Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring Suhu, Kelembaban, Getaran dan Bau dengan Sistem Pentransmisian MQTT

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 1716
Ahmad Fahri Jamaluddin ◽  
Diah Risqiwati ◽  
Fauzi Dwi Setiawan Sumadi

AbstrakMemelihara burung merupakan salah satu hobi masyarakat Indonesia. Kebutuhan gizi dan nutrisi berupa protein pada burung dapat diperoleh dari suatu makanan salah satu makanan burung kroto atau telur semut rangrang. Pada budidaya semut rangrang, suhu dan kelembaban dapat mempengaruhi semut rangrang dalam bertelur. Masalah yang dihadapi saat ini pada budidaya semut rangrang adalah peternak tidak dapat memperkirakan kondisi suhu dan kelembaban. Mereka hanya memperkirakan suhu dan kelembaban dengan merasakan panas di dalam ruangan. Adapun masalah lain yang dihadapi adalah adanya getaran dan bau kimia di sekitar toples tempat semut rangrang di budidaya yang dapat membuat semut stress dan dapat menurunkan hasil produksi kroto. Dari permasalahan ini dilakukan penelitian dengan membuatan model pengatur suhu, kelembaban, getaran dan bau kimia dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino UNO, sensor DHT11, sensor SW-420 dan sensor MQ-02 pada ruang budidaya semut rangrang dengan menggunakan system pentransmisian MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). Alat ini akan mempermudah budidaya untuk mengatur nilai suhu, kelembaban, getaran dan bau kimia di dalam ruang budidaya tersebut. Alat ini menggunakan mist maker sebagai alat penghasil uap dan buzzer sebagai alarm secara otomatis agar budidaya semut rangrang stabil dan menghasilkan produksi kroto yang berkualitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jarak mempengaruhi kuat sinyal dan delay atau selisih waktu transmisi data yang mana pada jarak 5m sampai jarak 7m sinyal semakin melemah dan rata-rata selisih waktu transmisi data betambah sekitar 5.1 sec hingga 5.9 sec. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa sistem pentrasmisian MQTT yang menggunakan ESP8266 memiliki rata-rata jumlah packet loss secara keseluruhan sebesar 35%.AbstractCaring of birds is one of society hobbies in Indonesia. Nutritional needs and nutrients in the form of proteins in birds can be obtained from food which is kroto bird food or weaver ant egg. In the weaver ant cultivation, temperature and humidity can affect the weaver ant in laying eggs. The problem of weaver ants cultivation is the farmer cannot predict the conditions of temperature and humidity. They only estimate the temperature and humidity by feeling heat in the room. The other problem faced is the presence of vibration and chemical odors around the jar where the weaver ants process of cultivation can make they stress and reduce the production of kroto. From this problem, research is carried out by making a models of temperature, humidity, vibration and chemical odors can be ultilized by using arduino uno microcontroller, DHT11 sensor, SW-420 sensor and MQ-02 sensor in the space of weaver ants cultivation by using the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) transmission system. This tool will make the cultivation easier to regulate the value of temperature, humidity, vibration and chemical odors in the space of cultivation. This tool uses a mist maker as steam generator and buzzer as an automatic alarm so that the cultivation of the weaver ants is stable and produces quality of kroto production. The results of this study indicate that the distance affects the signal strength and delay or difference in data transmission time which at a distance of 5m to a distance of 7m the signal weakens and the average difference in data transmission time increases around 5.1 sec to 5.9 sec. The results of this study also indicate that the MQTT transmission system that uses ESP8266 has an average number of packet loss overall of 35%. 

Fani Rakhman Hakim ◽  
Bambang Sugiantoro

The technology of internet nowadays has become most important aspect and becomes primary need for certain group of peoples who work in some field like education,economy,health,etc. One of the biggest problem which mostly brought by so many people is speed in data transfer. This paper emphasize in directly testing the quality of data transmission from each transmission technology. The equipment used by this paper is ZTE Join Air help, the simcard provided by Telkomsel,XL, and indosat, while CDMA technology used simcard provided by smartfren and esia and modem provided by Smartfren which its series is EC176-2. The parameters used for testing in this paper are throughput, time, jitter dan packet loss. this paper used data gathering method, for each operator and the testing used by this paper is downloading some files from local and non local server, then comparing parameter value between operators.

