2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Aci Maria Jehaut Putri ◽  
Yus Mochamad Cholily ◽  
Putri Ayu Kusgiarohmah

This paper reports the study of the critical thinking skills of 7th-grade students in junior high school on determining the coefficients of algebraic operation. Data were collected using worksheet and interviews. 34 students were involved during the study. The study reveals that there were 35% students who performed algebraic operations correctly. Students’ difficulty is mainly on determining the coefficients associated with the algebraic forms. In general, errors occur in the process of finding algebraic solutions, explaining the reasons for the stages of strategies taken and drawing conclusions. This is due to the fact that the main attention was given to the final result of the process of working on algebraic form problems, and less focus was paid on giving reasons for the process of working on problems that stimulate the students to think critically.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.10) ◽  
pp. 18
Kurniati Dian ◽  
Zayyadi Moh

The present study aimed at describing the dispositions of students around a coffee plantation in solving algebraic problems, especially those pertaining to fraction and comparison. Critical thinking disposition denotes the initial milestone to developing students’ critical thinking skills. The study investigated four components of critical thinking dispositions, comprising of truth-seeking, open-mindedness, self-confidence, and inquisitiveness. The subjects under investigation were 45 students at the second grade of a junior high school situated around Garahan coffee plantation in Jember district, East Java, Indonesia. The study covered several phases, inter alia, (1) describing problems on Algebra to the students, (2) recording any activities of the research subjects when doing tasks given, (3) analyzing the students’ answer sheets based on four components of critical thinking dispositions, (4) conducting method triangulation projected to confirm the preliminary findings on the students critical thinking dispositions, and (5) determining the students’ critical thinking dispositions based on the results of direct observation, video recording, and interview. The study gained several findings related to the students’ dispositions. First, the students’ tendency in truth-seeking was characterized by their analysis on the problems given on themes regarding coffee. This prevented them from making mistakes as they checked some information, be it known or unknown, as the bases for problem solving. However, not every student was aware of what was unknown about the problem or what was required to solve the problem. Second, their tendency in open-mindedness was evinced by the fact that they were assured of their answer as they related it to their experience in planting coffee. Nevertheless, some students tended to ask their parent when they had to determine the amount of diameter comparison between two logs to be connected. Third, they tended to be confident in solving problems given as they had experienced the activities described in the problem when they assisted their parents in planting coffee, but still some students had yet to be sure of their answers as they lacked the experience in planting coffee. Lastly, they tended to possess sound inquisitiveness concerning various issues pertinent to solving algebraic problems, especially themed on coffee. They acquired the inquisitiveness by observing the actual activity in their environment. Nonetheless, their inquisitiveness could not be generalized to algebraic lessons at school. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Sri Yuliyanti ◽  
Saiful Prayogi ◽  
Bq. Azmi Sukroyanti

This research aims to enhance students’ critical thinking skills of SMP Islam Abhariyah on the academic year 2015/2016 through the application of the generative learning model. Research method used was classroom action research (PTK). This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consist of planning, implementating, observating, and reflecting. Data learning activities of the students and teachers’ activities obtained by observation, while data on students’ critical thinking skills test was obtained by an evaluation at the end of each cycle. The subject of this study was 28 students in VIII-B class. Application of the generative learning model in this study considered as successful if the value of critical thinking skills of the students at a minimum categorized as critical. The data for student’s critical thinking skills was accomplished by using an essay test, and the average value of students is 41.96 (categorized very less critical) whit classical completeness achieved only 3,57% in the cycle I and in the cycle II showed the average value of the students is 68,92 (categorized critical) whit classical completeness increased to 85,71%. Research data of student’s activities was taken by using the student’s observation sheet. The average score in the cycle I is 46.50 (categorized as fairly active) and in the cycle II is 66.00 (categorized as active). The data of teacher’s activities was taken by using teacher’s observation sheet. The presentation of learning material is 64,28% (categorized as good) in the cycle I and 91,06% (categorized as very good) in the gathering II. Thus, the conclusion to this study is the application of the generative learning model can improve students’ critical thinking skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Ade Febri ◽  
Sajidan Sajidan ◽  
Sarwanto Sarwanto ◽  
Dewanto Harjunowibowo

