The Menopause Rating Scale (MRS): comparison with Kupperman index and quality-of-life scale SF-36

Climacteric ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58 ◽  
H. P. G. Schneider ◽  
L. A. J. Heinemann ◽  
H.-P. Rosemeier ◽  
P. Potthoff ◽  
H. M. Behre
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Davide Cappon ◽  
Agata Ryterska ◽  
Harith Akram ◽  
Susie Lagrata ◽  
Sanjay Cheema ◽  

Abstract Background Cluster headache (CH) is a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC) characterized by a highly disabling headache that negatively impacts quality of life and causes limitations in daily functioning as well as social functioning and family life. Since specific measures to assess the quality of life (QoL) in TACs are lacking, we recently developed and validated the cluster headache quality of life scale (CH-QoL). The sensitivity of CH-QoL to change after a medical intervention has not been evaluated yet. Methods This study aimed to test the sensitivity to change of the CH-QoL in CH. Specifically we aimed to (i) assess the sensitivity of CH-QoL to change before and following deep brain stimulation of the ventral tegmental area (VTA-DBS), (ii) evaluate the relationship of changes on CH-QoL with changes in other generic measures of quality of life, as well as indices of mood and pain. Ten consecutive CH patients completed the CH-QoL and underwent neuropsychological assessment before and after VTA-DBS. The patients were evaluated on headache frequency, severity, and load (HAL) as well as on tests of generic quality of life (Short Form-36 (SF-36)), mood (Beck Depression Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Rating Scale), and pain (McGill Pain Questionnaire, Headache Impact Test, Pain Behaviour Checklist). Results The CH-QoL total score was significantly reduced after compared to before VTA-DBS. Changes in the CH-QoL total score correlated significantly and negatively with changes in HAL, the SF-36, and positively and significantly with depression and the evaluative domain on the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that changes after VTA-DBS in CH-QoL total scores are associated with the reduction of frequency, duration, and severity of headache attacks after surgery. Moreover, post VTA-DBS improvement in CH-QoL scores is associated with an amelioration in quality of life assessed with generic measures, a reduction of depressive symptoms, and evaluative pain experience after VTA-DBS. These results support the sensitivity to change of the CH-QoL and further demonstrate the validity and applicability of CH-QoL as a disease specific measure of quality of life for CH.

Stroke ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 46 (suppl_1) ◽  
Suzanne H Lo ◽  
Anne M Chang ◽  
Janita P Chau ◽  
Glenn E Gardner

Introduction: Health-related quality of life is a significant outcome of stroke survivors’ recovery. The 49-item English version of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SSQOL) (Williams et al., 2009) is a stroke-specific assessment of stroke survivors’ health-related quality of life in 12 domains. However there has been no Chinese version of the scale for Chinese stroke survivors in Hong Kong. Aim: To examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SSQOL-C) in stroke survivors. Methods: SSQOL was translated into Chinese and blind back-translated by independent bilingual baccalaureate nursing students. Content validity was reviewed by an expert panel which consisted of one nurse academic, one nurse manager, three advanced practice nurses, and two registered nurses. A cross-sectional study was conducted to validate the translated version. A convenience sample of 135 adult stroke survivors were recruited from three community centres and a stroke support group in Hong Kong. Internal consistency analysis was performed. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated between SSQOL-C, SF-36, and Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) to determine the convergent validity. Results: Content validity index of SSQOL-C was 0.99. SSQOL-C had high internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.94 for the total scale, and between 0.65 and 0.90 for the 12 domains. The total SSQOL-C scores showed significant positive correlations with SF-36 physical health (r=0.58, p<0.01) and mental health (r=0.54, p<0.01) component scores, and FAI score (r=0.59, p<0.01). SSQOL-C physical subtotal scores showed significant positive correlations with SF-36 physical health (r=0.55, p<0.01) and mental health (r=0.43, p<0.01) component scores, and FAI score (r=0.54, p<0.01). SSQOL-C psychosocial subtotal scores showed significant positive correlations with SF-36 physical health (r=0.52, p<0.01) and mental health (r=0.56, p<0.01) component scores, and FAI score (r=0.56, p<0.01). Conclusion: The results showed SSQOL-C had good content and convergent validity, and reliability in Chinese stroke survivors. Further evaluation of factor structure of SSQOL-C will be conducted to determine its validity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 320-327
P.A. Oddon ◽  
M. Montava ◽  
F. Salburgo ◽  
M. Collin ◽  
C. Vercasson ◽  

