scholarly journals Challenges of Islamic Supervisory in The Islamic Financial Technology Industry

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 311
Rifqi Muhammad ◽  
Rima Lanaula

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Islamic financial industry is increasingly developing with the presence of financial technology both in the form of peer to peer lending and crowdfunding. Islamic financial technology (fintech) enables sharia business players to formulate financing schemes using innovative and diverse sharia contracts. This has become a challenge in the aspect of sharia supervision due to limited regulations, corporate governance, and human resource capabilities. This paper will discuss the development of the financial technology industry in Indonesia and specifically the development of Islamic financial technology in terms of the growth in the number of service providers, the amount of financing, regulation and corporate governance. Secondly, this paper will discuss the challenges faced in the field of sharia compliance and the role of the sharia supervisory board in sharia supervision. Third, this paper will formulate corporate governance and human resource competencies of sharia supervisory board to encourage sharia compliance. Finally, this paper will formulate the conclusions and recommendations for improving regulation of the financial technology industry.</p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Industri keuangan syariah semakin diramaikan dengan munculnya teknologi finansial (financial technology) baik yang berbentuk peer to peer lending maupun crowdfunding. Islamic financial technology (fintech) memungkinkan para pelaku bisnis syariah untuk merumuskan skema pembiayaan menggunakan akad-akad syariah yang semakin inovatif dan beragam. Hal ini menjadi tantangan dalam aspek pengawasan syariah karena keterbatasan regulasi, tata kelola perusahaan (corporate governance), dan kemampuan sumber daya manusia. Paper ini akan membahas perkembangan industri teknologi finansial di Indonesia dan secara khusus perkembangan Islamic financial technology dari sisi pertumbuhan jumlah penyedia jasa, jumlah pembiayaan, regulasi maupun tata kelola perusahaan. Kedua, paper ini membahas tantangan yang dihadapi dalam bidang kepatuhan syariah dan peran DPS (Dewan Pengawas Syariah) dalam pengawasan syariah. Ketiga, paper ini merumuskan tata kelola perusahaan dan kompetensi sumber daya manusia DPS untuk mendorong kepatuhan syariah Islamic financial technology. Akhirnya, paper ini merumuskan kesimpulan dan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan regulasi industri teknologi finansial.</p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 153px; top: 148px;"> </div>

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Dwi Edi Wibowo

Abstrak Peranan internet dalam teknologi informasi telah digunakan untuk mengembangkan industri keuangan  (financial industry)  melalui modifikasi dan efisiensi layanan jasa keuangan yaitu dikenal dengan istilah Financial Technology atau Fintech. Fintech jenis pinjam-miminjam uang berbasis teknologi atau peer to peer lending (P2P-lending) merupakan jenis Fintech yang tumbuh pesat di Indonesia, kelebihan pinjam meminjam uang melalui layanan P2P-lending lainnya adalah syarat yang sangat mudah dan proses yang cepat dibandingkan meminjam uang melalui Lembaga Bank. Namun kemudahan transaksi yang ditawarkan oleh layanan P2P- lending justru memperlemah posisi dari konsumen. Permasalahan Bagaimanakah Penerapan Konsep Utilitarianisme Untuk Mewujudkan Perlindungan Konsumen Fintech. (Financial Technology) Yang Berkeadilan, Tujuan  untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah penerapan konsep utilitarianisme untuk mewujudkan perlindungan kosnumen fintech ( finansial technology yang berkeadilan . Kata kunci : utilitarianisme, perlindungan konsumen, berkeadilan Abstrak The role of the internet in information technology has been used to develop the financial industry through the modification and efficiency of financial services, known as Financial Technology or Fintech. Fintech borrows money based on technology or peer to peer lending (P2P-lending) is a fast-growing type of Fintech in Indonesia, the advantages of lending and borrowing via other P2P-lending services are very easy conditions and a fast process compared to borrowing money through Bank Institution. But the ease of transactions offered by P2P-lending services actually weakens the position of consumers. Problems How to Implement the Utilitarianism Concept to Realize Fintech Consumer Protection. (Financial Technology) that is just, the aim is to find out how the application of the concept of utilitarianism is to realize the protection of fintech consumers (equitable technology finance. Keywords: utilitarianism, consumer protection, justice 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 1584
Anisa Fadilah Zustika ◽  
Ana Toni Roby Candra Yudha

