Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan
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Published By Politeknik Negeri Lampung

2548-9259, 2337-9944

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-118
Leni Sri Widyastuti ◽  
Yonathan Parapasan ◽  
Made Same

Several factors that affect production of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), one of which is the quality of seedlings. The quality of seedlings is affected by the type of clones and the composition of the planting media. This study aims to obtain the influence of clone types and types of manure, as well as the interaction between clone types and types of manure on the growth of cocoa seedlings. The study was conducted in the field of practices and Laboratory of the State Polytechnic of Lampung, in January to June 2017. The method used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) factorial pattern consisting of two factors. The first factor is the type of clone consisting of three levels, namely K1 = TSH clone 858, K2 = ICS 60, and K3 = TSH 908. The second factor consists of four levels namely P0 = Control, P1 = Chicken Manure, P2 = Cow Manure , and P3 = Goat Manure. The results showed that the use of TSH 858, ICS 60, and TSH 908 clones had the same effect on all observed variables. However, the use of manure has a significant effect on each variable, but the amount of leaf chlorophyll is relatively the same between clone types and types of manure, there are interactions between clone types and types of manure.

2021 ◽  
pp. 99-108
Shintawati Shintawati ◽  
Analianasari Analianasari ◽  
Zukryandry Zukryandry

Black pepper is a spice with a spicy taste and a distinctive aroma that has become known as the King of Spices. The distinctive aroma of black pepper comes from the volatile compounds that make up the essential oil of pepper. Black pepper essential oil has antimicrobial properties that can relieve respiratory infections and relieve muscle disorders. The acquisition of pepper essential oil from the distillation process is influenced by operating conditions. The aim of this study was to identify the composition of black pepper essential oil compounds using GCMS and to optimize the operating conditions (material size, solvent ratio, and distillation time). The method used to determine the optimum condition is using the Response Surface Method (RSM). The results showed that the highest yield of black pepper essential oil from this experiment is 5.14%. The empirical model was also suitable for the experiment and the optimum conditions for producing the maximum pepper oil yield 5,81% were 40 mesh of material size, 0.12 (g.ml-1) of solvent ratio and 162 minutes of distillation time. GCMS test results showed that the main constituents of pepper essential oil are caryophyllene, ocimene, limonene, carene, and a-pinene.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-98
Fitrah Murgianto ◽  
Edyson Edyson ◽  
Adhy Ardiyanto ◽  
Shadiar Kesuma Putra ◽  
Lilik Prabowo

Harvesting fresh fruit bunches (FFB) is an important activity in the oil palm plantation industry. This study aimed to analyze the potential content of palm oil at the level of loose fruit that falls on the oil palm circle. Observations were made on five fresh fruit bunches with criteria 1, 3, and 5 respectively loose fruit per bunch that falls on the oil palm circle from oil palm trees that were 22, 16, 12, and 7 years old. All sample fresh fruit bunches were analyzed for potential oil to bunch and oil to wet mesocarp in the analytical laboratory of Bumitama Gunajaya Agro. Content of oil to wet mesocarp in loose fruit 1, 3, and 5 were 48,50 % b, 51,98 % a, and 53,21 % a respectively. While the content of oil to bunch in loose fruit 1, 3, and 5 were 24,19 % a, 25,52 % a, and 25,71 % a respectively. The highest potential for oil content occurs in ripe palm fruit with a level of loose fruit 5 grains per bunch that falls on that oil palm circle. Five grains per bunch on the oil palm circle can be used as an indicator for harvesters to harvest ripe fruit with optimal oil content.   

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-90
Faris Nur Fauzi Athallah ◽  
Restu Wulansari ◽  
Eko Pranoto ◽  
Muhammad Alimin

