2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Dicky Sahetapy ◽  
Laura Siahainenia ◽  
Debby A J Selanno ◽  
Johannes M S Tetelepta ◽  
Novianty C Tuhumury

Coral reef is one of the important coastal ecosystems that have high biodiversity. This study aims to analyze the composition of the taxa and the distribution of coral species, the ecological index of coral communities and the status of coral reefs. The research was conducted from April-May 2019 in the coastal waters of Hukurila Village, South Leitimur District, Ambon City. Collecting coral data by using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method. Determination of coral reef condition based on percent data (value) of coral reef cover. During the study, 116 species of stony coral from 49 genera and 16 families were found, which 50 species of them are protected and 23 species of ornamental coral. The similarity index of stony coral species between coral reef locations ranges from 0.52-0.76 or there is the similarity of stony coral species between locations coral reef in the amount of 52-76%. The coral reefs of Hukurila Village have high diversity of coral species, with a low dominance of coral species in the community, and the compatibility of coral species in the community is classified as stable. Acropora corals contributed a low covering percent value (9.98%), while Non-Acropora corals contributed a relatively high percent of covering value (43.56%). The status of coral reefs between locations in the coastal waters of Hukurila Village is in the criteria of good (healthy).   ABSTRAK Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir penting yang emiliki kenanekaragaman hayati tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis komposisi taksa dan sebaran spesies karang, indeks ekologi kominitas karang dan status terumbu karang. Penelitian dilakukan dari April-Mei 2019 di perairan pesisir Negeri Hukurila Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon. Pengumpulan data karang menggunakan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Penentuan kondisi terumbu karang berdasarkan data (nilai) persen penutupan karang batu. Selama penelitian ditemukan 116 spesies karang batu dari 49 genera dan 16 famili, dimana 50 spesies diantaranya dilindungi dan 23 spesies karang hias. Indeks similaritas spesies karang batu antar stasiun terumbu karang berkisar antara 0,52-0,76 atau terdapat kesamaan spesies karang batu antar lokasi terumbu karang sebesar 52-76%. Terumbu karang Negeri Hukurila memiliki diversitas spesies karang tinggi, dengan dominansi spesies karang rendah dalam komunitas, dan keserasian spesies karang dalam komunitas tergolong stabil. Karang Acropora memberi kontribusi nilai persen penutupan rendah (9,98%), sementara karang Non-Acropora memberi kontribusi nilai persen penutupan karang batu relatif tinggi (43,56%). Status terumbu karang antar stasiun terumbu perairan pesisir Negeri Hukurila berada dalam kriteria baik (sehat).   Kata kunci: terumbu, karang batu, keragaman spesies, kesamaan, persen penutupan

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Ary Hendri Pribadi ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti ◽  
Churun Ain

