scholarly journals The French Influence on Early Shakespeare Reception in Spain: Three Cases of Unacknowledged Sources

Sederi ◽  
2010 ◽  
pp. 103-119
Ángel-Luis Pujante

Shakespeare criticism in Spain began in 1764 and has been on the increase ever since. The main source of information on the subject has long been the tremendous work done by Alfonso Par from the beginning of the 20th century until his death in 1936: without his Shakespeare en la literatura española (1935) none of the later studies could have been written, or at least they would have taken a good deal longer to write. On the other hand, Par’s book includes gaps and errors which need to be corrected. Among these are three cases of supposedly original texts which have turned out to be appropriations of foreign originals whose sources were not acknowledged. This article sets out to analyze these cases, examine their critical implications and thus contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of the Spanish reception of Shakespeare.

2020 ◽  
pp. 89-112
Katarzyna Kabacińska-Łuczak ◽  
Monika Nawrot-Borowska

The aim of this study is the reconstruction of children’s toys received by them during the Christmas period in the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. In its subject matter, the article refers, on the one hand, to the deliberations about Christmas toys and, on the other hand, it is part of the ever-growing trend of research on children’s toys from the historical and pedagogical perspective. The text is part of the triptych prepared by the authors on the subject of children’s Christmas toys during the period of Partitions of Poland. Selected iconographic sources – press graphics, Christmas postcards and photographs on which children’s toys can be found, comprise the source basis of this part. They are sources important for cognitive reasons, because they show the image of toys of the time, their appearance, shape, size, the way they were made, decorated, etc. They also indicate which toys were particularly popular (fashionable) and liked by children in the analysed period, and show the ways they were used.

Valentin Ris

This paper aims to analyze the relationship between listening techniques and technologies and forms of subjectivation in our current auditory culture compared to mid-20th century practices. Applying a media archaeological approach in order to unearth underlying histories of knowledge of the discussed technologies and practices offers a way of understanding how subjectivations and the constitution of environments in the context of large power regimes are intertwined. Against the theoretical backdrop of Gilles Deleuze’s text on “societies of control” and Erich Hörl’s notion of “Environmentalization”, the paper outlines conceptualizations of environments in different forms of sonic control that are inherent in practices and technologies of noise-cancelling headphones and specifi c Spotify playlists. The listening spaces that emerge in the analyzed practices/technologies reveal continuities as well as discontinuities when compared to their historical predecessors. Both the current phenomena are characterized by a process of advancing cybernetization and thus the formation of controllable environments. The depicted transformation corresponds to Deleuze’s observation of a new paradigm of power which he characterized as a shift from “molding” to “modulation”, i.e. a shift from a form-imposing to a self-regulating mode of power. Spotify’s concentration playlists and noisecancelling headphones both operate based on the principle of modulation and represent modes of environmental technologies. In the consideration of the subject-environment relationship on the other hand, current forms of subjectivation become apparent in cybernetic visions of control and environmental power. It is thus shown that listening spaces offer an approach to analyzing power and subjectivation.

