scholarly journals Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bawang Merah akibat Dosis Pupuk Kalium dan Konsentrasi POC Limbah Tahu

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-192
Nurul Fitri Ramadhani ◽  
Mardhiah Hayati ◽  
Rita Hayati

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk kalium dan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair limbah tahu, serta interaksi keduanya terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2018 di Kebun Percobaan 2 dan Laboratorium Hortikultura Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial 3 x 3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang diteliti yaitu dosis pupuk kalium yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (75, 100 dan 125 kg ha-1) dan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair limbah tahu yang juga terdiri  3 dari taraf (40, 60 dan 80%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian dosis pupuk kalium berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah daun pada umur 30 dan 40 HST, diameter umbi, bobot berangkasan basah, bobot basah umbi, bobot berangkasan kering, bobot kering umbi dan potensi hasil serta berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman pada umur 40 HST. Pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah terbaik dijumpai pada dosis pupuk kalium 100 kg ha-1 dan diameter umbi bawang merah terbaik dijumpai pada dosis pupuk kalium 125 kg ha-1. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi pupuk organik cair limbah tahu berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap parameter diameter umbi dan potensi hasil bawang merah. Hasil bawang merah terbaik dijumpai pada konsentrasi 60%. Terdapat interaksi yang sangat nyata terhadap diameter umbi dan interaksi yang nyata terhadap potensi hasil bawang merah. Diameter umbi bawang merah terbaik dijumpai pada kombinasi dosis pupuk kalium 125 kg ha-1 dengan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair limbah tahu 60% dan potensi hasil bawang merah terbaik dijumpai pada kombinasi dosis pupuk kalium 100 kg ha-1 dengan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair limbah tahu 60%. Response of Shallot Growth and Yield due to Potassium Fertilizer Dosage and Concentration of Tofu Waste Organic Liquid FertilizerAbstract. This study aims to determine the effect of potassium fertilizer dosage and the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer made by tofu waste, and the interaction of both on the growth and yield of shallot. This research was conducted from May to July 2018 in Experiment Field 2 and Horticulture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. The design used was a Randomized Factorial Block Design 3 x 3 with 3 replications. The factors observed were potassium fertilizer dosages consisted of 3 levels (75, 100 and 125 kg ha-1) and the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer tofu waste which also consisted of 3 levels (40, 60 and 80%). The results was showed the application of potassium fertilizer very significantly affected plant height at age of 40 DAP, number of leaves at age 30 and 40 DAP, tuber diameter, fresh clump weight, fresh tuber weight, dry clump weight, dry tuber weight and potential yield. The best growth and yield of shallot is found at potassium fertilizer dosage of 100 kg ha-1 and the largest shallot tuber diameter is found at potassium fertilizer dosage of 125 kg ha-1. The result also showed that the concentration of tofu waste organic fertilizer had a significant effect on the parameters of tuber diameter and the potential yield of shallot. The best result of shallot is found at the concentration of 60%. There was a real interaction with tuber diameter and the potential shallot yield. The largest diameter of shallot tuber is found in the combination of potassiumfertilizer  dosage of 125 kg ha-1 with the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer tofu waste 60% and the highest potential shallot yield is found in the combination of potassium fertilizer dosage of 100 kg ha-1 with the concentration of tofu waste organic liquid fertilizer 60%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Sitti Rahma ◽  
Burhanuddin Rasyid ◽  
Muh. Jayadi

In Indonesia, there is not much use of potassium fertilizer for plants. Generally, farmers are more familiar with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers than potassium. This is caused potassium is expensive and hard to find, so there should be another alternative for easily and economic potassium fertilizer. This study aims to analyze the effect of organic liquid fertilizer produced from banana stem and coconut fiber to increase Potassium in soil and maize growth on ex-cassava cultivation land in Moncongloe Bulu Village, Moncongloe District, Maros Regency. The study used randomized block design within two factors and replied for three times. The first factor is coconut liquid fertilizer with 4 levels; SK1 (50 ml/pot), SK2 (100 ml/pot), SK3 (150 ml/pot) and SK4 (200 ml/pot). The second factor is banana liquid fertilizer with 4 levels; BP1 (25ml/pot), BP2 (50ml/pot), BP3 (75ml/pot) and BP4 (100ml/pot), so there are 27 total of treatment units. The results showed that coconut liquid fertilizer significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, dry matter weight, dry root weight, matter weight, root weight, organic carbon, cation exchanged capacity, percentage Potassium of maize, and gained the highest average of Pottassium increasing in soil. Nevertheless, it has not significant effect to soil pH.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 341
Destia Susanti Sugeng ◽  
Yatmin Yatmin ◽  
Priyadi Priyadi

