scholarly journals A queda capilar pode ser considerada uma das consequências da COVID-19?

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e11911124935
Juliana Amorim Alfaix Natário ◽  
Laís Regina Oliveira ◽  
Caio Caetano de Queiroz ◽  
Maria Vitória Maluf Paula ◽  
Carla Beatriz Giopato Moreira ◽  

A COVID-19 é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 e é capaz de afetar diferentes pessoas de diferentes formas. Apesar de seus sintomas e seus agentes causadores serem bem conhecidos, seus efeitos deletérios são ainda, considerados um mistério, tanto com relação às suas extensões, quanto com relação a sua duração. Um dos efeitos que têm chamado bastante a atenção dos cientistas é a queda capilar. O objetivo principal deste trabalho pauta-se em investigar e entender a relação entre a queda de cabelo e a COVID-19, bem como sobre os tratamentos mais adequados para tal. Para que o objetivo fosse atingido, uma revisão integrativa do tipo qualitativa e descritiva foi aplicada, considerando-se os termos de busca ("COVID-19" [DeCS]) OR (“coronavírus” [DeCS]) AND (“queda de cabelo” [DeCS]) na plataforma Publish or Perish. A pesquisa foi realizada no dia 08 de dezembro de 2021 e utilizou as bases: Google scholar, PubMed, e Lilacs. Embora não haja evidências científicas da relação direta entre a COVID-19 e a queda capilar, estudos demontram a existência de uma relação indireta. Sintomas da COVID-19 como por exemplo: febre e estresse (entre outras alterações psicossociais) são considerados potencializadores da queda, bem como as respostas aos medicamentos utilizados para a cura da COVID-19. Com relação ao tratamento, ainda que existam alguns estudos acerca de alguns medicamentos que apresentam-se mais efetivos que outros, o mais indicado é que se busque um especialista, para que o tratamento seja assertivo e individual.

Cristina Restrepo-Arango

Analizar la visibilidad de los investigadores del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) en Web of Science (WoS), Scopus y Publish or Perish, mediante la búsqueda del índice h de 240 investigadores nacionales del área V de las ciencias sociales en México en Publish or Perish, Google Scholar Metrics, Web of Science y Scopus. Se encontró que los resultados muestran una gran polarización entre las 4 fuentes consultadas para obtener el índice h. La primera, Publish or Perish es la más incluyente en términos de citación, ya que se basa en las publicaciones que aparecen en el Google Académico y esto favorece enormemente los valores que obtuvieron los investigadores de las ciencias sociales mexicanas en el índice h. La segunda y tercera que son WoS y Scopus se caracterizan por una ausencia generalizada en la indización de revistas mexicanas de las ciencias sociales utilizadas por los investigadores para diseminar sus publicaciones. La cuarta, Google Scholar Metrics es una herramienta abierta y gratuita que al parecer no es usada por los investigadores de las ciencias sociales mexicanas.

2011 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 577-593 ◽  
Clare V. Thornley ◽  
Shane J. McLoughlin ◽  
Andrea C. Johnson ◽  
Alan F. Smeaton

This paper provides a discussion and analysis of methodological issues encountered during a scholarly impact and bibliometric study within the field of Computer Science (TRECVid Text Retrieval and Evaluation Conference, Video Retrieval Evaluation). The purpose of this paper is to provide a reflection and analysis of the methods used to provide useful information and guidance for those who may wish to undertake similar studies, and is of particular relevance for the academic disciplines which have publication and citation norms that may not perform well using traditional tools. Scopus and Google Scholar are discussed and a detailed comparison of the effects of different search methods and cleaning methods within and between these tools for subject and author analysis is provided. The additional database capabilities and usefulness of ‘Scopus More’ in addition to ‘Scopus General’ are discussed and evaluated. Scopus paper coverage is found to favourably compare with Google Scholar but Scholar consistently has superior performance at finding citations to those papers. These additional citations significantly increase the citation totals and also change the relative ranking of papers. Publish or Perish, a software wrapper for Google Scholar, is also examined and its limitations and some possible solutions are described. Data cleaning methods, including duplicate checks, expert domain checking of bibliographic data, and content checking of retrieved papers, are compared and their relative effects on paper and citation count discussed. Google Scholar and Scopus are also compared as tools for collecting bibliographic data for visualizations of developing trends and, owing to the comparative ease of collecting abstracts, Scopus is found far more effective.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-40 ◽  
Thomaz Wood Jr ◽  
Caio César Medeiros Costa ◽  
Giovanna de Moura Rocha Lima ◽  
Rosana Córdova Guimarães

