scholarly journals Self-evaluation and observation: A proposal to promote CLIL teacher training at Infant Education

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (35) ◽  
pp. 35-54
Magdalena Custodio Espinar ◽  
José Antonio Gómez Cortés

The Bilingual Program of the Community of Madrid (BPCM), Spain, started offering Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), in English, at Primary Education in 2004, at Secondary in 2010, and at Infant Education (3–6-year-old students) in 2017. This approach requires multiskilled practitioners, highly trained in the CLIL methodological principles, to ensure the planning and delivery of effective lessons. However, CLIL teacher training is deficient and needs to be boosted through alternative proposals. This work analyses the potential of a checklist for self-evaluation and observation of CLIL teachers at Infant Education. It is an exploratory research that presents a case study in two Infant Education classrooms in which CLIL is taught by the same teacher. The data collection includes linguistic data collecting techniques such as the checklist for the observer and for the teacher, an observation protocol, transcripts of the interviews, among others. Results from the qualitative analysis of the Infant teacher self-evaluation and the observer showed that a never-ending-teacher-development-awareness to promote teachers to manage their experience adequately was stimulated, and it was likely to open the door to innovation in educational trends (CLIL) in order to offer a solid respond for their professional needs. It also proved to identify the actual CLIL training needs of the Infant teacher and unveiled her thoughts and practice in her bilingual classes. Therefore, it can be concluded that the self-evaluation checklist can be a useful instrument likely to shed some light on the complex phenomenon of in-service CLIL teacher training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 216495612198994 ◽  
Alison Evans ◽  
Gemma M Griffith ◽  
Rebecca S Crane ◽  
Sophie A Sansom

The Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) is a useful framework for supporting teacher development in the context of mindfulness-based supervision (MBS). It offers a framework that enhances clarity, develops reflexive practice, gives a structure for feedback, and supports learning. MBS is a key component of Mindfulness-Based Program (MBP) teacher training and ongoing good practice. Integrating the MBI:TAC within the MBS process adds value in a number of ways including: offering a shared language around MBP teaching skills and processes; framing the core pedagogical features of MBP teaching; enabling assessment of developmental stage; and empowering supervisees to be proactive in their own development. The paper lays out principles for integrating the MBI:TAC framework into MBS. The supervisor needs awareness of the ways in which the tool can add value, and the ways it can inadvertently interrupt learning. The tool enables skills clarification, but the learning process needs to remain open to spontaneous experiential discovery; it can enable structured feedback but space is also needed for open reflective feedback; and it can enable conceptual engagement with the teaching process but space is needed for the supervisee to experientially sense the teaching process. The tool needs to be introduced in a carefully staged way to create optimal conditions for learning at the various stages of the MBP teacher-training journey. Practical guidance is presented to consolidate and develop current practice. The principles and processes discussed can be generalized to other forms of reflective dialogue such as mentoring, tutoring and peer reflection groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
Valderez Marina do Rosário Lima ◽  
Marcia Zschornack Marlow Santos

