student learning outcomes
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2028 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Abdul Kabir Aineka ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi Rasyid

This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students of class VIII MTs Al-Akbar Sorong City on Jurisprudence subjects caused by Jurisprudence teachers in presenting subject matter which is sometimes monotonous. Teachers are more likely to use the lecture method in learning so as to make students bored. Therefore the researcher chose one of the Articulation learning methods to improve student learning outcomes. This method uses a chain message delivery system, which is from the teacher to students and is passed from one student to another student. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in Jurisprudence subjects using Articating learning methods for students of class VIII MTs Al-Akbar Sorong City. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). The subject was students in class VIII MTs Al-Akbar Sorong City in the odd semester of 2016/2017 academic year totaling 38 people. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, namely the first cycle and the second cycle carried out as many as 4 meetings. Data retrieval is done by using test results of learning and observation. The collected data is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data is calculated using the SPSS 16.0 formula. The results obtained after the action are given, namely: (1) the activeness of students during the learning process in class has increased, (2) in the first cycle the average score of student learning outcomes tests on Jurisprudence subjects between the first and second meetings in the first cycle is 62, 89% and 74.47% and in the second cycle, the average test score of student learning outcomes in fiqh subjects has increased ie, 80.79% and 94.34%. From the results of this study, in general, it can be concluded that an increase in student learning outcomes in the subjects of Jurisprudence VIII MTs Al-Akbar Sorong after applying the Articulation method

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 239-246
Fajryani Simal ◽  
Dahlia Mahulauw ◽  
Marleny Leasa ◽  
John Rafafy Batlolona

This study aimed to analyze the correlation between self-awareness, mitigating learning loss, and student science learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected using a correlational study, a questionnaire, and data analysis using linear regression using the SPSS 16.00 application. The analysis results found that the correlation value or R correlation between self-awareness and learning outcomes was 0.020. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.000. In contrast, the regression between learning loss and learning outcomes was R, which was -0.073, the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.005. The self-awareness regression coefficient on the correlation between self-awareness and learning outcomes is 0.018 or only 0.02%, so the equation becomes Y = 83,287 + 0.018X. In the correlation between self-awareness and learning outcomes, the regression coefficient of learning loss is -.119 or only <0, so the regression equation formed is Y = 94.480 -.199X. Therefore, it can be concluded that self-awareness has no correlation with students' cognitive learning outcomes, and there is no correlation between learning loss mitigation and student learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic


This research aimed to develop audio visual based on learning media using adobe flash professional CS6 in material subject for students of seventh graders at MTs Mu'allimin NW Pancor that was valid, practical and effective. This research was a research and development (R&D) that was adapted from the ADDIE development model. There are 5 stages: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Implementation; and (5) Evaluation. The population was students of seventh graders , with a sample of students of VIIB . Data collection techniques used were using a questionnaire that was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that audio visual based on learning media using adobe flash professional CS6 which had been developed based on the assessment of media experts obtained by 96 with a very good category and material expert assessment was obtained by 42 with a good category. Based on students' responses to the practicality of the media it was found that the percentage of assessment was 75.35% with the practical category. Based on tests of student learning outcomes on the effectiveness of the media obtained a percentage of 88.46%. Based on the results of data acquisition shows that audio visual based learning media using adobe flash professional CS6 was feasible and can be used in the mathematics learning process of material for students of seventh graders at MTs Mu'allimin NW Pancor. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran bilangan berbasis audio visual menggunakan adobe flash profesional CS6 untuk kelas VII MTs Mu’allimin NW Pancor yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan ADDIE. Tahapan penelitian ini ada 5 tahap, yaitu: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Impelementation; dan (5) Evaluation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran bilangan berbasis audio visual menggunakan adobe flash professional CS6 yang telah dikembangkan berdasarkan penilaian ahli media diperoleh sebesar 96 dengan kategori baik. Berdasarkan respon siswa terhadap kepraktisan media didapatkan persentasi penilaian sebesar 75,35% dengan kategori praktis. Berdasarkan tes hasil belajar siswa terhadap keefektifan media yang telah dikembangkan diperoleh persentase sebesar 88,46%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran bilangan berbasis audio visual menggunakan adobe flash professional CS6 layak dan dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan kelas VII MTs Mu’allimin NW Pancor.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-33

