2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 341
Destia Susanti Sugeng ◽  
Yatmin Yatmin ◽  
Priyadi Priyadi

Liquid organic fertilizer is a technology in fertilizing to facilitate application. This study aims to study the response of three types of caisim plant varieties that are applied liquid organic fertilizer with several levels of concentration. The study was conducted using a Complete Randomized Block Design (RCBD), which was arranged in factorial with three replications. The first factor is three varieties of caisim (V) consisting of three levels, namely: v1 = tosakan variety, v2 = shinta variety, v3 = kumala variety. The second factor is the concentration of organic liquid fertilizer (C) consisting of three levels, namely: c1 = 3 ml / l water, c2 = 6 ml / l, c3 = 9 ml / l. The homogeneity of the research data was tested by Bartlett test and Tuckey tested the data in addictiveness then analyzed with variance and continued with the smallest significant difference test (LSD) at 5% level. The results showed that the use of three types of caisim varieties showed significant differences in the growth and yield of caisim plants as indicated by the plant height, leaf number and shoot-root ratio. The treatment of liquid organic fertilizer concentration showed no significant difference in the growth and yield of caisim plants in all observed variables.

Budiasih R ◽  
Sandi Hadian ◽  
Mohamad Agus Salim ◽  
M Subandi

This research was aimed to test the efficacy of organic liquid fertilizer and to know its effect on the growth and yield of sawi plant. The environmental design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of nine treatments and each repeated three times. The combination treatment of chicken manure and liquid organic fertilizer were tested, namely : A = Stable chicken manure 0 ton ha-1 + LOF 0 ml L-1 Solution, B = Stable chicken manure 0 ton ha-1 + LOF 3 ml L-1 Solution, C = Stable chicken manure 0 ton ha-1 + LOF 6 ml L-1 Solution, D = Stable chicken manure 10 ton ha-1 + LOF 0 ml L-1 Solution, E = Stable chicken manure 10 ton ha-1 + LOF 3 ml L-1 Solution, F = Stable chicken manure 10 ton ha-1 + LOF 6 ml L-1 Solution, G = Stable chicken manure 20 ton ha-1 + LOF 0 ml L-1 Solution, H = Stable chicken manure (dung) 20 ton ha-1 + LOF 3 ml L-1 Solution, I = Stable chicken manure 20 ton ha-1 + LOF 6 ml L-1 Solution. The results showed that the combination of chicken manure and liquid organic fertilizer had a significantly different effect on all growth parameters and yield of Shinta variety mustard plants, using a combination of chicken manure dosage of 20 tons ha-1 and liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 6 ml L- 1 Solution give a better influence on the growth and yield of Shinta variety mustard plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Kus Hendarto ◽  
Yohanes Cipta Ginting ◽  
Agus Karyanto ◽  
Virginia Chintya Amanda

This study aims to determine the effect of NPK dosage, types of complementary fertilizers and their interactions on the growth and production of chilies pepper.  This research was conducted in Sukabanjar Village, Gedong Tataan, Pesawaran Regency from July-December 2020.  The experimental design used in this study was a two-factor randomized block design (RBD), namely the dose of NPK fertilizer and the type of complementary fertilizer (4 × 2) with 3 replications.  Each plot consisted of 8 plants so that there were 192 plants.  The first factor was NPK Mutiara fertilizer dose (16:16:16)(N) with N0:0 g/plant, N1:10 g/plant, N2:20 g/plant and N3:30 g/plant.  The second factor is the type of complementary fertilizer (P) with P1 Plant Catalyst and P2 Gandasil D. Homogeneity of variance was tested by Bartlett test, additivity was tested by Tukey test. Then it was continued with analysist of variance and with the Least Significant Difference test (LSD) at the 5% level. Treatment of NPK fertilizer dosage significantly increases growth and yield.  The interaction between the NPK dosage of 20g/plant and type of complementary fertilizers gave highest plant height (95.58 cm). The best  combination was NPK dosage of 20 g/plant and Plant Catalyst fertilizer that gave highest yield (753,17 g/plant equivalent 15.06 ton/ha at population 20,000 plant/ha.Keywords : Chili pepper, complimentary fertilizer, growth, NPK, yield

