scholarly journals Studi Penanganan Ruas Jalan Bulu – Batas Kota Tuban Provinsi Jawa Timur Menggunakan Data FWD dan Data Mata Garuda

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rahmi Zurni ◽  
Welly Pradipta ◽  
Ganny Rian Kusnandar

ABSTRAK Kondisi jalan di Indonesia saat ini cukup mengkhawatirkan, banyak jalan di Indonesia yang mengalami kerusakan, oleh karena kondisi jalan tersebut memerlukan penanganan yang serius. Penanganan yang sesuai akan menjaga jalan tetap pada kondisi pelayanan mantap. Penanganan jalan dianalisis menggunakan metode AASHTO 1993, dimana hasilnya berupa nilai (Structural Number). Nilai SN sangat dipengaruhi oleh data lendutan dari alat FWD dan data International Roughness Index dari survei alat Mata Garuda.Perbandingan nilai dengan menghasilkan nilai (Stuctural Condition Index) yang menentukan penanganan jalan tersebut. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh nilai yang bervariasi, sehingga menghasilkan penanganan jalan yang berbeda-beda setiap segmennya. Nilai terendah adalah 0,18 dengan penanganan berupa rekontruksi, sedangkan untuk nilai terbesar adalah 1,19 dengan penanganan berupa pemeliharaan. Kata kunci: penanganan jalan, lendutan, mata garuda    ABSTRACT The road condition in Indonesia is quite alarming, many roads in Indonesia that was damaged, therefore that condition of the road require serious treatment. Proper treatment will keep the road stay in good service condition. Road treatment analyzed by using AASHTO 1993 method, where the result is the value of (Structural Number). The value of is very affected by deflection data from FWD tools and International Roughness Index data that surveyed from Mata Garuda tools. The comparison of value and value resulting (Structural Condition Index) value that determine the treatment of that road. The analysis resulting variated value, so the road  treated differently on each segment. The lowest value is 0.18 with the reconstruction road treatment, meanwhile the highest value is 1.19 with the maintenance road treatment. Keywords: road maintenance, deflection, mata garuda

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Novia Ayu Nugraheni ◽  
Ary Setyawan ◽  
Suryoto Suryoto

<p>Pertumbuhan ekonomi memberi dampak pada meningkatnya kebutuhan pergerakan barang dan jasa melalui jalur darat. Ini juga terjadi pada Jalur Selatan Pulau Jawa terutama di ruas Batas Kota Wates - Milir yang mengalami kerusakan lebih cepat dari umur rencana. Langkah awal untuk mencegah penurunan kondisi jalan tersebut adalah dengan melakukan inspeksi untuk menilai kondisi jalan. Dari nilai kondisi jalan tersebut selanjutnya dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi sisa umur perkerasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kondisi fungsional jalan berdasarkan indeks permukaan (PSI) dan indeks kondisi jalan (RCI), serta memprediksi sisa umur perkerasan pada ruas jalan Batas Kota Wates - Milir.</p> <p>Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penilaian kondisi jalan dengan analisis nilai kondisi fungsional jalan berdasarkan tingkat kerataan jalan (<em>International Roughness Index</em>, IRI) yang didapatkan dari data P2JN Yogyakarta. Parameter kondisi jalan yang dianalisis antara lain Indeks Permukaan (<em>Present Serviceability Index</em>, PSI) untuk fungsi pelayanan jalan dan Indeks Kondisi Jalan (<em>Road Condition Index</em>, RCI) untuk kondisi permukaan. Sedangkan untuk prediksi sisa umur perkerasan menggunakan data lalu lintas dengan Metode AASHTO 1993 dari sumber data yang sama.</p> <p>Berdasarkan analisis penilaian kondisi jalan didapatkan hasil rata-rata nilai PSI sebesar 1,79 yang menunjukkan fungsi pelayanan kurang, sedangkan rata-rata nilai RCI sebesar 7,51 menunjukkan kondisi permukaan yang sangat baik. Hasil analisis terhadap umur perkerasan jalan menyatakan bahwa untuk tahun 2017, perkerasan jalan masih memiliki porsentase umur sisa sebesar 14,35% dan umur sisa jalan diprediksi akan berakhir pada tahun ke 6 yaitu pada tahun 2018.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 03019 ◽  
Rijal Psalmen Hasibuan ◽  
Medis Sejahtera Surbakti