L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato di valutare la storia naturale di crescita degli schwannomi vestibolari (VS), la qualità di vita di quelli trattati in maniera conservativa e di validare una scala specifica per tale malattia in lingua francese, Penn Acoustic Neuroma Quality-of- Life (PANQOL). Sono stati studiati retrospettivamente 26 pazienti con VS trattato in maniera conservativa. Sono state raccolte le caratteristiche dei pazienti e i reperti radiologici, e sono state utilizzate due scale per validare valutare la qualità di vita: la Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) e la PANQOL scale, tradotta in francese. I punteggi ottenuti sono stati comparati con gli studi precedenti. Il tempo medio di follow up è stato di 25 mesi (range 6-72). È stata osservato un accrescimento del tumore in 14 pazienti (53,8%), nessun accrescimento in 12 pazienti (46,2%), e non si è verificata nessuna riduzione. La crescita media del tumore è stata di 2,22 mm/anno, e non sono stati individuati fattori predittivi di crescita. I pazienti con vertigini e instabilità hanno riferito una più bassa qualità di vita, sia secondo la scala SF-36, sia secondo la scala PANQOL. Utilizzando la scala SF-36, i nostri risultati si sono rivelati paragonabili a quelli della letteratura. Utilizzando la scala PANQOL, i nostri punteggi non si sono rivelati statisticamente diversi da quelli derivanti da studi tedeschi e nordamericani, ad eccezione di quelli riguardanti l’udito (p=0,019). La qualità di vita diventa sempre più importante nella gestione dei VS. In linea con questi risultati, noi sosteniamo la strategia non conservativa associata ad una riabilitazione vestibolare per quei pazienti con vertigini ed instabilità. La scala PANQOL, disponibile in lingua francese, si è rivelata specifica per i VS.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-69 ◽  
Viktor Isjanovski ◽  
Andromahi Naumovska ◽  
Dimitar Bonevski ◽  
Antoni Novotni

BACKGROUND: The main goal of psychiatric care is not to be focused only on reducing psychopathological symptoms, but on improvement of the patient's quality of life.AIM: To examine validation and reliability SQLS-R4 among patients with schizophrenia.METHODS: The sample consisted of 61 outpatients with schizophrenia attending the Psychiatry Hospital “Skopje”. Inclusion criteria for subject selection were: 1) age more than 18 years, 2) clinically stable (not acutely ill or has not been recently hospitalized at least for the past 3 months). They completed SQLS-R4 and SF36 questioners.RESULTS: The internal consistency reliability was satisfactory for both the psychosocial and vitality domains (Cronbach’s α = 0.928, 0.83). Most of the items were significantly correlated with own scale score (from 0.189 to 0.687). The average of the score for the psychosocial quality life was 39.9 ± 8.6 (sometimes), for the cognition and vitality was 26.5 ± 6.1 (sometimes) (SQLS-R4). There was moderate correlation between SF 36-energy with SQOLS - motivation and energy; SF 36-mental health correlation with SQOLS-psychosocial.CONCLUSION: SQLS-R4 appears to offer excellent potential as an easily administered and patient acceptable assessment and monitoring measure of quality of life (QoL). However, a principle psychometric criterion crucial to the use and validity of the instrument concerns the underlying factor structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-208
Valeria Verna ◽  
Daniela De Bartolo ◽  
Marco Iosa ◽  
Lucia Fadda ◽  
Gianluca Pinto ◽  

