scholarly journals Religious Human Resources Management: Perichoresis to manage or to be managed?

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Halim Wiryadinata

The meaning of the Greek word, which is Perichoresis as co – indwelling or co – inherence in the sight of the Trinity as the dogma of Christian has a broader perspective of mutual interpenetration of Beings. Thus, it leads the author to argue that Perichoresis is terminus technicus in assessing the management of people (Human Resources Management and People Development) to synergize the jobs for maintaining and achieving the goal of the company. Thus, there are three mainstreams of this article, which are: Firstly, I will look at the history of Perichoresis as a terminus technicus; Secondly, I will explore Human Resources Management and People Development as the parallel of Perichoresis; and Lastly, I will construct a concept of Perichoresis as terminus technicus in Human Resources Management and People Development to achieve the vision of the company. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-111
M. V. Polevaya ◽  
S. Zappala ◽  
E. V. Kamneva

The article presents the study of talent management as one of the current trends in the human resources management fi in organizations, stages of building a talent management system, the influence of corporate culture and other factors on the motivation of talented employees are reviewed. The aim of the work is to study the existing scientific and practical interpretations of the concept of talent management and company modern strategies to work with them. The article actualizes the need for talent management in the organization, examines the history of the concept of “talent management”, existing to date interpretations of the term, the characteristics of talent management levels in the organization. The stages of talent management system implementation in the company are analyzed. Examples of talent management use in organizations, as well as the results of research in the fi of talent management are given. It is concluded that the talent management system in a modern organization should be based on the principles of meritocracy, priority of corporate culture, creative non-material motivation and high professional development of personnel.

2007 ◽  
Vol 13 (48) ◽  
pp. 349
سعد علي حمود العنزي

كثيرة هي البحوث والدراسات التي نراجعها في السلوك التنظيمي، بحكم عملنا كأستاذ دراسات عليا بتخصص ادارة الموارد البشرية ونظرية المنظمة، ووقع بيننا بحثاً نظرياً متميزاً للباحثين (Karin Sanders & Birgit Schyns)([1])، نشر في مجلة اصيلة هي (Personnel Review)، في عام (2006)، بمجلدها (35) وبالعدد (5)، تحت عنوان (Trust, Conflict and Cooperative Behaviour: Considering Reciprocity Within Organizations) . ولنقل الفائدة العلمية للمتخصصين والمعنيين والمهتمين بهذا الموضوع الحيوي، أرتأينا ترجمته بالتصرف الذي يفيد القارئ باللغة العربية. فالبحث يصب غرضه في دراسة قضية محددة تتعلق بالثقة، الصراع، والسلوك التعاوني كحلقات مهمة في العمل التنظيمي، ذلك لأن مخرجات العاملين (Employees Outcomes) المتعلقة بإتجاهاتهم، وسلوكياتهم، تأتي من العلاقات التبادلية التي تقع بينهم، والتي ينبغي اختبارها كخصائص لعلاقاتهم هذه، وليس كسمات لهم. ففي اطار ذلك، تتمثل قيمة هذا البحث برأينا بمحاولة ملئ فجوة التبادلية في علاقات المدراء- والمرؤوسين- المرؤوسين، والتركيز عليها بشدة لتفسير تلك القضية المحددة آنفة الذكر. وبحكم كون البحث الحالي، طبيعته تتصف بالمراجعة العامة للفكر الاكاديمي المطروح على الساحة، فإنه يرتبط بمصطلحات علمية سلوكية كثيرة ابرزها: سلوك العاملين (Employees behaviour) اتجاهات العاملين (Employees attitudes)، احتواء العاملين (Employees involvement) العلاقات الصناعية (Industrial relations)، ادارة الموارد البشرية التطبيقية (Applied human resources management).   [1])) ان  (Karin Sanders) استاذ علم النفس التنظيمي والعمل بجامعة (Twenke, The Netherlands) و (Birgit Schyns)، استاذة مساعدة بدراسات الموارد البشرية بجامعة (Tilburg, The Netherlands).

