Libido Sciendi: Apuleius, Boccaccio, and the Study of the History of Sexuality

PMLA ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 124 (3) ◽  
pp. 817-837
Martin G. Eisner ◽  
Marc D. Schachter

This essay contributes to recent debates in the study of the history of sexuality that have developed out of a comparison of a story from Apuleius's Golden Ass and its transformation by Boccaccio in the Decameron. Addressing questions of book history, philology, and textual transmission, the article offers another perspective on the problems of identity, temporality, and epistemology that have been at the center of these debates and proposes reorienting considerations of Michel Foucault's still-contested role in the field by drawing on the underappreciated later volumes of his landmark History of Sexuality. Instead of mining the stories of Apuleius and Boccaccio for exemplary social types or for information about the social meanings of past sex acts, this essay uses philological and paratextual materials to focalize these tales' interpretive erotics, complicate the temporal relations between them, and model a way of studying the history of sexuality that is not tied to a history of social types, identities, or acts.

2021 ◽  
Fenti Nur Azizah ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

The book "The History of Indonesian Women's Organizations (1928-1998)" has the aim of showing how the social and political history of the Indonesian women's movement, as time has gone by, the times have been punctured by the times. Apart from that, this book also shows the various issues that were raised, debated, and fought for in different historical contexts and the actors who played a role in the Indonesian women's movement. By showing these two things, readers can have a broad understanding of the Indonesian women's movement.This book is intended for the millennial generation so that they know how the Indonesian women's movement is. Why is that? Because this book deliberately took a very long period of time, namely in the span of seventy years (1928-1998). So that readers, especially the millennial generation, can imagine what happened at that time.History writing about the Indonesian women's movement has been done by many scientists, but in the book "History of Indonesian Women's Organization (1928-1998)" has a difference, namely using detailed references to reliable sources and coverage of a very long historical period. In addition, this book provides information on how the priority of the issues under debate reflected the political context in different historical periods.This book needs to be reviewed because the content in the book is very interesting so that it can be dissected in depth. The author of the book has been doing research for at least the last ten years, it is also interesting why you need to review the book because the author made this book with a long struggle.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-70
Bernard E. Harcourt

The fourth and final volume of The History of Sexuality offers the keystone to Michel Foucault’s critique of Western neoliberal societies. Confessions of the Flesh provides the heretofore missing link that ties Foucault’s late writings on subjectivity to his earlier critique of power. Foucault identifies in Augustine’s treatment of marital sexual relations the moment of birth of the modern legal actor and of the legalization of social relations. With the appearance of the modern legal subject, Foucault’s critique of modern Western societies is complete: it is now possible to see how the later emergence of an all-knowing homo œconomicus strips the State of knowledge and thus deals a fatal blow to its legitimacy. The appearance of both the modern legal actor and homo œconomicus makes it possible to fold the entire four-volume History of Sexuality back into Foucault’s earlier critique of punitive and biopolitical power. And it now challenges us to interrogate how we, contemporary subjects, are shaped in such a way as to implicate ourselves—both willingly and unwittingly—in the social order within which we find ourselves and that, through the interaction of knowledge-power-subjectivity, we reproduce.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-46
Nathan Denton

Like the vast numbers of other organisms that roam, or have roamed, the earth, the modern human represents a finely honed tool—one forged through millennia as it struggled to survive and thrive in more or less unaccommodating environments. Displaying the battle scars and winning strategies of its brutal, but ultimately triumphant battle against the elements, our bodies hold vast amounts of encrypted information that describe our biological lineage. In addition to the countless mechanisms that have evolved to support our existence, however, the human body is somewhat unique in that it exhibits striking permanent physiological differences that identify and define the sexes. The biology that arises from, and the social meanings attributed to, these physical features penetrate deep into the heart of what it means to be human, as well as a man or a woman. Before delving into the biology of fat, we must first therefore consider the history of body shape. This chapter begins by discussing several explanations for why the modern human body might have evolved the shape it has, and why the body differs between the sexes. Building from this foundation, it examines how societal attitudes toward body shape are ascribed and their shift over time.

Andreas Broeckmann

This chapter provides an analysis of the basic aspects of an “aesthetics of the machine”. It focuses on two pivotal moments in the twentieth century history of machine art, one being the 1968 exhibition “The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age”, curated by Pontus Hultén. The other example is the opening scene of Filippo Marinetti’s first futurist manifesto, published in 1909, in which the advent of futurism is marked by a symbolically charged car accident that preceded Marinetti’s hymn to the new technical culture. From here, and drawing mainly on artistic examples from Hultén’s exhibition (incl. Francis Picabia, Marcel Duchamp and Jean Tinguely), the author highlights five distinct aspects that have characterized the “machine aesthetic” until the 1960s: the “associative” reference to the social meanings of technology, often used to make a provocative claim against the assumptions of artistic ingenuity; the “symbolic” reference to mechanics as a way to describe aspects of human culture and psychology; the “formalist” appraisal of the beauty of functional forms; the play with “kinetic” functions as a way to broaden the expressive potentials of sculpture; and the “automatic” operation of machines that underpins their functional independence and their existential strangeness.

