social domain
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2021 ◽  
pp. 030573562110646
Constantine Sedikides ◽  
Joost Leunissen ◽  
Tim Wildschut

We provide a narrative review of the nascent literature on the psychological benefits of music-evoked nostalgia. Music is a prevalent and influential source of nostalgia. Music-evoked nostalgia confers approach-oriented psychological benefits in the social domain (by fostering social connectedness), self-oriented domain (by raising self-esteem, instilling a sense of youthfulness, elevating optimism, and enhancing inspiration), and existential domain (by strengthening meaning in life and augmenting self-continuity). Music-evoked nostalgia also confers psychological benefits indirectly. For example, it elevates optimisms by fostering sequentially social connectedness and self-esteem. Also, by fostering social connectedness, it enhances inspiration, strengthens meaning in life, and augments self-continuity. Furthermore, music-evoked nostalgia serves to buffer individuals against discomforting states, such as sadness. We conclude by discussing music-evoked nostalgia in people with dementia, contemplating the role of individual differences and context, considering the possibility that music-evoked nostalgia serves physiological functions, and asking whether familiarity with the music is necessary for the evocation of nostalgia and its ensuing benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Pianpian Fan ◽  
Yuanzhi Chen ◽  
Zhong-Cheng Luo ◽  
Lixiao Shen ◽  
Weiye Wang ◽  

Objective: Thyroid hormones are essential for neurodevelopment in early life. However, the impact of mild alterations in neonatal thyroid hormones on infant neurodevelopment and its sex dimorphism is unclear. We aimed to assess whether mild variations in neonatal thyroid hormones of term-born newborns with maternal euthyroid are related to neurodevelopment in 2-year-old boys and girls.Methods: This study used data from 452 singleton term-born infants of mothers with normal thyroid function in Shanghai, China, and their follow-up measure at the age of 2 years. Cord serum concentrations of free thyroxine (FT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) were measured by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassays and classified into three groups: the low (1st, Q1), middle (2nd−4th, Q2–Q4), and high (5th, Q5) quintiles. Neurodevelopment indices were assessed using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, third edition (ASQ-3), at 24 months of age.Results: Compared to infants with thyroid hormones in the middle (Q2–Q4), boys with FT4 in the lowest quintile had 5.08 (95% CI: 1.37, 8.78) points lower scores in the communication domain, 3.25 (0.25,6.25) points lower scores in the fine motor domain, and 3.84 (0.04, 7.64) points lower scores in the personal-social domain, respectively. Boys with FT3 in the highest quintile had 4.46 (0.81, 8.11) points increase in the personal-social domain. These associations were not observed in girls. No associations were observed between cord blood serum TSH and ASQ-assessed neurodevelopment in the boys or the girls.Conclusions: Mild alterations in thyroid hormones of newborns were associated adversely with neurodevelopment in boys, suggesting the importance of optimal thyroid hormone status for neurodevelopment in early life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Syaifoel Hardy ◽  
Isak Jurun Hans Tukayo ◽  
Rijal Maulana ◽  
Ridha Afzal

The teaching of occupational health nursing (OHN) requires an emphasis on which one should be dominant between technical and social domain, as practiced in the industrial health care services. The purpose of this research is determine which skill domain is more dominant between technical and social skills in the OHN teaching-learning system. This type of study is quantitative approach with cross-sectional study design. The populations were nursing students, nursing practitioners, and nursing lecturers. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling taken online with a sample size of 130 respondents of Indonesian nurses in Indonesia. The data collection tool used a mixed questionnaire in a Likert Scale based on the Health Belief Model theory. The data were analyzed using the Paired Sample T-Test to see whether the results of this study were dominated by the technical or social skills domain. The validity and reliability test was carried out with a sample of 30 people. They were measured by looking at the r table and the Cronbach alpha value for each questionnaire statement, using the SPSS application with the Pearson Product Moment test. The T-Test result of SPSS shows 95 respondents (73.1%), perceived technical skills dominate the OHN work in industry, and 35 respondents (26.9%) in social skills, with a p-value of 0.000. In other words, the dominance of technical skills has a very close association to the teaching-learning system. The need for technical skills is much more dominant than social skills. OHN teaching needs to have an emphasis on technical skills, not the social domain.

