Applicability of MIKE 21 to assess temporal and spatial variation in water quality of an estuary under the impact of effluent from an industrial estate

2011 ◽  
Vol 63 (9) ◽  
pp. 1932-1943 ◽  
Ritu Paliwal ◽  
Rashmi R Patra

This study aims at analysing the impact of wastewater load of industrial units in Haldia on the water quality of the Hoogly estuary using numerical modelling techniques. Modelling was never attempted in this region because it was generally felt that simulating such a complex system would not be easy with limited data availability but MIKE 21, a hydrodynamic and water quality model, was used to simulate BOD and DO profiles in the study area and simulation provided reasonably good predictions. A scenario assessment was also carried by increasing the flows from various sources to understand the site-specific relationships between pollution sources and water quality conditions and also to calculate the assimilative capacity of Hoogly with respect to waste discharged from the industrial units at Haldia. The results suggested that water quality of the canal towards closed Oil Jetty was highly deteriorated due to stagnant pond condition and discharges from a refinery. But large part of the canal was found to be well drained under tidal influence as a consequence of which both DO and BOD conform to the prescribed water quality standards most of the times. The impact of industrial waste load on the Hoogly was found to be negligible and the radius of influence was limited to about 200–300m across the estuary and about 1.6km along the shore during ebb conditions. Assimilative capacity of the region was estimated to be 837 kg/d as against the present load of 121 kg/d. The study suggested that the estuary had good dilution capacity and intense tidal mixing helped in rapidly diluting the pollutants.

1990 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 69-78 ◽  
D. Müller ◽  
V. Kirchesch

The construction of two or three impounding dams in the remaining freely flowing reach (73 km) of the Danube is under discussion. The purpose of these impoundments is to guarantee a minimum navigable depth of 3 m needed for modern cargo ships and to produce electric power. The impact of these developments is discussed on the basis of experience with similar impoundments further upstream and of the results from water quality model calculations. The mathematical model used is of the deterministic type, calculating the growth of slowly-growing organisms (nitrifying bacteria, algae and zooplanktons) according to MONOD and MICHAELIS-MENTEN. Compared with impoundments on other German rivers or the Iron Gate impoundments on the Danube, the effect of the impoundments under discussion on water quality parameters is likely to be fairly small, reflecting the slight changes in morphology which would be necessary for attaining the water depth required. Therefore, the more important effects of these developments would be the changes in the ecologic situation at the river bed and near the banks of the river.

2003 ◽  
Vol 48 (10) ◽  
pp. 151-158 ◽  
Y.-J. Chen ◽  
S.-C. Wu

It was found that the increase of sediment P release in the anoxic state associated with the density current initiated by the cold front in the winter was the cause of the deterioration of the water quality of the subtropical, noncalcareous and deep reservoir, Feitsui Reservoir, in recent years. A mathematical model including the analytical solutions of the transport of the density current combined with a simple 2-layered water quality model has been established, describing the hydrodynamics and the water quality variation of the reservoir well. The continued sediment release of P in the anoxic state (from October to March) is an important P source and should be carefully assessed and controlled to reduce the impact of the internal loading of P incorporated with the density current on the water quality in future years.

2012 ◽  
Vol 256-259 ◽  
pp. 2528-2532
Chao Feng Tong ◽  
Li Rui Lv ◽  
Yu Yang Shao ◽  
Jia Ling Hao

To explore the impact of changes in water quality of the Nanjing Inner Qinhuai River water system in different water diversion way and to assess the transfer effect, an one-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model for Inner Qinhuai River was established to simulate and analysis the responds of water quality on the different nutrient loading and different diverted water. Four different water discharges diverted from Xuanwu Lake and Exterior Qinhuai River and two loads including the present load and 50% reduction were considered. The result shows the water quality can be improved significantly only as enough water is diverted and the sewage is intercept in the Middle Reach of the Inner Qinhuai River.

InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 413-421
Jingyao Su ◽  
Simon Courtenay

Teck's Castle Project is the largest coal mine project to be mined in Canada. This article is an environmental assessment of Teck's Castle Project based on five valued ecosystem components (VECs) including: Surface Water Quality, Fish and Fish habitat, Vegetation, Local Employment, and Land Use. I proposed to use a surface water quality model to detect the degree of pollution of the water quality of the surrounding rivers and use an economic multiplier to measure the impact on local economic employment. Through research, I found that the water treatment facilities used by Teck Coal Limited can effectively alleviate the impact of the project on the water quality of the surrounding rivers, and I recommended that Teck Coal Limited wear protective equipment to protect their health when working.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1683
Nandini Menon ◽  
Grinson George ◽  
Rajamohananpillai Ranith ◽  
Velakandy Sajin ◽  
Shreya Murali ◽  

Turbidity and water colour are two easily measurable properties used to monitor pollution. Here, we highlight the utility of a low-cost device—3D printed, hand-held Mini Secchi disk (3DMSD) with Forel-Ule (FU) colour scale sticker on its outer casing—in combination with a mobile phone application (‘TurbAqua’) that was provided to laymen for assessing the water quality of a shallow lake region after demolition of four high-rise buildings on the shores of the lake. The demolition of the buildings in January 2020 on the banks of a tropical estuary—Vembanad Lake (a Ramsar site) in southern India—for violation of Indian Coastal Regulation Zone norms created public uproar, owing to the consequences of subsequent air and water pollution. Measurements of Secchi depth and water colour using the 3DMSD along with measurements of other important water quality variables such as temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) using portable instruments were taken for a duration of five weeks after the demolition to assess the changes in water quality. Paired t-test analyses of variations in water quality variables between the second week of demolition and consecutive weeks up to the fifth week showed that there were significant increases in pH, dissolved oxygen, and Secchi depth over time, i.e., the impact of demolition waste on the Vembanad Lake water quality was found to be relatively short-lived, with water clarity, colour, and DO returning to levels typical of that period of year within 4–5 weeks. With increasing duration after demolition, there was a general decrease in the FU colour index to 17 at most stations, but it did not drop to 15 or below, i.e., towards green or blue colour indicating clearer waters, during the sampling period. There was no significant change in salinity from the second week to the fifth week after demolition, suggesting little influence of other factors (e.g., precipitation or changes in tidal currents) on the inferred impact of demolition waste. Comparison with pre-demolition conditions in the previous year (2019) showed that the relative changes in DO, Secchi depth, and pH were very high in 2020, clearly depicting the impact of demolition waste on the water quality of the lake. Match-ups of the turbidity of the water column immediately before and after the demolition using Sentinel 2 data were in good agreement with the in situ data collected. Our study highlights the power of citizen science tools in monitoring lakes and managing water resources and articulates how these activities provide support to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets on Health (Goal 3), Water quality (Goal 6), and Life under the water (Goal 14).

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  

Present study points out the impact of Lockdown on the health of the Yamuna river at Delhi stretch by comparing prelockdown and Post-lockdown period by studying the reports of pollution monitoring agencies. Delhi segment of the Yamuna is highly polluted, where alongwith domestic sewage a huge quantity of industrial waste is being discharged continuously without proper treatment. Pre lockdown (March 2020) water quality parameters at three sampling stations named as Palla, Nizammuddin Bridge and Okhla barrage U/s in Delhi were, pH were 8.7, 7.3 and 7.2, DO were 17.1 mg/L, not detected in later two sites, BOD were 7.9 mg/L, 57 mg/L and 27 mg/L and COD were 28 mg/L, 90 mg/L and 95 mg/L respectively and postlockdown period (April 2020) the pH was 7.8, 7.2 and 7.1, DO was 8.3 mg/L, 2.4 mg/L and 1.2 mg/L BOD was 2 mg/L, 5.6 mg/ L and 6.1 mg/L and COD were 6 mg/L, 16 mg/L and 18 mg/L respectively. The study of these parameters at three sampling stations reveals that the lack of industrial pollutants discharging due to nationwide lockdown for COVID-19 pandemic had positive effect on water quality of this river. Water quality could be maintained by planned establishment of industries and setup of ETP with without gap between generation and treatment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 251
Rita Yulianti ◽  
Emi Sukiyah ◽  
Nana Sulaksana