Liquid organic fertilizer is a technology in fertilizing to facilitate application. This study aims to study the response of three types of caisim plant varieties that are applied liquid organic fertilizer with several levels of concentration. The study was conducted using a Complete Randomized Block Design (RCBD), which was arranged in factorial with three replications. The first factor is three varieties of caisim (V) consisting of three levels, namely: v1 = tosakan variety, v2 = shinta variety, v3 = kumala variety. The second factor is the concentration of organic liquid fertilizer (C) consisting of three levels, namely: c1 = 3 ml / l water, c2 = 6 ml / l, c3 = 9 ml / l. The homogeneity of the research data was tested by Bartlett test and Tuckey tested the data in addictiveness then analyzed with variance and continued with the smallest significant difference test (LSD) at 5% level. The results showed that the use of three types of caisim varieties showed significant differences in the growth and yield of caisim plants as indicated by the plant height, leaf number and shoot-root ratio. The treatment of liquid organic fertilizer concentration showed no significant difference in the growth and yield of caisim plants in all observed variables.

Budiasih R ◽  
Sandi Hadian ◽  
Mohamad Agus Salim ◽  
M Subandi

This research was aimed to test the efficacy of organic liquid fertilizer and to know its effect on the growth and yield of sawi plant. The environmental design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of nine treatments and each repeated three times. The combination treatment of chicken manure and liquid organic fertilizer were tested, namely : A = Stable chicken manure 0 ton ha-1 + LOF 0 ml L-1 Solution, B = Stable chicken manure 0 ton ha-1 + LOF 3 ml L-1 Solution, C = Stable chicken manure 0 ton ha-1 + LOF 6 ml L-1 Solution, D = Stable chicken manure 10 ton ha-1 + LOF 0 ml L-1 Solution, E = Stable chicken manure 10 ton ha-1 + LOF 3 ml L-1 Solution, F = Stable chicken manure 10 ton ha-1 + LOF 6 ml L-1 Solution, G = Stable chicken manure 20 ton ha-1 + LOF 0 ml L-1 Solution, H = Stable chicken manure (dung) 20 ton ha-1 + LOF 3 ml L-1 Solution, I = Stable chicken manure 20 ton ha-1 + LOF 6 ml L-1 Solution. The results showed that the combination of chicken manure and liquid organic fertilizer had a significantly different effect on all growth parameters and yield of Shinta variety mustard plants, using a combination of chicken manure dosage of 20 tons ha-1 and liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 6 ml L- 1 Solution give a better influence on the growth and yield of Shinta variety mustard plants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Murdaningsih Murdaningsih

Research on Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Market Waste in Chinese Mustard Plants (Brasica juncea L.). The production of mustard greens in Ende Regency is still low compared to the production of mustard greens. This condition is caused by fertilization that has not been optimal. Efforts to increase mustard production through the application of technology, especially the use of fertilizers, including using liquid organic fertilizer Market waste that can provide nutrients for plants.This study aims to determine the application dose of liquid organic fertilizer from market waste and the response of growth and yield of mustard plants. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Flores in Ende, using a Randomized Block Design consisting of five treatments using Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from Market Waste namely L0 (without POC), L1 (10 liters of POC), L2 (20 liters POC), L3 (30 liters of POC), L4 (40 liters of POC), repeated four times. The results showed that the application of POC from market waste significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight of mustard greens, fresh weight of mustard ha-1 and dose of 40 liters ha-1 showed the best growth, which was an average plant height of 24.68 cm, number of leaves 9.25 strands, fresh weight of mustard 147.40 g and production of mustard 23.58 tons ha-1

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Afifah Keumala ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Mardhiah Hayati