ABSTRAK Pulau Karimunjawa adalah salah satu objek destinasi wisata keindahan ekosistem terumbu karang. Kunjungan wisatawan di Karimunjawa dapat berdampak pada terumbu karang dan nilai ekonomi pariwisata. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada April-Mei 2019 di Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak pariwisata terhadap nilai status tutupan terumbu karang dengan menggunakan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT) di Pulau Tanjung Gelam, Pulau Menjangan Besar dan Pulau Cemara Kecil serta nilai valuasi ekonomi pariwisata dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan atau Travel Cost Method (TCM). Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yaitu jumlah kunjungan wisatawan yang datang ke Pulau Karimunjawa meningkat sejak tahun 2016 hingga tahun 2018. Kondisi status tutupan terumbu karang yang diperoleh dalam kondisi baik dengan nilai karang hidup yang didapatkan pada Pulau Tanjung Gelam 61,6%, Pulau Menjangan Besar 70,8% dan Pulau Cemara Kecil 57,3%. Luasan terumbu karang pada tahun 2016 hingga tahun 2018 di Pulau Mejangan Besar dan Cemara Kecil mengalami penurunan. Sedangkan nilai valuasi ekonomi tahun 2016 sejumlah Rp.125.426.860,- 2017 dan 2018 sejumlah Rp.135.437.480,- dan Rp.156.932.039,-. Dampak wisatawan yang berkunjung tahun 2016-2018 pada valuasi ekonominya tiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan. Hasil nilai valuasi ekonomi yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini,nilai rata-rata TCM pada wilayah Kabupaten Jepara Rp.1.111.023,- dan nilai ekonomi pertahunnya Rp.3.369.031.988,-. Rata-rata biaya perjalanan luar wilayah Kabupaten Jepara Rp.1.146.314,- dan nilai biaya pertahunnya Rp.12.324.171.938,-. Nilai total valuasi ekonomi dari dalam wilayah Kabupaten Jepara dan luar wilayah Kabupaten Jepara yaitu Rp.156.693.203.925,-. ABSTRACT Karimunjawa Island is one of the tourist destinations of the beauty of the coral reef ecosystem. Tourist visits in Karimunjawa can have an impact on coral reefs and the economic value of tourism. This research was conducted in April-May 2019 in the Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of tourism on the status of coral cover status using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method on Tanjung Gelam Island, Menjangan Besar Island and Cemara Kecil Island and the economic valuation value of tourism using the travel cost method or the Travel Cost Method ( TCM). The results obtained from this study are the number of tourist arrivals to Karimunjawa Island increased from 2016 to 2018. The status of coral cover status obtained in good condition with the value of live coral obtained on Pulau Tanjung Gelam 61.6%; Pulau Menjangan Besar 70.8% and Pulau Cemara Kecil 57.3%. The extent of coral reefs in 2016 to 2018 on Pulau Mejangan Besar and Pulau Cemara Kecil declined. While the value of economic valuations in 2016 amounted to Idr.125,426,860,- 2017 and 2018 amounted to Idr.135,437,480,- and Idr.156,932,039,-. The impact of tourists visiting 2016-2018 on their economic valuations has increased each year. The results of the economic valuation obtained in this study, the average value of TCM in the Jepara Regency region is Idr.1,111,023, and the annual economic value is Idr.3,369,031,988. The average cost of trips outside the area of Jepara Regency is Idr.1,146,314, and the annual cost is Idr.12,321,171,938. The total value of economic valuations from within the Jepara Regency and outside the Jepara Regency is Idr.156,693,203,925. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Suryono Suryono ◽  
Edi Wibowo ◽  
Raden Ario ◽  
Nur Taufiq SPJ ◽  
Ria Azizah

Abstract Coral Reef Condition In Coastal Waters of Empu Rancak, Mlonggo, Regency of Jepara Empu Rancak coastal  waters in Karanggondang village, Mlonggo District is one of the coral reef ecosystem location in coastal area of  Jepara Regency. Following the growth of culinary and Marine  tourism bring the need for monitoring the condition of coral reefs so that such activity does not provide ecological impacts against the condition of coral reefs. The method used to assess the condition of coral reefs  is Line Intercept Transect which done by percentage calculation of living coral coverage. The research results shows that the condition of the coral reefs in a depth of 3 metres found coral cover percentage of 4.5%, while at a depth of 6 meters found coral cover percentage of 9.7%. From this result indicates the coral reefs in critical condition,however the high biodiversity and dominance index value is presumed that these coral reefs was in good condition. It`s showed by the high percentage of coral die either at a depth of 3 metres (95.54%) or at a depth of 6 meters(90.30%). The diversity of species of coral were found at a depth of 3 meters consist of 6 genus, they are: Goniastrea sp., Favia sp., Galaxea sp., Porites, Acropora sp. and Montipora sp., whereas at a depth of 6 meters were found more species of coral diversity for at least 11 genus, they are: Acropora sp., Favites sp., Echinopora sp., Goniastrea sp. Symphyllia agaricia sp, Favia sp., Goniopora sp., Porites sp., Montipora sp., Platygyra sp., and Montastrea sp. The condition of coral reefs cover which relatively critical are caused by decreasing the quality of waters ecology that caused by sedimentation rate and runoff processes of land activity, high waves in northwest monsoon and the growth of culinary tourism as well as marine  tourism in Empu Rancak coastal  waters gradually worsen the condition of coral reefs. Keywords : Coral reef, tourism, Line Intercept Transect, AbstrakPerairan pantai Empu Rancak desa Karanggondang, Kecamatan Mlonggo merupakan salah satu lokasi ekosistem  terumbu karang yang berada pesisir di kabupaten Jepara. Dengan berkembangnya aktivitas wisata kuliner serta wisata  bahari, maka perlu dilakukan pemantauan kondisi terumbu karang agar kegiatan tersebut tidak tidak memberikan dampak ekologi terhadap kondisi terumbu karang. Metode yang dipergunakan untuk menilai kondisi terumbu karang adalah  dengan metode perhitungan persentase penutupan karang hidup menggunakan Line Intercept Transect. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kondisi terumbu karang di kedalaman 3 meter ditemukan prosentasi tutupan karang sebesar 4,5 %, sedangkan pada kedalaman 6 meter ditemukan prosentase tutupan karang sebesar 9,7 %, maka kondisi terumbu karang di perairan pantai empu rancak Mlonggo, dalam kondisi buruk sekali, namun tingginya keanekaragaman dan nilai indeks dominasi, maka diduga bahwa terumbu karang dilokasi penelitian pernah dalam kondisi baik sebelumnya. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan tingginya prosentase karang mati baik pada kedalaman 3 meter (95,54 %) maupun pada kedalaman 6 meter (90,30 %). Keanekaragaman jenis karang yang ditemukan pada kedalaman 3 meter terdiri atas 6 genus yaitu : GoniastreaSp., Favia Sp., Galaxea Sp., Porites Sp., Acropora Sp.,dan Montipora Sp.,sedangkan pada kedalaman 6 meter ditemukan keanekaraamanan jenis karang yang lebih banyak (11 genus), yaitu : Acropora sp., Favites sp., Echinopora sp., Goniastrea sp., Symphyllia agaricia, Favia sp., Goniopora sp., Porites sp., Montipora sp., Platygyra sp. ,dan Montastrea sp. Kondisi tutupan terumbu karang yang relatif buruk sekali  diduga  diakibatkan oleh menurunnya kualitas ekologi perairan yang diakibatkan oleh oleh tekanan  laju  sedimentasi serta proses  run off dari aktivitas didaratan, tingginya paparan  gelombang pada saat musim barat serta  berkembangnya  wisata kuliner serta wisata bahari  di perairan Pantai Empu rancak yang  memperburuk kondisi terumbu karang.  Kata Kunci : Terumbu Karang, pariwisata, Line Intercept Transect

