scholarly journals The Impact of Discretionary Measurement Criteria on Investors’ Judgement and Decisions

Games ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Tiago Cruz Gonçalves

This study investigates the effect on nonprofessional investors’ judgements and decisions of discretionary measurement choices. Using a paper-and-pencil experience, we collect and analyze information regarding investment amounts as well as past and future financial performance judgements of firms’ earnings by manipulating fair value (mark-to-market and mark-to-model) criteria and benchmarking it with historical cost-based financial statements. We proxy nonprofessional investors with graduate students from a business school. Our results show evidence that nonprofessional investors view fair value changes as permanent. We argue for a cashflow volatility factor. Contrary to previous research, we do not find evidence of any effect on investors’ willingness to invest (average budget amounts invested) or performance judgments (past and future). We corroborate previous evidence that investors rank measurement concepts’ relevance differently for different classes, although, on average, mark-to-market fair values and historical cost are rated more relevant and reliable than mark-to-model fair values.

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Paul Jaijairam

This paper reviews fair value accounting method relative to historical cost accounting. Although both methods are widely used by entities in computing their income and financial positions, there is controversy over superiority. Historical cost accounting reports assets and liabilities at the initial price they were exchanged for at the time of the transaction. Conversely, fair value accounting quotes the prevailing price in the market. Nevertheless, while both methods of accounting affect financial statements, the impact of fair value accounting on the balance sheet and income statement is extreme due to the potential volatility of the method. Fair value accounting is deemed superior when compared to historical cost accounting because it reflects the current situation in the market whereas the later is based on the past. In addition, in relative terms, fair value accounting provides users with more current financial information and visibility.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-236 ◽  
Leila Gharbi ◽  
Halioui Khamoussi

Purpose This paper aims to explore empirically the impact of fair value accounting on banking contagion in a comparative context between Islamic banks and conventional banks. Design/methodology/approach The analysis of the impact of fair value changes on banking contagion is carried out through a panel data model. This study covers 20 Islamic banks and 40 conventional banks operating in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries during nine years from 2003 to 2011. Findings Empirical evidence shows that there is a significant change in dynamic volatility in GCC banking sector because of financial crisis 2008. However, results fail to confirm the hypothesis that fair value accounting is significantly associated with an increase of banking contagion for both Islamic and conventional banks operating in GCC countries. Originality/value The outcome of this study provides some insights for academicians, accountants as well as regulators in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of accounting practices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 94 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-178 ◽  
Carlos Corona ◽  
Lin Nan ◽  
Gaoqing Zhang

ABSTRACT This paper examines banks' choice between fair-value and historical-cost accounting when reported accounting information is used in capital requirement regulation. We center our analysis on a key difference between fair-value and historical-cost accounting: the frequency with which asset value changes are reported. We show that the elasticity of banks' loan returns to aggregate lending is a critical determinant of the interaction between capital adequacy requirements and accounting choices. If lending returns are inelastic, then higher capital requirements reduce fair-value usage. By contrast, higher capital requirements encourage fair value if capital requirements are low and lending returns are sufficiently elastic. In equilibrium, banks may elect different accounting choices, and we find that mandating uniform adoption of historical cost (fair value) is desirable when capital requirements are loose (tight). Our study offers many other implications about fundamental links between accounting and prudential choices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 63
Ката Шкарић Јовановић