2011 ◽  
Vol 225-226 ◽  
pp. 194-198
Yan Zhang ◽  
Wen Yu Yu

For the unsymmetrical bandwidth in HFC network, this paper proposes a data transmission scheme of Cable Modem based on DOCSIS1.1. This scheme can meet different kinds of data’s demands. It can guarantee fine grading data transmission management and low ratio of packet loss. Then, this paper proves the validity of the scheme. Lastly, in order to improve the quality of data transmission, it gives the difficulties and research perspective in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-55
Livia Ayudia Yuliani ◽  
Lela Nurpulaela ◽  
Ulinnuha Latifa

Saat ini, masih banyak pembeli yang menggunakan konsep penjualan offline, sehingga seringkali kita lihat antrian yang panjang di swalayan. Antrian tersebut dikarenakan lamanya seorang kasir untuk melakukan scan harga pada tiap-tiap produk yang terdapat pada keranjang belanjaan. Akan tetapi, masyarakat selalu mengeluh ketika melakukan proses pembelian di supermarket. Masyarakat menya-yangkan proses antrian yang begitu panjang ketika akan melakukan transaksi pembayaran di kasir. Hal ini mengakibatkan lamanya waktu menunggu semakin besar sesuai dengan panjangnya antrian tersebut. Sehingga, untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan internet of things yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah client dalam proses pembelian suatu produk. Perangkat atau kom-ponen internet of things sebagai modul internet adalah NodeMCU V2 AMICA. Metode pengukuran yang digunakan adalah Quality of Service dengan menggunakan bantuan aplikasi Wireshark. Nilai throughput, packet loss, latency, dan jitter yang didapatkan adalah 2229 bit/s, 0% packet, 25,284 detik, 0,05 ms dengan kategori indeks throughput nol (bad) dan indeks empat untuk packet loss, latency, dan jitter.

2014 ◽  
Vol 513-517 ◽  
pp. 2063-2067
Lin Guang Lai ◽  
Lei Xu ◽  
Chang Sheng Cao

In the real-time network video surveillance system which uses UDP for data transmission, the packet loss and delay of H.264 video data unit would cause image pause and blur. The paused and blurry image affects the quality of users’ experience. In this paper, we put forward Idr (invalid data rate) to integrate the delay and packet loss rate and chooses code rate as the target of adjustment. We propose an adaptive transmission approach based on QoE Measurement of invalid data rate. Experiment result shows that, this approach can improve the video fluency and clarity as well as user experience.

The rapid growth and increased communications over internet has also increased the demand for an effective and efficient communication over the network. Therefore an efficient mechanism to deal with the network traffic can reduce the interruptions caused during communication and provide reliable and enhanced quality of service. Routers are responsible for performing the direction of network traffic over the internet Congestion control mechanisms provide a better way of handling network congestion. This paper analyzed the performance of RED with fuzzy logic. The important objective of fuzzy logic is to reduce packet loss during data transmission. The analysis results show that the packet dropping probability could be reduced with the help of FLRED.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Jose Carlos Tavara Carbajal

RESUMENEste documento tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de la calidad del servicio del protocolo IPv6 sobre el tráfico de video, para esto se realizó sobre un entorno real y se llevó acabo el análisis de resultados a través de un software estadístico de control del tráfico.Palabras Clave.-  Calidad de Servicio, Ancho de Banda, Retardo, Fluctuación de Retardo, Pérdidas de Paquetes.ABSTRACTThis paper has aimed to analyze of the service quality of the IPv6 protocol on video traffic, this was about a real environment and was conducted analysis of results through statistical traffic control software. Key words- Quality of Service, Bandwidth, End to end delay, Jitter, Packet loss.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jose Carlos Tavara Carbajal

Este documento tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de la calidad del servicio del protocolo IPv6 sobre el tráfico de video, para esto se realizó sobre un entorno real y se llevó acabo el análisis de resultados a través de un software estadístico de control del tráfico.Palabras Clave.-  Calidad de Servicio, Ancho de Banda, Retardo, Fluctuación de Retardo, Pérdidas de Paquetes.ABSTRACT  This paper has aimed to analyze of the service quality of the IPv6 protocol on video traffic, this was about a real environment and was conducted analysis of results through statistical traffic control software.  Key words.- Quality of Service, Bandwidth, End to end delay, Jitter, Packet loss.

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