Input factor is one of the determinator the quality and response of the tea plant growth. Inorganic fertilizer input still dominates in Indonesian plantations due to the lack of comprehensive evaluation of organic fertilizers, especially in liquid form. This study aims to determine the effect of inorganic and organic liquid fertilizer applications and the frequency of their application on the growth of tea plants. The experiment was carried out based on a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of six treatment combinations, including tap water application once a week, tap water once every two weeks, 1% urea once a week, 1% urea every two weeks, 1% POC once a week and 1% POC once every two weeks. Experiments were carried out on yielding tea plants with the 3rd year of pruning stage. The parameters observed were shoot production (kg/plot), weight of banji and pekoe (g/100g) and the ratio of banji/pekoe. The results showed that the application of urea foliar fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer with different application frequencies did not have a significant effect on each observed parameter. Application of 1% liquid organic fertilizer once every two weeks has the potential to increase tea productivity by showing a relatively high production of tea (6,88 kg/plot) compared to other treatments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-72
Jamaludin Jamaludin ◽  
M. Gary Ranchiano

The study aimed to find the media composition and watering frequency through drip irrigation technology, which is appropriate to support the growth of vanilla plants in polybags. The research was conducted in the STIPER Dharma Wacana Metro experimental garden from April to July 2020. The first factor is the composition of the planting medium, namely soil + manure, soil + manure + rice husks, soil + manure + sand, and soil + manure + cocopeat. The second factor is watering frequency, namely 1, 2, and 3 times a day. Each treatment was repeated three times. The variables observed included plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), shoot fresh weight (g), root fresh weight (g), and biomass dry weight (g). The use of mixed media of soil, manure, and cocopeat is the best media composition by producing a root wet weight of 8.0 g and a dry weight of 7.2 g. The frequency of watering three times a day resulted in the best height of vanilla plants being 51.8 cm compared to the frequency of watering once and twice a day. There was no interaction between the composition of the growing media and the frequency of watering on vanilla plants growth in polybags.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-82
Nadya Muliandari ◽  
Sudiarso Sudiarso ◽  
Titin Sumarni

Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) play an important role for sugar consumption in Indonesia. Problem found with sugar industry in Indonesia is the low productivity of sugarcane because of cultivation techniques caused by low soil fertility. This research aimed to determine effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and vermicompost in increasing the growth of sugarcane. The research method used Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisted of 2 factors with a combination of 6 treatments. The first factor was A1 = without PGPR A2 = PGPR (10 ml.L-1) and the second factor was P1 = 3.5 t.ha-1 (50% vermicompost recommended fertilizer), P2 = 7.t ha-1 (100% vermicompost recommended fertilizer) and P3 = 10.5 t.ha-1 (150% vermicompost recommended fertilizer). Variables of this observation are plant height, number of tillers, number of stems, number of internodes, stem diameter, brix value and the yield of sugarcane. At the age 7 months after planting, the treatment of PGPR application at a vermicompost dose of 7 t.ha-1 (78.46 t.ha-1) was able to reduce the need for a vermicompost dose which was shown by a higher yield value compared to without PGPR application with vermicompost 3.5 t.ha-1 and vermicompost dose of 7 t.ha-1. A higher stem weight obtained in the PGPR treatment when compared to the treatment without PGPR. At a vermicompost 7 t.ha-1 and a vermicompost 10.5 t.ha-1 showed a higher stem weight compared to vermicompost 3.5 t.ha-1.

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-63
Yulmira Yanti ◽  
Nurbailis Nurbailis ◽  
Imam Rifai

Rhizobacteria was group of bacteria that colonize roots, affect growth and control plant pathogensBased on the results of previous studies, 6 isolates have the best ability to control G. boninense in oil palm seedlings. To determine the ability of these isolates, characterization needs to be done. This study aims to identify the molecular isolates of selected rhizobacteria indigenous that act as biocontrol agents G. boninense. Molecular identification of selected rhizobacteria isolates using the 16S rRNA gene. The results showed that All RBI isolates were identified as different species of Bacillus paramycoides strain MCCC (RZ1A 2.1), Microbacterium paraoxydans strain CF36 (RZ2B 1.1), Bacillus albus strain MCCC 1A02146 (RZ2C 2.1), Bacillus cereus strain JCM 2152 (RZ2E 2.1), Serratia marcescens strain NBRC 102204 (RZ2E 1.2), Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 (RZ1E 2.1).

