scholarly journals Lendo em Francês leio o mundo: significações produzidas por alunos de uma escola pública amapaense sobre o ensino da Língua Francesa para a comunicação interfronteiriça

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 419-435
Mesaque Silva Correia ◽  
Neuton Alves Araújo ◽  
Paulo Renzo Guimarães Junior

In this text the objective is to analyze the meanings that students from a public school in Amapá have been producing on the teaching of the French language for cross-border communication. To achieve the proposed objective, we appropriate the theoreticalmethodological assumptions of Historical-Cultural Theory/Activity Theory. The question that guided this research was: In the speeches of students from a public school in Amapá, what are the possible meanings (senses and meanings) produced about the teaching of the French language for cross-border communication? Participated in the study 5 (five) students of the 3rd year of High School of a public school in Amapá, located on the border of Brazil/French Guiana, which has the French language as a mandatory curricular component. Specifically, on the production of the data, semi-structured interviews were used. The results of the research show that it is necessary to think about linguistic policies that value the teaching of languages with a focus on culturally marked proposals, which are based, above all, on the relationship between language and culture. In addition, the meanings produced, from the speeches of the investigated students, are demonstrative that, for these students, the learning of the French language mediates not only frank communication but also the learning of the elements of French culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 38

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the burnout levels of music teachers and their personalities. The research consisted of 278 music teachers who were selected from various places throughout Turkey via subjective, convenience sampling method. For data collection, the ‘Personal Information Form’, ‘Adjective Based Personality Test’ and ‘Maslach Burnout Scale’ were used. The research involved both quantitative and qualitative dimensions. The data were analyzed by quantitative t-test, multiple regression analysis and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Data for the qualitative dimension of the research were obtained from semi-structured interviews conducted with 5 music teachers. Negative, significant relationships were determined between extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and general burnout, while a positive, significant relationship was determined between neuroticism and general burnout. The burnout variable was found to have a statistically significant effect on the openness, neuroticism and conscientiousness dimensions of the personality types. The effects of conscientiousness and openness dimensions were not, however, found to be significant. The music teachers who had characteristics of extroversion and conscientiousness were found to have higher levels of burnout if they have the characteristics of neuroticism that reduce their exhaustion. The findings of the research show that the effect of personality types on burnout is important.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ivan Barko

The French presence in Sydney has always been radically different from that of other ethnic groups. The rich and complex legacy of French–British relations over the best part of a thousand years includes centuries of conflict and of alliance between continental France and what was to become Great Britain. French language and culture have also had a privileged place in the formation of the language and culture of the British Isles. This goes some way towards explaining the unique influence of French people and French culture on the Australian continent in general and on Sydney in particular.

Lipar ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (75) ◽  
pp. 73-83
Jelena Marićević Balać ◽  

This paper represents an image of the writer’s interweaving biography and bibliography. Explaining such an aspect required analytic and comparative ap- proaches to the material. This paper covers writer’s interviews, auto-poetic notes, letters, translations, insight into the bibliography and official biography, and also his literary work. As part of translation, scientific and literary work, Paris and French culture are a kind of prism through which the life of Milorad Pavić should be perceived. The writer felt close to the French language from his childhood, which affected the shaping of his creative sensibility – writing his first literary works and translating. Later on, knowing French language and culture well marked the start of his academic career.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Merry Andriani ◽  
Wening Udasmoro ◽  
Suhandano Suhandano

 This article aims to analyse the ideological struggles reflected in the identity construction of French-language users in Indonesia. Using a critical sociolinguistic approach, it examines how Indonesians users, with their ideologies, adapt or adopt the French language and culture, as well as the different patterns and models they use to do so. The informants of this research consist of 9 students in deep interviews, 60 students in class observation, and 15 lecturers at 12 Indonesian universities who have taught the French language and culture for at least two years. Data from the interviews is compared to French instruction books and media discourses using intertextuality and interdiscursivity analysis. This research identifies three models used by French users in Indonesia: to adopt French language and culture, to adapt it, or to abstain from the reproduction of both. Users of the first model completely adopt all aspects of French culture, including in their consumption and style. Meanwhile, users of the second model tend to select and accept only those aspects considered positive within their own value system. Those using the final model tend to ignore many aspects of French culture and language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Merry Andriani ◽  
Wening Udasmoro ◽  
Suhandano Suhandano