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact and implementation of the jigsaw method in learning science (Physics) subjects to improve student achievement in class IX of SMP Negeri 10 Malang, Malang City. The method used in this research is classroom action research (CAR). While the data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation and descriptive data analysis. This research was conducted in 3 cycles, namely cycle I, cycle II and cycle III. The research subjects were 34 grade IX students of SMP Negeri 10 Malang in the 2016/2017 academic year. After doing research in class IX SMP Negeri 10 Malang, student learning outcomes using the jigsaw model learning method, can improve student achievement in class IX SMP Negeri 10 Malang. As proof that, from 34 students who carried out learning activities, it was found that the scores of 80, 90 and 100 had increased. Those who scored 80/good enough, in the first cycle: 8 (23.53%) students in the second cycle: 9 (26.47%) students in the third cycle: 13 (38.24%) students. Those who scored 90/good in the first cycle: 1 (2.94%) students in the second cycle: 5 (14.71%) students in the third cycle: 10 (29.41%) students. Those who scored 100/excellent in the first cycle: 0 (0%) students in the second cycle: 0 (0%) students in the third cycle: 1 (2,94%) students. Thus, the jigsaw method of learning can improve the learning outcomes of class IX students in the even semester of 2016/2017 academic year. ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dan implementasi metode jigsaw dalam belajar mata pelajaran IPA ( Fisika ) dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 10 Malang Kota Malang . Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan analisis data secara deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 3 siklus yakni siklus I siklus II dan siklus III. Subjek penelitian adalah 34 orang siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 10 Malang Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Setelah dilakukan penelitian di kelas IX SMP Negeri 10 Malang, hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Model jigsaw, dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 10 Malang. Sebagai buktinya bahwa, dari 34 siswa yang melakukan kegiatan belajar didapatkan pada perolehan nilai 80 , 90 dan 100 mengalami peningkatan. Yang memperoleh nilai 80/cukup baik, pada siklus I : 8 (23,53%) siswa pada siklus II : 9 (26,47%) siswa pada siklus III : 13 (38,24%) siswa. Yang memperoleh nilai 90/baik pada siklus I : 1 (2,94%) siswa pada siklus II : 5 (14,71%) siswa pada siklus III : 10 (29,41%) siswa. Yang memperoleh nilai 100/sangat baik pada siklus I : 0 (0%) siswa pada siklus II : 0 (0%) siswa pada siklus III : 1 (2,94%) siswa. Dengan demikian, metode pembelajaran dengan metode jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IX semester genap tahun pelajaran 2016/2017.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-143

The learning process is less effective, the teaching teacher does not use methods that can increase students' curiosity in exploring knowledge, so that the teacher seems to be watching. This can affect student learning outcomes that do not achieve the desired results, especially in learning Geography of the material for the distribution of flora and fauna. This study aims to find out and obtain information from the field on matters relating to improving student learning outcomes on the material Geography of the Distribution of Flora and Fauna through the use of the Picture To Picture model in class XI-SOS 3 students of SMA Negeri 106 East Jakarta. Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted by collaborating researchers and teachers through 2 cycles. Where each cycle is carried out 2 meetings. Each cycle consists of four activities, namely planning, implementing actions, observing and evaluating, and reflecting. Geography learning outcomes of students can be improved by applying the Picture To Picture method. This can be seen from the value of the results of individual questions in cycles I and II. From the results before the first cycle experienced an increase, also in the second cycle there was an increase. After there was action and reflection on the implementation of cycles I and II using the picture to picture method, there was a very significant change in a very good direction. ABSTRAKProses pembelajaran yang kurang efektif, guru mengajar tidak menggunakan metode yang bisa meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu siswa dalam menggali ilmu, sehingga terkesan guru tersebut menoton. Hal demikian dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa tidak mencapai hasil yang diinginkan, khususnya dalam pembelajaran Geografi materi Persebaran Flora dan Fauna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh informasi dari lapangan tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa terhadap Geografi materi Persebaran Flora dan Fauna melalui penggunaan model Picture To Picture pada siswa kelas XI-SOS 3 SMA Negeri 106 Jakarta Timur. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dan guru kolaborator melalui 2 siklus. Dimana setiap siklus dilaksanakan 2 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat kegiatan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan evalusi, serta refleksi. Hasil belajar Geografi siwa dapat ditingkatkan dengan penerapan metode Picture To Picture. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai hasil soal individu pada siklus I dan II . Dari hasil sebelum siklus I mengalami peningkatan, juga pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan.Setelah ada tindakan dan refleksi pada pelaksanaan siklus I dan II dengan menggunakan metode picture to picture maka ada perubahan yang sangat berarti ke arah yang sangat baik.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Imanuel Alan Onibala ◽  
I. Parsaoran Tamba ◽  
Denny Maukar