كريمة محاوي

ملخص البحث:سيد قطب من النقاد القلائل الذين وهبوا أنفسهم لدراسة النص القرآني بعيون حديثة في القرن العشرين.تميزت دراساته بنظريته التصويرية المعروفة بنظرية )التصوير الفني في القرآن(؛ غير أني وجدت له اهتماما آخر برزبشكل واضح في مختلف كتبه المتعلقة بالقرآن الكريم، وهو اهتمامه بالإيقاع القرآني؛ حيث نلفيه يتحدث عنهبوصفه ظاهرة مثيرة للاهتمام، وتحتاج إلى دراسة متخصّصة. تجلى في دراسة سيد قطب للإيقاع القرآني،نوعان من الإيقاع؛ أحدهما أطلقتُ عليه الإيقاع الجزئي، ويظهر على مستوى كل من الصوت المفرد، والكلمةالمفردة، والتركيب. أما النوع الثاني من الإيقاع القرآني، موضوع هذا المقال، فهو الإيقاع الكلي الذي يتجلىعلى مستوى الحدث، والقصة، والسورة، والجزء من القرآن الكريم. اتبعتُ في دراستي هذه، منهجا وصفياتحليليا، بغية اكتشاف أسلوب سيد قطب في التلقي، ومحاولة الوقوف على خصائصه الجمالية. فكان تلقيهللقرآن الكريم تلقيا مباشرا، الأمر الذي جعله يعبر عنه تعبيرا وصفيا، وجماليا، في أكثر الأوقات. وجدتالدراسة أن قراءته الإيقاعية للقرآن الكريم قد تميزت باستعمال مصطلحات خاصة، وأنه انتبه إلى اختلافطبيعة الإيقاع القرآني من شكل تعبيري لآخر، فأكّد، في أكثر من موضع، على أن الإيقاع القرآني يتّبع نظاماخاصا دعا الباحثين إلى محاولة اكتشافه.الكلمات المفتاحية: تلقي، قرآن، أسلوب، إيقاع، جمال.Abtract:Sayyed Qutb is one of the few critics who dedicated his efforts is studying the Quranic text with 20th century perspectives. His study was known as the theory of aesthetic images of  the Quran but on the other hand, I do find that he had was also interested in another area which is obvious from his works on the Quran: the Quranic rhythm and intonation. He discussed about it as a very interesting subject that requires special analysis. In his study, there are two types of rhythm and intonation: first is what he termed as partial rhythm and intonation that come from a single sound, a word or a phrase. The second type is the total rhythm and intonation- the focus of this paper- that originates from an event, a story, a surah or a chapter of the Quran. The study is based on descriptive and analytical methods in order to discover the approach of Sayyed Qutb in studying the aspect of Quranic reception and in identifying its esthetical aspects. His idea about the reception through listening to the Quran was direct and this had prompted him to describe it descriptively and aesthetically most of the times. I found that his treatment of the subject is distinct in the use of his own specific terminologies as he distinctively described the differences between the various rhythm and intonation in various expressions. He stressed in many instances that the Quranic rhythm need special treatment and study due its undeniable importance as a characteristic of the Quranic verses.Keywords: Reception- Quran- Style- Rhythm- Aesthetic.Abstrak:Sayyed Qutb adalah seorang pengkritik yang terbilang yang telah mengkaji teks Al-Quran mengikut persepsi kurun ke 20. Kajian beliau dikenali sebagai teori estetika imej dalam al-Quran tetapi saya juga mendapati bahawa beliau juga mempunyai minat dalam yang jelas dilihat dalam tulisan-tulisan beliau tentang al-Quran: aspek rima dan intonasi al-Quran. Beliau telah membincangkan tentang aspek al-Quran tersebut sebagai satu subjek yang menarik yang memerlukan kajian terperinci. Dalam kajian beliau, beliau membahagikan rima dan intonasi kepada dua kategori: pertama ialah apa yang dinamakan rima dan intonasi sebahagian yang berasal daripada satu bunyi, perkataan dan frasa. Kategori kedua ialah rima dan intonasi keseluruhan – yang merupakan fokus kajian ini – berasal daripada sesuatu kejadian, kisah, surah atau juzuk dalam al-Quran. Kajian ini adalah berdasarkan kepada metod kajian deskriptif dan analitikal untuk menyingkap pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Sayyed Qutb dalam mengkaji aspek penerimaan bacaan al-Quran dan dalam mengenal pasti aspek-aspek estetikanya. Pendapat beliau dalam penerimaan bacaan al-Quran melalui pendengaran adalah bersifat terus dan ini telah menjadikan beliau secara keseluruhannya memperincikan aspek tersebut secara deskriptif dan estetik. Pengkaji mendapati pendekatan sebegini adalah unik dengan penggunaan istilah yang tersendiri yang membezakan di antara jenis-jenis intonasi dan rima yang berbeza. Beliau juga menegaskan keperluan mengkaji aspek rima dan intonasi al-Quran ini secara serius memandangkan kepada kepentingannya sebagai salah satu ciri-ciri ayat-ayat al-Quran.Katakunci: Penerimaan al-Quran- Stail- Rima- Estetika.