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Luciana Duarte Baraldi

RESUMO: Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma experiência de intervenção em situação de trabalho docente baseada no método de instrução ao sósia, elaborado por Ivar Oddone – médico, psicólogo e militante político italiano que figurou como um dos líderes do Modelo Operário Italiano (MOI) de luta para a saúde do trabalhador nos locais de trabalho – e seu grupo (1981, 1986) no contexto de formação continuada dos trabalhadores da Fiat nos anos 1970, tendo inspirado empreendimentos no campo da saúde do trabalhador no Brasil a partir da década de 1980. Esse método foi reinterpretado por Clot na Clínica da Atividade (1999, 2001, 2006, 2017) com o intento de produzir conhecimentos para a ação e promover transformações em outros contextos laborais. A intervenção foi realizada com duas docentes de língua italiana do Circolo Italiano San Paolo e, posteriormente, transformada em uma pesquisa exploratória (GIL, 2008). Nossa proposta é comentar os referenciais teóricos, descrever o contexto de intervenção e as etapas a partir das quais os dados coletados foram analisados à luz das teorias que fundamentam a pesquisa derivada da intervenção e, por fim, apresentar as conclusões acerca da importância da instrução ao sósia, no referido contexto, para a formação de um coletivo e a ampliação do poder de agir (CLOT, 2010) das docentes.Palavras-chave: Instrução ao sósia. Intervenção. Trabalho docente. Formação de professores. Italiano como língua estrangeira. ABSTRACT: Questo articolo si propone di presentare un’esperienza di intervento in una situazione lavorativa didattica basata sul metodo di istruzioni al sosia, elaborata da Ivar Oddone – medico, psicologo e attivista politico italiano che figurava come uno dei leader del Modello Operativo Italiano (MOI) di lotta per la salute dei lavoratori sul luogo di lavoro – e il suo gruppo (1981, 1986) nell’ambito della formazione continua per i lavoratori Fiat negli anni '70, avendo ispirato iniziative nel campo della salute dei lavoratori in Brasile sin dagli anni '80. Questo metodo è stato reinterpretato da Clot presso la Clinica dell’Attività (1999, 2001, 2006, 2017) con l’intenzione di produrre conoscenza per l'azione e promuovere cambiamenti in altri contesti di lavoro. L’intervento è stato realizzato con due insegnanti di lingua italiana del Circolo Italiano San Paolo e, successivamente, si è trasformato in una ricerca esplorativa (GIL, 2008). La nostra proposta è di commentare il quadro teorico, descrivere il contesto dell’intervento e le fasi a partire dalle quali sono stati analizzati i dati raccolti alla luce delle teorie che stanno alla base della ricerca derivata dall’intervento e, infine, presentare le conclusioni sull’importanza delle istruzioni al sosia, nel contesto della ricerca, per la formazione di un collettivo e l’espansione del potere di azione (CLOT, 2010) delle docenti.Parole chiavi: Istruzioni al sosia. Intervento. Lavoro docente. Formazione di insegnanti. Italiano lingua straniera. ABSTRACT: This article aims to present an intervention experience in a teaching work situation based on the method of instruction to the double, elaborated by Ivar Oddone – doctor, psychologist and Italian political activist who figured as one of the leaders of the Italian Operative Model (IOM) of struggle for worker's health in the workplace – and his group (1981, 1986) in the context of continuing training for Fiat workers in the 1970s, having inspired ventures in the field of worker health in Brazil since the 1980s. This method was reinterpreted by Clot at Clinic of Activity (1999, 2001, 2006, 2017) with the intention of producing knowledge for action and promoting changes in other work contexts. The intervention was carried out with two Italian language Italian teachers from the Circolo Italiano San Paolo and, later, transformed into an exploratory research (GIL, 2008). Our proposal is to comment on the theoretical frameworks, describe the context of intervention and the steps from which the data collected were analyzed in the light of the theories that underlie the research derived from the intervention and, finally, present the conclusions about the importance of instruction to the double, in that context, for the formation of a collective and the expansion of the power of action (CLOT, 2010) of teachers.Keywords: Instruction to the double. Intervention. Teaching work. Teacher training. Italian as a foreign language.

Zanandrea Guerch da Silva ◽  
Ana Claudia Pavao Siluk

ABSTRACTTeacher training guided in the use of Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs, through education mode Distance, distance education, has provided a strong alternative as regards the training of teachers and the struggle for quality education, with the expansion of offering various courses in this mode and in the interests of expanding the quality of education. The quality of education is seen as an effective learning space from the set of pedagogical and technical quality policies development (Mec, 2011). To answer this set of pedagogical and political techniques is necessary that teachers are up to date. Considering these issues, this article aims to analyze the quality of education through teacher training course offered at a distance by a Brazilian public university. The methodology used is descriptive exploratory research, a case study, in which the research subjects are the teachers graduates of the eighth edition of the teacher training course for the Educational Service Specialist (ESA). The research instrument was a questionnaire and the analysis of the results are satisfactory, showing that the course presents quality and contributes positively to the training of teachers.RESUMOEste artigo tem o objetivo de analisar a acessibilidade de alguns cursos das principais plataformas de MOOCs (Cursos Abertos Massivos Online, em inglês, Massive Open Online Courses), utilizando programas avaliadores de acessibilidade, por meio de uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória. Foi elencado, em cada plataforma analisada, um curso da área da educação com o intuito de obter um foco de pesquisa. As plataformas analisadas foram escolhidas partindo da pesquisa de Panta (2013) sobre os MOOCs, selecionando aqueles que disponibilizam cursos na área da educação: Coursera, EdX, NovoEd e Veduca. A fim de analisar de forma qualitativa a acessibilidade das plataformas dos respectivos MOOCs, elencaram-se dois validadores de acessibilidade na web, Hera e DaSilva, realizando uma observação sobre os resultados. Posteriormente, analisou-se um dos principais recursos de ensino e aprendizagem das plataformas, as vídeoaulas, quanto à acessibilidade. Considerando os relatórios dos validadores utilizados e também a análise dos dados, foi possível concluir que o recurso vídeoaula disponibilizado nos MOOCs analisados não atendem a todos os parâmetros de acessibilidade. Contato principal: [email protected]

