scholarly journals Resonant Ultrarelativistic Electron–Positron Pair Production by High-Energy Electrons in the Field of an X-ray Pulsar

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 132 ◽  
Georgii K. Sizykh ◽  
Sergei P. Roshchupkin ◽  
Victor V. Dubov

The process of resonant high-energy electron–positron pair production by an ultrarelativistic electron colliding with the field of an X-ray pulsar is theoretically investigated. Resonant kinematics of the process is studied in detail. Under the resonance condition, the intermediate virtual photon in the X-ray pulsar field becomes a real particle. As a result, the initial process of the second order in the fine structure constant effectively reduces into two successive processes of the first order: X-ray-stimulated Compton effect and X-ray-stimulated Breit–Wheeler process. For a high-energy initial electron all the final ultrarelativistic particles propagate in a narrow cone along the direction of the initial electron momentum. The presence of threshold energy for the initial electron which is of order of 100 MeV for 1-KeV-frequency field is shown. At the same time, the energy spectrum of the final particles (two electrons and a positron) highly depends on their exit angles and on the initial electron energy. This result significantly distinguishes the resonant process from the non-resonant one. It is shown that the resonant differential probability significantly exceeds the non-resonant one.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 164
Vadim A. Yelatontsev ◽  
Sergei P. Roshchupkin ◽  
Viktor V. Dubov

The process of a resonant production of an ultrarelativistic electron–positron pair in the process of gamma-quantum scattering in the X-ray field of a pulsar is theoretically studied. This process has two reaction channels. Under resonant conditions, an intermediate electron (for a channel A) or a positron (for a channel B) enters the mass shell. As a result, the initial second-order process of the fine-structure constant in the X-ray field effectively splits into two first-order processes: the X-ray field-stimulated Breit–Wheeler process and the the X-ray field-stimulated Compton effect on an intermediate electron or a positron. The resonant kinematics of the process is studied in detail. It is shown that for the initial gamma quantum there is a threshold energy, which for the X-ray photon energy (1–102) keV has the order of magnitude (103–10) MeV. In this case, all the final particles (electron, positron, and final gamma quantum) fly in a narrow cone along the direction of the initial gamma quantum momentum. It is important to note that the energies of the electron–positron pair and the final gamma quantum depend significantly on their outgoing angles. The obtained resonant probability significantly exceeds the non-resonant one. The obtained results can be used to explain the spectrum of positrons near pulsars.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 190
Vitalii D. Serov ◽  
Sergei P. Roshchupkin ◽  
Victor V. Dubov

The resonant process of the creation of an ultrarelativistic electron–positron pair by two hard gamma quanta in the field of an X-ray pulsar (the Breit–Wheeler process modified by an external field) was theoretically studied. Under resonance conditions, the intermediate virtual electron (positron) in the external field becomes a real particle. As a result, there are four reaction channels for the process instead of two. For each of those channels, the initial process of the second order in the fine structure constant in the field of an X-ray pulsar effectively reduces into two successive processes of the first order: X-ray-stimulated Breit–Wheeler process and X-ray-stimulated Compton effect. The resonant kinematics of the process was also studied in detail. The process had characteristic threshold energy, and all initial and final particles had to be ultrarelativistic and propagate in a narrow cone. Furthermore, the resonant energy spectrum of the electron-positron pair significantly depended on emission angles. Clearly, there was a qualitative difference between resonant and nonresonant cases. Lastly, the resonant differential probability of studied process was obtained. The resonant differential probability significantly exceeded the nonresonant one without the external field of an X-ray pulsar.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 210
Georgii K. Sizykh ◽  
Sergei P. Roshchupkin ◽  
Victor V. Dubov

The process of resonant high-energy electron–positron pairs production by electrons in an X-ray pulsar electromagnetic field is studied theoretically. Under the resonance conditions, the second-order process under consideration effectively reduces into two sequential first-order processes: X-ray-stimulated Compton effect and X-ray–stimulated Breit–Wheeler process. The kinematics of the process is studied in detail: the dependencies of the energy of the scattered electron on its outgoing angle and the energies of the particles of the pair on the outgoing angle of the scattered electron and the opening angle of the pair are obtained. The analysis of the number of different possible particles energies values in the entire range of the angles is also carried out, according to which the energies of the particles of the pair can take up to eight different values at a fixed outgoing angle of the scattered electron and opening angle of the pair. The estimate of the resonant differential probability per unit time of the process, which reaches the maximum value of 24 orders of the value of the non-resonant differential probability per unit time, is obtained. The angular distribution of the differential probability per unit time of the process is analyzed, particularly for the case of high-energy positrons presenting in pulsar radiation.

2003 ◽  
pp. 582-586
H.K. Avetissian ◽  
A.K. Avetissian ◽  
G.F. Mkrtchian ◽  
Kh.V. Sedrakian

Symmetry ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1419 ◽  
José Manuel Carmona ◽  
José Luis Cortés ◽  
José Javier Relancio ◽  
Maykoll Anthonny Reyes

The observation of cosmic neutrinos up to 2 PeV is used to put bounds on the energy scale of Lorentz invariance violation through the loss of energy due to the production of e + e - pairs in the propagation of superluminal neutrinos. A model to study this effect, which allows us to understand qualitatively the results of numerical simulations, is presented.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 137 ◽  
Dmitriy V. Doroshenko ◽  
Sergei P. Roshchupkin ◽  
Victor V. Dubov

We investigated the effects that occur during the circulation of ultrarelativistic electrons and positrons in the field of an X-ray pulsar. A resonant process in annihilation and the subsequent production of the electron–positron pairs were studied theoretically. Under the resonance, the second-order process in an original fine-structure constant process effectively decays to two first order processes of the fine-structure constant: single-photon annihilation of the electron–positron pair stimulated by the external field, and the Breit–Wheeler process (single-photon birth of the electron–positron pair) stimulated by the external field. We show that resonance has a threshold energy for a certain combinational energy of the initial electron and positron. Furthermore, there is a definite small angle between initial ultrarelativistic particles’ momenta, in which resonance takes place. Initial and final electron–positron pairs fly in a narrow cone. We noticed that electron (positron) emission angle defines the energy of the final pair. We show that the resonant cross-section in the field of the X-ray pulsar may significantly exceed the corresponding cross-section without the field (Bhabha cross-section).

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