scholarly journals An Analysis of Demographic and Triage Assessment Findings in Bushfire-Affected Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, 2019–2020

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 3237
Evie Dunstan ◽  
Oliver Funnell ◽  
Jenny McLelland ◽  
Felicity Stoeckeler ◽  
Elisa Nishimoto ◽  

In the 2019–2020 Australian bushfires, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, experienced catastrophic bushfires that burnt approximately half the island, with an estimated 80% of the koala population lost. During and after the event, rescued koalas were triaged at a designated facility and a range of initial data were recorded including rescue location and date, sex, estimation of age, body condition and hydration, and assessment of burn severity (n = 304 records available). Koalas were presented to the triage facility over a span of 10 weeks, with 50.2% during the first 14 days of the bushfire response, the majority of which were rescued from regions of lower fire severity. Burns were observed in 67.4% of koalas, with the majority (60.9%) classified as superficial burns, primarily affecting the limbs and face. Poor body condition was recorded in 74.6% of burnt koalas and dehydration in 77.1%. Negative final outcomes (death or euthanasia, at triage or at a later date) occurred in 45.6% of koalas and were significantly associated with higher mean burn score, maximum burn severity, number of body regions burnt, poor body condition score, and dehydration severity. The findings of this retrospective study may assist clinicians in the field with decision making when triaging koalas in future fire rescue efforts.

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (9) ◽  
pp. 813 ◽  
J. E. Hocking Edwards ◽  
K. J. Copping ◽  
A. N. Thompson

The effect on ewe and lamb production by differential management of single- and twin-bearing Merino ewes during pregnancy and lactation was examined. The hypothesis that the survival and productivity of single- and twin-born progeny is not affected by differential management of single- and twin-bearing ewes was tested. To test this hypothesis, two ewe flocks were monitored on a commercial property in the south-east of South Australia. The body condition score of one flock of ewes was managed according to Lifetimewool recommendations for southern Australian (Lifetimewool flock; n = 464). Lifetimewool recommendations are that body condition score should be 3.0 at mating and then allowed to decline to an average of 2.7, which is maintained until lambing. Twin- and single-bearing ewes were managed as separate mobs after pregnancy scanning to meet their energy requirements. The second flock was managed similarly to the commercial ewe flock and was representative of ewe management practices in the region (normal-practice flock; n = 464). At lambing, the condition score of the Lifetimewool flock was 0.7 condition scores units greater than the normal-practice flock. Ewe clean fleece weight and fibre diameter were greater in the Lifetimewool flock and their lambs had higher survival rates to weaning. Over three shearings, progeny from Lifetimewool ewe flocks produced more clean wool (P < 0.0001) but there was no consistent effect on fibre diameter, staple length or staple strength. Twin-born lambs from ewes managed to Lifetimewool guidelines had a similar liveweight and produced similar quantity and quality of wool to single-born lambs managed to Lifetimewool guidelines, but still suffered higher rates of mortality to weaning. This suggests that it is possible to manage ewes pregnant with twins to ensure that their surviving progeny perform at a level similar to single-born progeny managed under similar targets.

2009 ◽  
Vol 25 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 81-91 ◽  
G. Grubic ◽  
Z. Novakovic ◽  
S. Aleksic ◽  
Lj. Sretenovic ◽  
V. Pantelic ◽  

Problems which relate to production, health and reproduction in herds of high yielding cows very often occur due to insufficient knowledge and monitoring of energy reserves in cow organisms. Many researches and practical experiences in this field indicate significant relation between body condition and achieved results in production. Body condition of heads of cattle in certain stages of production cycle is important parameter of applied nutrition, but also entire technological procedure. In countries with developed cattle production, evaluation of body condition has for several years been main component of production practice on farms. It is considered that condition is very reliable indicator of the nutrition status and energy balance in the organism. Body condition score is subjective and practical method which enables precise assessment of deposited fat in the cow organism by observing and touching previously determined body regions and fields. There is considerable variability of the condition of cows in different stages of production cycle. Body condition of high yielding cows often comes out of the frame of optimal values for certain stage of production cycle. Decrease of production, disorders in health condition and fertility of cows indicate the nature of relation between inadequate body condition and stated problems. Shape and strength of the relation between production results and body condition score confirms its reliability. This is all indication of the need for wider application of this evaluation system. Based on body condition score, beside other important factors in the production cycle, there is realistic possibility to achieve more efficient production of milk from the aspect of energy. Main purpose of this paper was to present how the application of methods for body condition score and its significance for production practice can be functional.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-194 ◽  
Z. Novakovic ◽  
Lj. Sretenovic ◽  
D. Ostojic-Andric ◽  
M.M. Petrovic ◽  
S. Aleksic ◽  