Road is an infrastructure that built to support the movement of the vehicle from one place to another for different purposes. Today, it is often found damage to road infrastructure, both local roads, and arterial roads. Therefore, to keep the pavement condition to remain reliable, in Indonesia has a periodic program by conducting an objective functional inspection of roads regulated by Bina Marga using the International Roughness Index (IRI). However, the IRI examination is not sufficient to represent the actual field condition; it is necessary to perform subjective functional examination by appraising the road one of them is Pavement Condition Index (PCI, ASTM D 6433). This method has been widely applied in some countries because it has many advantages. However, to do this inspection requires considerable cost, then there needs to be a model to get the relationship between these two parameters of the road. The selected case study was arterial road segment in Medan City, that is in Medan inner ring road. Based on the results of the analysis, there is a difference between the functional conditions of PCI and IRI. The equation derived from these two parameters is by exponential regression equation, with equation IRI = 16.07exp-0.26PCI. with R2 of 59% with correlation coefficient value (r) of -0.768. The value of R2 indicates that PCI gives a strong influence on IRI value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 195 ◽  
pp. 04006 ◽  
Donny A. Putra ◽  
Mamok Suprapto

There are two methods of road assessment, ie, visually and using tools. Visual assessment makes use of the PCI (Pavement Condition Index), while assessment with the Roadroid app can be used to obtain the value of IRI (International Roughness Index) with less cost. Functional assessment of roads in the field more use of visual methods. This method is influenced by the subjectivity of surveyors. Therefore, the assessment using the visual method should be correlated with the assessment method using tools, in order to reduce the subjectivity of road assessment. The research location used is Magetan District Road consisting of 5 road segments. The result shows that the r road assessment using the PCI method has a very good condition, and using IRI Roadroid has a Medium condition. There is a negative (r) correlation between PCI and IRI Roadroid, valued at -0.23. The negative correlation shows that both judgments reversed. Comparison of PCI assessment with IRI Roadroid has a low correlation value and with ttest, yields no comparison of correlation. This result is because the PCI and IRI equally assess the pavement, using different methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 581-592
Evi Zulfan ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Yuhanis Yunus

Abstract : Road maintenance activities is one part of the road management and road organizer shall prioritize road maintenance to maintain the level of services in accordance with defined minimum service standards. Assessment of road conditions resulting from the survey activities. Km.77 (Batas Pidie) - Batas Kota Sigli is a national road with a length of 29.34 Km. Rating national road refers Free Road Condition Survey, No. SMD-03 / RC (relationship International Roughness Index, IRI-Surface Distress Index, SDI), which is only capable of supporting votes to traffic lanes. This research is assessed road conditions and a comparative analysis (IRI-SDI indicators and per-percentage area of damage) on the carriageway. The method used in the study, refers to the Minister of Public Works  No. 15 / PRT / M / 2007 and No. 13 / PRT / M / 2013, which is able to support the assessment of traffic lanes, shoulders, and complementary buildings (BPLK) with elements: median, ditches, culverts, retaining walls, island roads and sidewalks. The condition of the road is done through a detailed survey of road conditions with the visual method followed by processing and analyzing data, producing road conditions, type of treatment and allocation of the required budget requirements. The results show the value of the condition is above 60% steady-state condition and needs maintenance budget of Rp. 113,645,850,000.00 for all elements of the road. From the results of a comparative analysis of known value of a deviation of 4.77% for the stability of the road and -Rp.98.825.850.000,00 for road maintenance budget requirements.Abstrak: Kegiatan pemeliharaan jalan merupakan salah satu bagian dari penyelenggaraan jalan dan penyelenggara jalan wajib memperioritaskan pemeliharaan jalan untuk mempertahankan tingkat pelayanan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan minimal yang ditetapkan. Kegiatan penilaian kondisi jalan dihasilkan dari kegiatan survei jalan. Ruas jalan Km.77 (Batas Pidie) - Batas Kota Sigli merupakan ruas jalan nasional dengan panjang 29,34 Km. Penilaian ruas jalan nasional mengacu pada Panduan Survei Kondisi Jalan, No. SMD-03/RC (hubungan International Roughness Index, IRI - Surface Distress Index, SDI), yang hanya mampu mendukung penilaian untuk jalur lalu lintas. Penilitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai kondisi jalan dan analisis perbandingan (Indikator IRI - SDI dan persentase luasan kerusakan) pada jalur lalu lintas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian, mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (Permen PU) Nomor : 15/PRT/M/2007 dan Nomor : 13/PRT/M/2013, yang mampu mendukung penilaian jalur lalu lintas, bahu jalan, dan bangunan pelengkap (BPLK) dengan elemen : median, saluran samping, gorong-gorong, tembok penahan tanah, pulau jalan dan trotoar. Penilaian kondisi jalan dilakukan melalui survei kondisi rinci jalan dengan metode visual dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan dan analisis data, yang menghasilkan kondisi jalan, jenis penanganan dan alokasi kebutuhan anggaran yang dibutuhkan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui nilai kondisi berada diatas 60 % kondisi mantap dan kebutuhan anggaran pemeliharaan Rp. 113.645.850.000,00 untuk seluruh elemen jalan. Dari hasil analisis perbandingan diketahui nilai deviasi sebesar 4,77 % untuk kemantapan jalan dan -Rp. 98.825.850.000,00 untuk kebutuhan anggaran pemeliharaan jalan.

