scholarly journals Cell technology for experimental ulcerative lesions

The article presents experimental studies on the use of cell technology in experimental ulcerative pyoderma. The results of the study showed that the introduction of embryonic cultured allofibroblasts in the treatment of experimental ulcerative pyoderma is associated with the activation of fibroblasts in the dermis and promotes significant epithelization of ulcerative lesions on the skin in experimental animals. Lately, in dermatological practice, there has been an increase in the frequency of chronic, long-term non-healing ulcerative foci of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which make up a pressing issue in terms of choosing the appropriate therapy. Etiological factors in the development of ulcerative foci of skin lesions are endocrinopathy (primarily diabetes mellitus, obesity), disorders of the vascular system, as well as the nervous system.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Bayu Lesmono ◽  
Yussy Afriani Dewi ◽  
Sinta Sari Ratunanda ◽  
Nur Akbar Aroeman

Latar belakang: Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma (NXG) merupakan suatu penyakit yang langka, kronis, dan progresif. NXG ditandai dengan lesi kulit ulseratif pada daerah indurasi, dan berwarna kuning, atau berupa nodul yang mengenai sel histiosit non Langerhans. Daerah predileksi tersering ialah pada wajah, orbita, dan ekstremitas. Etiologi belum diketahui, tetapi sering dikaitkan dengan monoclonal gammopathy. Gambaran histopatologi NXG yaitu ditemukan makrofag dan terdapat sel busa pada dermis, jaringan subkutan, nekrobiosis luas, sel datia Touton, dan folikel limfoid. Penderita memiliki lesi yang bersifat asimtomatik, parestesi, rasa terbakar, dan terkadang timbul rasa nyeri. Tata laksana NXG sampai saat ini masih sangat bervariasi. Tujuan: Memaparkan hasil penatalaksanaan dua pasien NXG. Laporan kasus: Dilaporkan pasien pertama, laki-laki 44 tahun dengan lesi pada kedua pipi dan dahi sejak 5 bulan sebelumnya. Terapi diberikan metilprednisolon dengan dosis 0,8 mg/kgBB tappering off selama 1 bulan dengan hasil perbaikan. Pasien kedua, wanita 29 tahun dengan lesi pada kedua pipi dan telinga sejak 5 bulan sebelumnya. Terapi diberikan siklofosfamid 750 mg/m2 per 3 minggu dengan hasil membaik. Metode: Pencarian dilakukan melalui PubMed dan Dermatol. Setelah menyaring judul dan abstrak yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, didapatkan lima artikel utuh. Kemudian, tiga artikel terpilih untuk ditelaah secara konsensus, meliputi kesahihan (validity), kepentingan (importancy), dan aplikabilitas (applicability) pada pasien necrobiotic xanthogranuloma. Hasil: Telaah artikel-artikel tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semua artikel memiliki karakteristik yang serupa dalam hal kesahihan (validity), hasil atau kesimpulannya. Walau demikian, ada beberapa kekuatan dan kelemahan pada masing-masing artikel. Kesimpulan: Penatalaksanaan NXG masih diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan jumlah sampel yang banyak untuk mengetahui keefektifitasan penatalaksanaan NXG.Kata kunci: Siklofosfamid, metilprednisolon, necrobiotic xanthogranulomaABSTRACT Background: Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma (NXG) is a rare, chronic, and progressive disease that provokes skin lesions, such as damage of the histiocytes of non-Langerhans cell, skin lesions (yellowish or noduled ulcerative lesions) in the induration skin. The most common predilection areas of this are on the face, orbital, and extremities. The etiology is still unknown, but sometimes associates with monoclonal gammopathy. NXG histopathologic contained macrophages and foam cells in the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, extensive necrobiosis, touton giant cells, and lymphoid follicles. Some patients who had lesions are asymptomatic, sometimes they will feel paresthesias, burning pain. Nowadays, this management is still vary widely. Objective: Sets forth the results of two patients NXG. Case: There were two patients. Patient number one, a 44-years-old man, with some lesions on both cheeks and forehead since 5 months ago. He was treated with methylprednisolon 0.8 mg/kg body weight, and tappered off for a month with improved results. Patient number two, a 29-years-old woman, with some lesions on both cheeks and ears since 5 months ago. She was treated with Cyclosphosphamide 750 mg/m2 with improved results within three weeks. Method: Searching for literature was conducted in PubMed and Dermatol. After screening titles and abstracts with inclusion and exclusion criteria, five articles were available as full texts. Three articles were selected to be reviewed for their validity, importancy and applicability in patient with necrobiotic xanthogranuloma. Results: The review showed that all those articles had a similar characteristic in validity, result, and conclusion. Nevertheless, each articles had its own strong points and weaknesses. Conclusion: NXG treatment still required further research by the number of samples that much to find out the efficiency management NXG.Keywords: Cyclophosphamide, methylprednisolon, necrobiotic xanthogranuloma