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian dosis pupuk fosfor dan kalium serta interaksi keduanya terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman talas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan 2 dan Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh dari bulan Februari sampai Agustus 2018. Unit-unit penelitian disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial 3x3 dengan 3 ulangan dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata terkecil taraf 5% pada hasil uji F yang signifikan. Adapun faktor yang diteliti adalah dosis pupuk fosfor 3 taraf  yaitu 100, 200 dan 300 kg SP36 ha-1 dan dosis kalium 3 taraf yaitu 200, 300, dan 400 kg KCl ha-1. Dosis fosfor berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah daun tanaman talas umur 2 dan 10 MST serta bobot umbi basah dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman umur 2 MST, bobot berangkasan basah, dan jumlah umbi tanaman talas. Pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman talas terbaik dijumpai pada dosis pupuk fosfor 200 kg ha-1.  Dosis kalium berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap jumlah daun tanaman umur 2 MST dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap bobot berangkasan basah tanaman talas. Pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman talas terbaik dijumpai pada dosis kalium 300 kg ha-1. Terdapat interaksi yang tidak nyata antara perlakuan dosis fosfor dan dosis kalium terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman talas.The Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Doseson the Growth and Yield of Taro Plants (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott var. Antiquorum)Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dosing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as well as their interactions with the growth and yield of taro plants. This research was carried out in Experimental Garden 2 and Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala Darussalam University, Banda Aceh from February to August 2018. The research units were compiled based on Randomized Block Design 3x3 factorial pattern with 3 replications and continued with Real Difference test Honest level of 5% on significant F test results. The factors studied were the dosage of phosphorus fertilizer with 3 levels, namely 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 and potassium doses with 3 levels namely 200, 300, and 400 kg ha-1. The dosage of phosphorus had a very significant effect on the number of leaves of taro plants aged 2 and 10 MST and the weight of wet tubers and significantly affected plant age 2 MST, wet weighted weight, and the number of taro tubers. The growth and yield of taro plants are best found at a dose of 200 kg ha-1 phosphorus fertilizer. The dosage of potassium fertilizer had a very significant effect on the number of plant leaves aged 2 MST and had a significant effect on the wet weight of taro plants. Growth and yield of taro plants are best found at potassium doses of 300 kg ha-1. There were no significant interactions between the treatment of phosphorus doses and potassium doses on the growth and yield of taro plants. Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dosing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as well as their interactions with the growth and yield of taro plants. This research was carried out in Experimental Garden 2 and Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala Darussalam University, Banda Aceh from February to August 2018. The research units were compiled based on Randomized Block Design 3x3 factorial pattern with 3 replications and continued with Real Difference test Honest level of 5% on significant F test results. The factors studied were the dosage of phosphorus fertilizer with 3 levels, namely 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 and potassium doses with 3 levels namely 200, 300, and 400 kg ha-1. The dosage of phosphorus had a very significant effect on the number of leaves of taro plants aged 2 and 10 MST and the weight of wet tubers and significantly affected plant age 2 MST, wet weighted weight, and the number of taro tubers. The growth and yield of taro plants are best found at a dose of 200 kg ha-1 phosphorus fertilizer. The dosage of potassium fertilizer had a very significant effect on the number of plant leaves aged 2 MST and had a significant effect on the wet weight of taro plants. Growth and yield of taro plants are best found at potassium doses of 300 kg ha-1. There were no significant interactions between the treatment of phosphorus doses and potassium doses on the growth and yield of taro plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Debi Hartoni ◽  
Nunung Sondari ◽  
Endeh Masnenah

This experiment was carried out in Ujungjaya District, Sumedang Regency. At an altitude of 50 meters above sea level, the soil type is Vertisol. The time of this experiment was carried out from June to August 2020. The purpose of this experiment was to study, determine and get the best dose of growth response and yield of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Bima Brebes variety on the application of concentrated organic fertilizer. The design used was a simple randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 4 treatments of concentrated organic fertilizer in 6 replications. Concentrated organic fertilizers used are: A = 0 g/polybag, B = 50 g/polybag, C = 75 g/polybag and D = 100 g/polybag. The results showed that the application of concentrated organic fertilizer significantly affected plant height, number of leaves at age (14 HST) and tuber weight per plot. The application of concentrated organic fertilizer at a dose of 75 g/polybag showed higher yields on plant height, number of leaves, number of tubers per clump, tuber weight per clump and tuber weight per plot.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Izni Izni ◽  
Aris Aksarah Pas ◽  
Jumardin Jumardin

This study aims to study the growth response and yield of gogo rice at various doses of household waste organic fertilizer. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK) of one factor. Grouping based on sunlight. The treatment that was tried was various doses of household organic liquid fertilizer (POC), namely, POC0 = without POC, POC1 = 200 ml / plant, POC2 = 250 ml / plant, POC3 = 300 ml / plant. The results showed that the treatment of various doses of liquid organic fertilizer had a significant effect on the growth and yield of gogodan rice and the treatment dose of 300 ml / plant had a higher effect compared to other treatments on the growth and yield of gogo rice plants.

