scholarly journals Community Structure And Condition Of Coral Reefs In Poopoh Village Waters, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Marselo R. Manzanaris ◽  
Ari B. Rondonuwu ◽  
Silvester B. Pratasik

This study aims to provide information about coral reefs condition in Poopoh waters and as input For related stakeholders for future coral reef management and conservation. Data sampling employed SCUBA gear with Line Intercept Transect (LIT) at 3 M and 10 M depth. It used 30 M-transect line and each depth was laid 3 transects.Results showed that the highest number of hard coral colonies at 3 M depth was found in branching coral and the lowest in ACD, while at 10 M depth, the highest number of colonies was recorded in CMR and the lowest in ACB.  Based on percent cover, it was found that the depth of 3 M had moderate coral condition, while the depth of 10 M had poor condition. Both depths had low diversity index, high eveneness index, and low dominance index.Key words: coral reef condition,  percent cover, diversity, evenness, dominance.  ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang kondisi terumbu karang di perairan Desa Poopoh sebagai masukan bagi pihak-pihak terkait untuk pengelolaan dan pelestarian terumbu karang di masa mendatang.Pengambilan data terumbu karang menggunakan alat SCUBA dengan metode LIT (Line Intercept Transek) pada kedalaman 3 M dan 10 M. Penelitian in menggunakan 30 M panjang  transek, dan masing-masing kedalaman ditempatkan 3 transek.Jumlah koloni karang batu terbanyak di kedalaman 3 meter ditemukan pada jenis karang bercabang (CB), 4,33 koloni dan jumlah koloni terendah pada ACD, sedangkan pada kedalaman 10 M, koloni terbanyak ditemukan CMR dan terendah pada ACB.  Berdasarkan persentase tutupan, ditemukan bahwa kedalaman 3 meter memiliki kondisi terumbu karang sedang, sedangkan kedalaman 10 M memiliki kondisi terumbu karang buruk. Kedua kedalaman memiliki indeks keanekaragaman (H’) rendah, indeks kemerataan tinggi, dan indeks dominasi tergolong rendah.Kata kunci: kondisi terumbu karang, persen tutupan, keragaman, pemerataan, dominasi.

OALib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 08 (08) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Khan Md. Arman Shovon ◽  
Mohammad Abdul Hannan ◽  
Md. Redwanur Rahman

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Heriawan Maulana ◽  
Sutrisno Anggoro ◽  
Bambang Yulianto