VASA ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 474-481 ◽  
Radak ◽  
Babic ◽  
Ilijevski ◽  
Jocic ◽  
Aleksic ◽  

Background: To evaluate safety, short and long-term graft patency, clinical success rates, and factors associated with patency, limb salvage and mortality after surgical reconstruction in patients younger than 50 years of age who had undergone unilateral iliac artery bypass surgery. Patients and methods: From January 2000 to January 2010, 65 consecutive reconstructive vascular operations were performed in 22 women and 43 men of age < 50 years with unilateral iliac atherosclerotic lesions and claudication or chronic limb ischemia. All patients were followed at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery and every 6 months thereafter. Results: There was in-hospital vascular graft thrombosis in four (6.1 %) patients. No in-hospital deaths occurred. Median follow-up was 49.6 ± 33 months. Primary patency rates at 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year were 92.2 %, 85.6 %, 73.6 %, and 56.5 %, respectively. Seven patients passed away during follow-up of which four patients due to coronary artery disease, two patients due to cerebrovascular disease and one patient due to malignancy. Limb salvage rate after 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year follow-up was 100 %, 100 %, 96.3 %, and 91.2 %, respectively. Cox regression analysis including age, sex, risk factors for vascular disease, indication for treatment, preoperative ABI, lesion length, graft diameter and type of pre-procedural lesion (stenosis/occlusion), showed that only age (beta - 0.281, expected beta 0.755, p = 0.007) and presence of diabetes mellitus during index surgery (beta - 1.292, expected beta 0.275, p = 0.026) were found to be significant predictors of diminishing graft patency during the follow-up. Presence of diabetes mellitus during index surgery (beta - 1.246, expected beta 0.291, p = 0.034) was the only variable predicting mortality. Conclusions: Surgical treatment for unilateral iliac lesions in patients with premature atherosclerosis is a safe procedure with a low operative risk and acceptable long-term results. Diabetes mellitus and age at index surgery are predictive for low graft patency. Presence of diabetes is associated with decreased long-term survival.

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 (S 01) ◽  
A Stylianou ◽  
G Lavranos ◽  
A Hatziyianni ◽  
P Georgiou ◽  
G Olymbios

The results of experimental studies of masonry on the action of dynamic and static (short-term and long-term) loads are presented. The possibility of plastic deformations in the masonry is analyzed for different types of force effects. The falsity of the proposed approach to the estimation of the coefficient of plasticity of masonry, taking into account the ratio of elastic and total deformations of the masonry is noted. The study of the works of Soviet scientists revealed that the masonry under the action of seismic loads refers to brittle materials in the complete absence of plastic properties in it in the process of instantaneous application of forces. For the cases of uniaxial and plane stress states of the masonry, data on the coefficient of plasticity obtained from the experiment are presented. On the basis of experimental studies the influence of the strength of the so-called base materials (brick, mortar) on the bearing capacity of the masonry, regardless of the nature of the application of forces and the type of its stress state, is noted. The analysis of works of prof. S. V. Polyakov makes it possible to draw a conclusion that at the long application of the load, characteristic for the masonry are not plastic deformations, but creep deformations. It is shown that the proposals of some authors on the need to reduce the level of adhesion of the mortar to the brick for the masonry erected in earthquake-prone regions in order to improve its plastic properties are erroneous both from the structural point of view and from the point of view of ensuring the seismic resistance of structures. It is noted that the proposal to assess the plasticity of the masonry of ceramic brick walls and large-format ceramic stone with a voidness of more than 20% is incorrect, and does not meet the work of the masonry of hollow material. On the basis of the analysis of a large number of research works it is concluded about the fragile work of masonry.