 This article aims to analyse the ideological struggles reflected in the identity construction of French-language users in Indonesia. Using a critical sociolinguistic approach, it examines how Indonesians users, with their ideologies, adapt or adopt the French language and culture, as well as the different patterns and models they use to do so. The informants of this research consist of 9 students in deep interviews, 60 students in class observation, and 15 lecturers at 12 Indonesian universities who have taught the French language and culture for at least two years. Data from the interviews is compared to French instruction books and media discourses using intertextuality and interdiscursivity analysis. This research identifies three models used by French users in Indonesia: to adopt French language and culture, to adapt it, or to abstain from the reproduction of both. Users of the first model completely adopt all aspects of French culture, including in their consumption and style. Meanwhile, users of the second model tend to select and accept only those aspects considered positive within their own value system. Those using the final model tend to ignore many aspects of French culture and language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Henrik D. Nielsen

Russia has often been seen in a negative light and as a difficult place for foreigners to operate, both currently and in the past. To a large extent, this is also true for Finland, which has fought several wars against its eastern neighbor and whose border with Russia has been closed for years. However, Finland, and in particular North Karelia, also has a long history of cross-border cooperation with Russian partners.This paper seeks to analyze why North Karelian governmental and NGO actors choose to engage in cross-border cooperation with Russian counterparts and explain why they have been so successful.The answers are sought via a historical review of the relationship between Finland and Russia, in particular the role and importance of Karelia as a source of both conflict and consolidation. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with Finnish cross-border cooperation actors are utilized in the analysis. The theoretical approach is grounded in (un)familiarity, which is used to explain the pull-push effects of the border.In conclusion, it was found that the Finnish actors harbor a historical feeling of connectedness and nostalgia towards the Karelian area which pulls them across the border. Because of the proximity they see cross-border cooperation as a natural extension of their work. Finally, the success is connected to the increased familiarity and close personal relations that have been build up over the years.

2014 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-249
Adelheid Ceulemans

In 1842 verscheen Poëtische luimen, de vierde poëziebundel van de Antwerpse dichter Theodoor Van Ryswyck (1811-1849). De bundel bevat een veertigtal dichtstukken van uiteenlopende aard (komisch, poëticaal-literair, politiek of sociaal geëngageerd), waaronder ‘Het apenspel’. In dit gedicht klaagt Van Ryswyck het kopieergedrag aan van de Belgen ten aanzien van de Franse cultuur en gewoonten; de Belgen apen de Fransen op velerlei gebied na. Om dit probleem aan de kaak stellen, maakt Van Ryswyck gebruik van Franse woorden en van een Frans motto. ‘Het apenspel’ is zowel inhoudelijk als formeel exemplarisch voor de paradoxale omgang met de Franse taal en cultuur bij Vlaamsgezinden in de jonge Belgische natiestaat: de Belgen kopiëren gedrag, zeden, gewoonten en literatuur van een natie die ze zelf verachten.Dit artikel onderzoekt de dubieuze relatie met de Franse taal en cultuur aan de hand van het poëtische oeuvre van Theodoor Van Ryswyck. De functie van de Franse taal en literatuur in Van Ryswycks poëzie wordt bestudeerd; zowel woordenschat, motto’s als melodieaanduidingen komen daarbij aan bod. Er worden verschillende dichtbundels van Van Ryswyck aangehaald om zo een representatief beeld te schetsen van de aanwezigheid van de Franse taal en letterkunde in Van Ryswycks oeuvre. Deze tekstuele functieanalyse zal leiden tot een interpretatie van de paradoxale relatie met de Franse taal en cultuur in de vroegnegentiende-eeuwse, Vlaams-Belgische letterkunde.________‘The Ape Game’: The French paradox in the Flemish-Belgian literature of the early nineteenth century 1842 saw the publication of Poëtische luimen (Poetical whims), the fourth collection of poems by the Antwerp poet Theodoor Van Ryswyck (1811-1849). The volume consists of around forty poems of varying genres (comical, poetical-literary, politically or socially committed) including ‘Het Apenspel’ (the ‘Ape Game’). In this poem Van Ryswyck denounces the copycat behaviour of the Belgians with respect to French culture and customs; the Belgians imitate the French in many areas. In order to denounce this problem, Van Ryswyck uses French words and a French motto. ‘The Ape Game” exemplifies in form and content the paradoxical way in which the French language and culture is dealt with by the supporters of the Flemish Movement in the young Belgian nation state: the Belgians copy behaviour, morals, customs and literature of a nation, which they despise themselves.This article researches the dubious relationship with the French language and culture based on the poetical work of Theodoor Van Ryswyck. It studies the function of the French language and literature in Van Ryswyck’s poetry by reviewing his use of vocabulary, mottos and indications of tunes. Various collections of poems by Van Ryswyck are quoted in order to present a representative picture of the presence of French language and literature in the literary work of Van Ryswick. This textual functional analysis is the basis for an interpretation of the paradoxical relation with the French language and culture in the early nineteenth century Flemish Belgian literature.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Jeffrey S. Longard