ABSTRAKPerairan Wediombo Kabupaten Gunung Kidul yang telah ditetapkan sebagai Pencadangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah pada tahun 2013. Pemanfaatan wilayah Pantai Wediombo oleh masyarakat sebagai lokasi pendaratan ikan dan pariwisata mengakibatkan peningkatan tekanan terhadap ekosistem perairan khususnya terumbu karang. Sebagai common property, kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang tidak dirasakan sebagai kerugian ekonomi sehingga eksploitasi dari manfaat ekosistem terumbu karang menjadi tidak terkendali. Pengelolaan Pantai Wediombo menjadi tantangan bagi stakeholder untuk dapat mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Salah satu komponen upaya pengelolaannya yaitu dengan melakukan pemantauan kondisi terumbu karang di Pantai Wediombo. Valuasi ekonomi ekosistem termbu karang merupakan instrumen untuk menilai produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan oleh ekosistem terumbu karang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang yang diwakili oleh persen tutupan terumbu karang dan nilai manfaat ekosistem terumbu karang yang diwakili oleh produk perikanan yang dihasilkan dari ekosistem terumbu karang di Pantai Wediombo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Metode pengumpulan data kondisi terumbu karang mengacu pada metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT). sedangkan nilai ekonomi manfaat ekosistem terumbu karang dihitung menggunakan metode Effect on Productivity. Pada penelitian diperoleh hasil prosentase tutupan terumbu karang di Pantai Wediombo sebesar 25,29% dengan status kondisi rusak sedang. nilai ekonomi aktual ekosistem terumbu karang di Pantai Wediombo sebesar Rp. 634.553.504,-, sedangkan nilai manfaat sekarang dari ekosistem terumbu karang di Pantai Wediombo sebesar Rp. 20.304.872,-.Kata kunci: Ekosistem Terumbu Karang, Valuasi Ekonomi, Pantai Wediombo ABSTRACTBodies Wediombo Gunung Kidul regency which has been designated as a Local Backup Water Conservation Area in 2013. Utilization Wediombo Turkish territory by the public as a fish landing site and tourism resulted in increased pressure on aquatic ecosystems, especially coral reefs. As common property, damage to coral reefs is not perceived as economic losses so that the exploitation of the benefits of coral reef ecosystems had become unmanageable. Wediombo Coastal management is a challenge for stakeholders to be able to optimize the use of environmental services for the welfare of society. One component management efforts is by monitoring the condition of coral reefs in Wediombo Beach. Economic valuation of coral ecosystems termbu is an instrument to assess the products and services produced by a coral reef ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems are represented by percent cover of coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems benefit value represented by the fishery products produced from coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Beach. The method used is a survey method. Methods of data collection coral reef condition refers to a method Line Intercept Transect (LIT). while the economic value of coral reef ecosystem benefits are calculated using methods Effect on Productivity. In the research results the percentage of coral reef cover in Turkish Wediombo of 25.29% with a damaged condition status. the true economic value of coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Coast of Rp. 634 553 504, -, while the value of current benefits of coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Coast of Rp. 20,304,872, -.Keywords:  Coral Reef Ecosystems, Economic Valuation, Turkish WediomboCara sitasi: Maulana, H., Anggoro, S., Yulianto, B. (2016). Kajian Kondisi dan Nilai Ekonomi Manfaat Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Pantai Wediombo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2),82-87, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.82-87

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Ariyanti Halidu ◽  
Laurentius T. X. Lalamentik ◽  
Unstain N. W. J. Rembet

This research was conducted at the reef flat of south Putus-Putus Island, East Ratatotok, Ratatotok district, Southeast Minahasa Regency. This research was done no data of coral distribution available in Putus-Putus Island. This research aimed to describe the distribution of corals in Putus-Putus Island. The benefit of the study was to provide information and contribution to coral reef management efforts in the region. Data was collected using transect-quadrat methodt. There were 3 sampling points determined, the inner reef flats, the middle reef flats, and the outer reef flat. Each depth was laid five 50 m–transects, and each transect had 10 1x1-quadrats. The distance between quadrats was 5 m. Any coral found in the quadrat was recorded on a data sheet and photographed using an underwater camera. The highest percent cover was recorded at the outer reef flat, 57.32%, followed by the middle reef flat, 39.08%, and the lowest was found in the inner reef flat, 11.38%. The most coral lifeform cover in Putus-Putus Island reef flat was Coral Massive, 42.98%. General condition of coral reefs was good at the outer reef flat, moderate at the middle reef flat, and poor at the inner reef flat, respectively. Hard coral diversity index (H’) value was 0.36 at the inner reef flat, 0.56 at the middle reef flat, and 0.51 at the outer reef flat. Eveness index was 0.52 at the inner reef flats, 0.59 at the middle reef flat and 0.60 at the outer reef flat, respectively. Dominance index was 0.61 at the inner reef flat, 0.43 at the middle reef flat, and 0.45 at the outer reef flat. The distribution pattern was clustered in all sampling points. Keyword : Distribution, Coral Abstrak Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di pantai selatan Pulau Putus-Putus Desa Ratatotok Timur Kecamatan Ratatotok Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada data distribusi karang batu di rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi karang batu di rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus. Manfaat penelitian yaitu dapat menjadi sumber informasi dan mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi upaya pengelolaan terumbu karang di wilayah Ratatotok di masa yang akan datang. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek kuadran. Pada lokasi penelitian, ditentukan tiga titik pengambilan data, yaitu kedalaman inner reef flat, middle reef flat dan outer reef flat. Pada setiap kedalaman diletakkan 5 transek ulangan, dengan panjang 50 meter, pada setiap transek diletakkan 10 buah kuadran berukuran 1x1 meter dengan jarak antar kuadran  adalah 5 meter. Setiap karang yang ditemukan dalam kuadran dicatat pada data sheet dan mengambil gambar dengancamera underwater. Persentase tutupan karang batu tertinggi diperoleh pada kedalaman outer reef flat yaitu sebesar 57,32 % diikuti dengan middle reef flat 39,08 % dan tutupan terendah pada kedalaman inner reef flat yaitu 11,38 %. Bentuk pertumbuhan karang batu yang paling banyak menutupi rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus adalah Coral massive sebesar 42,98%. Secara umum kondisi terumbu karang pada kedalaman outer reef flat dikategorikan baik, kedalaman middle reef flat dikategorikan cukup dan kedalaan inner reef flat dikategorikan rusak/buruk. Dari hasil analisis, nilai indeks keanekaragaman karang batu di tiap kedalaman sebagai berikut: kedalaman inner reef flat (H' = 0,36), kedalaman middle reef flat (H' = 0,56) dan kedalaman outer reef flat (0,51). Hasil indeks kesamarataan untuk tiap kedalaman adalah kedalaman inner reef flat (e = 0,52), kedalaman middle reef flat (e = 0,59) dan outer reef flat (e = 0,60). Nilai indeks dominasi pada kedalaman inner reef flat tergolong dalam kriteria dominasi sedang 0,61 dan kedalaman middle reef flat dan outer reef flat dominasi rendah 0,43 – 0,45. Pola distribusi karang batu pada ketiga kedalaman adalah mengelompok. 1Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-116
Nainul Adni ◽  
Aras Mulyadi ◽  
Thamrin Thamrin

