2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-379
Anggiyani Ratnaningtyas Eka Nugraheni ◽  
Chokchai Yuenyong

This study was aimed at clarifying the learning activities for explicit Nature of Science (NOS) which provide through context based STS (Science, Technology, Society) learning approach. The study followed the 4-D procedure but in this article only was presented up to the third step. These steps included define, design, and develop. The data were gathered through expert judgment by chemistry educator for product revision. The views of the chemistry teacher were explored through a closed-questionnaire that was analyzed by percentage. One of learning activity plan have arranged. The learning activity with context based STS approach consists of 5 stages including identification of social issues/history, identification of potential solution, need for knowledge, decision-making, and socialization and completion decision stage. Chemistry teachers’ view toward the feasibility of learning activity plan was good. The learning activity was developed with topic a history of the Father of Modern Chemistry for grade 10th. The findings show thatt his learning activity is able to help teacher for teaching NOS in classroom and foster students’ NOS through a historical story.

Bülent Pekdağ

AbstractThe present study aims to investigate the views of prospective chemists and pre-service chemistry teachers about science-technology-society (STS) issues, attempting to examine the differences between these views. A questionnaire that included 4 open-ended questions was distributed to 67 senior university students to determine what their views were on STS issues. The data was collected from the students written responses to the open-ended questions. The data gathered from the two groups of students was analyzed qualitatively from the perspective of responding to the research questions. It was observed that while prospective chemists mostly defined science from epistemological and philosophical perspectives, pre-service chemistry teachers frequently explained science from epistemological and pedagogical perspectives. The results revealed that the meanings of science and technology in the minds of the students in both groups showed some important differences in this sample. Additionally, students in both groups stated that science and technology affected society both negatively and positively.Key words: science-technology-society (STS); prospective chemists; pre-service chemistry teachers---SažetakCilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti stajalita budućih kemičara i budućih nastavnika kemije o problemima znanstveno-tehnolokog drutva (ZTD), s pokuajem razmatranja razlika u njihovim stajalitima. Upitnik koji se sastojao od 4 pitanja otvorenoga tipa podijeljen je skupini od 67 studenata u viim godinama studija kako bi se odredila njihova stajalita o problemima ZTD-a. Podatci su prikupljeni iz odgovora studenata na pitanja otvorenoga tipa. Podatci koji su prikupljeni od dviju skupina studenata analizirani su kvantitativno iz perspektive odgovora na zadana pitanja. Uočeno je da budući kemičari uglavnom definiraju znanost iz epistemoloke i filozofske perspektive, a budući nastavnici kemije učestalo objanjavaju znanost iz epistemoloke i pedagoke perspektive. Rezultati su otkrili da se značenje znanosti i tehnologije kod studenata iz obje skupine u proučenom uzorku bitno razlikuju. Nadalje, studenti u obje skupine ustvrdili su da znanost i tehnologija utječu na drutvo na negativan i pozitivan način.Ključne riječi: znanstveno-tehnoloko drutvo (ZTD); budući kemičari; budući nastavnici kemije

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Catarina Lelis

<p class="JLDAbstract">Peer Learning is broadly described as the development of knowledge or skills by individuals from similar statutory conditions who are learning from and with each other in both formal and informal ways. There is a considerable amount of published work on peer learning in the context of schools and undergraduate courses but little work has been developed around postgraduate levels, specifically with Masters courses. The goal of the research presented in this paper was to understand how Masters degree students perceive and engage with a peer learning activity set in a taught module. One specialist subject topic from the curriculum was assigned to each student who, during two sessions in regular teaching times, had to perform both as peer tutor and tutee in a reciprocal peer learning approach. Two questionnaires were applied - one for each role the students had to perform. Results reveal that the majority of students considered the peer tutor role undeniably positive; however, while performing as tutees, students expressed skepticism regarding the effectiveness of the approach. As the credibility of peers was evidenced as an issue (when set against these students’ high expectations), this paper contends that reciprocal peer learning may not be the most suitable peer learning method for master levels. </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Sri Erdawaty ◽  
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Kosim Kosim

