scholarly journals Food Taboos and Codes of Conduct for Pregnant Women at Mount Sindoro, Wonosobo District, Central Java, Indonesia

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (02) ◽  
Atik Triratnawati
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Dereje Tsegaye ◽  
Dessalegn Tamiru ◽  
Tefera Belachew

Abstract Background Poor maternal nutrition adversely affects pregnancy and birth outcomes. In many societies, there are dietary restrictions due to misconceptions or food taboos during pregnancy which consequently results in the depletion of important nutrients. These cultural malpractices and beliefs can influence the dietary intake of pregnant women which subsequently affects the birth outcome. The study aimed at exploring the extent of food taboos and misconceptions during pregnancy in rural communities of Illu Aba Bor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Methods A qualitative study was conducted using an in-depth interviews of key informants and focus group discussions among purposively selected pregnant women and their husbands, health care workers, health extension workers, and elderly people. Data were transcribed verbatim, thematized; color-coded, and analyzed manually using the thematic framework method. Result Thorough reading and review of the transcripts generated three major themes. The primary theme was the belief and practice of taboos related to the intake of certain food items during pregnancy. Pregnant women, their husbands, and mothers-in-law believed that certain foods should be avoided during pregnancy. The second theme was foods that were held as taboo and the reason attached to it. The most common food items held as taboo were related to the consumption of vegetables like cabbage, pumpkin, milk and milk products, sugar cane, fruits like bananas and avocado and egg. The main reasons to avoid these foods were beliefs that it can be plastered on the fetal head, making fatty baby which is difficult for delivery. The third theme was the reasons underlying adherence to food taboos which is deeply embedded in the person’s believes and attitudes of the pregnant women, who were nested within the influence of the social environment surrounding them and the traditional beliefs and values of the society in general. Conclusions The results showed a widespread practice of food taboos during pregnancy in the study area. The finding suggested that there is a need for strengthening the nutrition counseling components of antenatal care follow-up and planning comprehensive nutrition education through involving important others to dispel such traditional beliefs and prevent food taboo practices in the study community.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
Nurul Eko Widiyastuti ◽  
Sri Madya Bhakti Eka Rini

Nurul Eko Widiyastuti 1), Sri Madya Bhakti Eka Rini 2)1) 2) Stikes Estu Utomo BoyolaliE-mail: [email protected][email protected] pencapaian pemeriksaan kehamilan khususnya K1 dan K4 tahun 2013 di Indonesia yaitu 95% untuk K1 dan 90% untuk K4. Cakupan kunjungan ibu hamil K4 propinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2013 adalah  92,13% dan target K4 propinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2013 sebesar 80%. Data kabupaten Boyolali tahun 2014 untuk K1 85% sedangkan K4 80% (Dinkes Kabupaten Boyolali, 2014). Faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam keberhasilan program kesehatan keluarga tentang cakupan K1 dan K4 adalah kesadaran ibu hamil yang tinggi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan dan melakukan deteksi dini terhadap tanda bahaya kehamilan. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian yang dilakukan ini merupakan penelitian Ex-postfacto dengan pendekatan causal comparative research dan menggunakan teknik sampling Purposive Random Sampling yaitu 50 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan alat kuesioner untuk mengetahui pengetahun dan sikap responden yang sebelumnya sudah dilakukan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Analisa data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil Penelitian : Dari hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai correlation coefficien 0.349 dengan Sig. 0.013, hal ini menunjukan bahwa nilai ρ < 0,013 berarti bahwa terdapat tingkat hubungan yang rendah sebesar 0.349 atau 34,9 % antara pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu hamil trimester III tentang deteksi dini tanda bahaya kehamilan. Adjusted R Square 0,484 berarti 48,4% variabel sikap dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel pengetahuan, sedangkan sisanya (100% - 48,4% = 51,6%) dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain diluar model, misalnya dukungan keluarga, motivasi bidan dan sebagainya. Kesimpulan : Pengetahuan sebagian besar dalam kategori baik yaitu ada 22 orang dengan presentase 44 %. Sikap pada penelitian ini sebagian besar dalam kategori mendukung yaitu sebanyak 24 responden dengan presentase 48 %. Hal ini berarti semakin tinggi pengetahuan maka sikap semakin baik atau mendukung.Kata Kunci : pengetahuan, sikap, ibu hamil trimester III, deteksi dini, tanda bahaya kehamilan.CONTRIBUTION OF KNOWLEDGE PREGNANT MOTHER TRIMESTER III WITH ATTITUDE ON EARLY DETECTION OF DANGER SIGNS OF PREGNANCY ABSTRACTTarget achievement pregnancy examination, especially K1 and K4 in 2013 in Indonesia, namely 95% to 90% for the K1 and K4. Coverage of pregnant women visit K4 Central Java province in 2013 was 92.13% and the target K4 Central Java province in 2013 amounted to 80%. Boyolali district data for K1 2014 K4 85% while 80% (DHO Boyolali, 2014). Factors that play a role in the success of the family health program on K1 and K4 coverage is a high awareness of pregnant women for antenatal and early detection is the danger signs of pregnancy. Methods: This research is a research Ex-postfacto with causal comparative research approach and using purposive sampling technique Random Sampling of 50 respondents. The research instrument using a questionnaire to determine the knowledge and attitudes of respondents who have previously tested the validity and reliability. Analysis of data using regression analysis. Results: From the test results obtained by statistical correlation value coefficien 0.349 with Sig. 0013, indicating that the value ρ <0.013 means that there is a low degree of correlation of 0.349 or 34.9% between knowledge and attitude of third trimester pregnant women about early detection of danger signs of pregnancy. Adjusted R Square .484 means that 48.4% variable attitude can be explained by the variable knowledge, while the rest (100% - 48.4% = 51.6%) is explained by other causes outside the model, such as family support, motivation and so forth midwife , Conclusion: Knowledge majority in both categories are 22 people with a percentage of 44%. The attitude in this study mostly in the category of supporting as many as 24 respondents with a percentage of 48%. This means that the higher the better knowledge of the attitude or support.Keywords: knowledge, attitudes, third trimester pregnant women, early detection, danger signs of pregnancy.