The technology-based financial management system or so-called financial technology (fintech) has become a trend in the millennial era, both with sharia or conventional labels. This study aims to determine and examine the operational mechanisms and implications of the application of the peer to peer lending system, which is used as a transaction method both in funding and financing. The approach used is qualitative, an approach that prioritizes the subjectivity aspects of researchers and informants. The informants of this study are experts from several stakeholders such as the MUI of East Java, Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES) branch of Semarang, and 2 sharia fintech business owners and practitioners in East Java. The study results obtained are fintech based on a peer to peer lending system (P2PL) in the perspective of hifdzu mal (Investree company case study) is an online loan transaction that is consistent with the theory of hifdzu maal. The suitability of the transaction with hifdul maal, because each agreement is clear and in accordance with sharia provisions such as fair, mutually committed, and protect ownership. Suggestions from this study are the need for the addition of sharia supervisory board (DPS) for fintech, collaboration with universities in business development so that literacy and inclusion of fintech can be more extensive and developed.Keywords: fintech, peer to peer lending (P2PL), protection of wealth

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 252
Alifia Salvasani ◽  
Munawar Kholil

<p>abstract<br />This article aims to examine the role of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in handling illegal peer-to-peer  (P2P)  financial  technology  (fintech)  in  Indonesia.  This  role  includes  the handling carried out by the FSA to minimize the number of illegal fintech in Indonesia, both through supervision and arrangements related to illegal fintech. This type of empirical legal research, is descriptive, with primary data types. Literature study and interview data collection techniques, qualitative analysis techniques. Factors causing the rise of illegal fintech are normative and non-normative factors. Then the role of the OJK in making efforts to handle illegal P2P lending includes establishing Satgas Waspada Investasi, listing registered P2P lending and licensed on the official OJK website, socializing to the public about the characteristics of illegal P2P lending that must be avoided and data of illegal P2P lending in Indonesia, closing illegal P2P lending, blocking applications and illegal P2P lending websites on a regular basis, conducting selective checks on P2P lending companies that  propose opening  new  accounts,  applying  special  rules  for  P2P  lending  companies related to the fintech payment system , and submit information reports to the Criminal Investigation Police regarding cyber crime.<br />Keywords: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; Illegal Fintech; Peer-to-Peer</p><p>abstrak<br />Artikel  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengkaji  peranan  Otoritas  Jasa  Keuangan  (OJK)  dalam menangani  financial technology (fintech) peer-to-peer (P2P) lending ilegal di Indonesia. Peranan tersebut  meliputi penanganan yang dilakukan OJK untuk meminimalisir jumlah fintech  ilegal  di  Indonesia,  baik  melalui  pengawasan  maupun  pengaturan  terkait  fintech ilegal. Jenis penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif, dengan jenis data primer. Teknik pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan dan wawancara, teknik analisis kualitatif. Faktor penyebab tumbuh maraknya fintech ilegal adalah adanya faktor normatif dan non-normatif. Kemudian peranan OJK dalam melakukan upaya penanganan P2P lending ilegal antara lain dengan membentuk Satgas Waspada Investasi, mencantumkan daftar P2P lending yang terdaftar dan berizin di website resmi OJK, mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat terkait ciri-ciri P2P lending ilegal yang harus dihindari dan data P2P lending ilegal di Indonesia, melakukan penutupan terhadap P2P lending ilegal, pemblokiran aplikasi dan website P2P lending ilegal secara  rutin, melakukan  pemeriksaan  secara selektif bagi perusahaan  P2P lending yang mengajukan pembukaan rekening baru, memberlakukan aturan khusus bagi perusahaan  P2P  lending  terkait  fintech  payment  system,  dan  menyampaikan  laporan informasi kepada Bareskrim Polri terkait tindakan cyber crime.<br />Kata Kunci: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; Fintech Ilegal; Peer-to-Peer Lending</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 147

The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending Financial Technology (FinTech) Sharia to reach the non-banking financing. There are four Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending FinTech Sharia operators in Indonesia used as the sample. The data used in this study was obtained from direct interview with the FinTech operators and literature study of similar subject. The analysis method used in this study is SWOT analysis. The results of the study which used SWOT analysis model found that the Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending FinTech Sharia are not a threat to existing Sharia financial institutions and can also increase the penetration of sharia financial industry in Indonesia because they offer cost efficiency, ease of access, speed of financing distribution, and the low rate of non-performing financing. However, there are still small quantity of FinTech Sharia registered at OJK, no specific regulation for FinTech Sharia and no Sharia Supervision Board in many FinTech Sharia can be obstacles for FinTech Sharia operators