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (16) ◽  
pp. 4354 ◽  
Meixia Zhao ◽  
Haiyang Zhang ◽  
Yu Zhong ◽  
Dapeng Jiang ◽  
Guohui Liu ◽  

This study evaluated the status of coral communities at the fringing reefs in the northern South China Sea, and their potential role in maintaining nearby coastline stability of northeastern Hainan Island (Puqian Bay, Hainan Bay). Thirty-nine coral species were recorded with mean coral cover of 5.3%, and are dominated by massive Galaxea, Platygyra and Porites. The coral communities were clustered into two groups (Clu-HNB and Clu-PQB) corresponding to different stable coastal conditions. Coral communities at the Hainan Bay with higher diversity and greater cover corresponded to relatively stable coastline, whereas those at the southern Puqian Bay (with the lowest coral diversity and spatial coverage) corresponded to severe coastline erosion. This work provides some direct evidence that declined coral reefs would weaken their functions to maintain a stable coastline, resulting in severe coastal erosion. It is also useful to help coastal managers and local people pay more attention to the importance of coral reefs in coastal protection and encourage them to change their ways to get sustainable use of coral reef resources. It may be beneficial to inspire or initiate coastal engineering to manage coasts with natural coral reef solution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Rega Permana ◽  
Nora Akbarsyah ◽  
Pringgo KDNY Putra ◽  
Aulia Andhikawati

The coral reef ecosystem is one of the typical tropical ecosystems with high biodiversity which has an important role both biologically, ecologically, physically as well as socially and economically. Several coral reef areas in Indonesia were reported to have suffered damage, not only due to climate change which has an impact on rising sea surface temperatures and ocean acidification but also due to anthropogenic factors and irresponsible management of marine tourism. This study aimed to analyze the condition of coral reefs based on covering in Pramuka Island, which is one of the famous tourist destinations in the Seribu Islands. The study was conducted using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method at predetermined coordinate points. The results showed that the dominant coral reef life form was Acropora Submassive (ACS), namely 18.9%, and Acropora Branching (ACB) as much as 12.48%. Besides, the types of life forms found were coral foliase (9.42%), Miliepora Coral (9.2%), Coral Massive (4.8%), Acropora Encrustring (4.24%), and so on. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the condition of coral reefs in Pramuka Island is still relatively good with a total coral cover percentage of 72.38%. Efforts to protect the coral reef ecosystem in this area need to be considered so that its condition can be maintained. 