Daniel Abudinen ◽  
Luis G. Fuentes ◽  
Juan S. Carvajal Muñoz

Roughness is the main feature of the pavement surface that defines user comfort. Pavement roughness is generally defined as irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect ride quality, specifically user perception of the road condition. This paper highlights the limitations associated with the evaluation and implementation of the international roughness index (IRI) on urban roads. The paper focuses on ( a) roughness evaluation with full-scale profilers and ( b) conditions particular to urban roads—namely, traffic, intersections, and operating speeds. Given that the speed of urban networks is typically less than the 80 km/h used in the IRI quarter-car model, the implementation of the IRI model on urban roads was evaluated. Even though a given pavement surface reported a unique IRI value, user experience of the profile depended on the travel speed. This result was evidence that user perceptions of road condition are highly influenced by travel speed. The results suggested the need to develop a roughness index that captures the unique characteristics of urban roads and can estimate the road condition as perceived by users. For that reason, this research study focused on establishing thresholds for IRI on the basis of the weighted vertical acceleration parameter as an aid to assessing user perception. The proposed method allows the maximum allowable IRI value for a given road to be established on the basis of the road’s operational speed. The results indicated that IRI thresholds agreed with international and local Colombian standards.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 701-714 ◽  
Rita Martina ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Muhammad Isya