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Izni Izni ◽  
Aris Aksarah Pas ◽  
Jumardin Jumardin

This study aims to study the growth response and yield of gogo rice at various doses of household waste organic fertilizer. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK) of one factor. Grouping based on sunlight. The treatment that was tried was various doses of household organic liquid fertilizer (POC), namely, POC0 = without POC, POC1 = 200 ml / plant, POC2 = 250 ml / plant, POC3 = 300 ml / plant. The results showed that the treatment of various doses of liquid organic fertilizer had a significant effect on the growth and yield of gogodan rice and the treatment dose of 300 ml / plant had a higher effect compared to other treatments on the growth and yield of gogo rice plants.

Kultivasi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Hidayati Karamina ◽  
Edyson Indawan ◽  
Ariani Trisna Murti ◽  
Tri Mujoko

AbstrakSalah satu teknologi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas mentimun yaitu dengan aplikasi pemupukan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik cair yang kaya fosfat terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman dan hasil dari tanaman mentimun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bulan Maret sampai Mei 2017 di kebun petani, Kelurahan Tlogomas, Kota Malang. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor dan diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah dosis pupuk NPK, terdiri dari 4 taraf, yaitu 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 dan 400 kg ha-1. Faktor kedua adalah dosis pupuk organik cair, terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu 100 cc L-1, 150 cc L:-1 dan 200 cc L-1. Pupuk organik cair terbuat dari campuran daun lamtoro dan air seni kambing. Adapun variabel pengamatan yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan berat buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik cair. Bobot buah mentimun tertinggi dicapai pada aplikasi pupuk NPK dengan dosis 200 kg ha-1sedangkan pada aplikasi pupuk organik cair dengan dosis 100 cc L-1Kata kunci : NPK, Pupuk organik cair, Mentimun.AbstractOne of the technologies to increase cucumber productivity is fertilization application. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of NPK and high phosphate liquid organic fertilizers on vegetative growth and yield of cucumber plants. This research was conducted from March to May 2017 in the farmer's garden, Tlogomas Village, Malang City. The experimental design used factorial randomized block design that consisted of two factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor was NPK fertilizer doses, that consisted of 4 levels, there were 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 and 400 kg ha-1. The second factor was organic liquid fertilizer doses, that consisted of 3 levels, there were 100 cc L-1, 150 cc L-1 and 200 cc L-1. Organic liquid fertilizer was made from Leucaena leucocephala leaves and goat urine. The observed variables were plant height, number of leaves, and fruits weight. The results showed that there was no interaction between NPK and liquid organic fertilizers. The highest cucumber fruit weight was achieved in the application of NPK fertilizer at a dose of 200 kg ha-1 while in the application of liquid organic fertilizer at a dose of 100 cc L-1.Keyword : NPK fertilizer, Organic liquid fertilizer, cucumber

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Deno Okalia ◽  
Tri Nopsagiarti ◽  
Gusti Marlina

