scholarly journals Siremis: Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Puskesmas Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta

Lydia Salvina Helling ◽  
Endang Wahyudi ◽  
Hasanudin Hasanudin

  The Matraman Sub-district Health Center, which was established on July 3, 1977 in DKI Jakarta, is one of the puskesmas that always records and searches its patient data in Medical Records. This Puskesmas requires a Medical Record Information System so that the recording of the patient's medical history can be stored and arranged in a good mechanism. The development of the patient data collection system in Medical Records uses the Waterfall method in developing the software. While the process of collecting data by conducting interviews with the relevant parts. Depictions of the running system can be seen in the form of Activity Diagrams and proposed systems can be seen in the Use Case Diagram, ERD and LRS. Research produces a Medical Record Information System that helps related parts in recording and searching for patient data needed quickly and precisely so that medical action can be done immediately.

Johni S Pasaribu ◽  
Johnson Sihombing

[Id]Sistem infomasi rekam medis pasien rawat jalan adalah sistem informasi yang bertujuan mengelola data pasien yang berobat hingga pasien tersebut keluar dari rumah sakit atau klinik pada periode tertentu. Sistem informasi yang dirancang sangatlah penting untuk mencegah terjadinya kesalahan prosedur dalam pelaksanaan pendaftaran dan pengelolaan data. Sistem informasi dalam klinik kesehatan ini adalah sistem informasi yang berisikan data pasien, data obat, data transaksi dan rekam medis pasien. Adapun sebelumnya kinerja sistem dalam pelayanan pasien yang berjalan pada klinik kesehatan secara umum belum optimal karena masih pada pengolahan data pasien dan data rekam medis masih menggunakan media pembukuan atau manual. Pengelolaan data pasien di Klinik Sehat Margasari masih belum efektif karena sistem yang digunakan kurang lengkap sehingga pelayanan pasien menjadi lambat dan rekam pasien sering hilang atau tidak ditemukan. Maka pelayanan pasien menjadi tidak efektif dan efisien, karena sistem manual pembukuan memperlambat pembuatan laporan atau pencarian data pasien. Sistem informasi pelayanan pasien dirancang bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi yang terkomputerisasi, sehingga memudahkan pihak klinik kesehatan mengolah data pasien, obat, transaksi, rekam medis, tindakan medis pasien hingga pencetakan laporan.Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini yaitu terbangunnya sistem informasi rekam medis berbasis web untuk memudahkan Klinik Sehat Margasari dalam membantu pengolahan data pasien, obat, transaksi, rekam medis, tindakan medis pasien hingga pencetakan laporan. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana membangun sistem informasi rekam medis di Klinik Sehat Margasari sehingga dapat menyajikan informasi yang akurat serta efisien. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu sistem informasi rekam medis pasien rawat jalan.Kata kunci : Sistem Informasi, Rekam Medis, Pasien Rawat Jalan[En]Medical record outpatient information system is a system that aims to manage the data of patients who register for treatment until the patient is discharged from the hospital or health center in a given period. The information system is important because it is designed to prevent errors in the execution of the procedure of registration and data management so that it can be done as well as possible. This information systems in health clinic is an information system that has patient data, drug data, transaction data and medical records of the patient. As before for the performance of the system in patient care in health clinic in generally not optimal because it is still in the processing of patient data and medical records are still using books or manuals. Management of patient data at the Health Clinic Margasari Bandung is still not effective because the system used is less complete so that the patient's service to be slow and patient records are often missing or was not found. Therefore care patients at health clinic become ineffective and inefficient, because manual system making slow reporting or searching data patient. Patient care information system designed aiming to establish a computerized information system, making it easier for the health clinic process patient data, drugs, transaction, medical records, medical actions to patient until print out of reports. The expected outcome of this research is to build information system web-based to facilitate Health Clinic Margasari Bandung making it easier for the health clinic process patient data, drugs, transaction, medical records, medical actions to patient until print out of reports. Fundamental problem of this research is how to install information system for medical record patient information system at Health Clinic Margasari that make information representation accurately and efficiently. The aim of this research is to produce a information system of medical record outpatient.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Tiara Handayani ◽  
Gerson Feoh