[Title: The Implementation of Mindscaping Method in Physics Learning as an Effort to Improve Student Learning Outcomes]. This study aims to improve the activities and outcomes of student physics learning by applying the mindscaping method. This type of research is classroom action research conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, evaluation and reflection. Student learning activity data is obtained by observation while student learning outcomes data are obtained by giving objective tests at the end of each cycle. The application of the mindscaping method in this study is said to be successful if 85% of students achieve learning outcomes greater or equal to 65, while student learning activities are at least active categories. The results of the study showed an increase in student learning activities each cycle, namely in the first cycle the category was quite active to be very active in the second cycle and in the third cycle. Student learning outcomes can be seen from the classical completeness value which has increased in each cycle, each has a value of 76% in the first cycle, 80% in the second cycle, and 92% in the third cycle. Thus it can be concluded that the application of the mindscaping method has succeeded in increasing the activities and results of student physics learning.

Muzikologija ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 203-220
Aleksandar Vasic

Pavle Stefanovic (1901-1985) is one of the most prominent Serbian music critics and essayists. He created extensive musicographic work, largely scattered in periodicals. A philosopher by education, he had an excellent knowledge of music and its history. His style was marked by eloquence, associativity and plasticity of expression. Between 1938 and 1940 he published eighteen music reviews in The Music Herald, the longest-running Belgrade music magazine in the interwar period (1928-1941, with interruption from 1934 to 1938). Stefanovic wrote about concerts, opera and ballet performances in Belgrade, performances by local and eminent foreign artists. His reviews include Magda Tagliaferro, Nathan Milstein, Jacques Thibaud, Enrico Mainardi, Bronis?aw Huberman, Alexander Uninsky, Alexaner Borovsky, Ignaz Friedman, Nikita Magaloff and many other eminent musicians. Th is study is devoted to the analysis of the Stefanovic?s procedure. Pavle Stefanovic was an anti-fascist and left ist. He believed that the task of a music critic was not merely to analyze and evaluate musical works and musical interpretations. He argued that the critic should engage in important social issues that concerned music and music life. That is why he wrote articles on the occasion of German artists visiting Belgrade, about the persecution of musicians of Jewish descent and the cultural situation in the Third Reich. On the other hand, Stefanovic was an aesthetic hedonist who expressed a great sense of the beauty of musical works. Th at duality - a socially engaged intellectual and a subtle ?enjoyer? of the art - remained undisturbed. In these articles he did not go into a deterministic interpretation of the structure of musical composition and the history of music. And he did not accept the larpurlartistic views.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 80
Duygu Turgut ◽  
Zeha Yakar

The aim of this study is to evaluate science teacher candidates based on bioethical values, scientific literacy level and empathy skills and to determine their associations. Therefore, descriptive model was used for the study. The sample of the study consists total of 286 teacher candidates from first, second, third and fourth grade of Faculty of Education Science Teaching department. Results of the study revealed that bioethical values for &ldquo;Benefits of Biotechnology Applications&rdquo;, &ldquo;Science and Ethics&rdquo;, &ldquo;Reproductive Technologies and Cloning&rdquo;, &ldquo;Controlling the Genetic Interventions&rdquo; subscales were increased with school year in science teacher candidates. In addition, science literacy of science teacher candidates for &ldquo;Nature of Science&rdquo; and &ldquo;Science-Technology-Society Relation&rdquo; subscales were also increased with school year. The study also found a positive relation between bioethical values for two subscales of bioethical values, &ldquo;Benefits of Biotechnology Applications&rdquo; and &ldquo;Controlling the Genetic Interventions&rdquo;, and science literacy for &ldquo;Nature of Science&rdquo; subscales in science teacher candidates. Similarly, a positive relation was found between bioethical values for two subscales, &ldquo;Benefits of Biotechnology Applications&rdquo; and &ldquo;Controlling the Genetic Interventions&rdquo;, and science literacy for &ldquo;Science-Technology-Society Relation&rdquo; subscale in science teacher candidates. Analysis results showed a positive relation between bioethical values and empathy skills of science teacher candidates. In other words, the higher the teacher&rsquo;s empathy skills, the higher their bioethical values.

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