Laura Hengehold

Most studies of Simone de Beauvoir situate her with respect to Hegel and the tradition of 20th-century phenomenology begun by Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. This book analyzes The Second Sex in light of the concepts of becoming, problematization, and the Other found in Gilles Deleuze. Reading Beauvoir through a Deleuzian lens allows more emphasis to be placed on Beauvoir's early interest in Bergson and Leibniz, and on the individuation of consciousness, a puzzle of continuing interest to both phenomenologists and Deleuzians. By engaging with the philosophical issues in her novels and student diaries, this book rethinks Beauvoir’s focus on recognition in The Second Sex in terms of women’s struggle to individuate themselves despite sexist forms of representation. It shows how specific forms of women’s “lived experience” can be understood as the result of habits conforming to and resisting this sexist “sense.” Later feminists put forward important criticisms regarding Beauvoir’s claims not to be a philosopher, as well as the value of sexual difference and the supposedly Eurocentric universalism of her thought. Deleuzians, on the other hand, might well object to her ideas about recognition. This book attempts to address those criticisms, while challenging the historicist assumptions behind many efforts to establish Beauvoir’s significance as a philosopher and feminist thinker. As a result, readers can establish a productive relationship between Beauvoir’s “problems” and those of women around the world who read her work under very different circumstances.

1942 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-32
H. Barnett

Much has been written of William Duncan, "the Apostle of Alaska", who came to the coast of northern British Columbia in 1857 as a missionary to the Tsimshian Indians. Although he deplored it, in the course of his sixty years' residence in this area controversy raged around him as a result of his clashes with church and state, and his work has been the subject of numerous investigations, both public and private. His enemies have called him a tyrant and a ruthless exploiter of the Indians under his control; and there are men still living who find a disproportionate amount of evil in the good that he did, especially during the declining years of his long life. On the other hand, he has had ardent and articulate supporters who have written numerous articles and no less than three books in praise of his self-sacrificing ideals and the soundness of his program for civilizing the Indian.

1922 ◽  
Vol 26 (140) ◽  
pp. 325-330
S. Heckstall Smith

If the thought of another war troubles you, then don't read this article. If you would rather say to yourself as the Secretary of State said to the Air Conference, “ There won't be another war for ten years, so why worry? ” then no doubt you will think with him that it is better to let other nations have alk the bother and expense of trying to advance; after all, we are jolly fine fellows and can soon pick up. If, on the other hand, you have imagination which gives you a nasty queasy sensation when you think of what might be, then perhaps the following notes, albeit disjointed and mostly stale, may at least conjure up in you thoughts of your own on the subject. This is all that is needed to help, our advancement in the air–the stimulation of spoken and written thoughts by the British nation, for if every taxpayer in the British Empire says “ Air Force,” then the Press and Parliament will say it too.

1880 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 202-209
Cecil Smith

The vase which forms the subject of this memoir has been thought worthy of publication, both because it belongs to a type of which we have as yet but few examples, and also on account of the peculiar interest attaching to the design painted upon it. Its probable age can only be a matter of conjecture, as some of the vases of the class to which it belongs have been considered by archaeologists to be late imitations of the archaic, while on the other hand the internal evidence of the painting would seem to assign it to a place among the earliest class of Greek vases. It is figured on Plate VII.It is a circular dish with two handles, 3 inches high by 11¾ inches diameter, composed of a soft reddish clay of a yielding surface; the painting is laid on in a reddish brown, in some parts so thinly as to be transparent, and in other parts has rubbed away with the surface, so that it has acquired that patchy appearance generally characteristic of vase pictures of this type. The drawing, though crude and in parts almost grotesque, is executed with great spirit and freedom of style,—and thus could hardly have been the work of a late provincial artist—while in the shape of the column and of the wheel of the cart, in the prominent nose and chin which admit of no distinction between bearded and beardless faces, and in the angular contour of the human figures, we recognise features peculiar to an archaic period of art.

