scholarly journals Omnipresent Consciousness and Free Will

2017 ◽  
Claus Janew

This article is not an attempt to explain consciousness in terms basically of quantum physics or neuro-biology. Instead I should like to place the term "Consciousness" on a broader footing. I shall therefore proceed from everyday reality, precisely where we experience ourselves as conscious beings. I shall use the term in such a general way as to resolve the question whether only a human being enjoys consciousness, or even a thermostat. Whilst the difference is considerable, it is not fundamental. Every effect exists in the perception of a consciousness. I elaborate on its freedom of choice (leading to free will), in my view the most important source of creativity, in a similarly general way. The problems associated with a really conscious decision do not disappear by mixing determination with a touch of coincidence. Both must enter into a higher unity. In so doing it will emerge that a certain degree of freedom of choice (or free will) is just as omnipresent as consciousness - an inherent part of reality itself.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Pangeran Manurung

Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 shows that the Jehovah's Witness teachings deviate from the truth of the Bible and dangerous for Christians . The danger Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses should be bringing us to the prudence and discretion to reject it . It can be said that Jehovah's Witnesses do not include Christianity in accordance with the search results against their teachings . first ; they do not recognize the Bible that has been issued by the Indonesian National Bible Institute and consider if the Bible has too much harm to use their own New Translation of the Holy Scriptures that have been proven not a translation , but just a collection of interpretations and teachings of their leader alone . second ; Jehovah's Witnesses do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior only . They simply believe that salvation is obtained through belief in Jehovah and his kingdom and perform service message and follow the trial associations .                Before errors interfere Christology Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses Bible , please note that the topic of Christology is the difference between Christianity and other religions . This discussion has also become one of the topics that face many attacks from the outside or from within Christianity , either in the form of religion , philosophy , and ideology . The debate on this topic appeared since the beginning of Christianity , and give rise to a long and complex debate for nearly three centuries ( 300 years ) !! . Such debates will continue to exist throughout the period and just a rehash issues that had once appeared . And Christians should study the various debates and views of the ever emerging that are not easily fooled by the views back to this era .Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 has been done and produce a biblical Christology and biblical correct . The truth is not in doubt because of the analysis conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules that apply in general . Now if Christology Christology of John compared with Jehovah's Witnesses, it will show a striking difference . Once observed , Christology Witnesses builds upon the interpretation of individuals who previously have had a negative Christological doctrine .                Conclusion those who think that Jesus is the firstborn of Creation ; Jesus was a human being ; Jesus is God in creating a peer ; Jesus lower than God , Jesus is the Angel Gabriel , and other Christological doctrine which basically degrading nature of Christ is a form of insult to the majesty of Christ . The Bible clearly and emphatically teaches that Christ is God incarnate , private alpha and omega , the creator of all that exists , and the equivalent of God the Father . Summing Christ as superior human or clear eldest creation is false teachings . The followers of Jehovah's Witnesses must repent. Amen

Andrew Briggs ◽  
Hans Halvorson ◽  
Andrew Steane

Two scientists and a philosopher aim to show how science both enriches and is enriched by Christian faith. The text is written around four themes: 1. God is a being to be known, not a hypothesis to be tested; 2. We set a high bar on what constitutes good argument; 3. Uncertainty is OK; 4. We are allowed to open up the window that the natural world offers us. This is not a work of apologetics. Rather, the text takes an overview of various themes and gives reactions and responses, intended to place science correctly as a valued component of the life of faith. The difference between philosophical analysis and theological reflection is expounded. Questions of human identity are addressed from philosophy, computer science, quantum physics, evolutionary biology and theological reflection. Contemporary physics reveals the subtle and open nature of physical existence, and offers lessons in how to learn and how to live with incomplete knowledge. The nature and role of miracles is considered. The ‘argument from design’ is critiqued, especially arguments from fine-tuning. Logical derivation from impersonal facts is not an appropriate route to a relationship of mutual trust. Mainstream evolutionary biology is assessed to be a valuable component of our understanding, but no exploratory process can itself fully account for the nature of what is discovered. To engage deeply in science is to seek truth and to seek a better future; it is also an activity of appreciation, as one may appreciate a work of art.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-102
Vivian Liska