Growing vegetable crops such as lettuce, on Ultisol soil has several obstacles, such as insufficient organic matter and nutrients in the soil. The provision of biochar and POC leri or organic fertilizer from rice washing liquid is expected to be a long-term and sustainable solution. This study was intended to test the addition of biochar to the growing media and the application of leri on lettuce cultivation. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) method. The first factor was the application of biochar to the planting medium (M), which consisted of M1: Ultisol without biochar and M2: Ultisol + 30 g biochar. The second factor was the administration of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) leri (P), with 5 treatments consisting of P0: without giving LOF leri, P1: giving LOF leri without fermentation once a week, P2: giving LOF leri without fermentation twice a week, P3: giving fermented LOF leri once a week, P4: giving fermented LOF leri twice a week. The results of this study were tested statistically by analysis of variance, with the F test; if there was a significant difference, it was continued with the BNJ test (Honest Significant Difference) at a 0.05 level. The results showed that the best treatment of LOF leri in increasing lettuce growth and yield was 25% fermented LOF leri given 2 times a week, at 250 mL per lettuce plant. As a single treatment the best growing media was M2 (Ultisol soil + 30 g of biochar) with a plant height of 25.80 cm and the leaf number of 12.83; whereas the best LOF leri treatment was P4 (fermented LOF leri given twice a week), with a plant height of 30.27 cm and leaf number of 14.42. Based on whole plant fresh weight, the best treatment was the M2P4 (Ultisol + biochar growing medium and fermented LOF leri given week), which was 185.99 g per plant. Keywords: household waste, lettuce, POC leri, rice washing liquid   ABSTRAK Melakukan budidaya tanaman sayuran, seperti selada, pada tanah Ultisol memiliki beberapa kendala, seperti kurangnya bahan organik dan unsur hara pada tanah tersebut. Pemberian biochar dan POC leri atau pupuk organik dari cairan cucian beras diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi yang bersifat jangka panjang dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji penambahan biochar pada media tanam dan pemberian leri pada budidaya selada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah pemberian biochar pada media tanam (M), yang terdiri dari M1: Ultisol tanpa biochar dan M2: Ultisol + 30 g biochar. Faktor kedua adalah pemberian pupuk organic cair (POC) leri (P), dengan sebanyak 5 perlakuan yang terdiri dari adalah P0: tanpa pemberian POC leri, P1: pemberian POC leri tanpa fermentasi 1 kali seminggu, P2: pemberian POC leri tanpa fermentasi 2 kali seminggu, P3: pemberian POC leri fermentasi 1 kali seminggu, P4: pemberian POC leri fermentasi 2 kali seminggu. Hasil penelitian ini diuji secara statistik dengan analisis ragam, dengan uji F; bila terdapat perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ (Beda Nyata Jujur) pada taraf 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan POC leri yang terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi selada adalah 25% POC leri fermentasi yang diberikan 2 kali seminggu, sebanyak 250 mL per tanaman selada. Secara tunggal perlakuan media tanam terbaik adalah M2 (tanah Ultisol+ 30 g biochar) dengan tinggi tanaman 25,80 cm dan jumlah daun 12, 83 helai; sedangkan perlakuan POC leri terbaik adalah P4 (POC leri fermentasi yang diberikan 2 kali seminggu), dengan tinggi tanaman 30,27 cm dan jumlah daun 14,42 helai. Berdasarkan berat basah tanaman, yang terbaik adalah pada perlakuan M2P4 (media tanam Ultisol + biochar dan POC leri fermentasi yang diberikan 2 kali seminggu), yaitu 185,99 g per tanaman. Kata kunci: cairan cucian beras, limbah rumah tangga, POC leri, selada

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Selvy Dwi Cahyani ◽  
M. Hilmi ◽  
D. Triasih ◽  
A. H. Achmad ◽  
N. R. Amalia