Merits ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Dominik Emanuel Froehlich

The COVID-19 pandemic was a career shock for many, including early and mid-career researchers. Due to the (digital) transformation it has caused in the social domain, it may have lastingly changed the rules for career development. In this conceptual paper, we investigate how the changed social environment created gaps in our understanding of academic career development and the role social capital plays in it. Our narrative review of the literature arrives at three major gaps: two are related to the nature, antecedents, and outcomes of (career-related) social capital, and one is related to the methodological backdrop of how knowledge is being generated in this domain. Based on the identified gaps, we specify avenues for further (and much needed) research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 235-260
Robyn Ilten-Gee ◽  
Sarah Manchanda

The question of ‘developmental appropriateness’ in education can be both empowering and inhibiting. When are students ‘ready’ to talk about social injustices and systemic inequalities? How might educators introduce social inequities using developmental findings about reasoning? This article presents social domain theory as a lens through which educators can approach critical consciousness education with young children. An overview of Freire’s critical consciousness construct is presented, including educational interventions, methods, and approaches that support critical consciousness. An overview of social domain theory is also presented. Social domain theory is a developmental theory of sociomoral reasoning that describes three domains of social knowledge that develop independently, and get applied/coordinated/prioritized differently in context by individuals. This theory, and the research stemming from it, has shown that there are developmental transition points during which children come to view their previous logic as inadequate, and are likely to shift their understandings of moral, conventional, and personal issues. A parallel is drawn between these transition points and the process of wrestling with and overturning ‘contradictions’ in critical consciousness education. Contradictions are theorized as dehumanizing power dynamics that show up in students’ everyday circumstances. This article provides tables outlining example contradictions for young children, key domain–related reasoning shifts for young children, and examples for how to create lesson plans that take these two factors into account. Finally, we propose a method of facilitating self-assessment of critical consciousness with young children. Self-reflection questions are provided for teachers and students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Jing Yang ◽  
Zhuowei Song ◽  
Peng He ◽  
Yaping Cui ◽  
Dapeng Wu ◽  

Caching in device-to-device (D2D) networks is emerging a promising trend, which enables to reduce backhaul traffic. Moreover, social interaction among users influences the performance of overall system network. Therefore, it is crucial to consider social attributes in the D2D networks to develop a caching strategy to resolve the problem of unbalanced content distributed. In this paper, we consider two types of users according to their activeness, i.e., active users and inactive users. Inactive users assist active users cache contents during off-peak periods and provide the contents to the active users during peak periods to relieve the pressure of base station (BS). In addition, caching system model is divided into physical domain model and social domain model. In physical domain, the quality of communication links is judged by the delay between D2D users. In social domain, based on a real-world dataset, CiaoDVD, we calculate user similarity in three dimensions and obtain user trust by a trust topology to measure user relationships. Finally, in order to maximize the cache hit ratio, a joint action deep Q -networks (JADQN) framework is proposed to pair the active users with inactive users and distribute the contents to inactive users. Simulation results indicate that the proposed strategy improves the cache hit ratio by 42.9% and reduces the download delay by 48.8% compared with least frequency used (LFU) algorithm, which validates the effectiveness of our method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Giovanda Wahyu Andika ◽  
Farida Wahyu Ningtyias ◽  
Sulistiyani Sulistiyani