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-56
Oki Puspita Wardani ◽  
Priyadi Priyadi ◽  
Yatmin Yatmin

This study was conducted on Pujodadi Village, Trimurjo, Central Lampung from September to December 2020. The study used a factorial randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor is concentration of plant growth substances which consists of 5 levels; Z0 (0 ml.lt-1), Z1 (3.5 ml.lt-1), Z2 (7 ml.lt-1), Z3 (10.5 ml.lt-1) and Z4 (14 ml.lt-1). The second factor is the origin of the seed consists of three parts; P1 (top), P2 (middle), and P3 (bottom). The research objective was to study the effect of plant growth substances concentration and part of seed origin in sugarcane seedlings. The results showed that the plant growth substances concentration significantly increased the percentage of growth and the time 50% of the seeds sprouted. The seed origin of the top part showed the best growth compared to the middle and bottom. There was no interaction between plant growth substances concentration and seed origin on sugarcane seed growth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-45
Lucyana Trimo ◽  
Syarif Hidayat

Industri rokok tidak kalah penting pengaruhnya terhadap perekonomian Indonesia yaitu, telah memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar baik dari tenaga kerja maupun pendapatan negara melalui cukai. Adanya FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) menyebabkan industri rokok mengalami tekanan publik yang sangat kuat, terutama dikaitkan dengan pencanangan agenda global Hari Kesehatan Sedunia. Ini berdampak terhadap petani tembakau sebagai pemasok bahan baku olahan rokok, banyak petani tembakau yang pada akhirnya mengganti tanamannya dengan tanaman lain yang memiliki nilai kurang ekonomis dibandingkan tanaman tembakau. Untuk mengantisipasi  dampak FCTC tersebut, perlu ada inovasi teknologi dalam aneka produk olahan tembakau non rokok. Beberapa aneka produk olahan tembakau non rokok, adalah: pupuk, pestisida, farmasi, cat untuk batik, briket, minyak tembakau,dan lain-lain yang memiliki nilai tambah  lebih tinggi dibandingkan dalam bentuk rokok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey dengan pendekatan kuantitaif deskriptif . Responden (petani tembakau) diambil di lima Kecamatan  pada Kabupaten Bandung, yang memiliki potensi besar untuk komoditas tembakau, dan merupakan salah satu sentra produksi tembakau setelah kabupaten Garut  di Jawa Barat. Kelima wilayah penelitian  ini merupakan wilayah binaan dari Disperindag Kabupaten Bandung dalam mengembangkan produk olahan tembakau non rokok.  Wawancara juga dilakukan terhadap Informan, yaitu: ketua dan pengurus Kelompok Tani Tembakau, Asosiasi Tembakau Indonesia, staf instansi terkait (Disperidag), dan tokoh masyarakat di wilayah penelitian. Teknik FGD juga dilakukan. Data hasil penelitian ditabulasikan, dideskripsikan dan dianalisis melalui pendekatan system thinking. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, masih banyak kendala dalam mengembangkan agroindustri  produk tembakau non rokok, dan model pengembangannya harus dibangun secara terintegrasi dan  menyeluruh, karena terkait dengan berbagai stakeholder.

2021 ◽  
pp. 23-34
Iis Okta Arbania ◽  
Albertus Sudirman ◽  
Sismita Sari ◽  
Mirodi Syofian

On of the obstacles that resulted in a decrease in palm oil production was the presence of weeds. Controlling need to be done to suppress weed growth. Controlling using a mixture of methyl methulfuron herbicide and acetic acid herbicide is on way to weed control. This research was conducted in Lampung State Polytechnic. This study used a factorial randomized block design with 2 factor and each treatment combination was repeated 3 times. The first factor is the methyl methulfuron herbicide 20% with 3 level doses of 0 g.ha-1, 45 g,ha-1, and 75 g. ha-1 second factor is acetic acid herbicide 20% with 3 level doses of 0 ml.ha-1, 225.000 ml.ha-1, and 315 ml.ha-1. the result showed that the combination of methyl methulfuron herbicide 75 g.ha-1 and acetic acid herbicide 315.000 ml.ha-1 effective weed dry weight up to 5.50 grams at 5 WAA and able to reduce weed cover percent to 8% at 6 WAA. the dominance weed that arises after the application of the methyl methulfuron herbicide and acetic acid is Asystasia gangentica, Paspalum conjugatum , Panicum dichotomyflorum, Stachytarpeta indica, dan Imperata cilindrica.

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