Diversity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 455
Ellen Muller ◽  
Werner de Gier ◽  
Harry A. ten Hove ◽  
Godfried W. N. M. van Moorsel ◽  
Bert W. Hoeksema

Christmas tree worms (Serpulidae: Spirobranchus) occur in shallow parts of coral reefs, where they live as associates of a large number of stony coral species [...]

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Suci Frimanozi ◽  
Indra Junaidi Zakaria ◽  
Jabang Nurdin

Herbivorous fish have an influence on habitat quality and a major factor in determining coral reef community. This herbivorous fish used as indicator of  monitoring refers to reef resilience since of its ability to retain and restore the coral reef condition after disturbance. The presence of herbivores is important in influencing succession of algae, it can reduce and control algae on coral reefs. It’s causes in the availability of space or substrate for corals to recruit. So the research conducted that aims to know the abundance of herbivorous fish in fish apartment as one indicator of monitoring based on endurance. This study had conducted after six months of fish apartment placed in the coastal waters of Tangah Island, Pariaman City, West Sumatra. Then, the observation had done every month for six months in July 2015 - January 2016 at the location of the fish apartment. Observation abundance of herbivorous fish had done by visual census method at fish apartment location. From the results of observations for six months found 10 species of herbivorous fish with total as many as 289 individuals. Zebrasoma scopas is a species with the most individuals than 97 individu. However, to see the effect of herbivorous fish on coral recruitment in fish apartment needs to do further research. Keywords: abundance, herbivorous fish, fish apartment

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 302-310
Rio Januardi ◽  
Agus Hartoko ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo

ABSTRAK Perairan Indonesia menyimpan keanekaragaman hayati laut karang tertinggi, diperkirakan luas ekosistem terumbu karang Indonesia mencapai 50.000 km2 yaitu 25 persen dari luas terumbu karang dunia. Penggunaan teknologi penginderaan jauh merupakan salah satu alternatif yang tepat untuk mendeteksi terumbu karang bagi negara yang mempunyai wilayah yang sangat luas dan memerlukan waktu yang relatif singkat serta biaya murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, kondisi, perubahan luasan dan tingkat akurasi monitoring terumbu karang di Pulau Menjangan Besar menggunakan citra satelit Landsat 8. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada November 2015-Januari 2016 di Pulau Menjangan Besar dan di Laboratorium Marine Geometric Center, Jurusan Perikanan UNDIP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksploratif untuk mengetahui jenis dan kondisi terumbu karang menggunakan metode Line Intersept Transect dan metode koreksi kolom air atau Lyzenga. Hasil penelitian  menemukan kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Menjangan Besar masih dalam kondisi baik dengan persentase penutupan karang sebesar 51,6 persen. Jenis terumbu karang yang terdapat di Pulau Menjangan Besar yaitu Acropora sp, Stylopora sp, Porites sp, Favia sp, Heliopora sp, Euphylia sp, Pocilopora sp, Goniopora sp dan Favites sp dengan nilai keaneragaman sebesar 1.28 tergolong sedang/moderat dan nilai dominasi sebesar 0.58. Terumbu karang mengalami penurunan luasan sebesar 7,92 Ha dari tahun 2013-2015. Tingkat akurasi penggunaan citra satelit Landsat 8 yaitu 81,25 persen. Kata kunci :Persentase penutupan karang; Luasan habitat; Menjangan Besar; Penginderaan jauh ABSTRACTThe ocean of Indonesia has the highest biodiversity of Coral Reef, the extent of Indonesian’s coral reefs widely predicted 50.000 km2 which is about 25% of the world’s. The use of remote sensing technology is one the alternatives that is appropriate for the detection of coral reefs for a country that has a very wide area and requires a relatively short time and reasonable cost. This study aimed to determine the type; condition; changes in the area; and the level of monitoring coral reefs accuracy in Menjangan Besar Island used Landsat 8 satellite. The study was conducted on November 2015 until January 2016 in Menjangan Besar Island and the Marine Geometric Center, Fisheries Department at Diponegoro University. This research uses an explorative method to determine the type and condition of coral reefs using line intercept transect method and correction on water column method or Lyzenga. The result of this research is the condition of coral reefs in Menjangan Besar in the good condition with the cover percentage of coral at 51.6%. The species of Coral reefs in Menjangan Besar are identified as Acropora sp, Stylopora sp, Porites sp, Favia sp, Heliopora sp, Euphylia sp, Pocilopora sp, Goniopora sp and Favites sp with the value of diversity about 1.28 classified as moderate and the value of dominance of 0.58. The coral reef area decreased by 7.92 ha of the year 2013 to 2015. The accuracy level used Landsat 8 imagery satellite is 81.25%. This level of accuracy using Landsat 8 satellite imagery is 81.25%. Keywords :Percentages of coral reef cover; Extents habitat; Menjangan Besar; Remote sensing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 956 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
R Z Ningsih ◽  
I Huda ◽  
M A Sarong ◽  
H Fitri