Poncan Godang Island is included in the appropriate category based on the suitability of land for the Sibolga tourist area, with the presence of tourism activities that can also affect the amount of biodiversity in it. Considering the importance of coral reefs for biodiversity and sea urchins which also have a role in coral reef ecosystems, it is necessary to conduct research on the condition of sea urchins population and the percentage of coral reefs on Poncan Godang Island. Sea urchin and coral reef data were collected using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method by monitoring directly on the transect line along 50 meters. The results obtained indicate that the population of sea urchins in the waters of Poncan Godang Island, North Sumatra can be described, that sea urchins do not affect the coral reef ecosystem because at stations 1 and 5 there is no sea urchin and the percentage of coral cover is classified as bad, but at station 3 there are 32 individuals with coral reef cover conditions, while at stations with The percentage of good coral cover is that at station 4 there are only 25 individuals, as well as at station 2 where the percentage of coral cover is higher than station 3 and there are no sea urchins

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-166 ◽  
Waode Siti Cahyani ◽  
Isdradjad Setyobudiandi ◽  
Ridwan Affandy

Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem penting di wilayah pesisir. Terumbu karang memiliki nilai penting bagi masyarakat pesisir dan keberadaannya sangat rentan terhadap gangguan baik yang berasal dari alam maupun kegiatan antropogenik. Penetapan suatu perairan menjadi kawasan konservasi sangat penting untuk melindungi terumbu karang dari eksploitasi berlebihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kondisi tutupan karang dan status keberlanjutan ekosistem terumbu karang di Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah (KKPD) Pulo Pasi Gusung, Selayar. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi bagi pemerintah daerah dalam penentuan kebijakan terkait pengelolaan yang lebih baik untuk meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap ekosistem terumbu karang di KKPD Pulo Pasi Gusung. Pengambilan data tutupan karang menggunakan metode line intercept transect (LIT) pada kedalaman 3 meter dan 10 meter. Status keberlanjutan terumbu karang dianalisis menggunakan metode Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) dengan tehnik Rap Insus COREMAG (Rapid Appraisal-Index Sustainability of Coral Reef Management) dengan membandingkan pengelolaan sebelum terbentuknya KKPD (Tahun 2010) dan setelah terbentuknya KKPD (Tahun 2015). Penilaian dilakukan terhadap 5 dimensi yaitu dimensi ekologi, ekonomi, sosial budaya, teknologi dan infrastruktur serta dimensi hukum dan kelembagaan. Hasil analisis dari 5 dimensi dalam penilaian status keberlanjutan terumbu karang di Pulau Pasi setelah terbentuknya KKPD rata-rata mengalami peningkatan indeks berkelanjutan dibandingkan sebelum terbentuknya KKPD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Dicky Sahetapy ◽  
Laura Siahainenia ◽  
Debby A J Selanno ◽  
Johannes M S Tetelepta ◽  
Novianty C Tuhumury