Abstrak Objektif. Proses perebusan bakso membutuhkan waktu yang lama dengan suhu tinggi dapat mengakibatkan unsur nutrisi makro dan mikro pada bakso akan larut dalam air yang digunakan untuk merebus. Proses perebusan bakso menghasilkan limbah air sisa perebusan. Limbah air rebusan bakso dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi pupuk cair organik dengan menambahkan bioaktivator Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL)bonggol pisang. Setiap MOL dari berbagai varietas bonggol pisang memiliki efektifitas yang berbeda didalam menguraikan substrat. Sehingga perlu dilakukan Penelitian untuk  mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan MOL dari berbagai varietas bonggol pisang (pisang raja, pisang kapok, dan pisang ambon) pada pembuatan pupuk cair organik limbah air rebusan bakso. Material and metode. Meterial yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu limbah air rebusan bakso, bonggo pisang raja, bonggol pisang kepok, bonggol pisang ambon, mollase, tepung beras, dan air. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, yaitu: P0 (EM4), P1 (MOL bonggol pisang raja), P2 (MOL bonggol pisang kepok), P3 (MOL bonggol pisang Ambon). Pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu pengujian terhadap kadar Nitrogen, Fosfor, Kalium, Karbon, nilai pH, serta perhitungan rasio C/N pada pupuk. Data yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dan uji lanjut Least Significant Difference (LSD) Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan MOL bonggol pisang pada pembuatan pupuk cair organik limbah air rebusan bakso menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan (P> 0,05) pada parameter N, K, dan tingkat pH pada pupuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan (P<0,05) terhadap kadar P. Nilai C organik dan rasio C/N yang tertinggi dihasilkan pada P1. Kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan EM4 dan MOL dari berbagai varietas bonggol pisang memiliki efektifitas yang sama terhadap parameter N,K, dan nilai pH pada pupuk. penggunaan EM4 dan MOL dari berbagai varietas bonggol pisang memiliki efektifitas yang berbeda terhadap parameter P. Penggunaan MOL bonggol pisang raja mampu menghasilkan pupuk dengan nilai C dan rasio C/N yang tertinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan perlakuan yang lainnya. Abstrack Objective. The boiling process of meatballs requires a long time with high temperatures can cause the macro and micronutrients in the meatballs will dissolve in water used to boil. The boiling process of the meatballs produces boiling water wastewater. Waste of meatball cooking water can be utilized as organic liquid fertilizer by adding bio activators to Local Microorganisms (MOL) banana weevil. Each MOL of various varieties of banana weevil has different effectiveness in decomposing the substrate. Research needs to done to determine the effect of the use of MOL from multiple varieties of banana weevil (plantain, kapok banana, and banana ambon) in the manufacture of organic liquid fertilizer wastewater boiled meatballs. Material and method. The material used in this research is the meatball cooking water waste, plantain bonggol, kepok banana weevil, ambon banana weevil, molasses, rice flour, and water. The research method used in this study was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 4 treatments and three replications, namely: P0 (EM4), P1 (MOL of king banana weevil), P2 (MOL of banana knuckles), P3 (MOL of tubers banana of Ambon). Tests conducted in this study are testing of levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Carbon, pH, and the calculation of the C / N ratio in fertilizer. Data obtained in this study were analyzed using Randomized Block Design (RBD) and Least Significant Difference (LSD) further tests. Results. The results showed that the addition of MOL of banana weevil on the manufacture of organic liquid fertilizer of meatball cooking water showed no significant effect (P> 0.05) on the parameters N, K, and the pH level of the fertilizer. The results showed a significant effect (P <0.05) on levels of P. Organic C values ​​and the highest C / N ratio generated at P1. Conclusion. Based on the results of the analysis, it can conclude that the use of EM4 and MOL from various varieties of banana weevil has the same effectiveness of the parameters N, K, and the pH value of the fertilizer. The use of EM4 and MOL from various varieties of banana weevil has different effectiveness against the P parameters. The use of MOL of Raja banana weevil can produce fertilizer with the highest C and C / N ratio when compared with other treatments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-142
Muhammad Jusfar Simajuntak ◽  
Syahbudin Hasibuan ◽  
Maimunah Maimunah

Cowpeas is becoming rare, hence it has to be planted again to some reasons. This research aims to know the growth and production of cowpeas with Bokashi use of sugarcane filter cake and liquid organic fertilizer pineapple skin that have been implemented at the Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Station Road PBSI Area Terrain 1 Terrain Estate, District Percut Sei Tuan from March to July 2019. Methods the research in this research is a randomized block design factorial, with 2 (two) treatment factors, namely: 1) factors bokashi cane filter cake (T) and Organic Liquid Fertilizer Factors pineapple skin (S), each treatment was repeated 2 times so that there are 32 experimental plots. Each experimental plot consisted of eight plants with four plant samples. The results of this research indicate that the use of Bokashi blotong cane very significant effect on the number of pods persample but did not significantly  affect  stem  diameter,  length  of  pods  persampel,  heavy  pods persampel and production perplot, fertilizer liquid organic pineapple skin very significant effect on the number of pods persampel, but did not significantly affect stem diameter, persampel pod length, pod weight and production persampel perplot, a combination of the use of sugarcane filter cake bokashi organic fertilizer liquid and pineapple skin no real effect on the growth and yield of cowpeas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 566-571
Tuti Setyaningrum ◽  
Dyah Arbiwati