Резиме: Финансијско извештавање већ више векова с правом се означава као конзервативно. Начело опрезности чија премена генерише конзервативизам, а које се одликује временском асиметријом у признавању губитака и добитака, не само да је једно од најстаријих, већ и једно од најутицајнијих правила у финансијском извештавању. Означавање инвеститора, поверилаца и осталих зајмодаваца као примарних корисника финансијских извештаја довело је до тога да се у Концептуалном оквиру финансијског извешавања неутралној презентацији финансијских извештаја даје апсолутни примат у односу на опрезност, која је означена као непожељна. Бројна емпиријска истраживања, у великој мери изазвана и оваквом радикалном променом, показала су да су користи од примене конзервативизма у финансијском извештању и у данашњим околностима такве да се увелико надилазе његове слабости. С дуге стране, неутралност се може постићи у презентацији појединих позиција финансијских извшетаја али не при постојећим околностима и финансијских извештаја у целини. Заменом опрезности са неутралношћу нарушена је конзистентност која је нужна између Концептуалног оквира за финансијско извештавање и МРС/МСФИ. У многим од МРС/МСФИ садржани су захтеви за признавање и вредновање који су засновани на опрезности. Испуњавање ових захтева неминовно води конзервативизму у презентацији финансијских извештаја. Како су МРС/МСФИ изграђени на мешовитој основи коју чине: концепт историјског трошка, с којим је чврсто повезана опрезност, и концепт фер вредности, за који се везује неутралност. Стога се сасвим основано у презентацији финансијских извештаја могу очекивати и неутрално и конзервативно презентиране информације. Враћањем опрезности у Концептуални оквир финансијског извештавања осим што би била отклоњена неконзистност која постоји између њега као основе на којој се ревидирају постојећи и доносе нови стандарди, био би потврђен допринос конзервативизма заштити интереса поверилаца и инвеститора.Summary: For many centuries financial reporting has been rightfully labeled as conservative. The principle of prudence whose application generates conservatism, which is characterized by time asymmetry in the recognition of gains and losses, is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most influential rules in financial reporting. Determining the investors, creditors and other lenders as primary users of financial statements has led to the fact that in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting the neutral presentation of financial statements has the absolute precedence over prudence, which is marked as undesirable. Numerous empirical studies largely caused by such a radical change have shown that the benefits of application of conservatism in financial reporting and in the present circumstances are such that they greatly surpass its weaknesses. On the other hand, neutrality can be achieved in the presentation of certain positions in financial statements but not under the existing circumstances and financial statements in general. Substituting prudence with neutrality violates consistency, which is necessary between the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and IAS/IFRS. Many of IAS/IFRS contain requests for recognition and validation that are based on the prudence. Meeting these requests will inevitably lead to conservatism in the presentation of financial statements. Since IAS/IFRS are built on a mixed basis consisting of the historical cost concept, which is tightly linked with prudence, and fair value concept, which is linked with neutrality, then it is quite reasonable to expect both neutrally and conservatively presented information in the presentation of financial statements. By restoring prudence in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, besides eliminating inconsistence that exists between it as a basis for revising existing and adopting new standards, contribution of conservatism to protecting the interests of creditors and investors would be confirmed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 107 (163) ◽  
pp. 119-136
Jerzy Gierusz ◽  
Karolina Dąbrowska

The main purpose of this article is to determine the impact of changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities on the overall net result of selected banks listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The research covered the consolidated financial statements of five banks, for the years 2014-2018. Methods of analyzing the literature on the subject, financial statements, and legal acts, including selected IFRS, were used. It has been shown that, on the one hand, fair value revaluations have a significant impact on the financial result of the described entities; on the other hand, the fair value in these entities is determined mainly at the 1st level of the hierarchy. This means that the basis for determining the fair value is observable prices on the market, and that the impact of subjective estimates on the financial result is small.

