scholarly journals Scarceness of phytoseiid species co-occurrence (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on leafletsof Juglans regia

2010 ◽  
Vol 46 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 79-82
J. Kabíček

In order to obtain information on the phytoseiid mite taxocoenoses, population density and frequency of occurrence on leaflets of Juglans regia, abandoned and uncultivated trees were sampled from July to August 2007. Eight phytoseiid mite species (Euseius finlandicus, Neoseiulella aceri, Neoseiulella tiliarum, Typhlodromus pyri, Typhlodromus cotoneastri, Phytoseius turiacus, Amblyseius andersoni, Paraseiulus triporus) were identified. Total phytoseiid population density averaged 1.4 mites per leaflet. The most abundant was Euseius finlandicus, and Neoseiulella aceri was the second most common species. The predominant presence of only one phytoseiid species per walnut leaflet was noted, but the co-occurrence of two species (mostly E. finlandicus with N. aceri) was also observed. The simultaneous occurrence of three phytoseiid species on a single leaflet was seldom detected and the cohabitation of more than three species per leaflet was not observed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
J. Kabíček

AbstractPhytoseiid mite communities on Acer pseudoplatanus, A. platanoides, and A. campestre were monitored in 2013-2014. Totally 3657 specimens of phytoseiid mites belonging to seven species (Euseius finlandicus, Neoseiulella aceri, N. tuberculata, Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri, Paraseiulus soleiger, P. triporus, and Phytoseius echinus) were found on the examined maple leaves. N. aceri, the most common species, was dominant and frequently present on the leaves of both A. platanoides and A. campestre. The leaves of A. pseudoplatanus were favourable habitats for both E. finlandicus and N. tuberculata. Thus, maple trees may serve as suitable host plants for some native phytoseiid mites, particularly N. aceri and E. finlandicus.

2008 ◽  
Vol 44 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
J. Kabíček

Leaves from uncultivated and unsprayed hazelnut shrubs, <I>Corylus avellana</I>, were sampled from June to August 2005 to obtain information on the phytoseiid mite taxocenoses, population density and intraleaf distribution. Six phytoseiid mite species were identified, of which three, <I>Kampimodromus aberrans</I>, <I>Euseius finlandicus</I> and <I>Neoseiulella tiliarum</I>, were more abundant. The eudominant, slowly moving <I>K. aberrans</I> was found on all leaf samples. Phytoseiid population density averaged 3.16 mites per hazelnut leaf. While on most leaves only one phytoseiid species was found, on some there was cohabitation of two (rarely three) species. The three frequent species mostly inhabited the sheltered microhabitat at the veins of leaves of <I>C. avellana</I>.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Martin Parth ◽  
Stefanie Fischnaller ◽  
Manuel Messner ◽  
Manfred Wolf

Von 2014 bis 2017 wurden intensive Untersuchungen zum Raubmilbenvorkommen (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) und Auftreten der Roten Spinne Panonychus ulmi (Prostigmata: Tetranychidae) in ausgewählten Apfelanalgen in Südtirol (Italien) angestellt. Die Populationsdichten der Milben wurden wiederholt an bis zu 50 Standorten im Etschtal und Vinschgau erhoben. In 27 Apfelanlagen wurde im Verlauf der Jahre 2015-2017 die Artenzusammensetzung blattbesiedelnder sowie an Aststrukturen überwinternder Raubmilben eingehend untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 5581 Raubmilben einer morphologischen Artbestimmung unterzogen. Sechs Phytoseiiden-Arten wurden nachgewiesen. Amblyseius andersoni (Chant 1957) konnte an allen Untersuchungstandorten gefunden werden und wies eine Individuendominanz von 80% auf. Ein permanentes Vorkommen von Typhlodromus pyri (Scheuten 1857) und Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans 1915) wurde an 18,5% bzw. 7,4% der Standorte festgestellt. Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans 1930), Paraseiulus talbii (Athias-Henriot 1960) und Typhlodromus bakeri (Garman 1948) wurden sporadisch nachgewiesen. Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor 1954) wurde erstmals am Apfel in Südtirol nachgewiesen. Der P. ulmi-Befall im Untersuchungsgebiet erwies sich, sofern gegeben, als äußerst gering. Eine wesentliche Zunahme der Populationsdichten von P. ulmi und eine diesbezügliche Schadwirkung wurden nicht festgestellt.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
V. Yu. Bondarev ◽  
S. V. Pasechnik