BACKGROUND: Recently, the potential rehabilitation value of music has been examined and music-based interventions and techniques such as the Negative Mismatch (MMN) have been increasingly investigated in the neurological rehabilitation context. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a negative mismatch-based therapy on the disability and quality of life in patients with stroke in sub-acute phase. METHODS: Thirty patients with a stroke diagnosis in sub-acute phase were randomly assigned to one of two groups: Mismatch (Mg) or Control (CTRLg) group. Both groups used an innovative Android application: Temporal Musical Patterns Organisation (Te.M.P.O). The Disability Rating Scale (DRS), the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Stroke Specific Quality of Life scale (SSQoL) were used at the baseline (T0) and after four weeks of training (T1), in order to assess changes over time. RESULTS: Statistical analysis was performed using the data of 24 (Mg = 12, CTRLg = 12) subjects. The results show a major improvement of the Mg with respect to the CTRLg in all clinical scales score. CONCLUSION: The temporal negative mismatch-based therapy performed with the Te.M.P.O. application could be useful in improving the disability and the quality of life in stroke survivors in a sub-acute phase.

2008 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 931-939 ◽  
Carlos Clayton Torres Aguiar ◽  
Anya Pimentel G. Fernandes Vieira ◽  
André Ferrer Carvalho ◽  
Renan M. Montenegro-Junior

A avaliação da qualidade de vida (QV) vem se tornando cada vez mais utilizada para medir o impacto geral de doenças na vida dos indivíduos. O diabetes melito (DM) é uma doença crônica associada com morbimortalidade elevada e prejuízo na QV. Em estudos longitudinais, o impacto psicossocial da DM prediz a mortalidade nessa doença. Esta revisão busca descrever e analisar os principais instrumentos de avaliação da QV em pacientes com DM. Foram analisados instrumentos genéricos, como Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB), The Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e EuroQol (EQ-5D), e instrumentos específicos, como Diabetes Care Profile (DCP), Diabetes Quality of Life Measure (DQOL), Diabetes Impact Measurement Scales (DIMS), Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS), Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL), Diabetes Health Profile (DHP-1 e DHP-18), Questionnaire on Stress in Patients with Diabetes-Revised (QSD-R), Well-Being Enquiry for Diabetics (WED), Diabetes-Specific Quality-of-life Scale (DSQOLS), Diabetes 39 (D-39) e Problems Areas in Diabetes (PAID). O PAID é o único instrumento traduzido e validado para uso no Brasil. Tanto os instrumentos genéricos quanto os específicos têm vantagens e desvantagens na aferição da QV de pacientes com DM. O uso combinado de instrumentos genéricos (como o SF-36) e específicos (como o PAID) parece ser uma forma consistente de avaliação da QV em pacientes diabéticos no Brasil. O presente artigo revisa os vários instrumentos e enfatiza a necessidade urgente de estudos para validação desses instrumentos em pacientes diabéticos brasileiros.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1513-1513 ◽  
G. Tasic ◽  
S. Anakiev ◽  
D. Milosevic ◽  
M. Cvetanovic

IntroductionLong term hospitalization are often caused by social reasons wich significantly affects the quality of the patients.AimComparing the quality of long-term hospitalized schizophrenic patients in relation to sex.MethodWe have used following rating scale: a brief psychiatric assessment scale BPRS, QLS Quality of life scale, “Lancashir” profile quality of life scale LQOLP, a short questionnaire for the “needs assessment Cambersels” scale CANSAS. Analysis included 80 inpatients, 40 male and 40 female, with Schizophrenia according to ICD 10 criteria. All patients were hospitalized according to ICD 10 criteria. All patients were hospitalized in a Special Hospital For Psychiatric Illness G. Toponica more than two years.ResultsSignificant differences in quality of life between male and female patients about what is discussed in further study.ConclusionsResearch has shown that long-term hospitalizing has adverse effects on quality of life of schizophrenic patients of both sexes. His essential that the length of hospital stay should be reduced to the period reduced to the period for reduction of symptoms and provide the patient a stable life in the community after hospital treatment.

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