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 17
Ni Putu Mega Lestari

ABSTRACTThe development of digital technology, especially in the field of financial technology (fintech), always presents new innovations that invite the millennial generation's curiosity. Peer to peer lending is one form of fintech innovation in terms of investment which is becoming a trend in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest of the millennial generation of investing to be lenders in peer to peer lending. The writing method in this study is qualitative by conducting interviews (in-depth interviews) with millennial generation informants with birth ages from 1980 to 1990, or at the beginning of 2000. The results of this study are to measure the investment interest of millennial generations with understanding of the benefits and risks of peer to peer lending. From this research, it can be concluded that most millennials are hesitant and are not interested in becoming lenders in peer to peer lending. Millennials prefer to invest in other forms such as stocks, gold, deposits, savings, and property. Socialization and in-depth information about the benefits of investments in peer to peer lending is one of the things that needs to be done by the peer to peer lending platform providers. In addition, the role of government is also needed in regulating regulations to provide security and minimize the risk of default and fraud. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the provider of peer to peer lending platforms and can be a picture for millennial generations in making investment decisions in the digital era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 789
Hendrawan Agusta

Perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat pesat, adanya kolaborasi antara teknologi informasi dengan berbagai bidang kehidupan melahirkan berbagai macam inovasi yang membuat kehidupan masyarakat semakin mudah. Inovasi di bidang teknologi informasi melahirkan model bisnis baru yang pada gilirannya mampu menghasilkan efisiensi bagi masyarakat. Revolusi teknologi informasi tersebut terus berkembang dan sekarang memasuki bidang keuangan yang regulasinya ketat. Kolaborasi antara teknologi informasi dengan bidang keuangan melahirkan Teknologi Finansial atau Financial Technology (Fintech), salah satunya pinjam-meminjam uang berbasis teknologi informasi (Peer to Peer Lending/P2P Lending). Masyarakat menjadi lebih mudah mengakses kebutuhan keuangannya melalui P2P Lending. Di sisi lain, muncul tantangan dalam P2P Lending mengenai perlindungan data (data pribadi, data transaksi dan data keuangan). Dalam penelitian ini yang akan dibahas hanya data pribadi Penerima Pinjaman, dimana data pribadi tersebut perlu dilindungi agar tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan yang menimbulkan permasalahan hukum

AdBispreneur ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Muhamad Rizal ◽  
Erna Maulina ◽  
Nenden Kostini

ABSTRACTIn 2017, more than 40 new fintech businesses is born, this financial business have emerged that have tried their luck in the Indonesian financial landscape along with the other 140s of startup that have stood before. Indonesia's fintech industry has become one of the prima donna that attracted so much attention from the financial industry actors. Investment on startup fintech began to attract a lot of interest, even some startup managed to get series A of investment this year. The fintech sectors are beginning to develop and many new products are launched.Meanwhile, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises) launched 3.79 million micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) already utilizing online platform in marketing their products. This number is around 8 percent of the total perpetrators of SMEs in Indonesia, which is 59.2 million.The problem of sources of financing is a classic problem that is a barrier to the growth of SMEs who do not get financing facilities from the banking sector. Lack of financial resources makes SMEs unable to develop innovations to increase production. However, the rapid growth of financing business of fintech, such as peer-to-peer lending can now be another alternative for loan fund raisers. peer-to-peer lending is a financing business that targets the middle to lower market sectors  ABSTRAKSepanjang tahun 2017, setidaknya muncul lebih dari 40 bisnis fintech baru yang mencoba peruntungan di lanskap keuangan Indonesia bersama dengan 140-an startup lain yang telah berdiri sebelumnya. Industri fintech Indonesia memang menjadi salah satu primadona yang menarik perhatian begitu besar dari para pelaku industri keuangan. Investasi pada startup fintech mulai banyak diminati, bahkan beberapa startup berhasil mendapatkan investasi seri A di tahun ini. Sektor-sektor fintech mulai berkembang dan produk-produk baru banyak diluncurkan.Sementara itu, Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (Kemenkop UKM) melansir sebanyak 3,79 juta usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) sudah memanfaatkan platform online dalam memasarkan produknya. Jumlah ini berkisar 8 persen dari total pelaku UMKM yang ada di Indonesia, yakni 59,2 juta.Masalah sumber pembiayaan merupakan masalah klasik yang menjadi penghambat pertumbuhan UMKM yang tidak mendapat fasilitas pembiayaan dari sektor perbankan. Kurangnya sumber dana menjadikan UMKM tidak dapat mengembangkan inovasi untuk meningkatkan produksinya. Namun demikian pesatnya pertumbuhan bisnis pembiayaan FinTech seperti peer-to-peer lending  sekarang ini bisa menjadi alternatif lain bagi para pencari dana pinjaman. peer-to-peer lending merupakan bisnis pembiayaan yang menyasar sektor  pasar menengah ke bawah.

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