<p>ABSTRACT<br />The records officer at Maternity Clinic Sriati Sungai Penuh - Jambi in its management and reporting of patient data are still using manual systems. It has caused a delay in the delivery of information and report on daily data patients. Thus, it needs a system of web-based medical record information that can assist officers in the medical record of the patient data management processing. This system design method uses development life cycle (Systems Development Life Cycle-SDLC) which consists of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and use. Meanwhile, the purpose and benefits of the design of this information system is to produce a system of web-based medical record information in Maternity Clinic Sriati River Sungai Penuh - Jambi. With this information system, it eases medical records clerk in the management of patient data whichh includes patient registration process, the recording of patient medical records, physician data recording, data recording space, the search code ICD 9 CM and ICD code search 10. In addition, this information system produces a variety of reports and patient medical record information that is required for management decision making.<br />Keywords: Information Systems, Medical Record, Maternity Clinic, Web.<br />ABSTRAK<br />Petugas rekam medis di Klinik Bersalin Sriati Kota Sungai Penuh - Jambi dalam pengelolaan dan pembuatan laporan data pasien masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya keterlambatan dalam penyampaian informasi dan pelaporan data harian pasien. Maka diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi rekam medis berbasis web yang dapat membantu petugas rekam medis dalam proses pengelolaan data pasien tersebut. Metode perancangan sistem ini menggunakan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem (Systems Development Life Cycle-SDLC) yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi, dan penggunaan. Sedangkan tujuan dan manfaat dari perancangan sistem informasi ini yaitu menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi rekam medis berbasis web di Klinik Bersalin Sriati Kota Sungai Penuh - Jambi. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, dapat memudahkan petugas rekam medis dalam pengelolaan data pasien yang meliputi proses pendaftaran pasien, pencatatan rekam medis pasien, pencatatan data dokter, pencatatan data ruang, pencarian kode ICD 9 CM, dan pencarian kode ICD 10. Selain itu sistem informasi ini menghasilkan berbagai laporan-laporan serta informasi rekam medis pasien yang dibutuhkan pihak manajemen untuk pengambilan keputusan.<br />Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Klinik Bersalin, ICD 9 CM, ICD 10</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Hari Santoso ◽  
Sugesti Sugesti ◽  
Notatema Anugrah Gea

Medical record is a file that contains records about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions and other health services to patients. The speed of obtaining data and processing of data is very much needed in the current technological era. With the development of technology makes people think to be able to work more effectively and efficiently. One of them is making a conventional system into a computerized system. By utilizing website facilities that are connected to the internet, medical records can be more effective and efficient in searching and recording medical history. In this research a web-based information system is designed using the PHP programming language and MySQL database using the waterfall method as its research method. With this system, it is expected to be able to overcome the various needs of users to search for patient data and perform data processing as well as facilitate users in making reports. From the results of research and design that has been implemented to produce medical record applications that facilitate the processing of patient data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78
TM Zaini ◽  
M Iqbal Kadafi Nasution

The information system at Kampung Sawah Community Health Center has several features such as patient registration, patient medical records, patient services, queues, and medical reports. Aim of this information system development is to facilitate the performance of administrators and doctors of Kampung Sawah Community Health Center in terms of searching patients’ data, storing the patient data, adding and storing the medical records, making the reports, and speeding up the data entry and identity data of the patients through fingerprint feature. This system facilitated the officials and doctors to process anywhere and the patient data was safe from physical disturbances because this system was connected to the internet.This medical record information system was built through PHP programming language supported by MySQL database. The design of this system involved the data flow diagrams. The result of this system was that the web-based information system for medical record had successfully been created and used by Kampung Sawah Community Health Center.Keywords: Information Systems, Medical Record, Web, Fingerprint

