protective equipment
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Debesh Mishra ◽  
Hullash Chauhan ◽  
Dinesh Kumar Mishra ◽  
Suchismita Satapathy

COVID-19 has been primarily regarded as a respiratory disease, and until a safer and effective treatment or vaccine becomes available, the prevention of COVID-19 may continue through interventions based on non-pharmaceutical measures such as maintaining of physical distances and use of personal protective equipment like facemasks, etc. Therefore, an attempt was made in this study to explore the drawbacks with the presently available facemasks for protection from COVID-19 viruses in the state of Odisha in India, and also to explore the possible opportunities for further development of these facemasks. The associated discomforts; strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of existing facemasks in Odisha; possible opportunities for “Make in India” of these facemasks; along with safer use have been analyzed with the help of interpretive structural modelling (ISM) approach followed by MICMAC analysis.

Zheng Liu ◽  
Yongjiang Shi ◽  
Bo Yang

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused huge and disruptive technological changes in the healthcare sector, transforming the way businesses and societies function. To respond to the global health crisis, there have been numerous innovation projects in the healthcare sector, including the fast design and manufacturing of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical devices, and testing, treatment, and vaccine technologies. Many of these innovative activities happen beyond organizational boundaries with collaboration and open innovation. In this paper, we review the current literature on open innovation strategy during the pandemic and adopt the co-evolution view of business ecosystems to address the context of change. Based on a detailed exploration of the COVID-19-related technologies in the UK and global healthcare sectors, we identify the key emerging themes of open innovation in crisis. Further discussions are conducted in relation to each theme. Our results and analysis can help provide policy recommendations for the healthcare sector, businesses, and society to recover from the crisis.

2022 ◽  
pp. 16-21
Ж.К. Утаров ◽  
К.К. Куракбаев

В сфере здравоохранения во избежание стагнации во время пандемии необходимо максимально обезопасить медицинский персонал и проводить большое количество профилактических мероприятий. Как доказано во многих научных статьях, главной мерой защиты медицинских работников от заражения и смерти является не только полное и своевременное обеспечение средствами индивидуальной защиты, но и подготовка специальных специалистов, которые научат, как правильно их применять. In the healthcare sector, in order to avoid stagnation during a pandemic, it is necessary to protect medical personnel as much as possible and carry out a large number of preventive measures. As proved in many scientific articles, the main measure to protect medical workers from infection and death is not only the full and timely provision of personal protective equipment, but also the training of special specialists who will teach how to use them correctly.

Vito Carlo Alberto Caponio ◽  
Maria Rosaria Lipsi ◽  
Francesca Fortunato ◽  
Fabio Arena ◽  
Lorenzo Lo Muzio

To raise awareness about preventive measures in COVID-19 pandemic, even though fully vaccinated. Although recent trials showed high efficacy of vaccines in preventing symptomatic infections, there are some individuals experiencing symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this case report, a fully vaccinated young dental practitioner experienced symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection 55 days postvaccination with BNT162b2 Pfizer vaccine with evident ageusia. Diagnostic swabs were performed and used for viral genome sequencing. The patient fully recovered 15 days after diagnosis. Loss of smell and taste, together with nasal congestion were the main reported symptoms. The use of personal protective equipment prevented spread of infection in patients and co-workers. With the increase of people being fully vaccinated, it is still necessary to follow infection preventive protocols by correctly applying personal protective equipment. Although high efficacy has been proved, some individuals may still be vulnerable to symptomatic infection and new guidelines and markers should be adopted and investigated to find out patients for whom vaccination may not determine full immunization.

Alyssa B Dufour ◽  
Cyrus Kosar ◽  
Vincent Mor ◽  
Lewis A Lipsitz

Abstract Background Nursing home (NH) residents, especially those who were Black or with dementia, had the highest infection rates during the COVID-19 pandemic. A 9-week COVID-19 infection control intervention in 360 Massachusetts NHs showed adherence to an infection control checklist with proper personal protective equipment (PPE) use and cohorting was associated with declines in weekly infection rates. NHs were offered weekly webinars, answers to infection control questions, resources to acquire PPE, backup staff, and SARS-CoV-2 testing. We asked whether the effect of this intervention differed by racial and dementia composition of the NHs. Methods Data were obtained from 4 state audits using infection control checklists, weekly infection rates, and Minimum Data Set variables on race and dementia to determine whether adherence to checklist competencies was associated with decline in average weekly rates of new COVID-19 infections. Results Using a mixed-effects hurdle model, adjusted for county COVID-19 prevalence, we found the overall effect of the intervention did not differ by racial composition, but proper cohorting of residents was associated with a greater reduction in infection rates among facilities with ≥20% non-Whites (n = 83). Facilities in the middle (>50%–62%; n = 121) and upper (>62%; n = 115) tertiles of dementia prevalence had the largest reduction in infection rates as checklist scores improved. Cohorting was associated with greater reductions in infection rates among facilities in the middle and upper tertiles of dementia prevalence. Conclusions Adherence to proper infection control procedures, particularly cohorting of residents, can reduce COVID-19 infections, even in facilities with high percentages of high-risk residents (non-White and dementia).