Daerah penelitian terletak di desa Muaro Limun, Kecamatan Limun Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi. Sungai limun, salah satu sungai besar di daerah kabupaten sarolangun yang dimanfaatkan oleh mayarakat sekitarnya sebagai sumber penghidupan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan penambangan terhadap kualitas air sungai Batang Limun, dan perubahan sifat fisik dan  kimia yang diakibatkan   kegiatan penambangan.Metode yang digunakan adalah  metode grab sampel, serta stream sedimen untuk dianalis di laboratorium. Sejumlah sampel diambil di beberapa lokasi Penambangan Emas berdasarkan Aliran Sub-DAS dan dibandingkan dengan beberapa sampel lain yang diambil pada lokasi yang belum terkontaminasi oleh kegiatan penambangan. Analisis kualitas air mengacu pada  SMEWWke 22 tahun 2012 dan standar baku mutu air kelas II dalam PP No 82 yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. Diketahui sungai Batang Limun telah mengalami perubahan karakteristik fisika dan kimia. Dari grafik  kosentrasi kekeruhan, pH, TSS, TDS  Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Hg terlihat bahwa penambang emas tanpa izin (PETI) dengan cara amalgamasi yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas air sungai. Sejak tahun 2009 sampai tahun 2015  sungai Limun dan sekitarnya terus mengalami penurunan kualitas air. Penurunan kualitas yang cukup tinggi terjadi  yaitu peningkatan nilai Rata-rata konsentrasi merkuri pada sungai Batang Limun dari 0,18ppb (0,00018 mg/l)  menjadi 0,3ppb (0,0003 mg/l), peningkatan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh proses kegiatan penambangan dan nilai tersebut masih dibawah standar baku mutu air kelas II  pp nomor 82 tahun 2010.Kata kunci :   Kualitas Air, Sungai Limun,TSS, Merkuri, PETI Limun river is one of the major rivers in the area of Sarolangun, which utilized by the society as a source of livelihood. The aim of study  to analyze the effect of mining activities on  the water quality of Batang Limun River, and the changes of physical and chemical properties of water. The method used are grab  and stream samples to  sediment analyzed in the laboratory. A number of samples were taken at several locations based Flow Gold Mining Sub-watershed and compared to some other samples taken at the location that has not been contaminated by mining activities. Water quality analysis referring to SMEWW, 22nd edition 2012 and refers to Regulation No 82 that issued by Minister of Health No. 492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010.The results showed that the Limun river has undergone chemical changes in physical characteristics. These symptoms can be seen from the discoloration of clear water in the river before the mine becomes brownish after mining, based on graphic of muddiness concentration: pH, TSS, TDS Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Hg have seen that  the illegal miner which used amalgamation caused deterioration in water quality, data from 2009 to 2015 Limun river and surrounding areas continue to experience a decrease in water quality. The decreasing of water quality showed in the TSS parameter which found in the area is to high based on  the standard of water quality class II pp number 82 of 2010. An increase in the value of average concentrations of mercury in the Batang Limun river before mine 0,18ppb (0.00018 mg / l) into 0,3ppb (0.0003 mg / l) on the river after the mine. The increase was affected by the mining activities and the value is still below the air quality standard Grade II pp numbers 82 years 2010, although the value is still below with the standards quality standard, the mercury levels in water should still be a major concern because if it accumulates continuously in the water levels will increase and will be bad for health. In contrast to the concentration of mercury in sediments that have a higher value is 153 ppb (0,513ppm ) .Key Words :   Water Quality, Limun River, Mercury, Illegal gold mining

Gilbert K. Gaboutloeloe ◽  
Gugu Molokwe ◽  
Benedict Kayombo

The impact of partially treated wastewater on the water quality of Notwane river stretch in the Gaborone region of Botswana was investigated. Water samples collected at effluent discharge point and three other sampling sites downstream were analyzed for pH, temperature, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Ammonia-nitrogen (Ammonia-N) and Nitrate-nitrogen (Nitrate-N). Sampling was conducted bi-weekly between February 2013 and April 2013. The ranges of measured parameters were:  pH (7.6-8.5), temperature (22-23ºC), BOD5 (11.2-27.0 mg/l), Ammonia-N (2.4-60.5 mg/l), Nitrate-N (20.6-28.6 mg/l). Analysis of variance, Games-Howel multiple comparisons and Pearson correlation were used to separate variable means. The results signal river non-point pollution due to runoff inflow of organics mainly from land use and domestic waste dumping by nearby dwellings. Temperature, BOD5, and pH range values were all within the Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) limit while the maximum Ammonia-N and Nitrate-N were above BOBS limit by 50.5 mg/l and 6.6 mg/l, respectively. Regulations on indiscriminate waste dumping and discharge standards adherence should be enforced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 261 ◽  
pp. 04023
Xu He ◽  
Hou Siyan

The water quality of six important rivers in Haihe River Basin, including Yongding River, Luanhe River, North Canal, Daqing River, South Canal and Chaobai River, was evaluated. The influence of point source and non-point source on water quality was analyzed. The causes of water environmental pollution in the major rivers were preliminarily revealed. The results show that the water quality of Chaobai River is good, and the impact of point source and non-point source discharge on the water body is small. Other rivers are affected by different degrees of point source and non-point source pollution. Based on the analysis results, the engineering measures and management countermeasures for river regulation are put forward.

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