Nutrients ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2668 ◽  
Gamuchirai Chakona ◽  
Charlie Shackleton

A well-nourished and healthy population is a central tenet of sustainable development. In South Africa, cultural beliefs and food taboos followed by some pregnant women influence their food consumption, which impacts the health of mothers and children during pregnancy and immediately afterwards. We documented food taboos and beliefs amongst pregnant isiXhosa women from five communities in the Kat River Valley, South Africa. A mixed-methods approach was used, which was comprised of questionnaire interviews with 224 women and nine focus group discussions with 94 participants. Overall, 37% of the women reported one or more food practices shaped by local cultural taboos or beliefs. The most commonly avoided foods were meat products, fish, potatoes, fruits, beans, eggs, butternut and pumpkin, which are rich in essential micronutrients, protein and carbohydrates. Most foods were avoided for reasons associated with pregnancy outcome, labour and to avoid an undesirable body form for the baby. Some pregnant women consumed herbal decoctions for strengthening pregnancy, facilitating labour and overall health of both themselves and the foetus. Most learnt of the taboos and practices from their own mother or grandmother, but there was also knowledge transmission in social groups. Some pregnant women in the study may be considered nutritionally vulnerable due to the likelihood of decreased intake of nutrient-rich foods resulting from cultural beliefs and food taboos against some nutritious foods. Encouraging such women to adopt a healthy diet with more protein-rich foods, vegetables and fruits would significantly improve maternal nutrition and children’s nutrition. Adhering to culturally appropriate nutrition education may be an important care practice for many pregnant women in the Kat River Valley.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-115
Mutiara Widhika Astuti ◽  
A’yunin Sofro

Maternal and infant mortality are two correlated subjects, because during pregnancy the mother's placenta distributes nutrients to the fetus so the baby born is affected by the condition of his mother. Central Java has significant maternal and neonatal mortality rates in Indonesia. In this case, need a research to analyze the factors that influence maternal and infant mortality using Bivariate Poisson Regression (BPR) method. BPR is the right method because it can reconfirm two data that are correlated with Poisson distribution. This study produced three models. The first model is the maternal mortality rate has several significant factors, including pregnant women implementing the K1 and K4 program, vitamin A to postpartum mothers, pregnant women getting Fe tablets, and midwifery handle complications. The second model is the infant deaths that have factors pregnant women implementing the K4 program, helped assistance by medical team, postpartum mothers receiving vitamin A, pregnant women getting Fe tablets, complications handled by midwifery, and KB participants. The final model involves maternal and infant mortality. Significant factors are pregnant women implementing the K1 program, pregnant women implementing the K4 program, giving vitamin A to postpartum mothers, and KB participants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Nihaya Alivia Coraima Dewi ◽  
Fitroh Resmi ◽  
Pukky Tetralian Bantining Ngastiti