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Ozan Büyükyılmaz

The development and expansion of knowledge management as an important management philosophy has a significant impact on human resources management as well as on organization as a whole. In this context, knowledge management processes have been used as a strategic tool within human resources management.Therefore, functions of human resources management must adapt itself to this change. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of human resources management in the management of knowledge and to reveal the effects of knowledge management practices on the functions of human resources byexamining the relationship between human resources and knowledge management. In this context, a theoretical investigation was conducted. It has been determined that significant changes occurred on the functions of human resources management such as selection and recruitment, performance management, remuneration and reward, training and development within the framework of the knowledge management strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 403-422
Ahmad Saefulloh ◽  
Fisher Zulkarnaen ◽  
Dewi Sadiah

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi manajemen sumber daya manusia pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang, dan mengetahui bagaimana hasil kinerja santri di pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, studi dokumentasi dan wawancara.Hasil Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa peran manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam mengoptimalkan kinerja santri di pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang yang diawali dengan pengolaan dalam bentuk fungsi perencanaan dan operasional yang baru.Terutama pengrekrutan jajaran assatidz yang berdedikasi dan berpendidikan tinggi masuk ke pondok pesantren pagelaran II. Sehingga keberlangsungan pesantren akan berinovasi dan pengendalian selalu sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa manajemen sumber daya manusia di pondok pesantren pagelaran II sumedang telah dijalankan dengan baik dan menunjukan keberhasilan dalam upaya menyiapkan insan kamil. ABSTRAK It aims to know how to implementation of human resources management hut pesantren by fire ii, and find out How did santri's performance result in the pesantren pagelaran 2 Sumedang. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, data collection is done using observation techniques, a documentary study and debriefing. This study found that human resource management's role in optimizing santri's performance in pondok pesantren pagelaran 2 Sumedang. That begin with processing in the form of new planning and operational functions. Particularly recruits for the dedicated, highly educated assatidz went into the pagelaran 2 Sumedang. So martial arts have continued to innovate and control always conforms to the development of The Times. So it is inadmissible that the human resources management at pesantren pagelaran 2 sumedang has been well run and show that is successful in preparing for the perfect human being.

Serhii Kubitskyi ◽  
Oksana Chaika ◽  

This paper aims at considering the well-known triad of What? How? Why? somewhat anew by suggesting looking at transformational leadership for successful human resources management through the lens of coaching core competencies as the key soft skill. Arising as the strategic approach to the effective management of people, well-thought human resources management that rests on a leadership model definitely enables management of a company or organization to move ahead of the curve and gain a firm foothold in the job market. The transformational leadership model fits the framework of the research and links to the contrastive line between management and leadership.It is emphasized that management processes focus on (i) maintaining and (ii) improving performance at work, on the one hand, and on the other, unlike management, the transformational leadership model focuses on the benefits of visionary thinking and bringing about change. Following the goal in the subject matter associated with successful HR management, the Golden Circle of What? How? Why?introduced by Simon Sinek finds its way in the description analysis. The Why? sectionopens the idea for successful HR managementto move further to What?section and is accompanied with How? section in the end. The final part of the findings embodies 11 current core competencies of coaching, which illustrate how the ways of implementing the soft skills in workplace may increase HR performance, enhance seamless communication among employees and management, drive change and welcome innovation.The four objectives for successful HR management: (i) drive change within a company or organization, (ii) encourage and motivate people for personal and corporate growth and development, (iii) employ innovation including modern technologies, and (iv) lead by example, correspond to the four cornerstones in the framework for successful company or organization management via transformational leadership. They are: (i) create an inspire vision of the future for the company’s (organization’s) employees, (ii) motivate the staff to live by and deliver the vision, (iii) manage delivery of the vision, (iv) attract and retain high-class professionals and young talents, build up strong and competitive teams, create and grow ever-stronger, trust-based relationships with the employees. The toolkit of ways, techniques and approaches may derive from the current core competencies in coaching that can be groupedsimilarly to the ICF ones as follows: (i) foundation, (ii) co-creating the relationship, (iii) communicating effectively, and (iv) cultivating learning and growth.

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