Dance in Society: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Social Dance and Society in England from the Middle Ages to the Present Day

CORD News ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Drid Williams ◽  
Frances Rust
Literator ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-50
G. Thiel

This article tries to establish the uniqueness of the relationship between man and Death in Der Ackermann aus Boehmen. This is achieved by comparing Der Ackermann to disputes between man and Death of a similar kind and by resorting to possible sources for the depiction of the figure of Death. While Death’s right to kill is in the end confirmed by God, man nevertheless has made inroads into Death’s universal and indiscriminatory powers by emotional and intellectual accusations as well as physical threats. This was facilitated by personifying Death to such an extent that Death was brought close to the level of man rather than remaining a pseudo-transcendental power.

Mila Samardžić

Languages in contact: a case of linguistic prestige The article aims to offer a review of the influences exerted by the Italian language (and the Venetian dialect) on the Serbian literary language as well as on the local dialects. These impacts date back to the Middle Ages and, in practice uninterruptedly, persist to the present day. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate how, due to socio-economic and cultural circumstances, Italian has been able to establish itself as a prestigious language compared to Serbian and how the relationship between the two languages over the centuries has always been essentially monodirectional. Key words: Language loans, Contact Linguistics, Italian, Serbian, Linguistic Prestige

2013 ◽  
pp. 49-59 ◽  
Bryan Gillingham

One of the difficulties in creating an adequate picture of the contextual situation for music, other than that clearly associated with the liturgy, in the Middle Ages, is the paucity of accounts describing performance circumstances. We know little about the social milieu and purposes attending genres marginal to the liturgy such as the conductus and thirteenth-century motet. A manuscript which seems to redress this problem, albeit for one very specific instance, is Vat. lat. 2854 in the Vatican library in Rome. This manuscript is unusual in that it contains not only music but a detailed account of why the music was written. The author, Bonaiutus de Casentino, active in the circle of Pope Boniface VIII, prepared the manuscript in the last decade of the thirteenth century at Rome. The document includes various poems, sacred and secular, as well as two Latin songs written in late Franconian notation. One of the pieces is a two-voice conductus (Hec medela corporalis) which was written, according to the account of Bonaiutus himself, in order to cure the maladies of an ailing pontif. The pontifical complaints seemed to be both psychological and intestinal in nature. It was the hope of Bonaiutus not only to provoke laughter (always a curative), but also to cleanse the papal bowels through his composition. Although one cannot generalize on the basis of this single incident, it does yield a fascinating glimpse into a possible venue for the conductus.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-19
István Fried

Abstract If the changes of the “discourse networks” (Aufschreibesysteme) from 1800 to 1900 model the relations pertaining to the personality, to the cultural determinedness of technology and personality as well as to their interconnections (Kittler 1995), especially having in view the literary mise en scène, it applies all the more to travelling - setting out on a journey, heading towards a destination, pilgrimage and/or wandering as well as the relationship between transport technology and personality. The changes taking place in “transport” are partly of technological, partly (in close connection with the former) indicative of individual and collective claims. The diplomatic, religious, commercial and educational journeys essentially belong to the continuous processes of European centuries; however, the appearance of the railway starts a new era at least to the same extent as the car and the airplane in the twentieth century. The journeys becoming systematic and perhaps most tightly connected to pilgrimages from the Middle Ages on assured the “transfer” of ideas, attitudes and cultural materials in the widest sense; the journeys and personal encounters (of course, taking place, in part, through correspondence) of the more cultured layers mainly, are to be highly appreciated from the viewpoint of the history of mentalities and society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 83
Evgueny Alexandrovich Chiglintsev ◽  
Natalya Yurievna Bikeyeva ◽  
Maxim Vadimovich Griger ◽  
Igor Vladimirovich Vostrikov ◽  
Farit Nafisovich Ahmadiev ◽  

This collective article is dedicated to the images of power in the ancient and medieval societies, their forming, functions and the ways of representation. Authors found the universal components of the images of power in the different pre-industrial societies of the East and Vest, such as procedures of obtaining power, coronation and anointment, ruler’s regalia and the forms of organizing space of power. The authors investigate the relationship between the secular and the sacred elements in the political mythology of power. This paper deals with the evolution of images of power, rituals and symbols of authority from Ancient Eastern to Medieval societies. The purpose of the article is to present the universal components of the images of power in Ancient and Medieval times. The identification of common and specific features in the representation of power and ritual practices will allow us to see the evolution of ideas about power in pre-industrial societies.

1952 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Thomas C. Smith

As in the Middle Ages in the West, so in Tokugawa Japan (1600–1868) men were fond of explaining the hierarchical society in which they lived by comparing it to an organism. Social classes, Confucian scholars said, were like parts of the body: each had a vital function to perform, but their functions were essentially different and unequal in value. In this scheme the peasants were second in importance only to the ruling military class. Just as the samurai officials were the brains that guided other organs, so the peasants were the feet that held the social body erect. They were the “basis of the country,” the valued producers whose labor sustained all else. But, as a class, they tended innately to backsliding and extravagance. Left alone they would consume more than their share of the social income, ape the manners and tastes of their betters, and even encroach upon the functions of other classes to the perilous neglect of their own. Only the lash of necessity and the sharp eye of the official could hold them to their disagreeable role. They had to be bound to the land; social distinctions had to be thrown up around them like so many physical barriers; and, to remove all temptation to indolence and luxury, they had to be left only enough of what they produced to let them continue producing.

Marina Okladnaya ◽  
Olena Hurenko

Problem setting. Islamic international law is a set of Islamic norms and customs that govern the relationship of Muslim States and Muslims with non-Muslim States, as well as with Muslim individuals within and outside the world of Islam. Islam has come a long and difficult way from the emergence of religion in modern ideology. It is considered one of the leading religions of the world and has a significant influence on a large number of people and states, so it is advisable to study one of the outstanding stages of the formation of the Islamic system in the field of international law, namely the Middle Ages and find out its connection with modernity. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The Islamic science of international law is in the process of development, during which its representatives try to combine the traditional values of Islam with the basic principles of modern international law. Among the scientists who made a significant contribution to the study of the Islamic concept of international law, its historical development and the modern situation, one can distinguish such as A. Butkevich, L. Sukiyainen, Al-Shaybani, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, V. Knapp, M. Sana, Sardar Ali S., Hilmli M. Zavati, A. Merezhko, B. Feldman and others. Target of research. Study of the Islamic concept of international law, analysis and comparison of content, significance of Islamic international law in the Middle Ages and modern times. Article’s main body. The article is devoted to the main stages of the formation of one of the most important systems of international law – Islamic, which is a collection of unique traditional values, legal norms and customs of Islam. The stages of development in the Middle Ages and the connection with modernity were investigated, the main features in the Middle Ages were determined. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Islamic international law is a set of Islamic norms and customs that govern the relationship of Muslim States and Muslims with non-Muslim States, as well as with Muslim individuals within and outside the world of Islam. Islam has come a long and difficult way from the emergence of religion in modern ideology. It is considered one of the leading religions of the world and has a significant influence on a large number of people and states, so it is advisable to study one of the outstanding stages of the formation of the Islamic system in the field of international law, namely the Middle Ages and find out its connection with modernity.

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