Olena Volyarska

Comprehensive analysis of scientific studies of national and foreign scientists showed that the problem of the teachers’ professional development improvement has been represented in theoretical and practical philosophical, psychological and pedagogical science. The analysis of development of the postgraduate education tendencies, life-long professional education of adult learners, long-term scientific and pedagogical experience have revealed the relevance of research in the improving of the teachers professional development. This research has been appropriated by the increased requirements for postgraduate education and traditional approaches to the development of the teachers’ professional competences and by the necessity to cope with the existing stereotypes, changing attitudes and approaches to the teachers’ professional growth.The aim of the research is to identify the spheres of improvement for the professional development of teachers in the system of postgraduate education.The interpretation of the teachers’ professional development has been defined as an increase of their professional competence in the result of practical experience and prolonged purposeful and coordinated self-education in the conditions of formal, non-formal and informal adult education.The main directions of improvement of Ukrainian teachers’ professional development in our in-service teacher training include: 1) systematic implementation of educational innovation in postgraduate education content; 2) development of the blended forms of teacher training for providing educational possibilities for various special optional courses, trainings and seminars on full-time training conferences, consultations, participation in online conferences, electronic forums, chats on the distance remote basis; 3) creation of a system of the various modular courses and teacher trainings, which provides a clear definition, diagnosis and monitoring of professional competence components, based on a modular educational technology and which is one of the modern innovations in adult education; 4) development of partnership subject-subject interaction in in-service training, where the participants of training activities are oriented to the professional development, personal and professional growth.The results of studies have stated that a comprehensive personal training for teachers should be oriented to the development of their willingness to increase the effectiveness of the professional activities. In the further researches we consider the necessity of studying and generalization of international and national databases on the teachers’ continuous professional development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Larissa Goulart da Silva ◽  
Ana Paula Seixas Vial ◽  
Simone Sarmento

Abstract The Language without Borders (LwB) Programme is an educational policy which aims at promoting English learning at universities as well as promoting opportunities for teacher development. LwB teachers have to prepare their own English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching materials. Taking this into account, we seek to understand how the LwB Programme prepares these teachers to create EAP materials and  if they encounter any difficulties. A needs analysis was carried out through online surveys and semi-structured interviews. The former was sent to LwB teachers from all over Brazil, and the latter was conducted with teachers from one university. Based on the results we suggest some topics that could be addressed in the pedagogical meetings to address these teachers’ needs. Keywords: English for academic purposes, teacher training, Languages without Borders.   O desenvolvimento de materiais didáticos de Inglês para Fins Acadêmicos (IFA): uma análise das necessidades de professores iniciantes  Resumo O Programa Idiomas em Fronteiras (IsF) é uma política educacional que busca promover a aprendizagem de inglês na universidade e ser uma oportunidade de formação de professores, pois os professores-bolsistas do IsF devem preparar seu próprios materiais didáticos de Inglês para Fins Acadêmicos (IFA). Levando isso em consideração, buscamos entender como o Programa IsF prepara esses professores para elaborar materiais de IFA e se encontram dificuldades. Para tanto, foi conduzida uma análise de necessidades através de questionários online e entrevistas. Os questionários foram enviados para professores IsF de todo o Brasil e as entrevistas foram realizadas com professores de uma universidade. Com base nos resultados, sugerimos tópicos que podem ser trabalhados nas reuniões pedagógicas para responder às necessidades dos professores. Palavras-chave: Inglês para fins acadêmicos; formação de professores; Idiomas sem Fronteiras.