Олена Сергіївна Юрченко

Formulation of the problem. Based on the study, the prerequisites, features and components of the formation of accounting policies in the context of business continuity are revealed. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological and organizational provisions of accounting policy formation in the context of the implementation of the concept of continuity. The object of research is the process of formation of accounting policy and its impact on the quality of corporate financial reporting information. Methods used in the study: scientific knowledge, method of generalization, comparison, logical - meaningful, methods of induction and deduction. The main hypothesis is that the formation of accounting policies aimed at determining the regulations of accounting and reporting from the standpoint of reflecting complete and reliable information about the real value of assets and liabilities will help reconcile the interests of all stakeholders. Presenting main material. The article identifies the prerequisites, directions and elements of the formation of accounting policies on the principle of continuity of enterprises. Provisions on the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of accounting policies of enterprises on the basis of risk-oriented approach are revealed. The necessity of valuation of assets and liabilities according to the criteria: fair, discounted and market value of enterprises is substantiated and the methodological support of valuation of financial instruments in accounting is revealed. Originality and practical significance are proposals for the formation of methodological and organizational support and recommendations for the measurement of assets and liabilities at fair value in order to improve the quality of financial statements. Research findings. The formation of accounting policy in the context of the principle of continuity is based on the requirements of International Accounting Standards and National Accounting Standards and depends on the needs of management, methods and techniques of accounting. In the process of developing an accounting policy, it is necessary to take into account the information needs of various stakeholders to disclose information in corporate financial statements. The introduction of theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of elements of accounting policy on the principle of continuity will meet the information needs of different users, improve the quality of financial reporting and assess the impact of accounting policies on the real value of enterprises in the future.

2014 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 71-93 ◽  
Brant E. Christensen ◽  
Steven M. Glover ◽  
Christopher J. Wolfe

SUMMARY: Both U.S. and international standard setters have recently proposed changes to the standard audit report, including a requirement to include a critical audit matter (CAM) paragraph. We examine how nonprofessional investors react to an audit report's CAM paragraph that is centered on the audit of fair value estimates. We perform an experiment with nonprofessional investors who are business school graduates who invest in individual stocks and analyze company financial data. We find that investors who receive a CAM paragraph are more likely to change their investment decision than are investors who receive a standard audit report (an information effect) or investors who receive the same CAM paragraph information in management's footnotes (a source credibility effect). We also find that the effect of a CAM paragraph is reduced when it is followed by a paragraph offering resolution of the critical audit matter. Our findings should be of interest to regulators and standard setters as they consider the feasibility of CAM paragraphs and whether and how to convey the resolution of critical audit matters.

Siti Nurizzati Jamil ◽  
Shahnaz Ismail ◽  
Akmalia Mohamad Arif

This study examined biological asset information that has been reported by companies in Malaysia and the methods of valuation used in reporting the biological assets. It aimed to provide useful information to the regulators about the application of MFRS 141, the accounting standards for agriculture, in corporate reporting. This study employed the data derived from the 2016 annual reports of plantation companies listed on Bursa Malaysia. Descriptive analysis was used to examine the biological asset information that has been reported and the characteristics of the companies such as age, size, and leverage. The results of this study showed that most of the plantation companies believed that fair value and historical cost could be the best way to measure their biological assets. The findings of this study provide input towards identifying the gap in corporate reporting practices and the challenges faced by companies in the application of MFRS 141. The findings are expected to contribute to the regulatory improvement towards increasing the full adoption of MFRS 141 by companies in Malaysia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Habib Arizal Pratama ◽  
Abdul Kadir Usri