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Ova Nurisma Putra

Abstract. West Java Provincial Health Office still faces difficulties in managing information, especially in medical records. Recording and reporting of malnutrition are still done in some stages starting from collecting data from village midwives, puskesmas, Regency/City Health Office then Provincial Health Office and forwarded to the the central office. It is necessary to manage information through service system by utilizing Cloud Computing based on information technology. This research uses The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) approach in Architecture Development Method (ADM), from Architecture Capability Iteration to  Architecture Development Iteration. Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) are two integrated activities in the context of controlling a program. The results of this research are planning a medical record information system architecture and monitoring malnutrition based on Cloud Computing with the name of M2Rec (Medical Record and Monitoring) in the form of integrated recommendation and development between current information system and proposed information system architecture.Keywords: togaf adm, medical record and monitoring, cloud computing Abstrak. Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis dan Monitoring Gizi Buruk Berbasis Cloud Computing. Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Barat masih mengalami kesulitan dalam pengelolaan informasi yang baik, terutama pada proses rekam medis, pencatatan dan pelaporan gizi buruk masih dilakukan secara bertingkat mulai pengumpulan data dari bidan desa, puskesmas, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota kemudian Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi dan diteruskan ke pusat. Sehingga perlu diupayakan pengelolaan informasi melalui sistem pelayanan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi berbasis Cloud Computing. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan framework The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM), yaitu iterasi ke satu pada Architecture Capability Iteration daniterasi ke dua pada Architecture Development Iteration. Monitoring dan Evaluasi (M&E) merupakan dua kegiatan terpadu dalam rangka pengendalian suatu program. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perencanaan arsitektur sistem informasi rekam medis dan monitoring gizi buruk berbasis Cloud Computing dengan nama M2Rec (Medical Record and Monitoring) yang berupa rekomendasi integrasi dan pengembangan antara sistem informasi berjalan saat ini dengan arsitektur sistem informasi yang diusulkan.Kata kunci: togaf adm, medical record and monitoring, cloud computing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Jody Barata Dwi Pradipta ◽  
Augie David Manuputty

CV Ribka Furniture merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan dan pembuatan furniture. Dalam kegiatan operasional gudang merupakan bagian yang penting. Namun proses data transaksi masih dilakukan secara manual. Sehingga beberapa kendala masih dialami, seperti kesalahan penginputan saat transaksi pada alat / bahan, yang mengakibatkan perbedaan dalam penginputan data. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat sistem informasi persediaan yaitu pengumpulan data alat dan transaksi material yang akan keluar masuk. Sistem informasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan diagram UML (Unified Modeling Language) yaitu: use case diagram dan class diagram. Kemudian membuat desain antarmuka untuk proses implementasi dan pengujian sistem. Dengan pembuatan sistem informasi inventaris,  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Ferry Stephanus Suwita

Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang memberikan tugas akhir dan skripsi sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan untuk mendapatkan gelar Diploma atau Sarjana. Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir dan Skripsi (SIMITA) memberikan kemudahan bagi panitia skripsi untuk mengelola data dan memberikan informasi mengenai tahapan prosedur tugas akhir dan skripsi bagi para mahasiswa. Pengembangan SIMITA di UNIKOM dilakukan untuk menambah fitur-fitur yang belum ada diantarnya fitur yang memberikan informasi atau pengumuman kepada mahasiswa seputar tugas akhir dan skripsi dan fitur yang memudahkan panitia skripsi untuk mengatur atribut apa saja yang harus diisi oleh peserta skripsi dalam setiap prosedur yang harus ditempuh untuk melaksanakan tugas akhir atau skripsi. Penelitian ini melakukan pengembangan sistem informasi dengan konsep Content Management System (CMS) agar panitia skripsi dapat mengelola sistem dengan mudah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dan metode pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode prototype. Alat bantu perancangan sistem menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) berupa use case diagram. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan SIMITA yang bertujuan memberikan kemudahan bagi panitia skripsi dalam mengelola data dan memberikan informasi mengenai tugas akhir dan skripsi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Rhesa Elian Nugroho

