scholarly journals Fungal and seed treatment interference in the viability of coriander seeds

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 376-382
Gizele Ingrid Gadotti ◽  
Raimunda Nonata O da Silva ◽  
Cândida Renata J de Farias ◽  
Joseano G da Silva ◽  
Henrique L Padão

ABSTRACT The determination of the sanitary quality is important to diagnose if the commercialized lots are free of pathogens and to make a decision about the need for seed treatment. The objective was to evaluate the interference of fungi associated with coriander seed lots in their physiological performance and the effect of seed treatment with the fungicide Metalaxyl-m + Fludioxonil. The study was carried out in two steps. In experiment I, the physiological potential and sanitary characterization of 18 coriander seed lots were evaluated, using the tests, water content, tetrazolium test and health test. In experiment II, we evaluated the physiological performance of coriander seeds with and without fungicide treatment using the first count and germination test. Coriander seed lots showed high physiological potential, however, not all lots expressed their maximum potential in the germination test without treatment, due to the negative effect of fungi associated with seeds, mainly A. dauci and in association with A. alternata. There was an improvement in the physiological performance of coriander seeds treated with Metalaxyl-m + Fludioxonil fungicide.

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-349
Tereza Cristina de Carvalho ◽  
Osvaldo de Castro Ohlson ◽  
Maristela Panobianco

Abstract: The germination test for recently harvested wheat seeds requires a period of up to 20 days, because of the presence of dormancy. The possibility of reducing this period provides greater speed to the allocation of seeds, as well as an increased operational capacity of analytical laboratories. This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of treatments to stimulate the germination of recently harvested wheat seeds, reducing the five-day pre-cheeling period recommended to run the test. Seeds from various wheat genotypes were used: BRS Guamirim, BRS Tangará, BRS Pardela, CD 108, CD 116, CD 150, IPR Catuara TM, Frontana, IPR Taquari, Safira and Quartzo. They were analyzed immediately after collection and then stored for 30 and 180 days. In each evaluation period (immediately after harvesting, 30 and 180 days of storage), the determination of water content, the germination test (seeds without pre-chilling and pre-chilling between 5 and 10 ° C for three to five days), and also the tetrazolium test to quantify viability and seed dormancy were carried out. Based on these results, it is concluded that there is effectiveness in overcoming wheat seed dormancy, adopting the pre-cheeling procedure between 5 and 10 ° C for three days.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-188
Tatiana Botelho Fantazzini ◽  
Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da Rosa ◽  
Gladyston Rodrigues Carvalho ◽  
Gilberto Rodrigues Liska ◽  
Maria Laene Moreira de Carvalho ◽  

In the Brazilian National System of Seeds and Seedlings, coffee seeds are evaluated by the germination or tetrazolium test. However, differences have been observed between the results of these tests in various studies, especially when the seeds have a lower level of quality. Given this situation, the aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between historical data of results of the germination test and of the tetrazolium test in samples of coffee seeds using Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS). Historical data of results of the germination test and of the tetrazolium test of coffee seeds originating from different cultivars and different crop seasons were used. The zero-or-one inflated beta GAMLSS is suitable for fitting data from the germination test and from the tetrazolium test. The estimate of viability by the tetrazolium test varies according to the germination percentage class. There are greater GAMLSS correlations between the percentages of normal seedlings and of viability in the tetrazolium test for germination values above 70%, and low correlations below this value, showing that evaluation of coffee seeds based only on the tetrazolium test may not correspond to actual physiological performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-163
Deived Uilian de Carvalho ◽  
Denis Santiago da Costa ◽  
Maria Aparecida da Cruz ◽  
Jéssica de Lucena Marinho ◽  
Ronan Carlos Colombo ◽  

Abstract: The pH exudate is a quick test used to check the seed membranes integrity; however, its performance is limited due to the singularity of each specie requiring adjustments about its methodology. In this sense, the aim of this study was to perform a quick and accurate physiological potential estimation of Citrus limonia Osb. (‘Rangpur Lime’) seeds through pH exudate test. First, there was carried out the characterization of five seedlots of ‘Rangpur Lime’ by determination of the thousand seed mass, water content, germination and emergence. Then, a complete randomized experimental design was installed in a factorial scheme: 5 × 3 × 2 (five seedlots, three indicator solutions, and two immersion periods), to evaluate the pH exudate. The seeds were individually distributed in polypropylene trays, and after the immersion periods, there were taken pictures and analyzed by a numeric scale. Despite the similarity, the emergence test showed to be more efficient for ‘Rangpur Lime’ seeds comparing to the germination test, because it promoted higher percentage of seedlings. Regarding the pH exudate test, there were not observed differences between the seedlots for both analysis, visual and image, not being efficient to discriminate lots of ‘Rangpur Lime’.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
Bruno Tabarelli Scheidt ◽  
Evandro Zacca Ferreira ◽  
Flávio Chupel Martins ◽  
Juliano Berghetti ◽  
Marília Michalski De Pieri ◽  