Coral reef is one of the important coastal ecosystems that have high biodiversity. This study aims to analyze the composition of the taxa and the distribution of coral species, the ecological index of coral communities and the status of coral reefs. The research was conducted from April-May 2019 in the coastal waters of Hukurila Village, South Leitimur District, Ambon City. Collecting coral data by using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method. Determination of coral reef condition based on percent data (value) of coral reef cover. During the study, 116 species of stony coral from 49 genera and 16 families were found, which 50 species of them are protected and 23 species of ornamental coral. The similarity index of stony coral species between coral reef locations ranges from 0.52-0.76 or there is the similarity of stony coral species between locations coral reef in the amount of 52-76%. The coral reefs of Hukurila Village have high diversity of coral species, with a low dominance of coral species in the community, and the compatibility of coral species in the community is classified as stable. Acropora corals contributed a low covering percent value (9.98%), while Non-Acropora corals contributed a relatively high percent of covering value (43.56%). The status of coral reefs between locations in the coastal waters of Hukurila Village is in the criteria of good (healthy).   ABSTRAK Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir penting yang emiliki kenanekaragaman hayati tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis komposisi taksa dan sebaran spesies karang, indeks ekologi kominitas karang dan status terumbu karang. Penelitian dilakukan dari April-Mei 2019 di perairan pesisir Negeri Hukurila Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon. Pengumpulan data karang menggunakan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Penentuan kondisi terumbu karang berdasarkan data (nilai) persen penutupan karang batu. Selama penelitian ditemukan 116 spesies karang batu dari 49 genera dan 16 famili, dimana 50 spesies diantaranya dilindungi dan 23 spesies karang hias. Indeks similaritas spesies karang batu antar stasiun terumbu karang berkisar antara 0,52-0,76 atau terdapat kesamaan spesies karang batu antar lokasi terumbu karang sebesar 52-76%. Terumbu karang Negeri Hukurila memiliki diversitas spesies karang tinggi, dengan dominansi spesies karang rendah dalam komunitas, dan keserasian spesies karang dalam komunitas tergolong stabil. Karang Acropora memberi kontribusi nilai persen penutupan rendah (9,98%), sementara karang Non-Acropora memberi kontribusi nilai persen penutupan karang batu relatif tinggi (43,56%). Status terumbu karang antar stasiun terumbu perairan pesisir Negeri Hukurila berada dalam kriteria baik (sehat).   Kata kunci: terumbu, karang batu, keragaman spesies, kesamaan, persen penutupan

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Rega Permana ◽  
Nora Akbarsyah ◽  
Pringgo KDNY Putra ◽  
Aulia Andhikawati

The coral reef ecosystem is one of the typical tropical ecosystems with high biodiversity which has an important role both biologically, ecologically, physically as well as socially and economically. Several coral reef areas in Indonesia were reported to have suffered damage, not only due to climate change which has an impact on rising sea surface temperatures and ocean acidification but also due to anthropogenic factors and irresponsible management of marine tourism. This study aimed to analyze the condition of coral reefs based on covering in Pramuka Island, which is one of the famous tourist destinations in the Seribu Islands. The study was conducted using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method at predetermined coordinate points. The results showed that the dominant coral reef life form was Acropora Submassive (ACS), namely 18.9%, and Acropora Branching (ACB) as much as 12.48%. Besides, the types of life forms found were coral foliase (9.42%), Miliepora Coral (9.2%), Coral Massive (4.8%), Acropora Encrustring (4.24%), and so on. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the condition of coral reefs in Pramuka Island is still relatively good with a total coral cover percentage of 72.38%. Efforts to protect the coral reef ecosystem in this area need to be considered so that its condition can be maintained. 

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