Resumo Existe, na comunidade acadêmica, uma crescente preocupação com a questão do impacto social: os benefícios que as instituições de ensino e pesquisa trazem para a sociedade. Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre o impacto social no âmbito dos programas brasileiros de pós-graduação em Administração de Empresas. Para isso, este texto toma por base a literatura científica sobre impacto social e apresenta um estudo exploratório que envolveu três dimensões de impacto social: (a) a formação de pesquisadores em programas de doutorado, considerando os egressos dos programas e sua inserção no mercado de trabalho; (b) a utilização do conhecimento gerado pelos pesquisadores de cada programa, medido pelo fator H institucional, com a utilização do software Publish or Perish (PoP) sobre a base do Google Scholar; e (c) a citação de pesquisadores e de seus estudos na mídia especializada em negócios, medida por meio de um levantamento que tomou por base artigos veiculados nas publicações de negócios mais relevantes do Brasil. Essas três dimensões foram avaliadas em quatro programas de pós-graduação em Administração: FEA-USP, FGV-EAESP, PPGA-UFRGS e CEPEAD-UFMG. Os resultados indicam diferenças substantivas entre os programas nas três dimensões, favorecendo os mais antigos e localizados em São Paulo. Conclui-se que há, nas três dimensões pesquisadas, oportunidades para aumentar o impacto social. Sugerem-se ações para atender esse objetivo e procura-se indicar caminhos para desenvolver o conhecimento sobre o impacto social no âmbito dos programas brasileiros de pós-graduação em Administração de Empresas.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 1335-1355 ◽  
Alexander Serenko ◽  
John Dumay

Purpose – The purpose of this study was to discover growing, stable and declining knowledge management (KM) research trends. Design/methodology/approach – Citations to 100 KM citation classics as identified by Serenko and Dumay (2015) were collected and analyzed for growing, stable and declining research trends. Findings – This research has two findings that were not theoretically expected. First, a majority of KM citation classics exhibit a bimodal citation distribution peak. Second, there are a growing number of citations for all research topics. These unexpected findings warranted further theoretical elaboration and empirical investigation. The analysis of erroneous citations and a five-year citation trend (2009 – 2013) reveals that the continuously growing volume of citations may result from what the authors call the Google Scholar Effect. Research limitations/implications – The results from this study open up two significant research opportunities. First, more research is needed to understand the impact Google Scholar is having on domains beyond KM. Second, more comprehensive research on the impact of erroneous citations is required because these have the most potential for damaging academic discourse and reputation. Practical implications – Researchers need to be aware of how technology is changing their profession and their citation behavior because of the pressure from the contemporary “publish or perish” environment, which prevents research from being state-of-the-art. Similarly, KM reviewers and editors need to be more aware of the pressure and prevalence of mis-citations and take action to raise awareness and to prevent mis-citations. Originality/value – This study is important from a scientometric research perspective as part of a growing research field using Google Scholar to measure the impact and power it has in influencing what gets cited and by whom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Tasnim Tasnim ◽  
Nirva Rantesigi ◽  
Ulfa Sufyaningsi ◽  
Putri Pratiwi

Pendahuluan: Gout Athitis merupakan penyakit metabolic yang di sebabkan oleh kelebihan kadar senyawa urat di dalam tubuh, baik karna produksi berlebih, eliminasi yang jarang, atau peningkatan asupan purin. Salah satu terapi non-farmakologis untuk menurunkan skala nyeri otot adalah dengan terapi Herbal Compress Ball yang efeknya berasal dari konduksi panas yang dapatmeningkatkan aliran darah regional ke daerah nyeri, efek analgesik berasal dari bahan-bahan herbal dan minyak asiri aromaterapi memberi efek relaksasi.Tujuan:Dapat mengidentifikasi pengaruh Herbal Compress Ball dalam menurunkan nyeri GoutArthritis. Metode Penelusuran: basis data yang digunakan dalam studi literatur yaitu Publish Or Perish, Google Scholar, dan Google.Hasil jurnal: Herbal Compress ball lebih efektif daripada terapi standar yang direkomendasikan pada pasien dengan  masalah  muskuloskelektal pengobatan dengan herbal compress ball dapat mengurangi tingkat rasa nyeri serta dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Ini dapat dianggap sebagai opsi alternatif untuk memperbaiki gejala kondisi ini terutama ketika efek samping dari perawatan lain seperti NSAID. Kesimpulan: Setelah dilakukan review dari beberapa jurnal didapatkan bahwa herbal compress ball dapat menggurangi nyeri muskuloskletal dan mebuat relaksasi.Saran: diharapkan hasil penelitian ini bisa menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan peneliti selanjutnya tentang intervensi keperawatan yang dapat mengurangi nyeri pada gout arthritis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Imam Gunawan