1981 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-283 ◽  
Nicholas Orme

During the last hundred years our knowledge of the educational institutions of medieval England has steadily increased, both of schools and universities. We know a good deal about what they taught, how they were organised and where they were sited. The next stage is to identify their relationship with the society which they existed to serve. Whom did they train, to what standards and for what ends? These questions pose problems. They cannot be answered from the constitutional and curricular records which tell us about the structure of educational institutions. Instead, they require a knowledge of the people—the pupils and scholars—who went to the medieval schools and universities. We need to recover their names, to compile their biographies and thereby to establish their origins, careers and attainments. If this can be done on a large enough scale, the impact of education on society will become clearer. In the case of the universities, the materials for this task are available and well known. Thanks to the late Dr A. B. Emden, most of the surviving names of the alumni of Oxford and Cambridge have been collected and published, together with a great many biographical records about them. For the schools, on the other hand, where most boys had their literary education if they had one at all, such data are not available. Except for Winchester and Eton, we do not possess lists of the pupils of schools until the middle of the sixteenth century, and there is no way to remedy the deficiency.

Niek Van Wettere

Abstract This paper examines the productivity of the subject complement slot in a set of French and Dutch (semi-)copular micro-constructions. The presumed counterpart of productivity, conventionalization in the form of high token frequency, will also be taken into account in the analysis of the productivity complex. On the one hand, it will be shown that prototypical copulas generally have a higher productivity than semi-copulas, although there are some semi-copulas that can rival the productivity of prototypical copulas. On the other hand, it will be demonstrated that high token frequency is in general detrimental to productivity, on the level of the entire subject complement slot and on the level of the different semantic classes. However, the shape of the frequency distribution also seems to play a role: multiple highly frequent types are in my data more detrimental to productivity than one extremely frequent type, although the semantic connectedness of the types in the distribution might also be an explanatory factor.

Traditio ◽  
1948 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 161-185
Kurt Lewent

Cerveri was decidedly no poetical genius, and often enough he follows the trodden paths of troubadour poetry. However, there is no denying that again and again he tries to escape that poetical routine. In many cases these attempts result in odd and eccentric compositions, where the unusual is reached at the cost of good taste and poetical values. On the other hand, it must be admitted that Cerveri's efforts in this respect were not always futile. His is, e.g. an amusing satire upon bad women. One of his love songs, characteristically called libel by the MS (Sg), assumes the form of a complaint submitted to the king as the supreme earthly judge, in which the defendant is the lady whose charms torture the lover and have made him a prisoner. This poem combines the traditional praise of the beloved and a flattery addressed to the king. Its slightly humoristic tone is also found in a song entitled lo vers del vassayll leyal. Here Cerveri, basing himself on a certain legend connected with St. Mark, gives the king advice in his love affair. Again the poet kills two birds with one stone, flattering the sovereign and pointing, for obvious purposes, to his own poverty. The latter is the only topic of a remarkably personal poem in which the author complains bitterly that, while many of his playmates have become rich in later years, the only wealth he himself did amass were the chans gays and sonetz agradans which he composed for other people to enjoy. Cerveri even tries to renew the traditional genre of the chanson de la mal mariée by adding motifs of—presumably—his own invention. This tendency towards a more independent way of thinking and greater originality in its poetical presentation could not be better illustrated than by the two poems which the MS calls Lo vers de la terra de Preste Johan and Pistola The one puts the poet's moral argumentation against the background of the medieval legend of Prester John, the other, which forms the subject of the present study, sets its teachings in a still more solemn framework, the liturgy of the Mass.

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