New data on the species composition and distribution of phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) in plant associations of the National Nature Park “Ichnyansky” were obtained. Twenty species from 9 genera of the family Phytoseiidae are recorded: Amblyseius andersoni, Amblyseius herbarius, Amblyseius obtusus, Amblyseius rademacheri, Neoseiulus danilevskyi, Neoseiulus reductus, Neoseiulus zwoelferi, Euseius finlandicus, Kampimodromus aberrans, Kampimodromu corylosus, Dubininellus echinus, Dubininellus juvenis, Typhloctonus tiliarum, Amlydromella halinae, Amlydromella pirianykae, Amlydromella rhenana, Amlydromella clavata, Amlydromella verrucosa, Typhlodromus laurae, Galendromus longipilus. The calculation of the occurrence index (P1, %) of the identified species of phytoseiid showed that its maximum value is observed in E. finlandicus. This species is also the most numerous in the total number of collected specimens in the sample. Kampimodromus aberrans, D. juvenis, G. longipilus, K. corylosus, N. danilevskyi, N. zwoelferi and T. tiliarum should be considered as the most rarely encountered species with index of occurrence of 1.3%. The remaining species have intermediate values of this index. The analysis of literature data on the occurrence of phytoseiid species with the highest value of the index of occurrence (E. finlandicus, A. pirianykae and A. andersoni) in the plant associations of adjacent zones (Polesie and Steppe Zone) allowed us to reveal some regularities. In Polesie, E. finlandicus (Kolodochka, 2011) is the most common species. In the Steppe zone, E. finlandicus also has a high index of occurrence and is the third most common species of predatory phytoseiid mites. Such a high occurrence of this species is caused by a wide range of its potential victims. Euseius finlandicus is an euribiont, however more adapted to shrub vegetation. The decrease in the occurrence index of this species from Polesie to the Steppe Zone is explained by changes in the moisture content of biocenoses, as well as due to the gradual replacement of tree-shrub vegetation of grass. Amlydromella pirianykae and Amblyseius andersoni are found mainly on herbs. The detection of these species on trees and shrubs should be considered as incidental finds. The characteristic biocenoses for these species are the wet bayrachnye forests, floodplains of rivers, meadows. When choosing a biocenosis for habitat, humidity plays a key role. The analysis of the phytoseiid mites species complex in the plant associations of the Ichnyansky National Natural Park showed the presence of one dominant species, one subdominant, five types of first order subdominant and 13 minor community members in the community.

Biologia ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 64 (5) ◽  
Ján Praslička ◽  
Andrea Barteková ◽  
Janka Schlarmannová ◽  
Radovan Malina

AbstractDuring 2005–2007, 1,332 individuals of predatory mites were found in integrated and ecological orchards in Slovakia. Seven predatory mite species of the family Phytoseiidae, namely Phytoseius echinus, Phytoseiulus macropilis, Euseius finlandicus, Typhlodromus pyri, Paraseiulus triporus, Amblyseius andersoni and Neoseiulella tiliarum, were identified. Out of 1,332 individuals, 519 (39.0%) were found in the apple orchards and 813 (61.0%) in the pear orchards. Out of all predatory mite individuals, 460 (34.5%) were found in the integrated pest management system (IPM) and 872 (65.5%) in the ecological pest management system (EPM). In apple orchards, P. echinus was dominant and constituted 49.3% of the detected mites. In pear orchards, E. finlandicus was dominant and constituted 48.7% of the detected mites. Typhlodromus pyri was also abundant, especially in pear orchards. The other species were less abundant.

2010 ◽  
pp. 65-69
Zsuzsanna Hajdú ◽  
Árpád Szabó ◽  
Béla Pénzes

The abundance and species diversity of phytoseiids were studied in the evergreen collection of the Corvinus University of Budapest at Soroksár from March to August 2010. 329 phytoseiid mite specimens were collected from 15 cultivars of coniferous trees belonging to the following 4 genera: Juniperus, Abies, Picea and Pinus. 6 phytoseiid mite species have been identified: Amblyseius andersoni (Koch, 1957), Amblyseius tenuis Westerboer 1963, Anthoseius bakeri (Garman, 1948), Anthoseius involutus Livshitz et Kuznetzov 1972, Typhlodromus baccetti Lombardinii 1960 and Typhlodromus cotoneastri Wainstein 1963. The dominant phytoseiid species were Amblyseius andersoni and Anthoseius involutus.Amblyseius tenuis and Typhlodromus baccettii are new to the Hungarian fauna. Typhlodromus baccettii was found on Juniperus scopulorum 'Silver Star' and 'Moonglow' while Amblyseius tenuis was collected from Picea glauca 'Alberta Globe'.

2008 ◽  
Vol 44 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 57-60 ◽  
J. Praslička ◽  
A. Barteková

During the 2005–2007, we identified six species of predatory mites in the integrated and an ecological orchard: <I>Phytoseius echinus</I>, <I>Phytoseius macropilis</I>, <I>Euseius finlandicus</I>, <I>Typhlodromus pyri</I>, <I>Paraseiulus triporus</I> and <I>Amblyseius andersoni</I>. The species <I>Phytoseius echinus</I>, <I>Euseius finlandicus</I> and <I>Typhlodromus pyri</I> occurred in both orchards. <I>Phytoseius echinus</I> was dominant especially in the ecological orchard, where its abundance was almost 60% of the overall number of detected mites. The number of all predatory mites differed considerably in the orchards; there was a higher abundance in the ecological orchard. <I>Euseius finlandicus</I> abundance was 38.32% in the integrated orchard and almost 17.61% in the ecological orchard. <I>Typhlodromus pyri</I> abundance was 17.96% in the integrated orchard and 13.63% in the ecological orchard. <I>Paraseiulus triporus</I>, <I>Amblyseius andersoni</I> and <I>Phytoseius macropilis</I> were less abundant.

2016 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 539-547 ◽  
David Wari ◽  
Jun Yamashita ◽  
Hidenari Kishimoto ◽  
Shoji Sonoda

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