Background: The world's population is currently in an era of aging with the number of elderly people exceeding 7% of the population. This condition will certainly bring positive and negative impacts. It’s needed to pay attention to the elderly, especially on their quality of life. Objective: To determine the differences in the quality of life of the elderly who live with their families in the working area of the Puskesmas Sukorejo and at Jember Tresna Werdha Social Service Unit. Methods: The type of this research was observational analytic using a cross-sectional research design. The study was conducted from January to March 2020. The population in this study amounted to 3472 elderly, consisting of elderly who live in the Tresna Werdha Jember Social Service Unit and live at home with their families in the working area of Sukorejo Community Health Center, Jember. The sample in this study amounted to 100 respondents, consisting of 50 respondents at each research location. The variable studied was the quality of life of the elderly from each place of residence. The data collection instruments included the MMSE questionnaire to assess cognitive impairment in the elderly and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to measure the quality of life in the elderly. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. Results: The results showed that the majority of the elderly were aged 60-74 years, most of the elderly were female and never attended school. The majority of the elderly who live at home still have a partner, while those who live in the Social Service have no partner. Chi-square test results showed that there was no difference in the quality of life of the elderly in the physical, psychological, and environmental domains, but there were differences in the quality of life in the social domain. Conclusion: There were no differences in the quality of life in the physical, psychological, and environmental domains, but there were differences in the social domain, among respondents. The elderly who lived at home with their family had a better quality of life in the social domain. Suggestion for the elderly who live at home in the working area of the Sukorejo Community Health Center is to increase positive activities that can entertain themselves and participate in social activities, for the elderly who live at the Tresna Werdha Jember Social Services Unit, it is hoped that they can increase the intensity of good social relations between fellow elderly in homestead and do not close themselves off to the people around them, while for supervisors and caregivers in Tresna Werdha Jember Social Service Unit, it is expected to further improve assistance to the elderly to determine the quality of life of the elderly in each homestead.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 3233-32337
Shruti Deshpande

Breast cancer is most common cancer in females. Modified radical mastectomy is operation in female which affects social life and physical life. There is also slightly moderate in quality of life in female undergone modified radical mastectomy. The aim of the study was to find “Evaluation of Posture and Quality Of Life in Females undergone Modified Radical Mastectomy’’ This study was carried out in Physiotherapy OPD, Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College and AVBRH, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha. The objectives included to evaluate posture in female’s undergone Modified radical mastectomy and to evaluate Quality of life. The present study titled “Evaluation of Posture and Quality of Life in females undergone Modified Radical Mastectomy” which comprised of 35 females. The present study showed that slight changes in posture in females undergone modified radical mastectomy and moderately hampered in social domain of quality of life. From the present study we concluded that there is slight changes in posture in female patients undergone MRM and there is good quality of life in physical , psychological , environment domain and moderate quality of life in social domain. This study will helps in evaluating posture and QOL after Modified radical mastectomy. Hence after every modified radical mastectomy conditions, therapists always follow ergonomics to prevent bad posture and improve quality of life. Hence, the evaluation of posture and QOL should be include in all assessment proformas related MRM conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-114
Sadik Jaafar Shukur ◽  
Wijdan Akram Hussein ◽  
Nazik L. Kadhum

Background: Diabetes is defined by the World Health Organization as a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Families are co-regulating systems in which the stresses and strains of one family member affect the well-being of another member of the family. Caregivers of children with chronic illness report experiencing more parental stress than parents of healthy children. Objective: A descriptive cross-sectional study had been conducted in four centers of endocrine diseases in Baghdad city and data was collected by using self-administered questionnaire regarding quality of life adapted from World Health Organization. The study was conducted on six hundred participants. Data analysis was done by using frequency, percentage and mean and analytical statistics using Chi Square test.  P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The study showed that social domain had the highest mean score of (51.1) and that environmental domain had the lowest mean score of (38.9). The physical domain’s mean score was (40.2), while mean score of psychological domain was (46.2). The study reported that mothers of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus were more affected than fathers in physical, psychological and environmental domains. There was no difference between mothers and fathers in social domain of quality of life. Conclusion: It was concluded from the study that parents of diabetic children had generally poor quality of life that merits further investigations.

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