scholarly journals SUMBER-SUMBER PERTUMBUHAN OUTPUT PERIKANAN DALAM PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA PERIODE 1990-2000: Pendekatan Analisis Input-Output Menggunakan Metode Dekomposisi Faktor

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Tajerin Tajerin

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumber-sumber pertumbuhan output perikanan dan perubahannya yang terjadi selama periode analisis. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder dari Tabel Input Output Tahun 1990, 1995 dan 2000 yang disusun oleh Badan Pusat Statistik. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan kerangka model input-output dengan pendekatan dekomposisi faktor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pada periode 1990-1995, pertumbuhan output perikanan primer dan perikanan sekunder didominasi sumber perubahan permintaan akhir domestik, sedangkan pada periode 1995-2000 didominasi sumber perluasan ekspor. Berdasarkan kontribusi terhadap sumber pertumbuhan output total, diketahui bahwa selama periode analisis (1990-2000) belum terjadi (tengah berlangsung) perubahan struktur dari perekonomian yang didominasi kelompok perikanan primer kepada kelompok perikanan sekundernya. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan output perikanan primer dan perikanan sekunder terkait dengan perubahan strukturnya, diperlukan dukungan penguasaan terknologi yang lebih maju dan lebih mendorong perluasan ekspor bersamaan dengan upaya meningkatkan substitusi impor. Tittle: Sources of Fisheries Output Growth in the Indonesian Economy During 1990-2000 : And Input-Output Analysis Approach Using the Decomposition Factor Method.This study was primarily aimed to find out the sources of fisheries' output growth and changes occured to this sector during the analyzed period. Secondary data used in this research were derived from the 1990, 1995 and 2000 I-O tables composed by Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Analysis I-O model framework with factor decomposition approach. Results of the study indicated that during the 1990 – 1995 period, both primary and secondary fisheries' output were dominated by changes in the final demand, while during the 1995 – 2000 period, it was dominated by export expansion. Based on its contribution towards total output growth, during the analysis period (1990 - 2000), fisheries sector had not been experiencing structural changes from a primary-fisheries-dominated economy to secondary-fisheries-dominatedeconomy. In order to increase t output growth related to the structural changes, more advanced technologies, support for more export expansion balanced by the efforts to promote import substitution are required. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Tajerin Tajerin

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumber-sumber pertumbuhan output perikanan danperubahannya yang terjadi selama periode analisis. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder dari Tabel Input Output Tahun 1990, 1995 dan 2000 yang disusun oleh Badan Pusat Statistik. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan kerangka model input-output dengan pendekatan dekomposisi faktor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pada periode 1990-1995, pertumbuhan output perikanan primer dan perikanan sekunder didominasi sumber perubahan permintaan akhir domestik, sedangkan pada periode 1995-2000 didominasi sumber perluasan ekspor. Sedangkan berdasarkan kontribusinya terhadap sumber pertumbuhan output total, diketahui bahwa selama periode analisis (1990-2000) belum terjadi (tengah berlangsung) perubahan struktur dari perekonomian yang didominasi kelompok perikanan primer kepada kelompok perikanan sekundernya. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan output perikanan primer dan perikanan sekunder terkait dengan perubahan strukturnya, diperlukan dukungan penguasaan terknologi yang lebih maju dan lebih mendorong perluasan ekspor bersamaan dengan upaya meningkatkan substitusi impor. Tittle: Sources of Fisheries Output Growth in the Indonesian Economy During 1990-2000 : An Input Output Analysis Approach using the Factor Decomposition Method.This study was primarily aimed to find out the sources of fisheries' output growth and changes happened to this sector during the analyzed period. The secondary data used in this research were derived from the 1990, 1995 and 2000 I-O tables composed by CBS (Central Bureau Statistics). The Analysis was done under I-O model framework with factor decomposition approach. The study indicated that during the 1990 – 1995 period, both primary and secondary fisheries' output were dominated by changes in the final demand, while during the 1995 – 2000 period, it was dominated by export expansion. Based on its contributions towards total output growth, during the analysis period (1990 - 2000), fisheries sector had not experienced the much-expected structural changes from a primary-fisheries-dominated economy to a secondary-fisheries-dominated economy, or perhaps it was still in process. In order to increase the output growth performance of both primary and secondary fisheries related to the structural changes, more advanced technologies, support for more export expansion balanced by the efforts to promote import substitution are needed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Tajerin Tajerin

Upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan konsumsi rumah tangga khususnya pada produk perikanan merupakan langkah penting dan strategis, terkait dengan peningkatan peran pasar dalam negeri dalam mengatasi tekanan krisis keuangan global yang sedang melanda Indonesia dewasa ini. Kajian bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak peningkatan konsumsi rumah tangga pada produk perikanan terhadap perekonomian nasional. Kajian ini menggunakan data sekunder Tabel Input-Output 2005, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsumsi rumah tangga pada produk perikanan sebesar 11,54% akan berdampak meningkatkan output perekonomian sebesar Rp.10.031.490, pendapatan rumah tangga sebesar Rp.1.166.463 dan penyerapan tenaga kerja sebanyak 151.133 orang. Pemerintah hendaknya dapat mengimplementasi semua kebijakan dan program peningkatan konsumsi ikan dengan lebih sungguh-sungguh dan konsisten, sehingga konsumsi ikan per kapita per tahun dapat lebih ditingkatkan lagi. Di samping berdampak positif terhadap perekonomian, upaya peningkatan peran pasar domestik ini terkait dengan upaya untuk keluar dari tekanan krisis keuangan global. Tittle: Impact of the Increase in the Fisheries Product Consumption to National Economy.Increasing household consumption especially for fisheries sectors' product is an urgent and strategic government effort, since it is heavily linked to the goal of nullifying the threat of the recent global financial crisis through an effective role of domestic marketing. For that purpose, this research is aimed at analyzing the depth of the economic impact of raising household domestic consumption of fisheries sectors toward the Indonesian Economy, using Input Output analysis with secondary data (2005 I-O Table) acquired from BPS. Results showed that an 11.54 % raise in household consumption of fisheries sectors produce, could impact on a Rp. 10,031,490 increase in the total output, a Rp.1,166,463 increase in household income, and a 151,133 increase in new labor absorption. Thus, our government should implement every possible policy and program that increase fish consumption whole-heartedly and consistently, so that the annual per capita fish consumption could be pushed forward, since it is positively affecting the whole economy as well as it is importantly linked to the effort of getting out of the pressure of the global financial crisis.

Ainura Turdalieva

The input - output analysis is an analytical technique of economic analysis and used to examine the production-consumption relationship between the economic production sectors. At the same time, this technique is the useful tool for macroeconomic analysis, which identifies inter-sectoral economic relations in the industry by production and consumption dimensions. For this study, two input-output tables for the years 2005 and 2014 were used. Tables consist of the same content and number of sectors and the sources of economic growth for the given period calculated by Syrquin Decomposition model. Syrquin Model is a demand-side approach, which decomposes economic growth into four main sources: domestic demand expansion, export expansion, import substitution and technological change. In addition, the study investigates the source of production increase that occurred in producing sectors. Within this framework, the results obtained for aggregated main eight sectors and the whole economy will give insight for the efficiency of macroeconomic policies, which implemented in Kyrgyzstan. This aspect of the research results is expected to contribute for the more rational economic policy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Risna Yusuf ◽  
Tajerin Tajerin

Kajian ini bertujuan mengetahui sejauhmana kontribusi ekspor sektor perikanan ”dalam arti luas” dalam perekonomian nasional, khususnya pada pertumbuhan output, pendapatan masyarakat dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Kajian ini menggunakan data sekunder yaitu tabel Input Output tahun 2000 yang dikeluarkan oleh BPS. Kajian ini menggunakan metode analisis Input Output. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa kontribusi ekspor sub sektor industri pengolahan hasil perikanan dalam pembentukan output dan pendapatan masyarakat ternyata jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sektor perikanan yaitu masing-masing 10,28% dari Rp 102.264.263 juta; 5.55% dari Rp. 28.721.949. Namun sebaliknya dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja, ternyata kontribusi ekspor sektor perikanan justru lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sub sektor industri pengolahan hasil perikanan sebesar 7,45% dari 2.685.339 orang. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peran pemerintah secara lebih nyata dalam mendorong besaran multiplier effect melalui penciptaan lapangan kerja dari kegiatan ekspor sub sektor industri pengolahan hasil perikanan dengan cara menumbuhkan kegiatan usaha di sub sektor industri perikanan yaitu di sub sektor industri pengeringan dan penggaraman dan sub sektor industri pengolahan dan pengawetan ikan. Tittle: Export Contribution of Fisheries sector in National Economy: An Input Output AnalysisThe objective of the research is to assess the extent of export contribution of Fisheries sub sector and its products in National Economy, especially on output growth, social income and labor absorption. Secondary data of input output table 2000, which published by BPS was used in this study. The method of input output analysis was used. Results of the research indicate that export contribution of processed fish product industries on output growth and social income are higher than the fisheries sector, which are 10.28% of Rp 102.264.26% and 5.55% of Rp 28.721.949, respectively. On the other hand, contribution of fisheries sector is higher than the one of processed fish product industries. Therefore, the government plays an important role to boost the multiplier effect on labor absorption of industrial fish processing by growing the activities on this sector; i.e. salted and dried fish and processed and preserved fish in terms of labor absorption.

