scholarly journals Attempts to Revive the Commercial Exchange Between Poland and Sweden in the Last Years of Stanisław August Poniatowski's Reign.

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 75-88
Zbigniew Anusik
Ileana M. Porras

This chapter explores the doctrine of the providential function of commerce in the work of Francisco de Vitoria (c. 1492–1546), Alberico Gentili (1552–1608), and Hugo Grotius (1583–1645). In this chapter, I argue that the doctrine’s persuasive power lies in the interplay between two factors. First is the fact that while the doctrine is not in origin a religious doctrine, its elements and its narrative logic carried an unmistakable religious sensibility that became indissolubly associated with international trade. But the doctrine’s true efficacy lies in a more subtle internal effect. In essence, the doctrine, which holds at its core an act of exchange among distant peoples, allowed its adherents to idealize international trade by blurring the distinction between the act of commercial exchange and that of gift-exchange. In this manner, international exchange came to be portrayed as an act of friendship and community recognition, rather than a commercial act between strangers.

Revista Trace ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 13 ◽  
Éric Léonard ◽  
Bruno Losch ◽  
Fernando Rello

A trece años de su ratificación el balance del TLCAN sigue siendo objeto de controversia, en particular en lo que toca al sector agropecuario. Las evoluciones macroeconómicas positivas (crecimiento de los intercambios comerciales, de las inversiones directas, de la productividad) son cuestionadas por el aumento de las desigualdades en la distribución de la riqueza, tanto entre sectores sociales como entre las grandes regiones del país, así como por la incapacidad del sector manufacturero para absorber los empleos perdidos en los ramos poco competitivos de la agricultura. Una consecuencia de esta situación radica en la intensificación de los movimientos migratorios, tanto en el ámbito interno como en la destinación de Estados Unidos. A partir de la descripción de los fenómenos de cambio estructural que han afectado al sector agropecuario en el curso del último decenio, el artículo muestra cómo la intervención pública, en su nueva configuración, ha contribuido a ahondar las diferencias de productividad entre regiones y grupos socioeconómicos, a la vez que permiten controlar los procesos de marginación y pobreza rural. Con todo, las transferencias públicas participan de un proceso generalizado de diversificación de las actividades y los ingresos –entre los cuales las remesas ocupan un lugar central–, en el sentido de una reconfiguración radical de la economía de las familias rurales. El trabajo aborda en conclusión las incidencias de tales cambios en la naturaleza y el sentido de las transiciones en curso, así como los retos, en particular políticos, que éstas plantean.Abstract: After thirteen years of its validation, the TLCAN outcome still is controversial, particularly in reference to the agricultural facet. The positive macroeconomic evolutions (growth of commercial exchange, of direct inversion, of productivity) are questioned due to the inequity regarding the distribution of wealth between social sectors and large portions of the country as well as the inability of the industrial sector to absorb the employments lost in lesser competitive agricultural sectors. One of the consequences is that the intensification of the migratory movements inside the country as well as in the United States of America. Starting from descriptions of the structuralchanged phenomena, which has affected agriculture during the last decade, this paper shows the way in which public intervention, in its new layout, has contributed to deepen the differences in terms of productivity between regions and socio-economical groups. At the same time this allowed to control the generalized process of diversification in activities and income at the heart of which the deliveries take a central roll, in the sense of a radical configuration in the economy of rural families. This paper stresses the consequences of these transformations in the nature and sense of the current transition, as well as the challenges, particularly the political ones.Resumé : Treize ans après sa ratification, le bilan de l’Accord de libre-échange d’Amérique du Nord (ALENA) demeure sujet à controverse, en particulier pour ce qui concerne son volet agricole. Les évolutions macro-économiques positives (croissance des échanges commerciaux, des investissements directs et de la productivité) sont en effet contrebalancées par un accroissement des inégalités dans la distribution de la richesse, tant entre secteurs sociaux qu’entre les grandes régions, ainsi que par la difficulté du secteur industriel à absorber les emplois perdus dans les secteurs peu compétitifs de l’agriculture. L’une des conséquences de cette situation réside dans l’intensification des mouvements migratoires, tant entre les régions du pays qu’en direction des États-unis. À partir d’une description des phénomènes de changements structurels qui ont marqué l’agriculture au cours de la dernière décennie, l’article montre comment l’intervention publique dans sa configuration nouvelle a contribué au creusement des écarts au sein du secteur tout en facilitant la gestion des phénomènes de marginalisation et de pauvreté rurale. Il s’attache enfin à démontrer en quoi les transferts publics ne sont qu’une contribution au processus général de diversification des activités et des revenus – au sein duquel les transferts privés liés à la migration occupent une place centrale –, entraînant une profonde reconfiguration de l’économie des familles rurales. Il aborde en conclusion les conséquences de ces changements sur la nature et le sens des transitions en cours, ainsi que les enjeux, notamment politiques, qui en découlent.

