Il cambiamento amministrativo nelle democrazie occidentali fra new public management, modelli neo-weberiani e new public governance

Rosalba Chiarini
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 44-58
Cecilie Glerup ◽  
Ursula Plesner

Der har gennem de seneste år været stort fokus på kommunikation i den offentlige sektor. Kommunikation er blevet en organisatorisk og institutionel betingelse for offentlig ledelse, der fylder som opgave i den offentlige leders daglige arbejde. Denne artikel anskuer sproget som aktivt medskabende af den kontekst, hvori det indgår. Den undersøger relationerne mellem offentlig ledelseskommunikation og styringsparadigmer såsom New Weberian State, New Public Management og New Public Governance, fordi disse kan anskues som de sociale kontekster, kommunikationen skal virke i. Artiklen er baseret på kvalitative forskningsinterviews med offentlige ledere fra forskellige sektorer; undervisning, ældrepleje, politi, psykiatri, planlægning m.m. Analysen anskueliggør hvordan ledernes kommunikation formes af og er med til at forme forskellige typer styring: bureaukrati, New Public Management og New Public Governance. I alle disse kontekster beskrev lederne forskellige udfordringer med at mobilisere interesse, hvorfor vi konkluderer, at offentlige lederes kommunikation fra denne artikels perspektiv er et konstant mobiliseringsarbejde, og ikke blot et værktøj til at løse konkrete problemer. Et blik på kommunikation og styringsparadigmer fortæller os således, at offentlige ledere har brug for at kunne arbejde analytisk og strategisk med at skabe opmærksomhed om og engagement i en mængde sammenhænge via 1) en formel juridisk og økonomisk retorik, 2) en visionær og historiefortællende praksis og 3) eksperimenterende og lokale dialoger.

2012 ◽  
pp. 255-272
Vincenzo Formisano ◽  
Giuseppe Russo ◽  
Rosa Lombardi

Nell'attuale scenario economico-competitivo, lo studio delle reti d'impresa (Bastia, 1989; D'Alessio, 2008; Cafaggi, 2004; Lipparini, 2002; Lorenzoni, 1992) consente di enfatizzare il ruolo svolto dalla cooperazione tra piů organizzazioni sia pubbliche, sia private. In questa direzione, con l'avvento dell'economia della conoscenza, le imprese creano valore collettivo per effetto dell'azione di gruppo e degli interessi coinvolti nel sistema organizzativo a rete. Le opportunitŕ che si presentano alle aziende coinvolte nella rete sono molteplici: l'investimento relazionale favorisce l'interdipendenza tra i differenti sistemi aziendali e ne rafforza la loro complementarietŕ; ogni processo cooperativo influenza ciascuna impresa della rete. Nelle aziende pubbliche, tale fenomeno č noto come New Public Governance (Bovaird, 2002; Lynn et al., 2007): all'interno di una rete locale si trovano aziende pubbliche e private la cui azione č protesa alla realizzazione del bene comune (Zamagni,2008). In questo senso, il passaggio dal New Public Management al New Public Governance ha permesso di valorizzare il concetto di network indagandolo quale rete di soggetti o entitŕ interagenti tra loro, in grado di guidare le loro relazioni verso il raggiungimento di un obiettivo comune: il public value creation (Moore, 2005). In questa direzione, il presente contributo si propone di analizzare il concetto di rete, con particolare riferimento alle possibili configurazioni che possono assumere i network pubblici locali. Nel caso di specie, lo studio si concentra sui network all'interno dei quali esiste la presenza dell'istituzione universitaria quale catalizzatrice del sapere e fonte della creazione di valore pubblico locale. Mediante l'esperienza dell'Universitŕ di Cassino, lo studio si propone di definire il ruolo dell'universitŕ rispetto al contesto territoriale di riferimento e quale impatto economico-sociale genera la sua azione. La domanda di ricerca č la seguente: Che cosa sono i network? Nell'ottica della New Public Governance, qual č il ruolo svolto dalle universitŕ nel sistema di rete? Č possibile individuare, in tal caso, un modello di rete?

2011 ◽  
pp. 2159-2167 ◽  
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko

New public management and the more recent concept of new public governance have become the dominant management doctrines in the public sector. Public organizations have become increasingly network-like units with various governance relations with actors from the public, business, and voluntary sectors. Their organization is based more on networks than on traditional hierarchies, accompanied by a transition from the command-and-control type of management to initiate-and-coordinate type of governance.

Anja Overgaard Thomassen ◽  
Sverri Hammer

Co-production is increasingly outlined as an approach for operationalizing the shift from new Public Management to New Public Governance. In particular, the literature discusses the implications of co-production on frontline staff and the change in relations to citizens. This chapter focuses on a less developed area, namely the implications of the co-production turn on management. Specifically, the authors focus on how Karl Weick's notion of sensemaking when operationalized into sensemaking-tools is helpful in facilitating an organizational change towards co-production. The application of sensemaking as a processual approach to co-production leads to a discussion of how management in public organizations seems to be evolving into what can be termed hybrid management.

2022 ◽  
pp. 22-44
Feras Ali Qawasmeh

Public policy is classified as a major field in public administration. Therefore, to understand the context of public policy as a field, it is essential to explore its root developments in public administration from epistemological and chronological perspectives. This chapter is a review study referring to main scholarly works including books, academic articles, and studies. The chapter first helps researchers and students in comprehending the evolution of public administration in its four main stages including classical public administration, new public administration, new public management, and new public governance. Second, the chapter presents a general overview of the evolution of the public policy field with particular attention paid to the concepts of Harold Lasswell who is seen as the father of public policy. The chapter then discusses different definitions of public policy. Various classifications of public policy are also investigated. The chapter ends with a critical discussion of the stages model (heuristics).

Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko

New public management and the more recent concept of new public governance have become the dominant management doctrines in the public sector. Public organizations have become increasingly network-like units with various governance relations with actors from the public, business, and voluntary sectors. Their organization is based more on networks than on traditional hierarchies, accompanied by a transition from the command-and-control type of management to initiate-and-coordinate type of governance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Васютин ◽  
Yuriy Vasyutin ◽  
Матвеева ◽  
Ekaterina Matveeva

In the article authors concentrate attention on the analysis of the processes of modernization of the management system which are realized in many democratic states. The analysis of basic models of public administration from the point of view of definition of participation possibility of public institutes in them is submitted. From this side the models of New Public Management and New Public Governance are presented to judgment. On the basis of consideration of the limits of public participation put in the analyzed concepts, authors come to a conclusion that the model of New Public Governance substantially broadens spheres of possible citizens’ participation in administration and can become the basis for transition to network model of interaction of state and civil society. It gives the chance to analyze practices of public participation, mechanisms of public involvement, and also to estimate efficiency of activities of state institutes for institutionalization of civil society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-112 ◽  
Ahmed M. E. Mansour

The major objective of this article is to discuss briefly the roots of the new public management (NPM) and public governance (PG) movements. To achieve this, it develops a theoretical framework to analyze the experiences of a selected set of Arab countries to explain critically the factors that influence the application of these two modern approaches to public-sector management in these Arab countries. Specifically, the article discusses critically the response of selected Arab world countries to the NPM and PG, and the impact of such factors on the influence of international organizations, their different colonial heritage, types of government systems, and politico-economic philosophies.

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