Tuncer Özdil ◽  
Ainura Turdalieva

One of the main objectives of economic policies of developing countries is implementing structural changes to enhance the economic development. Globalization as well as in all over the world, has accelerated this structural change in Kazakhstan. Despite the fact that concept of the economic structure is wide range, the structural change explained by the different approaches in the research, which is important in reflecting different aspects of the country's economic structure and in determining economic plans and policies. Under these circumstances an input - output analysis of economic structure is the main reason to write this paper. For this purpose, in the given research was used input-output tables prepared by the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2005-2009, to examine changes in the structure of economic production by industrial interdependence; changes in production techniques; the intermediate product effectiveness and total efficiency coefficients, to inform about structural changes in the economy and make contribution to policy and plan making process. Research based on analyze of input-output tables prepared by the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a source of data for the years for 2005 and for 2009. For the purpose of the study structural changes were calculated and compared by industrial interdependence with the production techniques, intermediate production usage coefficients on sectoral and macro-level. Thereby, technical results obtained from the explanation of positive and negative aspects of production in Kazakhstan on sector basis, allows to give recommendations.

Ainura Turdalieva ◽  
Tuncer Özdil

Structural changes in economy become the important goal of economic development in the developing countries. During the ongoing globalization process, the successful execution of special analysis and approaches caused the growing interest in macroeconomic planning and development policies. In this context, input-output analysis is emerging as an alternative research method among the other economic planning methods. The purpose of the present paper is to describe the structural changes in production, compare the structural parameteres of production for the years 2005-2009, investigate the sources of differences and give recommendations that will bring solutions to the problems. Research is based on input-output analysis and used input-output tables prepared for the years 2005 and 2009 by The National Statistical Committee Kyrgyz Republic. Industrial structure dependency, production techniques, efficiency of input usage, were calculated in this paper. The results are as follows: there were found some sub-sectors in agriculture, manufacturing and service sector, on which economy depends on; equal efficiency of production techniques and input usage. It is notable that for achieving economic growth, economy needed investments to stimulate the production capacity, which strengthening inter-sectoral relationship and stable macro-economic planning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Tajerin Tajerin

Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis perubahan struktur keterkaitan sektor perikanan dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku Tabel Input Output (I-O) Tahun 1990, 1995 dan 2000 untuk transaksi domestik dan transaksi total atas dasar harga produsen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan model I-O melalui perolehan nilai Multiplier Product Matrix (MPM) dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan Soni's Technique. Hasil analisis menujukkan bahwa berdasarkan kecenderungan rata-rata ketinggian nilai MPM sektor perikanan pada ”economic landscape” transaksi domestik yang meningkat selama periode analisis (1990-2000), diperoleh indikasi secara struktural keterkaitan sektor perikanan mengalami perubahan yang meningkat dengan sektor-sektor lainnya dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Namun sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh adanya perbedaan ratarata ketinggian MPM yang semakin besar antara transaksi domestik dengan transaksi total, perubahan struktur keterkiatan sektor perikanan tersebut ternyata belum dapat berubah meningkat tanpa menghilangkan ketergantungannya terhadap penggunaan input faktor yang berasal dari luar negeri dalam proses produksinya. Kedua temuan tersebut memberikan implikasi pentingnya mempertimbangkan kembali penerapan kebijakan dan strategi substitusi impor bagi pengembangan sektor perikanan Indonesia ke depan. Tittle: Structural Change of Fisheries Sectors Linkage in The Indonesian Economy:An Analysis of the Multiplier Product Matrix (MPM) Using Soni's Technique.This study was aimed to analyzing the structural change of fisheries sectors linkage in the Indonesian Economy. Secondary data used in this research were obtained from Input Output Table of 1990, 1995 and 2000 for domestic transactions and total transactions based on Producer's Prices. Data analysis was done using I-O approach through Multiplier Product Matrix (MPM) with Soni’s Technique. Results showed that during the analysis period (1990 – 2000), the fisheries sectors MPM of the domestic transactions economic landscapee with the other sectors are rising. However, the analysis also showed that there was a gap of average MPM value between domestic and total transactions by which tend to rise during the analized period. This indicates that the structural change fisheries sector is still heavily depended on import of inputs from abroad. The implication of those two findings was imperative to consider re-applying the old, abandoned import substitution policy and strategy for future fisheries sectors development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1933 ◽  
Xi Hu ◽  
Raghav Pant ◽  
Jim W Hall ◽  
Swenja Surminski ◽  
Jiashun Huang

We present an empirical study to systemically estimate flooding impacts, linking across scales from individual firms through to the macro levels in China. To this end, we combine a detailed firm-level econometric analysis of 399,356 firms with a macroeconomic input-output model to estimate flood impacts on China’s manufacturing sector over the period 2003–2010. We find that large flooding events on average reduce firm outputs (measured by labor productivity) by about 28.3% per year. Using an input-output analysis, we estimate the potential macroeconomic impact to be a 12.3% annual loss in total output, which amounts to 15,416 RMB billion. Impacts can propagate from manufacturing firms, which are the focus of our empirical analysis, through to other economic sectors that may not actually be located in floodplains but can still be affected by economic disruptions. Lagged flood effects over the following two years are estimated to be a further 5.4% at the firm level and their associated potential effects are at a 2.3% loss in total output or 2,486 RMB billion at the macro-level. These results indicate that the scale of economic impacts from flooding is much larger than microanalyses of direct damage indicate, thus justifying greater action, at a policy level and by individual firms, to manage flood risk.

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