unit that introduces the conditional clause determines mood choice. In particular, it is claimed that the indicative mood in si-clauses reflects the conceptualizer’s reasoning about the causal relation between two events. By contrast, the occurrence of the subjunctive mood in other conditional clauses is analyzed as a natural effect of the condition expressed by the conditional conjunction. The analysis further shows that the mood alternation can be explained by the concept of dominion. The particle si introduces a clause that is located within the conceptualizer’s epistemic dominion, whereas other conditional conjunctions introduce clauses that are located outside the dominion of effective control.

Stefan Krause ◽  
Markus Appel

Abstract. Two experiments examined the influence of stories on recipients’ self-perceptions. Extending prior theory and research, our focus was on assimilation effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in line with a protagonist’s traits) as well as on contrast effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in contrast to a protagonist’s traits). In Experiment 1 ( N = 113), implicit and explicit conscientiousness were assessed after participants read a story about either a diligent or a negligent student. Moderation analyses showed that highly transported participants and participants with lower counterarguing scores assimilate the depicted traits of a story protagonist, as indicated by explicit, self-reported conscientiousness ratings. Participants, who were more critical toward a story (i.e., higher counterarguing) and with a lower degree of transportation, showed contrast effects. In Experiment 2 ( N = 103), we manipulated transportation and counterarguing, but we could not identify an effect on participants’ self-ascribed level of conscientiousness. A mini meta-analysis across both experiments revealed significant positive overall associations between transportation and counterarguing on the one hand and story-consistent self-reported conscientiousness on the other hand.

2005 ◽  
Vol 44 (03) ◽  
pp. 107-117
R. G. Meyer ◽  
W. Herr ◽  
A. Helisch ◽  
P. Bartenstein ◽  
I. Buchmann

SummaryThe prognosis of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) has improved considerably by introduction of aggressive consolidation chemotherapy and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT). Nevertheless, only 20-30% of patients with AML achieve long-term diseasefree survival after SCT. The most common cause of treatment failure is relapse. Additionally, mortality rates are significantly increased by therapy-related causes such as toxicity of chemotherapy and complications of SCT. Including radioimmunotherapies in the treatment of AML and myelodyplastic syndrome (MDS) allows for the achievement of a pronounced antileukaemic effect for the reduction of relapse rates on the one hand. On the other hand, no increase of acute toxicity and later complications should be induced. These effects are important for the primary reduction of tumour cells as well as for the myeloablative conditioning before SCT.This paper provides a systematic and critical review of the currently used radionuclides and immunoconjugates for the treatment of AML and MDS and summarizes the literature on primary tumour cell reductive radioimmunotherapies on the one hand and conditioning radioimmunotherapies before SCT on the other hand.

2003 ◽  
pp. 15-26
P. Wynarczyk
The Core ◽  

Two aspects of Schumpeter' legacy are analyzed in the article. On the one hand, he can be viewed as the custodian of the neoclassical harvest supplementing to its stock of inherited knowledge. On the other hand, the innovative character of his works is emphasized that allows to consider him a proponent of hetherodoxy. It is stressed that Schumpeter's revolutionary challenge can lead to radical changes in modern economics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Wahyudin Noor

Abstract Pesantren are often associated with backwardness and traditionalism in everything: facilities, technology, learning methods, and even the curriculum. For now, it seems like the traditional term for pesantren is no longer relevant enough. The pace of movement in the era of renewal marked by the rapid development of technology has demanded pesantren to make adjustments. However, on the one hand, when viewed from the direction of change, the reform efforts pursued by pesantren are not to erase the old tradition, but merely to add something new so that the old tradition and conditions can be maintained while accepting the presence of a new one. On the other hand, the reform efforts undertaken by pesantren have implications for the fact that the typical values of the pesantren are fading away. Abstrak  Pesantren seringkali diasosiasikan dengan keterbelakangan dan tradisional dalam segala hal: fasilitas, teknologi, metode pembelajaran, dan bahkan kurikulumnya. Untuk saat ini, sepertinya istilah tradisional untuk pesantren, sudah tidak lagi cukup relevan. Laju gerak pembaharuan zaman yang ditandai dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi telah menuntut pesantren untuk melakukan penyesuaian diri. Kendatipun demikian, di satu sisi, jika dilihat dari arah perubahan, upaya pembaharuan yang ditempuh pesantren tidaklah untuk menghapus tradisi yang lama, tetapi sekadar menambah dengan sesuatu yang baru sehingga tradisi maupun kondisi yang lama bisa dipertahankan sambil menerima kehadiran yang baru. Di sisi yang lain, upaya pembaharuan yang dilakukan pesantren ternyata berimplikasi pada kenyataan akan semakin pudarnya nilai-nilai khas yang dimiliki oleh pesantren.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-52
Karimatul Khasanah

BASYARNAS’s verdict in resolving dispute can be negotiated or cancelled by submitting nullification to the Religious Court if the parties or one of them felt dissatisfied with the BASYARNAS verdicts. This case is important to be reviewed academically because of its paradox and ambiguity. On the one hand the decision is final and binding, but on the other hand it could be cancelled through the Religious Court. If the BASYARNAS verdicts really want to be final and binding, the nullification of the verdicts should be abolished. It can be replaced by an amendment of the verdict submitted to BASYARNAS and handed back to the arbitrator (arbitrator panel) who handles the dispute. Apart being fast and confidential, the arbitrator (judge) is more aware of the case, the reasons, evidences and witnesses of the dispute.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-422
Estelle Variot
The One ◽  

"Etymological, Lexical and Semantic Correspondences in the Process of Feminization of Professional Names, Trades and Activities in French and Romanian Societies. The feminization of thought represented by language and of its varieties in the Roman World has allowed to highlight some convergences that come from a common linguistic heritage, often from Greek and Latin and some hesitation about adapting society to its realities. The feminization of some words which comes from an ancient process illustrates on the one hand the potential of the language and on the other hand some constraints sometimes linked to the society itself, which creates transitional periods, between matching grammatical correction and the evolution of linguistic uses over time. The possibilities of lexical enrichment (internal creation or loan) show the means available in French and Romanian and some convergences in the area of derivation, of lexical units and their etymologies. The grammatical perspective and word constructing methods make it possible to give keys for the feminization of names of trades or professions. Likewise, recording entries in the lexicon, their evolution, their assimilation or sometimes their forgetfulness, for the benefit of new constructions highlight the existence of objective and subjective criteria which teach us a lot about society as a whole. Keywords: feminization of professions, internal and external enrichment, suffixal match, use of words, grammar, lexicon, French and Romanian."

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