Problems when calculating reinforced concrete structures based on the concrete deformation under compression diagram, which is presented both in Russian and foreign regulatory documents on the design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures are considered. The correctness of their compliance for all classes of concrete remains very approximate, especially a significant difference occurs when using Euronorm due to the different shape and sizes of the samples. At present, there are no methodical recommendations for determining the ultimate relative deformations of concrete under axial compression and the construction of curvilinear deformation diagrams, which leads to limited experimental data and, as a result, does not make it possible to enter more detailed ultimate strain values into domestic standards. The results of experimental studies to determine the ultimate relative deformations of concrete under compression for different classes of concrete, which allowed to make analytical dependences for the evaluation of the ultimate relative deformations and description of curvilinear deformation diagrams, are presented. The article discusses various options for using the deformation model to assess the stress-strain state of the structure, it is concluded that it is necessary to use not only the finite values of the ultimate deformations, but also their intermediate values. This requires reliable diagrams "s–e” for all classes of concrete. The difficulties of measuring deformations in concrete subjected to peak load, corresponding to the prismatic strength, as well as main cracks that appeared under conditions of long-term step loading are highlighted. Variants of more accurate measurements are proposed. Development and implementation of the new standard GOST "Concretes. Methods for determination of complete diagrams" on the basis of the developed method for obtaining complete diagrams of concrete deformation under compression for the evaluation of ultimate deformability of concrete under compression are necessary.

Martín Borja Sanz ◽  
Gimeno Sergio Roman ◽  
Peteiro Miranda Carlos Miguel ◽  
Ortez Toro Jose Jorge ◽  
Ana Agudo ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 149 (45) ◽  
pp. 2115-2119 ◽  
András Jánosi ◽  
Dániel Várnai ◽  
Zsófia Ádám ◽  
Adrienn Surman ◽  
Katalin Vas

A szerzők 139, nem ST-elevációs infarktus miatt kezelt betegük adatait elemzik. Vizsgálják a betegek kórházi és késői prognózisát, egyes echokardiográfiás adatok prognózissal való összefüggését, valamint a kórházból elbocsátott betegek esetén a szekunder prevenció szempontjából ajánlott gyógyszeres kezelés gyakoriságát. Az utánkövetés a betegek 98%-ában sikeres volt, a bekövetkezett eseményekről, illetve az utánkövetés idején alkalmazott gyógyszeres kezelésről postai kérdőív útján szereztek adatokat. A nők átlagéletkora 78,6, a férfiaké 71,4 év volt. A kezelt betegeknél gyakori volt a társbetegségek (hypertonia, diabetes mellitus, korábbi ischaemiás szívbetegség) előfordulása. A kórházi kezelés időszakában 30 betegnél (22%) történt koronarográfia, és 29 betegnél revascularisatiós beavatkozásra is sor került. A kórházi halálozás 15% volt, az utánkövetés háromnegyed éve alatt 17%-os halálozást észleltek. A kórházban, illetve az utánkövetési idő alatt meghalt betegek szignifikánsan idősebbek voltak azoknál, akik életben maradtak. Egyes echokardiográfiás adatok (ejekciós frakció, végszisztolés átmérő, szegmentális falmozgászavar és a mitralis insufficientia nagysága) prognosztikus jelentőségűnek bizonyultak, mivel szignifikánsan különböztek az életben maradt és a meghalt betegek esetén. A kórházból elbocsátott betegek igen magas arányban részesültek a másodlagos prevenció szempontjából fontosnak ítélt gyógyszeres kezelésben (aszpirin, béta-blokkoló, ACE-gátló, statin). Az utánkövetés idején sem csökkent ezen gyógyszerek használatának aránya, ami a betegek jó compliance-ét igazolja.

Diabetes ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 67 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 1129-P

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