This study aims to determine the optimization of balanced dietary composition for pregnant women. Determination of the optimization of balanced food is carried out by forming a linear model along with boundary conditions and objective functions, as well as inputting data on the age of pregnant women, age of pregnancy  and  maternal nutritional  needs, then the calculation  is carried out using the simplex method in order to obtain the weight of food ingredients that must be consumed to get a balanced nutrition, namely with 75 combinations that have been analyzed on groups of pregnant  women  aged  19-29  years  and  30-49  years  in  three trimesters,   including   staple   foods,   vegetables   (spinach,   green mustard,  cauliflower,  kale,  carrots),  fruit,  side  dishes  vegetables, nuts, sugar and milk with the recommended nutritional adequacy rate for the data content of water, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate (KH), fiber, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and vitamin C. In the group of pregnant women aged 19-29 years and women aged  30-49 years in the three trimesters, it was found that the combination of 55 was the optimal combination with rice, kale, watermelon, and tofu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Chusnul Zulaika ◽  
Dewi Sari R ◽  
Mirtaria K

Kehamilan normal bisa memiliki risiko, semua ibu hamil  perlu perawatan agar ibu dan janin tetap dalam keadaan sehat. Sedangkan kehamilan yang resiko tinggi akan menghadapi berbagai permasalahan yang dapat mengganggu proses persalinan. Kehamilan dengan masalah dikelompokkan kehamilan risiko tinggi yaitu keadaan yang dapat mempengaruhi optimalisasi ibu maupun janin (Manuaba,2003). Kehamilan risiko tinggi adalah kehamilan dengan satu lebih  faktor risiko baik ibu maupun janinnya yang memberi dampak kurang menguntungkan baik ibu maupun janinnya (Rochjati, 2003). Apabila setiap abnormalitas dicurigai berdasarkan atas riwayat atau pemeriksaan fisik, maka pasien dirujuk ke pemeriksa dengan keahlian dalam ultrasonografi (Tucker, 2004).Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2015 terdapat 619 kasus kematian ibu. Kota Semarang menduduki peringkat ke 2 setelah kabupaten Brebes dengan jumlah kematian ibu di Kota Semarang  terdapat 35 kasus. Di Puskesmas Purwoyoso pada tahun 2015 terdapat 1 kasus kematian ibu. Sedangkan jumlah ibu hamil resiko tinggi di Puskesmas Purwoyoso pada tahun 2015 terdapat 595 ibu hamil.Untuk mencari alternatif solusi pemecahan masalah di atas, maka diadakan peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pendampingan ibu hamil resiko tinggi di Puskesmas Purwoyoso dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan para kader tentang kehamilan resiko tinggi. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan didapatkan hasil pengetahuan dan kesadaran para kader untuk melaksanakan pendampingan meningkat.Diharapkan setelah dilakukan pengabdian penulis menyarankan para kader, keluarga dan suami mendukung ibu hamil untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan di bidan ataupun di puskesmas.Kata kunci        : IBM ; Kader ; Pendampingan ibu hamil resiko tinggi IBM HIGH RISK PREGNANCY ASSISTANCE BY POSYANDU CARDER IN PURWOYOSO PUSKESMAS REGIONNormal pregnancy can have a risk, all pregnant women need care so that mother and fetus remain in good health. While high-risk pregnancies will face a variety of problems that can interfere with labor. Pregnancy with the problem grouped high-risk pregnancies is a condition that can affect the optimization of mother and fetus (Manuaba, 2003). A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy with one more risk factor for both mother and fetus that has an adverse impact on both the mother and the fetus (Rochjati, 2003). If any abnormality is suspected based on a history or physical examination, the patient is referred to an examiner with expertise in ultrasonography (Tucker, 2004).In Central Java Province in 2015 there were 619 cases of maternal deaths. Semarang City is ranked second after Brebes district with the number of maternal deaths in Semarang city there are 35 cases. At Puskesmas Purwoyoso in 2015 there is 1 case of maternal mortality. While the number of high risk pregnant women at Purwoyoso Puskesmas in 2015 there are 595 pregnant women.To find alternative solutions to the above solutions, there is an increased knowledge about high risk pregnant women in Purwoyoso Puskesmas in order to increase the knowledge of cadres about high risk pregnancy. After the counseling obtained the knowledge and awareness of the cadres to carry out mentoring increased.It is hoped that after the dedication of the writer suggest that cadres, family and husband support pregnant mother to conduct pregnancy examination in midwife or at puskesmasKey words             : IBM; Cadres; High risk pregnancy assistance

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