Abstract: The level or number of citations for a journal and/or article is the main indicator for measuring the quality of a publication (paper). The purpose of this research is to determine the distribution of citations in JAMP: Journal of Educational Administration and Management. This research is included in research or studies on bibliometric analysis. The data source for this study is meta-data obtained from the JAMP: Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan, data citation download at Google Scholar, using the Publish or Perish 7 software, over a period of 3 years (2018-2020). Meta-data with the PoPCites.ris file format, processed with Publish or Perish 7 software, produces a description of the journal citation. The data is extracted into Microsoft Excel file format. The results of the analysis show that this journal has a citation level of 388. This article presents the 10 articles with the most citations. In addition, it also discusses topic trends in this journal in the last 3 years, as well as predictions of future article trends. Keywords: citation analysis; education management; educational leadership; education supervision; publish or perish. Abstrak: Tingkat atau jumlah sitasi suatu jurnal dan/atau artikel merupakan indikator utama untuk mengukur kualitas suatu terbitan (paper). Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran sitasi pada JAMP: Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan. Riset ini termasuk dalam riset atau studi tentang bibliometric analysis. Sumber data studi ini adalah meta-data yang diperoleh dari unduhan data sitasi JAMP: Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan di Google Scholar, dengan menggunakan software Publish or Perish 7, dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun (2018-2020). Meta-data dengan format file PoPCites.ris, diproses dengan dengan software Publish or Perish 7, menghasilkan sebuah hasil deskripsi tentang sitasi jurnal. Data tersebut diekstrak ke dalam format file Microsoft Excel. Hasil analisis diketahui bahwa jurnal ini memiliki tingkat sitasi sebanyak 388. Artikel ini menyajikan 10 artikel terbanyak sitasinya. Selain itu, juga dikupas tren topik di jurnal ini dalam kurun 3 tahun terakhir, serta prediksi tren artikel pada masa mendatang. Kata kunci: analisis sitasi; manajemen pendidikan; kepemimpinan pendidikan; supervisi pendidikan; publish or perish.

Verba luris ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 333-360
Camilo Alejandro Corchuelo-Rodríguez ◽  
Diana Maite Bayona-Aristizábal ◽  
María Del Pilar Florian Escobar ◽  
Luz Marina Paez ◽  
Ingri Paola Patacón Ruíz

Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar las publicaciones sobre control fiscal y corrupción publicadas en Google Scholar (Google Académico) en el periodo entre 2010 y 2019 usando la herramienta Harzing’s Publish or Perish. Para ello utilizó como metodología el diseño observacional y el tipo de estudio de análisis bibliométrico. Entre los resultados se destaca que de 2016 a 2019 se registra un decrecimiento publicaciones sobre el tema, por su parte, los índices de citación muestran un alto nivel de citas del tema con un promedio anual de 26 citas por documento y un índice h 78. Además, los indicadores informétricos muestran Corruption, evidence y political corruption con las palabras con más concurrencia en título, resumen y palabras claves. Como conclusión el estudio evidencia un alto nivel de citación de las publicaciones sobre el tema y la necesidad de abordar estos contenidos por los académicos de América del sur y el Caribe, de tal manera, que de forma sistemática se describan los hechos corrupción que abundan en esta parte del mundo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Yafi Sabila Rosyad ◽  
Setya Retno Wulandari ◽  
Istichomah Istichomah ◽  
Rika Monika ◽  
Anisa Febristi ◽  