ABSTRACT: The fungus Microdochium albescens can interfere in the germination of seeds and in the death of rice seedlings; however, there is not technical indication for its control by seed treatment. This research evaluated the efficiency of fungicides in the treatment of pre-germinated and dryland rice seeds in the control of M. albescens. Seeds of the cultivars, Epagri 109, SCS116 Satoru, SCS121 CL and SCS122 Miura were treated with the following fungicides (g a.i./100 kg of seeds): fluazinam + thiophanate methyl (9.45 + 63), pyraclostrobin + thiophanate methyl (5 + 45), carboxin + thiram (60 + 60), metalaxyl-M + thiabendazole + fludioxonil (3 + 22.5 + 3.75), carbendazim + thiram (45 + 105), carbendazim (45). Seeds without fungicide treatment constituted the control. The treated seeds were sown in potato-sucrose-agar (PSA) culture medium and incubated at 25 ± 2 °C and photoperiod of 12 hours for 14 days. Treated seeds were also submitted to the germination test. Fluazinam + thiophanate methyl and metalaxyl-M + thiabendazole + fludioxonil showed greater control of M. albescens, not differing statistically between them, in the five cultivars and in the two cultivation systems. The tested fungicides provided seed germination above 90% in the four cultivars.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-99
Abu Zakir Morshed ◽  
Sheikh Shakib ◽  
Tanzim Jahin

Corrosion of reinforcement is an important durability concern for the structures exposed to coastal regions. Since corrosion of reinforcement involves long periods of time, impressed current technique is usually used to accelerate the corrosion of reinforcement in laboratories. Characterization of impressed current technique was the main focus of this research,which involved determination of optimum chloride content and minimum immersion time of specimens for which the application of Faraday’s law could be efficient. To obtain optimum chloride content, the electrolytes in the corrosion cell were prepared similar to that of concrete pore solutions. Concrete prisms of 200 mm by 200 mm by 300 mm were used to determine the minimum immersion time for saturation. It was found that the optimum chloride content was 35 gm/L and the minimum immersion time for saturation was 140 hours. Accounting the results, a modified expression based on Faraday’s law was proposed to calculate weight loss due to corrosion. Journal of Engineering Science 11(1), 2020, 93-99

2008 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-177 ◽  
Eugene Brently Young

Eternal return is the paradox that accounts for the interplay between difference and repetition, a dynamic at the heart of Deleuze's philosophy, and Blanchot's approach to this paradox, even and especially through what it elides, further illuminates it. Deleuze draws on Blanchot's characterisations of difference, forgetting, and the unlivable to depict the ‘sense’ produced via eternal return, which, for Blanchot, is where repetition implicates or ‘carries’ pure difference. However, for Deleuze, difference and the unlivable are also developed by the living repetition or ‘contraction’ of habit, which results in his distinctive characterization of ‘force’, ‘levity’, and sense in eternal return.

N. N. Loy ◽  
S. N. Gulina

The effect of presowing seed treatment on various concentrations of dicarboxylic (organic) acids on the sowing characteristics of spring barley has been studied. Seeds were treated with organic acids obtained by exposing cuttings to the radiation with a dose of 100 kGy and consequent hydrolysis, in concentrations: 1•10-7 %; 1•10-9; 1•10-11; 1•10-13 and 1•10-15 % on a laboratory rotary machine RVO-64 for one day before laying for germination. Distilled water was used for the control case. The rate of application of the working solution calculated as 10 liters / ton of seeds. Seeds were germinated in filter paper rolls in accordance with GOST 12038-84 requirements. The temperature was maintained at +24 ° C in the thermostat where the glasses with rolls were placed. For determination of germinative power and laboratory germination the sprouted seeds were evaluated after three and seven days, respectively. In laboratory experiments it was established that the treatment of barley seeds of varieties Zazersky 85, Nur and Vladimir with organic acids (OK) in different concentrations had both a stimulating and a negative effect. On the Zazersky 85 variety, in variants with acid concentrations of 1•10-9 and 1•10-11, an increase in germination energy (EP) by 2-4% and a significant decrease (by 3-4%) of laboratory germination (LV) of barley seeds were noted. On the Nur variety, the increase in EP was observed at 4% (concentration 1•10-11), LV and seed growth force (CPC) by 2-7% at a concentration of 1•10-7 and in the dose range 1•10-11 - 1•10-14 compared to the control values. On the grade of Vladimir, an increase in EP, LV, and CPC was found to increase by 1-6% at concentrations OK 1•10-7 and 1•10-13. It was shown that the treatment of seeds with acids led to an increase in the length of the germ in all studied varieties (by 3-9%) and dry biomass of 7-day-old seedlings - by 3-6%. Consequently, the treatment of seeds with a mixture of dicarboxylic acids has a stimulating effect on the sowing quality of spring barley.

2018 ◽  
D. Basak ◽  
L. H. Ponce

Abstract Two case-studies on uncommon metals whiskers, performed at the Reliability Analysis Laboratory (RAL) of Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems, are presented. The components analyzed are an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) and an Electromechanical Relay. Investigative techniques were used to determine the chemical and physical makeup of the metal whiskers and develop an understanding of the underlying effects and mechanisms that caused the conditions conducive to whisker growth.

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