Biology ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 104
Elisa F. D. Canetti ◽  
Scott Gayton ◽  
Ben Schram ◽  
Rodney Pope ◽  
Robin M. Orr

Firefighters work in strenuous conditions for prolonged periods wearing up to 20 kg of personal protective equipment. This often contributes to significant heat and cardiovascular strain. This study examined the relationships between psychological and physical measures taken prior to undertaking a 15 min firefighting task, and the occurrence of heat stress and high levels of fatigue following the task. Nine qualified firefighters completed a 15 min “live burn” scenario designed to mimic a fire started by a two-seater couch in a lounge room and completed simulated tasks throughout the duration. Logical reasoning, speed and accuracy, general motivation and fatigue, and physical and mental effort were recorded pre-scenario, and at 0- and 20-min post-scenario. General motivation and fatigue scores at 0- and 20-min post-scenario were highly correlated with each other (rs = 0.90; p = 0.001). The general motivation and fatigue scores, at 0- and 20-min post-scenario, were also strongly related to pre-task logic/reasoning test scores (Post 0 rs = −0.77, p = 0.016; Post 20 rs = −0.87, p = 0.002). Firefighters with lower logical reasoning and speed and accuracy scores were more susceptible to fatigue and impaired cognition when exposed to rises in core temperature and heat stress.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Syahrizal Syahrizal ◽  
Putri Ulfa Natasya

Background: Welding workshop is one of the workplaces that have the risk and danger of accidents and the emergence of occupational diseases. The use of personal protective equipment is very important for workers to avoid work accidents. The obligation to wear and follow orders to always use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been set in almost all companies (PT), but there are still workers who have not used personal protective equipment in the welding process.Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with eye health in welding workers at company X, Aceh Besar District.Method: This type of research is descriptive-analytic to determine the relationship between the use of eye personal protective equipment (PPE) with eye health in welding workers at company X, Aceh Besar district in 2020. The samples in this study were 15 welding workers. Data collection techniques used are checklists and questionnaires, using interview and observation techniques. Data processing includes the stages of editing, coding, tabulating and entry. Analysis using Chi-Square statistical test at a significance level of 95%.Results: The results of the study have shown that 40% of respondents use personal protective equipment. The healthy eye response was 44.43%. There is a relationship between the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with eye health in welding workers at company X, Aceh Besar District (p= 0.014).Conclusion: The use of personal protective equipment has a very significant relationship to the safety and eye health of welding workers.

Virginia Planz ◽  
Jennifer Huang ◽  
Samuel J. Galgano ◽  
Olga R. Brook ◽  
Ghaneh Fananapazir

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 737
Kamyar Shirvanimoghaddam ◽  
Bożena Czech ◽  
Ram Yadav ◽  
Cemile Gokce ◽  
Laura Fusco ◽  

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has caused a rapidly spreading pandemic and is severely threatening public health globally. The human-to-human transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 is now well established. The reported clinical observations and symptoms of this infection in humans appear in the range between being asymptomatic and severe pneumonia. The virus can be transmitted through aerosols and droplets that are released into the air by a carrier, especially when the person coughs, sneezes, or talks forcefully in a closed environment. As the disease progresses, the use and handling of contaminated personal protective equipment and facemasks have become major issues with significant environmental risks. Therefore, providing an effective method for treating used/contaminated facemasks is crucial. In this paper, we review the environmental challenges and risks associated with the surge in facemask production. We also discuss facemasks and their materials as sources of microplastics and how disposal procedures can potentially lead to the contamination of water resources. We herein review the potential of developing nanomaterial-based antiviral and self-cleaning facemasks. This review discusses these challenges and concludes that the use of sustainable and alternative facemask materials is a promising and viable solution. In this context, it has become essential to address the emerging challenges by developing a new class of facemasks that are effective against the virus, while being biodegradable and sustainable. This paper represents the potentials of natural and/or biodegradable polymers for manufacturing facemasks, such as wood-based polymers, chitosan, and other biodegradable synthetic polymers for achieving sustainability goals during and after pandemics.

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