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 10-18 ◽  
M. Lopatarova ◽  
S. Cech ◽  
P. Krontorad ◽  
L. Holy ◽  
H. Lalova ◽  

The aim of this study was to evaluate conception rate after sex determination and subsequent freezing of Day 7 (D<sub>7</sub>) bovine embryos and to compare it with transfer of fresh female embryos. High quality embryos obtained from superovulated donors were biopsied and the embryonic cells (5–10) were analysed by PCR using specific primers for the Y-chromosome determinant. Fresh embryos were blade biopsied (<I>n</I> = 172) and subsequently transferred (ET) ipsilaterally to synchronized recipients. Selected embryos (<I>n</I>= 112) were biopsied by cell aspiration and cryopreserved for later transfer. Sex determination was successfully completed in 91.3% of fresh group embryos (44% female) and in 87.5% of freeze-thawed group embryos (45.9% female). The achieved pregnancy rate was 56.5% after fresh transfer of sexed (female) embryos whereas intact embryos (control 1) implanted in 61.9% recipients. 95.6% (43/45) of embryos survived biopsy and cryopreservation. After transfer of freeze-thawed sexed (female) embryos, pregnancy was established in 48.8% of recipients. A similar conception rate was found in intact embryos (50.7%, control 2). The results clearly demonstrate that the microsurgical technique used and subsequent PCR sex analysis allow the rapid commercial exchange of genetic resources on the basis of fresh or frozen sex-desired embryos in embryo transfer programs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 29-62 ◽  
Neal D. Polhemus

Abstract:The rise of the Kingdom of Dahomey in the first quarter of the eighteenth century was a watershed event in the political history of precolonial West Africa. This article draws on a newly rediscovered copy of William Snelgrave’s diary who visited King Agaja of Dahomey in April 1727. The diary provides the fullest account to date of Agaja’s motives for invading Whydah in March 1727. In addition, the Diary provides the earliest evidence confirming the bona fides of Bulfinch Lambe’s 1731 mission to England to establish commercial relations with King George II.

2020 ◽  
Andrea Zerboni ◽  
Anna Maria Mercuri ◽  
Assunta Florenzano ◽  
Eleonora Clò ◽  
Giovanni Zanchetta ◽  

&lt;p&gt;&lt;span&gt;The Terramare civilization included hundreds of &lt;/span&gt;&lt;span&gt;banked and moated villages, located in the alluvial plain of the Po River of northern Italy, and developed between the Middle and the Recent Bronze Ages (XVI-XII cent. BC). This civilization lasted for over 500 years, collapsing at around 1150 years BC, in a period marked by a great societal disruptionin the Mediterranean area. The timing and modalities of the collapse of the Terramare Bronze Age culture are widely debated, and a combined geoarchaeological and palaeoclimatic investigation &amp;#8211; the SUCCESSO-TERRA Project &amp;#8211;is shading new light on this enigma. The Terramare economy was based upon cereal farming, herding, and metallurgy; settlements were also sustained by a well-developed system for the management of water and abundant wood resources. They also established a wide network of commercial exchange between continental Europe and the Mediterranean region.The SUCCESSO-TERRA Project investigated two main Bronze Age sites in Northern Italy:(i) the Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio, and (ii) the San Michele di Valestra site, which is a coeval settlement outside the Terramare territory, but in the adjoining Apennine range. Human occupation at San Michele di Valestra persisted after the Terramare crisis and the site was settled with continuity throughout the whole Bronze Ages, up to the Iron Age. The combined geoarchaeological, palaeoclimatic, and archaeobotanical investigation on different archaeological sites and on independent archives for climatic proxies (offsite cores and speleothems) highlights the existence of both climatic and anthropic critical factors triggering a dramatic shift of the landuse of the Terramare civilization. The overexploitation of natural resources became excessive in the late period of the Terramare trajectory, when also a climatic change occurred. A fresh speleothem record for the same region suggests the occurrence of a short-lived period of climatic instability followed by a marked peak of aridity. The&lt;span&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/span&gt;unfavourable concomitance between human overgrazing and climatic-triggered environmental pressure, amplified the on-going societal crisis, likely leading to the breakdown of the Terramare civilization in the turn of a generation.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-31 ◽  
Andrea Mansker