Ciencia Unemi ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 125
Gonzalo Morales Gomez ◽  
Mary Arteaga Rolando ◽  
Ana Gallegos Samaniego ◽  
Nelly Yanchapaxy Sanchez ◽  
Javier Stay Zuñiga

En el presente ensayo se aborda el tema de las metodologías universitarias de los siglos XX y XXI como tendencias pedagógicas en la educación superior occidental, el cual constituye el marco teórico referencial de una investigación exploratoria sobre tendencias metodológicas entre los docentes de una muestra seleccionada en las Universidades de Guayaquil y Estatal de Milagro, en Ecuador, en el año 2014. Se ofrece en primer lugar una mirada panorámica a las características pedagógicas de los siglos XX y XXI; luego se exponen los modelos curriculares y metodológicos más empleados en las prácticas pedagógicas de numerosos docentes universitarios en los países occidentales, y finalmente se intenta, con fines autoevaluativos, una clasificación preliminar de algunas metodologías de los siglos XX y XXI que han logrado un mayor posicionamiento en las experiencias pedagógicas de los docentes universitarios latinoamericanos. AbstractThis essay reviews the topic about university methodologies of the XX and XXI centuries as pedagogic trends in Western higher Education, which is the theoretical framework of an exploratory research on methodological trends among teachers in a selected sample in the State University of Guayaquil and State University of Milagro, Ecuador, in 2014. It is offered, first of all a panoramic view to the pedagogic characteristics of the XX and XXI centuries; it is further presented the most used curricular and methodological patterns in pedagogic practices of many university professors in Western countries; and, with self-evaluation purposes, a preliminary classification is attempted about some methodologies of the XX and XXI centuries which have achieved greater positioning of pedagogic experiences in the Latin American university professors.

Carlos Ventura Fonseca ◽  
Flávia Maria Teixeira Dos Santos

Resumo: Muitas pesquisas contemporâneas têm apontado os problemas dos Cursos de Licenciatura em Química, principalmente aqueles ocasionados pelo desequilíbrio na articulação entre os componentes teóricos e os componentes práticos das estruturas curriculares dos cursos. Neste trabalho, realizamos um movimento exploratório de pesquisa sobre os dados do Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes de 2011, centrado na análise documental, que buscou caracterizar o perfil geral dos Cursos de Licenciatura em Química no Rio Grande do Sul. As evidências mostraram que os estudantes são majoritariamente oriundos de escolas públicas, tendo renda familiar de até 3 salários mínimos. Os extratos analíticos também revelaram que, apesar de a maior parte dos cursos ter obtido conceitos satisfatórios no exame, houve críticas dos estudantes dirigidas à falta de integração entre as disciplinas presentes nas estruturas curriculares e à fragilidade da preparação profissional, decorrente dessa característica. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. ENADE. Currículo. Educação em Química. REFLECTIONS ON THE CHEMISTRY TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMS IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL: THE ELEMENTS OF ENADE 2011 Abstract: Many contemporary researches have pointed to the problems tied to Chemistry Teacher Training Programs, particularly those caused by the imbalance in the relationship between the theoretical and practical components in their curriculum framework. In this paper, we propose exploratory research on data from the National Survey of Student Performance 2011, focused on documentary analysis, which aimed to characterize the general profile of the Chemistry Teacher Training Programs in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Results showed that students are mostly from public schools, with family income up to 3 minimum wages. Analytic extracts also revealed that although most of the programs have obtained satisfactory scores in that exam, there was criticism directed by students to the lack of integration between disciplines presented in the curriculum frameworks and the weakness of professional preparation which arises from this feature. Keywords: Teacher training. ENADE. Curriculum. Chemistry education. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-69
Nicoletta Balzaretti ◽  
Andrea Ciani ◽  
Chelsea Cutting ◽  
Lisa O’Keeffe ◽  
Bruce White

Abstract Video has become a useful tool in Initial Teacher Education for self-evaluation and reflection by pre-service teachers (PSTs). The availability of 360degree video cameras and web-based applications, to review and annotate 360degree videos, allows PSTs greater flexibility to view and review their practice from a variety of perspectives. This study explores PSTs’ use of 360degree video for reflection on their teaching practice. 360degree video provides PSTs with the capacity to pan ‘around’ the video, and in doing so has supported PSTs to detach and reflect on their own practice. The findings suggest that the PSTs valued the additional perspectives afforded by the 360degree nature of the video, which had a particular impact on their understanding of their presence, interactions and explanations. Peer video viewing was also found to be a useful tool in supporting PSTs to ‘notice’ additional areas for improvement in their own practice.

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