Learning trends in the 21st-century require students to have the ability to sort appropriate information from certain sources. To do this, students must have critical thinking skills. One of the learning models that can facilitate students to think critically is a guided-inquiry lab. Thus, the purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the impact of the implementation of the guided-inquiry lab model on students' critical thinking skills on mechanics material. A pre-experimental method employing one group pretest-posttest only design was applied to obtain students' critical thinking skills data before and after the implementation of the guided-inquiry lab model. A total of 32 students from a junior high school in the city of Karanganyar, Central Java, were involved as the samples in this study. The data obtained were then analyzed using N-gain calculations. Based on the data analysis, there are 81.25% of students have medium creative thinking skills after being taught with a guided-inquiry lab, meaning there is an increase in the average score of students after being taught using a guided-inquiry lab model. It can be concluded that the implementation of the guided-inquiry lab model is effective to improve students' critical thinking skills

Maria Nur Ulfa ◽  
Suyatno Sutoyo ◽  
Tjipto Prastowo

This research aims to produce the valid teaching materials. The teaching materials are developed using POE model to increase students’ critical thinking skills in junior high school on pressure topic. The teaching materials developed consist of the lesson plan, student worksheet, student book, the critical thinking skills test, and concept mastery test. The five indicators of critical thinking skills measured in this study are providing simple explanations, the ability to give reasons, make conclusions, make and determine the results of considerations based on the application of facts, and choose alternative solutions. Model of teaching materials development usedthis research is 4D model. Validityxdataxwere obtainedxfrom thexvalidationxbyxexperts usingxthexvalidityxinstrument. Thevvdatavvobtainedvvwerevvanalyzed descriptively quantitatively basedxonxthe validity criteriaxof teaching materials. Basedxonxthe assessmentxofxthreexvalidators, the developedxteachingxmaterials had very valid category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Riyani Septi Indriyana ◽  
Susilowati Susilowati

The research aimed to (1) analyzes the effects of model project-based learning approach on  STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematic) on science learning to junior high school student’s critical thinking skills and cooperative skills, and (2) analyze how the effects of model project-based learning approach on STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematic) on science learning to junior high school student’s critical thinking skills and cooperative skills. The research was quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group design. The population was eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Berbah. The sample of the study was selected with cluster random sampling techniques and obtained grade-VIII B as an experimental class and grade-VIII C as a control class. Learning in the experimental class with a project-based learning model was STEM-oriented and the control class used a scientific approach. The data were pretest and posttest of critical thinking and observation sheets of cooperation. The analysis used the normality test, homogeneity test, MANOVA  test, and effect size. The results showed that (1) there was an effect of project based learning model on STEM approach on critical thinking skills and cooperative skills of students of SMP Negeri 1 Berbah, (2) the effect of science learning project based learning model on STEM approach on critical thinking and collaborative skill was on medium category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76 ◽  
Widodo Setiyo Wibowo ◽  
Ekosari Roektiningroem ◽  
Norma Bastian ◽  
Karina Syahrul Hudda

The study was conducted to develop science module based on project-based learning that is feasible to be implemented in science learning and has potency to build critical thinking skills of junior high school students. The study was Research and Development (RD), modified from Borg Gall steps covering only research and information collecting, planning, preliminary form of product development, expert judgment, product revision, and final product. The subjects were 2 expert lecturers (content expert and media expert) and 2 science teachers of SMP N 1 Wonosari. The types of data were quantitative and qualitative. Data were collected by means of SSP validation sheets and disaster preparedness identification sheets. The techniques of data analysis were descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative to 5 grading scale. The result of the study shows that science module is feasible to be implemented in science learning and has potency to build critical thinking skills of junior high school students. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16 ◽  
Dede Parsaoran Damanik ◽  
Nurdin Bukit

This study was aimed to determine the differences: (1) the difference of critical thinking skills of students' that using Inquiry Training and Direct Instruction. (2) The difference of critical thinking skills among students who at high scientific attitude and students who at low scientific attitude. (3) To see if there is interaction between inquiry learning model of the scientific attitude students' to increase the ability to critical thinking. This is a quasi experimental research. Which students of private junior high school Two Raya Kahean District Simalungun. Population choose random sample of each class. Instrument used consisted of: (1) test the scientific attitude of students through a questionnaire with 25 statements questionnaire number (2) test the critical thinking skills in the form of descriptions by 9 questions. The data were analyzed according to ANAVA. It showed that: (1) There are differences in students' critical thinking of skills achievement Inquiry Training model and Direct Instruction model, (2) there was a difference of students' critical thinking in scientific attitude at high is better than who thought there is a difference of students' critical thinking in scientific attitude at low. (3) There was no interaction between Inquiry Training model and Direct Instruction with the scientific attitude students' to increase student’s critical thinking of skills.

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