Abstract Rosenzweig’s pathos with respect to an ultimate redemption raises the question of the desirability of a state in which so much has to be undone in order to retain nothing but the One, the All, the Eternal, and the True. Similar doubts arise concerning Rosenzweig’s portrayal of the ways that this state of redemption is anticipated in life: through prayer, love of neighbor, the communal hymn of the We. How accessible are these to “the human being” as such? Rather than arguing against what appears as a grand remnant of the urge for totality, I invoke here two figures whose concepts of redemption partly resemble Rosenzweig’s, but depart from him in ways that make all the difference: Benjamin and Kafka.

2017 ◽  
Claus Janew

Can we trace back consciousness, reality, awareness, and free will to a single basic structure without giving up any of them? Can the universe exist in both real and individual ways without being composed of both? This dialogue founds consciousness and freedom of choice on the basis of a new reality concept that also includes the infinite as far as we understand it. Just the simplest distinction contains consciousness. It is not static, but a constant alternation of perspectives. From its entirety and movement, however, there arises a freedom of choice being more than reinterpreted necessity and unpredictability. Although decisions ultimately involve the whole universe, they are free in varying degrees also here and now. The unity and openness of the infinite enables the individual to be creative while this creativity directly and indirectly enters into all other individuals without impeding them. A contrary impression originates only in a narrowed awareness. But even the most conscious and free awareness can neither anticipate all decisions nor extinguish individuality. Their creativity is secured.

2010 ◽  
Vol 41 (115) ◽  
pp. 345
Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer

Diante do panorama extremamente complexo do campo religioso hoje o documento de Aparecida declara estar o ser humano do século XXI em meio a uma “mudança de época”. Ao lado do processo de secularização, que leva o ser humano a não temer declarar sua ausência de crença em Deus e sua não pertença a qualquer sistema religioso, está igualmente o revival” religioso anárquico e selvagem que fez eclodir seitas e novas propostas “espirituais” dos mais variados perfis, questionando em profundidade a decantada supremacia do monoteísmo cristão no Ocidente. A proposta neste artigo é, depois de uma breve análise da situação da religião no mundo e especialmente no Brasil hoje, refletir sobre a diferença entre fé e religião e como esta reflexão, tomada em sua radicalidade, leva a uma compreensão renovada do que seja a fé cristã e sua identidade no mundo atual. Para chegar a isto, são analisados três elementos constitutivos da fé cristã: a historicidade, a experiência e o testemunho, no desejo de traçar um perfil aproximado de uma tendência importante na teologia cristã hoje, que prefere definir o Cristianismo mais como uma revelação do que como uma religião.ABSTRACT: Before the extremely complex panorama of the religious field today the document of Aparecida declares the human being of the XXI century to be in the mist of an “epoch change”. On the side of the secularização process, that leads the human being not to fear in declaring his lack of belief in God and his not belonging to any religious system, there is also the religious anarchical and wild “revival” that brought out sects and new “spiritual” proposals of the most varied profiles, questioning in depth the decanted supremacy of Christian monotheism in the Occident. The proposal of this article is, after a brief analysis of the situation of religion in the world and especially in Brazil today, to reflect on the difference between faith and religion and how this reflection, taken in its radicality, leads to a renewed understanding of what Christian faith is and its identity in the current world. To arrive at this, three constituent elements of the Christian faith are analyzed: the historicity, the experience and the witness, in the desire to trace a profile that approaches an important trend in the Christian theology, which prefers to define Christianity more as a revelation than as a religion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-124
Mahmoud Batal Mohamed