AbstractFounder of the most widely known matrimonial agency in postrevolutionary France, Claude Villiaume proved his talents as an enterprising ad man who exploited the uniquely commercial format of the Parisian Petites affiches to establish a virtual monopoly on the business under the Empire. Offering to serve as a conduit for men and women who pursued love anonymously in the Petites affiches, he skillfully marketed his “marriages by the classifieds” to lonely, uprooted individuals throughout imperial France. Villiaume pitched his unions as part of a new commercial and social world of movement in Paris. He sought to facilitate the circulation of capital and people by forging family alliances and love matches across multiple social and geographic borders. By linking marital choice and courtship to the vagaries of consumer capitalism, the agent transformed marriage into a form of commercial exchange associated with the new urban values of abundance, pleasure, and social mobility.Fondateur du bureau des mariages le plus connu à l'époque de l'Empire, Claude Villiaume a fait preuve de son talent comme publicitaire dynamique qui se servait du format commercial des Petites Affiches de Paris afin d'établir un monopole sur la profession de courtier matrimonial. Il s'est proposé comme entremetteur pour les gens à la recherche d'un conjoint dans l'anonymat des petites annonces et il a mis en valeur ses « mariages par les petites affiches » aux personnes solitaires et déplacées dans la France impériale. Villiaume a proposé ses mariages dans le cadre d'un nouveau monde commercial et social marqué par la circulation rapide des personnes et des marchandises à Paris. Il a tenté de faciliter les alliances familiales et les liens amoureux au-delà des frontières géographiques et sociales. En associant le modèle du choix du conjoint et de la cour au capitalisme consumériste, l'agent a transformé le mariage en une espèce d'échange commercial lié aux valeurs urbaines de l'abondance, du plaisir, et de la mobilité sociale.

2009 ◽  
Vol 53 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 212-229 ◽  
Stephen F. Dale

AbstractThe association between empires and commercial institutions is a well-known feature of pre-industrial Muslim empires, such as the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires. Rulers constructed religious monuments and civic institutions that simultaneously functioned as commercial centers. The key to this symbiotic relationship is the institution of waqf, the so-called “charitable endowments” that supplied funds to support mosques, schools, baths and other religious institutions. The endowments largely drew their funds from shops, bazars or caravanserais usually built nearby. Therefore a great mosque or madrasa often became a commercial center. This situation was the conscious result of imperial commitment to stimulating the commercial exchange, which would supply and enrich these states.Que les empires islamiques de l’ère pré-industrielles se sont associés aux institutions commerçiales est bien connu. Les empires ottoman, safavide et moghol en témoignent amplement. Les monuments religieux et les institutions civiles que leurs princes ont fait construire furet en même temps des centres de commerce. Cette relation symbiotique s’explique par l’institution de waqf, autrement dit ‘un leg pieux’. Les fonds de ces legs servaient à doter les mosques, les écoles, les bains et bien d’autres institutions religieuses. Les donations pieuses, elles, furent en grande partie léguées par des boutiques, des bazars, et des caravansérails aux alentours. Ainsi la grande mosquée, ou la médresse, se trouvait être doublée d’un centre de commerce. Voilà l’effet intentionel de l’engagement impérial qui visait à encourager les échanges commerçiaux. À leur tour ces échanges fournissaient des produits à ces états et les rendaient plus prospères.

1992 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-185 ◽  
Patrick J. Kaufmann ◽  
Rajiv P. Dant

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