Objective of the research was to investigate the level, structure and variability of realized differences between average values of body condition scores in high-yielding cows during most critical phases of production cycle. Realized differences were used as criterion for assessment of changes occuring in the cows? energy status through the level of increase or decrease of body condition. Realized average values of body condition scores, for individual and all body regions, within all studied phases of production cycle, deviated statistically very significantly (p?0,01) from target values. Differences between average values of body condition scores according to phases of production cycle, for individual and all body regions, were statistically very significant (p?0,01). Optimum body condition in dry period was realized by 48,76% cows, at calving 53,61%, in the lactation peak 24,41% and in mid lactation 21,12%. Average value of body condition scores at calving was higher by 0,18 (-0,01 to 0,72) units compared to beginning of dry period, whereas at the lactation peak it was by -1,26 (-2,75 to - 0,41) units lower compared to calving, and in mid lactation compared to lactation peak it was higher by 0,18 (-0,94 to 0,85) units. Within the distribution of achieved differences in body condition scores in the time from the beginning of dry period to calving in 346 cows or 96,11% of total number of animals (n=360) increase of body condition score was realized ranging from ? 0,25 units. Distribution of differences in body condition scores between calving and lactation peak showed that 243 cows or 71,48% of total 340 cows realized loss of body condition score of >1,00 units. Within distribution of differences in body condition scores between the lactation peak and mid lactation, 261 cows or 81,06% of total number of scored animals (n=322) increased the body condition score in value of ? 0,25 units. Study showed that, except in the dry period, changes of the body condition during other phases of production cycle weren?t within the limits of optimum values. Realized results clearly showed the possibility of incidence of various production disorders, health issues and reproduction problems. Consequences are reflected also on longevity, life production and genetic progress. Realzied differences in average values of body condition scoreswere important basis for anticipation of potential problems. In that regard, there are significant reserves in improvement of efficiency of management of body energy reserves in high yielding cows.

2017 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 320

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) is an assessment of dairy cows' subcutaneous fatty tissue that can provide useful information on their body energy reserves. It is a quick and easy to perform method that does not require special equipment and can be easily used at farm level. A body condition scoring method based on visual observation of specific body regions has been described. A 5 point scale (1 = emaciated, 5 = obese) is used. Low BCS and high BCS losses were found to have adverse effects on cows' reproductive performance. Low or high BCS and high BCS losses were also found to have adverse effects on cows' health, while they were also found to significantly affect milk production. Body condition score has medium-high heritability and significant genetic correlation with reproduction. Body condition score levels should be 3-3.25 at calving, not higher than 3.25 at drying off and at least 2.5 60-80 days post calving. Farmers and their consultants should try to achieve these goals through proper management. Body condition scoring can be performed at calving, 30 days post calving, at first artificial insemination, at mid-lactation and at drying off.

2014 ◽  
Vol 42 (04) ◽  
pp. 220-224
J. K. Mack ◽  
H. P. Remler ◽  
E. Senckenberg ◽  
E. Kienzle

Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie war, den Energiebedarf von Warmblutfohlen zu überprüfen, die durch einen Betriebswechsel beim Absetzen erhöhtem Stress ausgesetzt sind. Material und Methoden: Neun Hengstfohlen, die als Absetzer von verschiedenen Züchtern gekauft und gemeinsam aufgestallt wurden, nahmen an der Studie vom Absetzen im Alter von etwa 6 Monaten bis zu einem Alter von etwa 1 Jahr teil. Das Absetzen erfolgte im heimischen Betrieb oder nach gemeinsamem Transport von Stute und Fohlen bei Ankunft im neuen Bestand. Die Fohlen erhielten Heulage (später erster Schnitt), Hafer und Fohlenaufzuchtfutter. Um eine individuelle Kraftfutterzuteilung zu ermöglichen, wurden die Fohlen zweimal täglich separat angebunden. Erhoben wurden die Gesamtaufnahme der Heulage aller Fohlen gemeinsam pro Tag, die tägliche individuelle Kraftfutteraufnahme sowie in 4-wöchigen Abständen Körpermasse und Body Condition Score (BCS). Ergebnisse: Die tägliche Energieaufnahme der Fohlen betrug 74 MJ verdauliche Energie (68 MJ umsetzbare Energie) pro Tier. Die Fohlen wurden mit vergleichsweise niedrigem BCS von 4,2 ± 0,4 (Skala von 1 bis 9) und einer durchschnittlichen Körpermasse von 285 ± 30 kg aufgestallt. Sie erreichten am Ende der Studie im Alter von 319 ± 22 Tagen eine Körpermasse von 326 ± 24 kg und einen BCS von 4,2 ± 0,4. Die Energieaufnahme der Fohlen war höher und ihre Gewichtsentwicklung langsamer als in einer parallel laufenden Studie mit Fohlen, die im Gestüt geboren und aufgewachsen und dementsprechend beim Absetzen weniger Stress ausgesetzt waren. Schlussfolgerung und klinische Relevanz: Fohlen mit relativ niedriger Körpermasse und BCS und erheblichem Stress zum Zeitpunkt des Absetzens benötigen deutlich mehr Energie als Fohlen, die beim Absetzen in ihrer gewohnten Umgebung verbleiben und dadurch weniger Stressoren unterliegen.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (06) ◽  
pp. 391-397 ◽  
N. Dillitzer ◽  
C. Sauter-Louis ◽  
E. Kienzle ◽  
N. Becker

Zusammenfassung Gegenstand und Ziel: Gewinn epidemiologischer Daten zur Fütterung von Hunden und Katzen in Deutschland. Material und Methoden: 865 Hundeund 243 Katzenbesitzer wurden anhand standardisierter Fragebögen zu ihrem Tier (Alter, Geschlecht, Gewicht, Ernährungszustand, Gesundheit), dessen Fütterung inklusive Belohnungen und Zusätzen, den Gründen für eine Futterumstellung und zur eigenen Person (Alter, Geschlecht, Schulbildung, Beruf) befragt. Die Befragungen fanden in Tierarztpraxen, Hundeschulen, Tierheimen, Parkanlagen und via Internet statt. Zudem wurde der Body Condition Score (BCS) der Tiere durch ihre Besitzer sowie die Interviewerin beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Das Durchschnittsalter der Hunde lag bei 4,8 Jahren, das der Katzen bei 6,8 Jahren. Das Gewicht reichte beim Hund von 2,2 bis 95 kg, bei der Katze von 2 bis 11 kg. Rund 52% der Hunde und Katzen waren übergewichtig (BCS 6–9). Zwischen der Beurteilung der Besitzer bzw. der Interviewerin gab es Differenzen. Viele Besitzer unterschätzten den BCS und erkannten vor allem beginnendes Übergewicht (BCS 6–7) nicht. 58% der Hundeund 90% der Katzenbesitzer verwendeten ausschließlich handelsübliche Fertigfutter, 35% bzw. knapp 10% kombinierten diese mit zusätzlichen Futtermitteln. Knapp 8% der Hundeund < 1% der Katzenbesitzer verfütterten selbst zubereitete Rationen. Ältere (> 7 Jahre) und kranke Hunde erhielten häufiger selbst hergestellte Rationen. Ältere Besitzer (≥ 46 Jahre) tendierten vermehrt dazu, das Futter selbst zuzubereiten, während die Schulbildung und die Berufstätigkeit keinen Einfluss auf die Fütterung hatten. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Art der Fütterung und BCS bestand nicht. Besitzer mit geringerer Schulbildung sowie Hausfrauen und Rentner hatten häufiger übergewichtige Tiere. Futterbelohnungen erhielten 95% der Hunde und 65% der Katzen. Ältere und berufstätige Besitzer gaben prozentual seltener Belohnungen. Schlussfolgerungen: Übergewicht ist das größte ernährungsbedingte Problem. Im Vergleich zu früheren Studien hat sich die Zahl übergewichtiger Tiere erhöht. Klinische Relevanz: Tierbesitzer sollten frühzeitig auf Übergewicht hingewiesen werden, da sie den Beginn der Adipositas häufig nicht wahrnehmen. Die meisten Tierbesitzer verabreichen Belohnungen, was bei Diäten berücksichtigt werden muss.

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