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) terhadap hasil siswa pada mata pelajaran Motor Bensin kelas XI di SMK Negeri 1 Motoling. Penelitian ini dikategorikan dalam penelitian Eksperimen Semu (quasi exsperimental). Desain penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah desain jenis pre-test dan post-test group design. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai t hitung sebesar 4,4360 dan nilai t tabel 1,6772 artinya  nilai t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel maka signifikan. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada penggunaan model pembelajaran Kooperatif TAI (Team Assisted Individualization)  dan konvensional terhadap pencapaian hasil belajar siswa di SMK N 1 Motoling.     Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Team Assisted Individualization. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) cooperative learning model on student outcomes in the XI class of gasoline motorbike subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Motoling. This research is categorized as a quasi-experimental research. The research design used in this study was a pre-test and post-test group design. Based on the hypothesis test, the t value is 4.4360 and the t table value is 1.6772, which means that the t value is greater than the t table, so it is significant. These results indicate that there is a significant difference in the use of the cooperative learning model TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) and conventional to the achievement of student learning outcomes at SMK N 1 Motoling.           Keywods: Learning Outcomes, Team Assisted Individualization.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Frando Runtunuwu ◽  
Hendro Sumual ◽  
Jenly Manongko

THE EFFECT OF DEMONSTRATION METHODS ON LEARNING RESULTS OF SASIS AND MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE LIGHTWEIGHT VEHICLE CLASS XI TKR SMK NEGERI 1 MOTOLING   By: FRANDO RUNTUNUWU NIM 14 212 036   Supervisor : Dr. H. M. Sumual, ST, M.Eng Ir. D. J. I. Manongko, M.Eng   ABSTRACT   This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of demonstration methods on learning outcomes applying manual transmission maintenance at SMK Negeri 1 Motoling. This research method uses a quantitative approach, using the experimental method. Namely a method that is directed at solving problems by describing or describing what the research results are. The results showed that the effect of the demonstration method can significantly improve student learning outcomes in the Subject of Light Vehicle Chassis Maintenance at SMK Negeri 1 Motoling. Effect of learning Demonstration method through statistical tests using t-test, it turns out that the value of t is greater than t table or t = 3.071> t table = 1.684 at α = 0.05 dk = n - 2.Thus this study accepts the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and rejecting the normal hypothesis (H0) means that there is an effect of Demonstration Method Learning on student learning outcomes in the subject of Light Vehicle Chassis Maintenance at SMK Negeri 1 Motoling. . Keywords: Demonstration Method, Learning Outcomes and SPT TKR.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-38
David Sangari ◽  
Hendrik Sumarauw ◽  
Lenie Ratag

PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SNOWBALL THROWING                        TERHADAP PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA                                                 DI SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO                                                   Oleh : David G. Sangari 14212081                                                Dosen Pembimbing :                                                Drs. H. J. R. Sumarauw, M.Pd                                                Dra. Lenie Ratag, M.Pd   ABSTRAK   David G. Sangari. 2019. The Influence of the Snowball Throwing Learning Model on the Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes at SMK Negeri 3 Tondano. Thesis, PTM S-1 Study Program, Faculty of Engineering. University Manado State. Advisors (1) Drs. H. J. R. Sumarauw, M.Pd,  (II) Dra.Lenie Ratag, M, Pd   Keywords: Snowball Throwing Model, Competency Learning of Light Vehicle Engineering Skills   Based on the observations of researchers in the field, students in the learning process centered only on teachers and students only memorized concepts. The results at this reflection stage would be the basis for making improvements in this study. This study used 2 classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. The research was conducted in 12 meetings in each class. At the first meeting, a preliminary test was given which aims to see to what extent the students' ability limits. The second meeting until the 11th meeting was given a learning process using the Snowball Throwing learning model in the experimental class and conventional learning models in the control class. In the end, at the 12th meeting, each class was given a posttest to see if there was an improvement from the first meeting. Based on the research hypothesis testing at SMK N 3 Tondano on basic automotive engineering subjects with jacking and blocking material, it can be seen that Snowball Throwing learning affects students' mastery of concepts.

Reynaldo F. Manila ◽  
Ronald S. Decano

During the COVID-19 pandemic, education changed dramatically, notably in school-community engagement. School administrators prepared for and implemented the novel adopt-a-school program, Brigada Eskwela, by adopting the Department’s Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan. This program is feasible but not without difficulties. As a result, this phenomenological research examined Cluster IV secondary and integrated school administrators’ experiences in the Division of Davao City implementing the adopt-a-school program: Brigada Eskwela in the new normal. The researcher selected the participants via purposive sampling through remote physical and video conferencing of one-on-one in-depth interviews. The findings revealed that school administrators prepared for the transition of the adopt-a-school program: Brigada Eskwela, including overcoming challenges and developing coping mechanisms in the face of the new normal. Collaboration and partnership programs of stakeholders and private partners will address their resources and training needs to manage the school effectively for improved student learning outcomes. It is truly a community for students’ new normal education. KEYWORDS: Phenomenological research, Cluster IV secondary, and integrated school administrators, experiences, implementation, adopt-a-school program: Brigada Eskwela

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