<p><strong>Abstract</strong><br /><br />The measurement of property held to find out the value of property investment. There is a fair value method and cost method which based on PSAK13 (adoption of IAS 40) and historical cost which based on US GAAP to measure investment property. The purpose of this research is to know the difference in the application of method of measurement of investment property based on PSAK 13 (adoption of IAS 40) and US GAAP and to know the impact of the differences in comparison the application of the method of measurement based on property investment PSAK 13 (adoption IAS 40) and US GAAP against operating profit PT Lippo General Insurance, Tbk in 2013. This research is using a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected using document methods. Data analysis was done by means of measuring the property with all methods, both fair value method, cost method and historical cost method. After measured, measurement results are compared and summed up the application of the method where the most profitable PT Lippo General Insurance, Tbk. The results showed that there is a difference between fair value and cost method based on PSAK 13 (adoption of IAS 40) and the historical cost method based on US GAAP. Application of fair value method is to do repeated measurements without depreciate investment properties each year . Application of cost method is to do a revaluation and depreciate investment properties each year . While in application of the historical cost method is to depreciate the investment property without the ways are re-evaluated every year . By applying different measurement methods, it would have an impact on the value of investment properties, thenumber of operating profit and performance of PT Lippo General Insurance, Tbk. Based on the measurement of property investment with all those methods, method of measurement of investment properties that provide the greatest impact against the value of investment properties, the number of operating profit and the company’s performance is by applying fair value method.</p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pengukuran properti dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai properti investasi. Terdapat metode nilai wajar dan metode biaya yang berdasarkan PSAK 13 (Adopsi IAS 40) dan metode nilai historis berdasarkan US GAAP untuk mengukur properti investasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan penerapan metode pengukuran properti investasi berdasarkan PSAK 13 (Adopsi IAS 40) dan US GAAP dan untuk mengetahui dampak dari perbedaan perbandingan penerapan metode pengukuran properti investasi berdasarkan PSAK 13 (Adopsi IAS 40) dan US GAAP terhadap laba operasi PT Lippo General Insurance, Tbk pada tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode dokumetasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengukur properti dengan semua metode, baik metode nilai wajar, metode biaya maupun metode biaya historis. Setelah diukur, hasil pengukuran dibandingkan dan disimpulkan penerapan metode mana yang paling menguntungkan PT Lippo General Insurance, Tbk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara metode biaya dan nilai wajar berdasarkan PSAK 13 (Adopsi IAS 40) dan metode biaya historis berdasarkan US GAAP. Penerapan metode nilai wajar adalah dengan melakukan pengukuran ulang tanpa mendepresiasi properti investasi setiap tahunnya. Penerapan metode biaya dalam melakukan pengukuran adalah dengan melakukan revaluasi dan mendepresiasi properti investasi setiap tahunnya. Sedangkan dalam penerapan metode biaya historis adalah dengan cara mendepresiasi properti investasi tanpa direvaluasi setiap tahunnya. Dengan menerapkan metode pengukuran yang berbeda, hal tersebut berdampak terhadap nilai properti investasi, jumlah laba operasi dan kinerja PT Lippo General Insurance, Tbk. Berdasarkan pengukuran properti investasi dengan semua metode, metode pengukuran properti investasi yang memberikan dampak terbesar terhadap nilai properti investasi, jumlah laba operasi dan kinerja perusahaan adalah dengan menerapkan metode nilai wajar.<strong><br /></strong></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 075-083
Hadi Nurdiansyah ◽  
Hendra Setiawan

The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of IFRSs in the preparation of financial statements ETAP cooperatives, especially Cooperative Tirta Sanita. Analysis is performed to determine whether the financial statements have been applied by the Cooperatives is in accordance with GAAP ETAP set since July 2010. The analysis conducted in this study uses a descriptive method while selected data sources are secondary data from financial statements. The selected data collection procedures are obtained form library research, literatures, records, field research and interviews. The results showed that the Cooperative Tirta Sanita has been making adjustments in applying SAK ETAP in the preparation of its financial statements, but still not all the adjustments in the SAK ETAP have been applied in the preparation of its financial statements. This is evident with the availability of financial statements consisting of a balance sheet, profit/loss, change in equity, and cash flow statement. Cooperative Tirta Sanita using SAK ETAP with reporting guidelines still largely the same as before adopting IFRS GAAP General, therefor not too many significant changes occured. In other words, there was no significant effect happens on the application of GAAP in the financial statements Cooperative ETAP Tirta Sanita. Thus, financial statement reporting guidelines Cooperative Tirta Sanita with SAK ETAP is still using the principles of the historical cost method uses a different cost with SFAS General that is currently adopting IFRS using the fair value method. In general, this is the fundamental difference for the implementation of SAK ETAP.

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