Abstract: Road infrastructure plays an important role as land transportation in Aceh. The transport mobility in Aceh province west coast highway kept increase every year. So that, the construction of the road had got load (traffic volume and axle load) increased every time. The addition of traffic load caused the level of damage to the road construction was increasing. Early damage can happen immediately, if the load exceeded the standard load plan. So that needed to be examined to the weight of the vehicle on the construction of theAceh province west coast highway by using Weigh In Motion (WIM). The goal is to identify the actual condition of the vehicle burden on the construction of roads (traffic volume and axle load) which occurred on roads Bts. Kota Banda Aceh-Aceh Barat and to reviewgovernment policy to the road maintenance management and to instruct management of road infrastructure maintenance. This studywas located at Simpang Rima point. The research method was descriptive- analysis, Weigh In Motion was used as the primary means of data collection. The data measured by WIM, including the data types of vehicles, speed, vehicle length, weight and configuration of the vehicle wheelbase. The data was analyzed to obtain the value of Destroyer Road factor (Vehicle Damage Factor - VDF) of each type of vehicle. From the results of flattenering during the measurement of axis load it was obtained the average of Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA) factor of each type of vehicle for each road was being reviewed. Results of this study are indicative of the occurrence of overloading the vehicle 2-axis and 3-axis truck type. It indicated that the direction of road maintenance was appropriate with the direction of government policy. The Value of International Roughness Index (IRI) are in the good category is between 4- 8, precisely 5.03. While the value of Surface Distress Index (SDI) was less than 50 m / km.Abstrak: Infrastruktur jalan memegang peranan penting sebagai prasarana transportasi darat di Aceh. Mobilitas arus transportasi lintas Barat Provinsi Aceh terus meningkat tiap tahunnya. Sehingga konstruksi jalan dari waktu ke waktu mengalami pembebanan (volume lalulintas dan beban sumbu) yang terus meningkat. Penambahan beban lalulintas mengakibatkan tingkat kerusakan terhadap konstruksi jalan semakin meningkat. Kerusakan dini dengan segera dapat terjadi, apabila beban lalulintas melebihi beban standar rencana. Sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian terhadap beban kendaraan pada konstruksi jalan lintas Barat Provinsi Aceh menggunakan Weigh In Motion(WIM). Tujuannya untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi aktual beban kendaraan pada konstruksi jalan (volume lalulintas dan beban sumbu) yang terjadi pada ruas jalan Bts. Kota Banda Aceh-Aceh Barat dan mengkaji kebijakan pemerintah terhadap manajemen pemeliaraan jalan serta mengarahkan manajemen pemeliharaan infrastruktur jalan. Penelitian iniberlokasi pada ruas jalan titik Simpang Rima. Metode penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif, Weigh In Motion digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data primer. Data yang diukur oleh WIM antara lain data jenis kendaraan, kecepatan, panjang kendaraan, konfigurasi berat dan jarak sumbu kendaraan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis untuk memperoleh nilai Faktor Perusak Jalan (Vehicle Damage Factor – VDF) dari tiap jenis kendaraan. Dari hasil perataan selama pengukuran beban sumbu diperoleh faktor Equivalent Standard Axle (ESA) rata-rata dari setiap jenis kendaraan untuk masing-masing ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Hasil penelitian ini adalah indikasi terjadinya overloading pada kendaraan jenis truk 2 sumbu dan 3 sumbu.Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa arahan pemeliharaan jalanadalah pemeliharaan rutin telah sesuai dengan arahan kebijakan pemerintah. Nilai International Roughness Index (IRI) berada pada kategori baik yaitu antara 4-8, tepatnya dengan nilai 5,03. Sedangkan nilai Surface Distress Index (SDI) lebih kurang dari 50 m/km.

A. Suraji ◽  
A. T. Sudjianto ◽  
Riman Riman

Road maintenance action program must begin with identification of road surface defects before compiling a work program. One method of identification of road defects is the Road Condition Index (RCI) method. This method is simpler than the other methods because the survey method is by visualizing. This study aims to identify road defects with the RCI method carried out by several surveyors and how defects occur on the Caruban-Ngawi road section.The method used in this study is by direct survey of primary data on road surface defects conditions. There were 3 surveyors who conducted a survey with normal and opposite directions along the road. Data slices are made at lengths of every 100 m to identify road defects. The data is processed by doing an average on each data which is then made a strip map of road defects image. Data processing was done by determining the percentage of defects categories ranging from good, moderate, light defects, and heavy defects.The results of the study showed that the survey conducted by several surveyors was good and the general results were not significantly different. This means that the surveyors have almost the same perception in terms of assessing the condition of road defectss with the RCI method. The condition of road pavement on the Caruban-Ngawi road in general can be said that the road is still in good condition where heavy defects road damage in the normal and opposite directions is only 1.13% and 0.28% respectively.

Craig T. Altmann ◽  
John B. Ferris

Modeling customer usage in vehicle applications is critical in performing durability simulations and analysis in early design stages. Currently, customer usage is typically based on road roughness (some measure of accumulated suspension travel), but vehicle damage does not vary linearly with the road roughness. Presently, a method for calculating a pseudo damage measure is developed based on the roughness of the road profile, specifically the International Roughness Index (IRI). The IRI and pseudo damage are combined to create a new measure referred to as the road roughness-insensitive pseudo damage. The road roughness-insensitive pseudo damage measure is tested using a weighted distribution of IRI values corresponding to the principal arterial (highways and freeways) road type from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) dataset. The weighted IRI distribution is determined using the number of unique IRI occurrences in the functional road type dataset and the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) provided in the FHWA HPMS data.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 617-626
Intan Wirnanda ◽  
Renni Anggraini ◽  
Muhammad Isya