AbstrakGenap satu tahun pandemi COVID-19 terjadi dan salah satunya berdampak secara signifikan terhadap kesehatan mental bagi orang tua dan anak, mempengaruhi perubahan fungsi keluarga, dan menimbulkan risiko posttraumatic sindrom. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gap dan novelty terkait dampak pandemic COVID-19 terhadap kesehatan mental orang tua dan anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian literature review dengan mengunakan diagram alir model PRISMA. Strategi pencarian artikel menggunakan aplikasi publish or perlish. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan 1 Maret- 7 April 2021. Hasil penelusuran artikel melalui aplikasi publish or perlish dengan pencarian melalui tiga database yaitu crossef, google scholar, dan pubmed didapatkan 1216 data yang berupa artikel penelitian, buku, surat untuk editor, dan lembar review artikel. Sedangkan pencarian data melalui registers, peneliti menggunakan register sciencedirect dan didapatkan 339 data yang berupa artikel ilmiah, dan surat untuk editor. Dari ketiga tahap proses pencarian data base didapatkan hasil akhir 15 artikel dari 30 arttikel yang direview. Hasil review metodologi dari 15 artikel didapatkan hasil hampir seluruh artikel menggunakan metode kuantitatif sejumlah 14 artikel dan 1 artikel dengan metode Mixmetod . dari hasil review isi hasil penelitian didapatkan tiga kategori besar berupa perubahan prilaku, perubahan emosi dan psikologis, serta dampak kesehatan. Dari semua artikel yang didapat hampir semunya menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif sehingga peneliti menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutkan untuk menggunakan metode kualitatif atau mixed metode. Jika ingin menggunakan metode peneliti menyarankan menggunakan design kuasi ekperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi dan mencegah terjadi PTSD. Kata kunci: Stres orang tua, Psikologis anak, Pandemi COVID-19, Mental health AbstractEven one year, the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred. One of them has a significant impact on mental health for parents and children, affects changes in family function, and raises the risk of the posttraumatic syndrome. This study aims to find gaps and novelty related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of parents and children. This study is a literature review was conducted on March 1 - April 7, 2021, with the PRISMA model flow chart. The researcher uses a publish or perish application for search article. The search for articles through the publish or perish application by searching through three databases, namely crossref, google scholar, and PubMed, obtained 1216 data in the form of research articles, books, letters to editors, and review sheets article. While searching for data through registers, the researcher used a directly registered record and obtained 339 data in scientific papers and letters to editors. The final results were 15 articles from the 30 articles reviewed from the three stages of the database search process. The methodological review of 15 articles showed that almost all articles used the quantitative method, including 14 articles and 1 article using the Mix method. From the assessment of the contents of the research results, there are three major categories: behavioural changes, emotional and psychological changes, and health impacts. Of all the articles obtained, almost all of them use quantitative research, so researchers suggest that further researchers use qualitative or mixed methods. Researchers recommend using a quasi-experimental design that aims to overcome and prevent PTSD from occurring if you want to use the technique. Keywords: Parental stress, Child psychology, COVID-19 pandemic, Mental health

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-141
Syahmani Syahmani ◽  
Ellyna Hafizah ◽  
Sauqina Sauqina ◽  
Mazlini Bin Adnan ◽  
Mohd Hairy Ibrahim

The need for environmental literacy in development agenda has been pressing since the UN proposed the agenda of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the vital aspect of in sustainable development is about waste management to reduce earth’s pollution. Environmental Literacy were considered as one of the few perspectives necessary for SDGs to be achieved. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), formerly known as Environmental Education, through science education is one way to develop the environmental literacy of the society through classroom activities. One approach that fits closely to this need is STEAM approach. STEAM is a combination of five different disciplines namely Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. This approach has a room for developing students’ environmental literacy within its Arts aspect. Teaching Environmental literacy through STEAM would help students not only learning how to be a scientist or engineer, but also building their scientific awareness to environmental issue, which will be the underlying value of their STEM insight. This study seeks to find the current state of the arts of this concept through a bibliometric research. This research was conducted using the Publish or Perish application to create a database of journal articles, which further managed using Zotero application. After managing the database, this study classified and visualized the database using VOSviewer software. The terms “Environmental Literacy”, “STEAM”, and “waste management” were used to search the relevant published journal article related to all three concepts, as indexed in Google Scholar since 1969 to 2020. This study found only a total of 163 result from Google Scholar Index. Further refinement of the results shows that published research are still scarce in the last 51 years and in need of further study to strengthen the concept. Authors also discuss about several suggestions on how STEAM could be considered as a way to develop students Environmental Literacy on waste management.

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