<p>Penyelenggaraan sebuah event dari pengelola atau <em>event organizer</em> terkadang mengalami kendala dalam melakukan promosi dan mengumpulkan cukup banyak peserta disisi lain masyarakat juga perlu untuk mengetahui informasi lengkap mengenai event yang akan diselenggarakan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut maka perlu dirancang sebuah sistem informasi untuk mempermudah <em>event organizer</em> dan para peserta tersebut.</p><p>Tahap perancangan sistem ini meliputi pembuatan deskripsi <em>use case</em> diagram, <em>activity</em> diagram, <em>sequence</em> diagram, <em>class</em> diagram dan perancagan database. Implementasi dari sistem ini menggunakan Framework Laravel berbasis bahasa pemograman PHP.</p><p>Hasil dari penelitian ini telah dibuat aplikasi event registration and ticketing dengan fitur pengguna yang bertindak sebagai <em>event organizer</em> dalam aplikasi ini dapat melakukan unggah informasi dan promosi <em>event</em> yang akan diselenggarakan serta melakukan penjualan tiket elektronik. Sedangkan pengguna yang bertindak sebagai member dapat melakukan pembelian tiket pada aplikasi ini sehingga lebih mudah tanpa harus datang ke loket tiket.<em> </em></p><p>_____________________________________________________</p><p><em>Organizing an event from the event organizer sometimes constraints in doing promotions and amassed quite a number of participants on the other hand the community also need to know details of upcoming events is held. To fullfil this things it is necessary an information system designed to facilitate the event organizer and the participants.</em></p><p><em>This system design phase includes the creation of descriptions use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and database designs. Implementation of this system using Laravel-based Framework PHP programming language. </em></p><p><em>Users who act as event organizer in this application can do post some information and promotional event which will be held as well as conducting electronic ticket sales. While users who act as members can purchase tickets on this application so much easier without having to come to the ticket counter.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Beni Harzani ◽  
Diana Diana

Nagaswidak Health Center is one of the community health centers that is quite large and has complete facilities. But the problem that is often faced by officers in the puskesmas is the medical record data processing system which is still manual, causing the accumulation of patient medical record file data, in addition to patients who have been checked before and lost their medical records, it is very difficult for officers to find back, so the officer made a new medical record data. To overcome this problem, a Medical Records Filling Application was made at the Nagaswidak Health Center which includes the processing of medical records, patient data, drug data, action data, doctor data, and admin logins. So that the data search problem is not difficult, the turbo boyer moore algorithm method is applied which is expected to later be able to facilitate the search for patient data in the medical record filling application. Based on the test results Boyer Moore's Algorithm successfully applied to search for the beginning of a word, middle word, and final word. And the level of ease and usefulness of medical records application using Boyer Moore's algorithm obtained results that the level of ease is 80% and 100% usability rate.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Mul Yono ◽  
Supri Yanto ◽  
Agung Satrio Nugroho

Pengelolaan peralatan alat medik yang dilakukan oleh tenaga elektromedis dilakukan secara manual dengan mengisi dalam formulir yang dibantu software pengolah kata dan atau spreadsheet. Proses manual yang dilakukan ini ada kendalanya yaitu sulit dan lama  mengetahui informasi berkaitan pengelolaan alat medik, padahal informasi ini sangat dibutuhkan mengingat terbatasnya tenaga elektromedis di rumah sakit bila dibandingkan dengan jumlah alat medik yang harus dikelola. Diperlukan tool atau alat yang bisa berupa pembuatan sistem informasi. Pertama disiapkan desain basis data kemudian pemodelan sistem informasinya dibuat dengan  Enterprise Architect dari use case digram, actifity digram dan sequen diagramnya. Dilanjutkan pembuatan sistem informasinya dengan bahasa pemprograman PHP dengan basis data Mysql.Setelah dilakukan pengujian didapatkan hasil bahwa sistem informasi yang dibuat dapat menyajikan informasi secara realtime pengelolaan alat medik yang meliputi informasi inventaris alat beserta kondisinya serta rekam jejak alat dengan cepat.Kata Kunci: pencatatan alat elektromedik, sistem informasiINFORMATION SYSTEM OF MEDICAL TOOLS LISTING TO SUPPORT THE ELECTROMEDICAL COMPETITION IN THE LISTING AND CARING OF MEDICAL TOOLSThere are two kind of standard competition related the management of medical tools in the standard competition of Electromedical graduation DIII, those are, they are able to list the electromedical tools and care planning of the tools. It needs the qualified tools to manufacture the information system in order to achieve the standard competition. The first is preparing the design as a data base then modeling information system is made by Enterprise Architect from use case diagram, activity diagam and sequen diagram. It will be continued by manufacturing the information system by using language program PHP with Mysql data base. After having the test, it can be conclude that the information system serves the information in form recapitulation, and the record of needed medical tools in listing and caring process of the medical tools.Key Words : Listing of electromedical tools, information system 

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