scholarly journals Inverse Design of High Performance Silicon Photonic Devices

Xiaoping Liu
2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (27) ◽  
pp. 26936 ◽  
Gyungock Kim ◽  
Jeong Woo Park ◽  
In Gyoo Kim ◽  
Sanghoon Kim ◽  
Sanggi Kim ◽  

Robert Halir ◽  
Jose M. Luque-Gonzalez ◽  
Alejandro Sanchez-Postigo ◽  
Alaine Herrero-Bermello ◽  
David Gonzalez-Andrade ◽  

Nanophotonics ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 215-228 ◽  
Po Dong ◽  
Young-Kai Chen ◽  
Guang-Hua Duan ◽  
David T. Neilson

AbstractSilicon photonic devices and integrated circuits have undergone rapid and significant progresses during the last decade, transitioning from research topics in universities to product development in corporations. Silicon photonics is anticipated to be a disruptive optical technology for data communications, with applications such as intra-chip interconnects, short-reach communications in datacenters and supercomputers, and long-haul optical transmissions. Bell Labs, as the research organization of Alcatel-Lucent, a network system vendor, has an optimal position to identify the full potential of silicon photonics both in the applications and in its technical merits. Additionally it has demonstrated novel and improved high-performance optical devices, and implemented multi-function photonic integrated circuits to fulfill various communication applications. In this paper, we review our silicon photonic programs and main achievements during recent years. For devices, we review high-performance single-drive push-pull silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators, hybrid silicon/III-V lasers and silicon nitride-assisted polarization rotators. For photonic circuits, we review silicon/silicon nitride integration platforms to implement wavelength-division multiplexing receivers and transmitters. In addition, we show silicon photonic circuits are well suited for dual-polarization optical coherent transmitters and receivers, geared for advanced modulation formats. We also discuss various applications in the field of communication which may benefit from implementation in silicon photonics.

Nanophotonics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1321-1340
Lu Sun ◽  
Yong Zhang ◽  
Yu He ◽  
Hongwei Wang ◽  
Yikai Su

AbstractSubwavelength structures such as subwavelength gratings (SWGs) and subwavelength metamaterials are capable of tailoring the optical properties of materials and controlling the flow of light at the nanoscale. The effective indices of the subwavelength structured strip and slab waveguides can be changed in a wide range by choosing an appropriate duty cycle or a filling factor of silicon, which provides an effective method to manipulate the optical field and achieve effective index matching for functional devices. Recent advances in nanofabrication techniques have made it possible to implement subwavelength structures in silicon strip and slab waveguides. Here we review various approaches used to design subwavelength structures and achieve exotic optical responses and discuss how these structures can be used to realize high-performance silicon photonic devices. Both one-dimensional SWG devices and two-dimensional subwavelength metamaterial devices are covered in this review, including subwavelength structure–based polarization handling devices, mode manipulation devices, and building blocks for integrated optical interconnects. Perspectives on subwavelength structured silicon photonic devices are also discussed.

2020 ◽  
Nathaniel Park ◽  
Dmitry Yu. Zubarev ◽  
James L. Hedrick ◽  
Vivien Kiyek ◽  
Christiaan Corbet ◽  

The convergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning with material science holds significant promise to rapidly accelerate development timelines of new high-performance polymeric materials. Within this context, we report an inverse design strategy for polycarbonate and polyester discovery based on a recommendation system that proposes polymerization experiments that are likely to produce materials with targeted properties. Following recommendations of the system driven by the historical ring-opening polymerization results, we carried out experiments targeting specific ranges of monomer conversion and dispersity of the polymers obtained from cyclic lactones and carbonates. The results of the experiments were in close agreement with the recommendation targets with few false negatives or positives obtained for each class.<br>

2021 ◽  
pp. 2000501
Jorge Parra ◽  
Irene Olivares ◽  
Antoine Brimont ◽  
Pablo Sanchis

Nanophotonics ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 329-341 ◽  
Raji Shankar ◽  
Marko Lončar

AbstractThe mid-infrared (IR) wavelength region (2–20 µm) is of great interest for a number of applications, including trace gas sensing, thermal imaging, and free-space communications. Recently, there has been significant progress in developing a mid-IR photonics platform in Si, which is highly transparent in the mid-IR, due to the ease of fabrication and CMOS compatibility provided by the Si platform. Here, we discuss our group’s recent contributions to the field of silicon-based mid-IR photonics, including photonic crystal cavities in a Si membrane platform and grating-coupled high-quality factor ring resonators in a silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) platform. Since experimental characterization of microphotonic devices is especially challenging at the mid-IR, we also review our mid-IR characterization techniques in some detail. Additionally, pre- and post-processing techniques for improving device performance, such as resist reflow, Piranha clean/HF dip cycling, and annealing are discussed.

Daoxin Dai ◽  
Zhuoning Zhu ◽  
Weike zhao ◽  
Yiwei Xie ◽  
Dajian Liu

2017 ◽  
B. Szelag ◽  
M. A. Seyedi ◽  
A. Myko ◽  
B. Blampey ◽  
A. Descos ◽  

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