The twelfth-century Anglo-Norman poet Marie de France undertook to preserve for posterity the adventures and romances embodied in a vanishing genre, the old Breton lais as she had heard them recounted by minstrels. That she succeeded is evidenced by the popularity of these lais for more than eight hundred years; that she perhaps succeeded too well is suggested by the fact that, within a century of her lifetime, the Breton lais had become exclusively a French form of literature, and whatever might have been the original form, linguistic structure and cultural content in Breton has been relegated to the realm of hypothesis. This raises questions about the relationship between translation and cultural autonomy. Marie’s purported memorial to the Bretons became instead an institution of French language and culture. Had the Breton features been totally effaced, this could be called assimilation; had they been preserved intact, it would have been literal translation. In fact, Marie’s work can be reduced to no such simple binary. Nor can her aims be analyzed through any single lens, whether political, religious, cultural or artistic. Rather, I argue that her unsettling and robust positioning of contradictory elements—sorcery, sensuality, feudality, religion—results from her strategy of adopting the memory of the Bretons: neither glossing over its strangeness nor highlighting it as foreign, but making its distant and exotic characteristics part of her own invented heritage. I conclude that her translation project is more effectively analyzed as an ethical process of incorporation and restitution (Steiner) than as a placement along the spectrum of foreignization versus domestication (Venuti).

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-509
Ágnes Erőss ◽  
Monika Mária Váradi ◽  
Doris Wastl-Walter

In post-Socialist countries, cross-border labour migration has become a common individual and family livelihood strategy. The paper is based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with two ethnic Hungarian women whose lives have been significantly reshaped by cross-border migration. Focusing on the interplay of gender and cross-border migration, our aim is to reveal how gender roles and boundaries are reinforced and repositioned by labour migration in the post-socialist context where both the socialist dual-earner model and conventional ideas of family and gender roles simultaneously prevail. We found that cross-border migration challenged these women to pursue diverse strategies to balance their roles of breadwinner, wife, and mother responsible for reproductive work. Nevertheless, the boundaries between female and male work or status were neither discursively nor in practice transgressed. Thus, the effect of cross-border migration on altering gender boundaries in post-socialist peripheries is limited.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 521-529
Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot

The Philippines is one of only two states in the world in which absolute divorce remains largely impossible. Through its family laws, it regulates the marriage, family life and conjugal separation of its citizens, including its migrants abroad. To find out how these family laws interact with those in the receiving country of Filipino migrants and shape their lives, the present paper examines the case of Filipino women who experienced or are undergoing divorce in the Netherlands. Drawing from semi-structured interviews and an analysis of selected divorce stories, it unveils the intertwined institutions of marriage and of divorce, the constraints but also possibilities that interacting legal norms bring in the life of Filipino women, and the way these migrants navigate such norms within their transnational social spaces. These findings contribute interesting insights into cross-border divorces in the present age of global migration.

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