Frances R. Aparicio

This chapter examines the stories of the first-generation, immigrant parents of the Intralatino/as interviewed for the book. I analyze their personal stories of migration from their home countries, the romantic encounters with their partners as National Others, and the emerging conflicts and resistance on the part of their relatives and family members that they faced as they decided to start a family with a partner who was not of their own national community. That Chicago was the site for these inter-latino encounters speaks to the rich history of immigrant arrivals to the city. Historicizing the social meanings and tensions produced by interlatino/a desire and romance in Chicago, I highlight the courage and resilience of these interlatino couples given the challenges most of them faced for marrying outside their national community.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Asheesh Kapur Siddique

At a 2004 conference at Princeton University, the leading practitioners of two influential approaches to studying the history of texts—the “history of the book” and “intellectual” history—compared the underpinnings of their respective methods. Robert Darnton contended that while seemingly “made for each other,” book history and intellectual history had proceeded along parallel paths over the late twentieth century, with the latter focused on the analysis of discourse, while historians of the book concerned themselves with the diffusion of texts. Quentin Skinner responded to Darnton by elaborating on these “contrasts.” He characterized the history of the book as “a specialized form of inquiry into the production, diffusion and enjoyment of printed and scribally published material,” while describing intellectual historians as primarily concerned with the meanings that actors in the past have ascribed to concepts as they expressed them in language. Intellectual historians, Skinner suggested, had paid relatively little attention to the social histories of how texts were produced and received, including questions of their physical attributes.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-233 ◽  
Andreas Musolff

The metaphorical categorization of social and political adversaries as “parasites” has an infamous history in public discourse: For two centuries it has been routinely used for the purpose of racial and socio-political stigmatization. In cognitive accounts, the parasite-metaphor has usually been treated as an example of semantic transfer from the biological to the social domain. Historically, however, the scientific uses cannot be deemed original or primary, as their emergence in the 17th and 18th centuries was preceded by a much older tradition of religious and social meanings. The paper charts the main traditions of diachronic variation in the discourse history of the parasite-metaphor anddiscusses the implications of its findings regarding the assumption of “uni-directionality” of metaphorization processes, which has been a central tenet of cognitive analyses. In conclusion, we ask whether metaphors in political discourse might fruitfully be viewed as a “parasitic” form of communication.

2016 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-156
Karen Leroux

Texts introducing students to women's and gender history typically emphasize how gender refers to the social meanings attached to sexual difference, which vary over time and across societies and cultures. As one of these texts explains, “Definitions of what is masculine and feminine are learned as each society instructs its members from infancy through adulthood as to what behavior and personality attributes are appropriate for males and females of that generation.” Given wide agreement that gender is learned, it is surprising how seldom the places and people who institutionalize learning appear in the texts used to teach U.S. women's and gender history. Teachers are remarkably scarce in the literature, even though vast numbers of U.S. women have taught since the mid-nineteenth century. The reasons for this absence are not clear. Perhaps teachers' social location, at the murky boundaries of the working and middle classes, has contributed to their omission from sharply defined studies of class and gender consciousness. Or perhaps the conventional association of women and teaching has deterred gender historians, following the theory that studying the margins of women's experiences better reveals the mainstream. Yet, the perceived ordinariness of the woman teacher may be especially helpful to illuminate periods of significant change in the meaning of gender.

Тетяна Костіна ◽  
Ірина Булах

Статтю присвячено теоретичному аналізу концепту справедливість та його ролі в контексті психологічних досліджень у гендерній психології. Проведений науковий пошук засвідчив існування різних підходів до розуміння змісту та сутності поняття справедливості у гуманітарних науках. Осмислення цього концепту залежить від історичної епохи, соціально-політичного устрою, економічних факторів функціонування суспільства. Показано існування взаємозв’язку між мораллю, правом та справедливістю як базовим принципом взаємодій людей у суспільстві. Критерієм справедливості часто виступала рівність. Виявлено, що в різні історичні епохи панував принцип справедливої нерівності, коли одні мали привілеї, а інші були їх позбавлені. Особливо гостро це стосувалося представниць жіночої статі. Зазначено, що у філософії справедливість позначається як вищий принцип людського життя й основа для автономії і розвитку особистості. Визначено, що поруч із поняттям справедливість для філософської та психологічної науки важливим є концепт соціальна справедливість, який пояснює процес справедливої взаємодії між людиною і суспільством. Простежується, що у межах соціальних подій ХХ століття відбувся зсув парадигми розуміння принципів справедливості від «рівних можливостей» до «рівних результатів». Обґрунтовано, що дотримання гендерної рівності не може відбуватись без опори на принцип соціальної справедливості, зокрема, гендерної справедливості. В Україні на законодавчому рівні утверджена гендерна рівність і вимоги до її дотримання. Визначено, що сутність гендерної справедливості пов’язана з рівноправ’ям і справедливістю у розподілі благ та відповідальності між чоловіками і жінками. Підкреслено, що вивчення впливу психологічних і соціальних чинників на розгортання гендерної справедливості здійснюється у межах гендерної психології з використанням гендерного підходу. 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Michaela DeSoucey

This chapter summarizes the complex dynamics surrounding the consumption of foie gras. It discusses the history of the foie gras industry as well as its arrival and reception in the United States, particularly the animal rights activism surrounding the food. Building on this more controversial side of foie gras, the chapter places this foodstuff within the larger context of morality and gastropolitics, illuminating the social meanings and values behind cuisine. In addition to this, the chapter also accounts for the economics of foie gras, by paying attention to the institutional structures in which it is embedded. The chapter argues that to fully grasp the concerns and consequences of gastropolitics, we can, and must, look at how foods and foodways sit at the intersection of markets, the state, and social movements.

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