Kultivasi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Hidayati Karamina ◽  
Edyson Indawan ◽  
Ariani Trisna Murti ◽  
Tri Mujoko

AbstrakSalah satu teknologi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas mentimun yaitu dengan aplikasi pemupukan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik cair yang kaya fosfat terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman dan hasil dari tanaman mentimun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bulan Maret sampai Mei 2017 di kebun petani, Kelurahan Tlogomas, Kota Malang. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor dan diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah dosis pupuk NPK, terdiri dari 4 taraf, yaitu 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 dan 400 kg ha-1. Faktor kedua adalah dosis pupuk organik cair, terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu 100 cc L-1, 150 cc L:-1 dan 200 cc L-1. Pupuk organik cair terbuat dari campuran daun lamtoro dan air seni kambing. Adapun variabel pengamatan yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan berat buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik cair. Bobot buah mentimun tertinggi dicapai pada aplikasi pupuk NPK dengan dosis 200 kg ha-1sedangkan pada aplikasi pupuk organik cair dengan dosis 100 cc L-1Kata kunci : NPK, Pupuk organik cair, Mentimun.AbstractOne of the technologies to increase cucumber productivity is fertilization application. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of NPK and high phosphate liquid organic fertilizers on vegetative growth and yield of cucumber plants. This research was conducted from March to May 2017 in the farmer's garden, Tlogomas Village, Malang City. The experimental design used factorial randomized block design that consisted of two factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor was NPK fertilizer doses, that consisted of 4 levels, there were 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 and 400 kg ha-1. The second factor was organic liquid fertilizer doses, that consisted of 3 levels, there were 100 cc L-1, 150 cc L-1 and 200 cc L-1. Organic liquid fertilizer was made from Leucaena leucocephala leaves and goat urine. The observed variables were plant height, number of leaves, and fruits weight. The results showed that there was no interaction between NPK and liquid organic fertilizers. The highest cucumber fruit weight was achieved in the application of NPK fertilizer at a dose of 200 kg ha-1 while in the application of liquid organic fertilizer at a dose of 100 cc L-1.Keyword : NPK fertilizer, Organic liquid fertilizer, cucumber

Irpan Gunawan ◽  
Atak Tauhid ◽  
Isna Tustiyani

<p><em>Cauliflower is one of the vegetables for consumers. The demand for cauliflower was rising so it must be scaled up with fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of chicken manure and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of cauliflower. The study was conducted in Sukasenang Village, Banyuresmi Sub-district, Garut Regency from July to August 2019. The study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) in two factors each of the 3 rates with 2 replications. The first factor was the rates of chicken manure which consisted of 0, 10 and 20 tons ha<sup>-1</sup>; the second factor was NPK fertilizer which consists of 0, 100 and 200 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>. The parameter of this research was plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, weight and diameter crud. The results showed that there was no interaction between the chicken manure and NPK fertilizer. The treatment of 20 tons ha<sup>-1</sup> chicken manure affected the variable plant height, the number of leaves and leaf area. The rates of 200 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> NPK fertilizer had affected plant height, number of leaves, weight and diameter crud.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-90
Faris Nur Fauzi Athallah ◽  
Restu Wulansari ◽  
Eko Pranoto ◽  
Muhammad Alimin

Input factor is one of the determinator the quality and response of the tea plant growth. Inorganic fertilizer input still dominates in Indonesian plantations due to the lack of comprehensive evaluation of organic fertilizers, especially in liquid form. This study aims to determine the effect of inorganic and organic liquid fertilizer applications and the frequency of their application on the growth of tea plants. The experiment was carried out based on a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of six treatment combinations, including tap water application once a week, tap water once every two weeks, 1% urea once a week, 1% urea every two weeks, 1% POC once a week and 1% POC once every two weeks. Experiments were carried out on yielding tea plants with the 3rd year of pruning stage. The parameters observed were shoot production (kg/plot), weight of banji and pekoe (g/100g) and the ratio of banji/pekoe. The results showed that the application of urea foliar fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer with different application frequencies did not have a significant effect on each observed parameter. Application of 1% liquid organic fertilizer once every two weeks has the potential to increase tea productivity by showing a relatively high production of tea (6,88 kg/plot) compared to other treatments.

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