Abstract: Abstract:Damage that occurs on some road segment causing huge lossed, especially for road users such as a long travel time, traffic jam, incident, and etc. In general there variety factor that caused of road damage such as age of the road that has been passed, puddle onthe road surface that cannot flow due to the poor drainage, trafic load excessively repetitive (overloaded). Which can cause life time is shorter than planning. Improper planning, poor monitoring and the implementation is not accordance with the existing plan, in addition to the lack of maintenance costs, delays in budget spending and priorities of improper handling also be the cause. It should be noted in order to avoid decreased in the quality of roads due to damage on road surface. The purpose of this study is to determined damage of the road extent/level using PCI method (Pavement Condition Index), determined the effect of road damage to the speed of vehicle using Regression Analysis method. This research take location in the road segment of Blang Bintang Lama road, and Teungku hasan Dibakoi each road is divided into 7 that being reviewed according to the level of damage. Primary data collected by field actual survey in the form of geometric data, extensive damage to the road, and vehicle speed. The results showed that damage of the road is very affected on the vehicle speed as seen on Blang Bintang Lama in V segment the value of PCI is 10 with failed condition and vehicle speed just reached 5.31 Km/h, while in VII segment PCI value is 87 with perfect road condition (excellent) vehicle speed reached to 58.34 Km/h, so that the equation obtained by regression analysis of Y = (3,571)(0,032) ͯ, while for segment in Teungku Hasan Dibakoi road as seen in III Segment PCI value is 4 with failed condition with vehicle speed just 4.95 Km/h, while in the VII segment PCI value is 88 with perfect road condition (excellent) vehicle speed reached to 68.64 Km/h, so the equation obtained by regression analysis of Y is Y= (3,822)(0,035) ͯ. This suggests that higher levels of road damage will affected to slower speed of vehicle, otherwise the lower level of damage road, will make the higher speed of vehicle.Abstrak: Kerusakan jalan yang terjadi di beberapa ruas jalan menimbulkan kerugian yang sangat besar terutama bagi pengguna jalan seperti waktu tempuh yang lama, kemacetan, kecelakaan, dan lain-lain. Secara umum penyebab kerusakan jalan ada berbagai sebab yaitu umur rencana jalan yang telah dilewati, genangan air pada permukaan jalan yang tidak dapat mengalir akibat drainase yang kurang baik, beban lalu lintas berulang yang berlebihan (overloaded) yang menyebabkan umur pakai jalan lebih pendek dari perencanaan. Perencanaan yang tidak tepat, pengawasan yang kurang baik dan pelaksanaan yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana yang ada, selain itu minimnya biaya pemeliharaan, keterlambatan pengeluaran anggaran serta prioritas penanganan yang kurang tepat juga menjadi penyebabnya. Hal ini perlu diperhatikan agar tidak terjadi penurunan kualitas jalan akibat kerusakan permukaan jalan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tingkat dan jenis kerusakan jalan dengan menggunakan metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index), mengetahui pengaruh kerusakan jalan terhadap kecepatan kendaraan dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Regresi. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi pada ruas Jalan Blang Bintang Lama dan ruas Jalan Teungku Hasan Dibakoi yang masing-masing jalan terbagi atas 7 segmen yang ditinjau menurut tingkat kerusakannya. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan survey aktual lapangan yaitu berupa data geometrik jalan, luas kerusakan jalan, dan kecepatan kendaraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerusakan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kendaraan seperti yang terlihat pada ruas jalan Blang Bintang Lama pada segmen V dengan nilai PCI 10 kondisi jalan gagal (failed) dengan kecepatan kendaraan mencapai 5,37 Km/Jam, sedangkan pada segmen VII nilai PCI sebesar 87 dengan kondisi jalan sempurna (excellent) kecepatan kendaraan mencapai 58,34 Km/Jam, sehingga didapat persamaan dengan metode analisis regresi Y= (3,571)(0,032) ͯ, sedangkan untuk ruas Jalan Teungku Hasan Dibakoi terlihat pada segmen III nilai PCI 4 kondisi jalan gagal (failed) dengan kecepatan mencapai 4,95 Km/Jam, sedangkan pada segmen VII nilai PCI sebesar 88 dengan kondisi jalan sempurna (excellent) kecepatan kendaraan mencapai 68,64 Km/Jam, sehingga didapat persamaan dengan metode analisis regresi Y= (3,822)(0,035) ͯ. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat kerusakan jalan maka semakin rendah kecepatan kendaraan, sebaliknya semakin rendah tingkat kerusakan maka semakin tinggi kecepatan kendaraan.

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