To produce optimally good quality shallots, proper cultivation techniques are required. Efforts that can be made include modifying the environment in which plants grow. Alternative efforts to increase the quantity and quality of agricultural products, especially shallots can be done by using organic fertilizers and the use of Trichoderma sp. as a plant growth promoting agent, as well as improving the quality of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Trichoderma in increasing the ability of plants to absorb nutrients from the growing media and to determine the best type of organic fertilizer to increase the growth and yield of shallots. The research was conducted at the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Wedomartani, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region, at an altitude of approximately 104 meters above sea level. The time of the research is from May to July 2021. This study was arranged in a factorial Completely Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor is the type of manure (P1: without manure, P2: cow manure and P3: goat manure). The second factor was inoculation of Trichoderma sp isolates (I0: without inoculation of Trichoderma sp. isolates. and I1: by inoculation of Trichoderma sp. isolates). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the addition of cow and goat manure was able to produce more leaves and plant height than without the addition of manure, although it did not show a significant effect on the yield of shallot bulbs. There is no significant difference between cow manure and goat manure. Trichoderma inoculation has not had a significant effect on the growth and yield of shallots

Lukman .

Arenga palm is a liquid obtained from palm plant stem [Arenga pinnata (Wurmb). Merr)] this liquid is used as an ingredient for brown sugar or alcoholic beverages, this liquid is then mixed with some organic ingredients through fermentation method. The result of laboratory analysis shows that the fermentation contained N, P, K, and IAA and GA3 hormones that were used as experimental fertilizer (Liquid Organic fertilizer arenga palm). This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the dosage of liquid organic fertilizer to the growth and yield of rice field plants. This research used a randomized block design consisting of 3 (three) replications and 10 doses so that there were 30 experimental treatments. The study was carried out at the Agricultural Research Institute of Sidondo Palu in Central Sulawesi in March to June 2017. The analysis used was the analysis of single factor variance with the Honest Significant Difference test (BNJ). The results of the analysis shows that the dose of arenga palm 25.75 L.ha-1 for plant growth aged 15 days after planting (HST), 28 HST and 43 HST affects significantly (P <0.001) to an average plant height of 49.3 cm, 6.51 cm and 86 cm, and the number of productive tillers is 15.23 stems. Cluster-1. Likewise, the results of crop production shows that the use of a dose of 25.75 L. ha-1 is significantly different (P <0.001 harvested dry rice yield (GKP) 7.99 tons. ha-1.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Arum Asriyanti Suhastyo ◽  
Fanny Tri Raditya

The use of liquid fertilizers by utilizing local types of microorganisms (MOL) can be an alternative to supporting nutrient requirements in the soil, and it can be a solution to environmentally friendly agriculture and free from fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Moringa leaves contain chemical compounds such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sufur so that the leaves of Moringa can be used to make liquid organic fertilizer. In this study, the effect of MOL leaves on the growth and yield of mustard pagoda plants was evaluated. The research was design by factorial randomized block design, with two factors The first factor was dosage of MOL Moringa leaves: 0, 50, 60, and 70 mL L<sup>-1</sup>. The second was frequency of MOL Moringa leaves application: periodically every 5, 6, and 7 days, Each treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 36 experimental plots. To find out the response observed to the given treatment, Variance Analysis Test (ANOVA) was carried out and if it showed a significant difference, continued with Duncan's Multiple Ranged Test. The results showed the frequency and concentration of MOL leaves of Moringa leaves could increase plant height in the treatment frequency of 6 days given 70 ml / l MOL Moringa leaves which was 4,89 cm and the frequency, concentration of MOL leaves of moringa and their interactions had not been able to increase the number of leaves and the fresh weight of the pagoda mustard plant.

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