تمثِّل قضية الوعي إحدى أبرز مفردات البناء العقلي للمنهج النبوي؛ ذلك لأنها قضية تحوي كنه الوجود الإنساني، وترسم خارطة لامتدادات هذا الوجود. ويهدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن سبل تشكيل وعي الإنسان بأنماطه المختلفة ذاتًا وزمانًا ومكانًا ومعرفة ولغة من خلال السنة النبوية، ليكون ذلك برهانًا من براهين احتواء الرسالة الخاتمة على مرتكزات الرشاد الإنساني. وقد استعملت في هذا البحث منهجين، وهما: المنهج الاستقرائي، والمنهج التحليلي، أما المنهج الاستقرائي فتتبعت من خلاله مواطن الاستدلال من السنة النبوية على موضوع البحث، وأما المنهج التحليلي  فقمت من خلاله بتحليل هذه الأحاديث لاستخراج النتائج منها.وخلصت الدراسة إلى أنه كانت للسنة النبوية أساليبها المتنوعة في تشكيل الوعي الذاتي للإنسان من خلال تشكيل وعيه بأصل خِلْقته، وغاية خلقته، وحدود طاقته، وأن السة لنبوية أصَّلت للوعي الزماني من خلال الربط بين الزمن وبين الحركة الإنسانية، والربط بينه وبين التكاليف الشرعية، وبيان الأثر الإيجابي المترتب على استغلال الزمن والسلبي المترتب على الغفلة عنه. كما أبانت كيف أن السنة النبوية قد شكَّلت وعيًا مكانيًّا تُفَرِّقُ العقلية الإسلامية من خلاله بين إطار مكاني وآخر، وكان من دوائر هذا الوعي الربط بين المكان والحدث، والتنبيه على اختلاف الإطار الثقافي والاجتماعي لكل موطن من المواطن.كما أظهرت كيف أن السنة النبوية كوَّنت وعيًا لغويا من خلال الوعي بالمضامين الحضارية لمفردات اللغة، والتنبيه إلى المناط الاستعمالي، والأثر النفسي للغة. Awareness is one of the most fundamental elements of the rational construction in the prophetic scheme, as it expresses the essence of the purpose of human existence on the planet earth and shapes it future extension. This research aims to underline ways of the formation all kinds of human awareness in the perspective of the Sunnah and it will then focus on presenting how this would be a proof of the evidence that the God’s final message contains the basics of human guidance. A mix of deductive and analytical method was used to trace the points of inference from the Prophetic sunnah on the topic and several hadiths were quoted and analysed for the result extractions. The research resulted in the conclusion that the prophetic Sunnah had various methods of forming the self-awareness of the human being. The Prophet enlightened that if human being reflecting the origin of his creation, the purpose of his creation, and the limits of his energy, the awareness consequently be formed. Furthermore, the prophetic tradition was rooted in temporal consciousness by linking time and human movement. The link between temporal consciousness with the shariah obligation explains the positive impact of the time exploitation and the negative consequences of neglecting those obligations. On the other, the prophetic tradition also illuminates the formation of special awareness in which the Islamic mentality differentiated between the framework of one place and another. Among the circle of this awareness was the link between place and event, and alerting the difference of cultural and social context for each people. Finally, this study also shared how the prophetic sunnah formed a linguistic awareness through the cultural implications of the language, the alertness or cognition of the person to the areas of its function, and the psychological impact of language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 287-293
Daniela Vallega-Neu ◽  

This paper is about my latest book on Heidegger’s non-public writings on the event. It begins with a discussion of Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) and ends with The Event, spanning roughly the years 1936 to 1941. I pay primary attention to shift of attunements, concepts, and movement of thought in these volumes. Thereby a narrative emerges that traces a shift from a more Nietzschean pathos emphasizing the power of beyng to a more mystical approach in which Heidegger thinks “the beingless,” “what is without power,” and speaks of originary thinking as a thanking rather than a questioning. The shift begins to happen in 1939, the year World War II broke out but becomes clearly visible in 1940 in the volume On Inception (GA 70). Heidegger’s path of thinking is one of downgoing into the most concealed dimension of the truth of beyng and an attempt at thinking more radically without primacy of the human being. Among the many questions my book engages, I am focusing especially on the articulation of both the difference and simultaneity of beyng and beings in relation to attunement, body, history, and Heidegger’s errancies.

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