Abstract The crown of thorns starfish is one of the main threats to damage to coral reefs worldwide. Research on Acanthaster coral predator density in the Pulau Dua area, South Aceh district, has been carried out in March 2021, using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method. The results showed that the density Acanthaster planci obtained 42 individuals/12.000m2 with natural criteria. Corals fractures can support the life of Acanthaster planci substrate conditions dominated by coral fractures. It can also grow thread algae (Coraline) and encrusting algae, which will then be eaten by Acanthaster planci which are still in the larval stage. This research concludes that the density of Acanthaster planci obtained is still in the natural category with coral reef conditions including good criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 263
Idris Idris ◽  
Neviaty P. Zamani ◽  
Suharsono Suharsono ◽  
Fakhrurrozi Fakhrurrozi

HighlightDamage to coral reefs by ship aground is twice the area of a football fieldFound four zones of damage including runoff, dune, blow and dispersalMortality of live coral and other benthic biota ranges from 75-100% in the affected locationThe form of damaged live coral growth is predominantly slow growing.Eight hard coral species were found on the IUCN-Redlist list with a vulnerable status.AbstractShip grounding on coral reefs often results in physical and biological damage, including dislodging and removal of corals from reefs, destruction of coral skeletons, erosion and removal of sediment deposits, and loss of three-dimensional complexity. Indonesia, as an archipelagic country, is very vulnerable to various pressures; for example, the case of ship grounding is a great concern of scientists, managers, divers, and sailors themselves. Most of the damage is very severe. The purpose of the research conducted is to identify the condition of the live coral cover, mapping the type and extent of coral reef damage, affected coral species, their conservation status, and to quantify the extent of the area of coral reef damage. Measuring the extent of damage to coral reef ecosystems using the fishbone method, while the level of damage and its impact was measured using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) and belt transect method. The event of the grounding of the MV Lyric Poet on the Bangka Waters, Bangka-Belitung Province, has caused damage to the coral reef ecosystem. There are four damage zones identified, i.e., trajectory, mound, propeller, and dispersion zone. Corals are damaged with a total area of 13.540m2; equivalent to twice that of an international football field. Diversity of hard coral found as many as 49 species included in the CITES-Appendix II. A total of eight protected species are included in the IUCN Red List with extinction-prone status.

1975 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-190 ◽  
Rolf P. M. Bak

The vertical and horizontal patterns of the distribution of corals and coral reefs (to a depth of 90 m) are discussed in relation to the environmental factors: geomorphology of the bottom, available substrate, light, turbidity, sedimentation, water movement and temperature. There is a general pattern which is comparable to other well-developed Caribbean reefs. However, as in other areas variations are found, e.g. the depth and growth form of Acropora palmata will depend on the degree of exposure to water movement. There are strong correlations between the environmental variables and the occurrence of coral species and their growth form, the species composition of coral communities and the character of the coral reef. In some cases the relationship is not that obvious. The absence of Agaricia species at certain points along the coast of Aruba and the dominance of Sargassum on the deep bottom at some places along the windward coast of Curaçao is not yet explained. The relative importance of the different factors in an environmental setting is shown by a comparison of reef communities and reef habitats with a coral community of a muddy, shallow inland bay. The community of the bay consists, apart from the hardier coral species, of corals which are characteristic of the deep reef: Scolymia lacera, S. cubensis and Helioseris cucullata. These corals are adapted to sedimentation and low light intensities and are apparently able to withstand a temperature and salinity range much broader than that of their deep reef habitat. The paucity of corals and coral reef development around the islands of the Windward Group (deeper habitat included) can generally be explained by the morphology of the sea floor, the lack of suitable substrate and the effect of hurricanes. The exposed coasts of Saba and St. Eustatius, being virtually unexplored, may have richer coral growth. A new list of species of the Scleractinia of the Leeward and Windward groups, consisting of 57 species, is included.

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